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***QUESTION*** "A friend sent me one of your newsletters 6 months ago and since
then I've seen my understanding of women, and thus confidence with, soar. I went from
no real experience with women to 2 GFs in those short months by keeping the power and
being cocky and funny. If all I'd seen was the advice from chicks I would probably be a
monk by now. However, I'm really into fit women and see a lot of prospects at the gym
who I don't know how to approach because they're wearing headphones. Getting their
attention once is okay, but more than that is lame and you become just another schmuck.
How to make your op count? Timing is also essential because I don't want to stick around
after getting the data."
MY COMMENTS: Oh, you poor, poor dear. You've gone from no success with women
to two girlfriends in six months, and you're already saying things like "However, I'm
really into fit women...". A man after my own heart. Just don't try The Kiss Test on me...
As for your situation, I think you should walk over to one of your gym super-babes with
the headphones on and say: "Can I ask you something?" This will get the head phones
off... "How is this butt-firming machine working for you?" (Even though it's obvious to
you how it's working, it's still a great opener) Then, after 2 minutes of talk, say "Thanks,
I'm going to get back to my workout." Finally, before you leave, walk back over to her
and say "Do you have email?" and go right through the 3 Minute Email technique. Then
leave. That should do it for you.
***QUESTION*** "Look when i tell women i like them they start to blow me off and
ignore me and it seems that when i be nice to a girl they step all over me so should i be
mean instead?"
MY COMMENTS: A friend of mine once went to the doctor and said "Doc, it hurts
when I do this (lifted up his arm above his head)". The doctor casually said "Well don't
MAN. Look, women KNOW that you like them. If she's even half way attractive, she's
going to assume that you like her. Attractive women know that any man in her life would
jump in the sack with her at any time if she wanted it to happen. Telling a woman that
you "like her" is the kiss of wuss. Instead say "I like you... you're a nice friend." That will
have a totally different effect. And no, don't be mean. Mean is worse than too nice. You
need to get some confidence, and act Cocky and Funny with women. Tease them and
play hard to get. And while you're at it, do download yourself a copy of my eBook. You
need it.
***QUESTION*** "David, I have always had my share of success with woman but I
was not always sure of what worked so it was hit and miss. So I bought your book and I
changed only two things, my posture and the way I move. Since then I have had several
women comment on my confidence, I have had women that I have barley met walk over
and hand me there phone number with demands that I call. Within six weeks I met
around 40 women with very little effort on my part, I have always been a little cocky and
funny so I knew that part worked. Now I enjoy being able to pick and choose. Such a
little change with big results. I guess the race horse that wins by a nose gets the big prize.
One question though, if a regular relationship develops over a period of time and all
appears well but she has a legitimate full plate and starts to take my availability for
granted, such as fails to call for a day or two because she "knows I am there." Do I just
revert back to being busy and stop calling her for a while? She usually has perfectly
legitimate reasons for being busy but a phone call only has to take 30 seconds. I think I
know what you are going to say. I am being a wuss, so lets hear it! N.
MY COMMENTS: I know that the idea of meeting 40 women in six weeks sounds a bit
far-fetched, but I have personally seen a friend of mine get 25 phone numbers over the
course of three days, no B.S. (and he's probably going to be at my seminar in May if you
want to meet him). To answer your question, you need to not let things get to this point.
Don't turn predictable. And if you do find her starting to take you for granted, go back to
doing what worked in the first place! As a rule of thumb, if she starts acting less
interested, it's probably because you started acting less interesting.
***QUESTION*** "Hi Dave, I've had this problem with women since I can remember.
Whenever I find a woman to be very attractive, I become extremely uncomfortable when
I am face to face with her. It's so irritating because I want to be calm and relaxed inside
like I normally am, but the more I'm attracted to them, the more turmoil I have inside
me. They sense my nervousness and this ends up turning them off. As a result I end up
settling or going after women that I'm only mildly attracted to for this reason. The only
thing I've been able to come up with is to pretend the hot babe is a transsexual. This helps
take the edge off a bit but I know there's go to be a better way. I don't want to be a
wussyman. Can you help me Dave?"
days I never thought of imagining the super-hottie I'm talking to being a transsexual.
Somehow that just makes you look at her/him differently, huh? As an alternative, may I
suggest thinking of her with 100 more pounds on her, or maybe 50 years older... that
should have the desired effect without the, um, "extra" visuals. You're dealing with
something that just about every guy on the planet can relate to. Now that you realize you
need to do something about it, you'll make progress. And watch out for cross-dressers.
It's a jungle out there.
***SUCCESS STORY*** "Hey David, I can't even explain how much better I feel. I got
your book two days ago and have only read through it once. But I went out last night to a
bar with some friends and had a beautiful, intelligent girl hanging on my every word. I
would usually be too modest or unsure of myself to have said half of the stuff I said to
her. And I felt like less of a jerk by being cocky than I usually feel by being nice because
I could tell I was making her day, not wasting her time. My God!, I didn't even know I
could get a girl like that so interested in me. I have always been the "nice guy" and have
been extremely frustrated with meeting women. You would probably call me a pussy. No
offense taken. I now have a beautiful girl's email address, but more importantly a new
sense of hope and self- confident/blah, blah, blah... Anyway, the book has already been
worth the price. Thanks. J."
MY COMMENTS: Great job. Thanks for the Success Story.
***QUESTION*** "How do I start a conversation with a woman if I had been sitting
next to her for a while, for example in a church or a bus etc.?"
MY COMMENTS: You might try something like "Hi." The key to starting a
conversation with a woman is your body language, facial expression, and voice tone. I
get dozens of emails asking "What's a good pick up line?" The issue isn't the words! It's
the body language! If you sound weak, insecure, nervous, etc. then you're going to come
across like either a girly-man or a stalker. Neither are good. Try making a joke about the
bus or the church. But make sure it's funny. And whatever you do, use a cool, calm,
confident tone of voice and relaxed body language. Practice in front of a mirror if you
have to. The key to approaching isn't the words, it's the tone and body lingo.
***QUESTION*** "David, Your material works good. Too good sometimes. I have my
first girlfriend in 6 years b/c of this advice and while I have her I also have 4 other chicks
hounding me. My girlfriend tells me things like "Thank you for having me" and "You're
not fair" when we have sex. I like this girl and all but it is time for me to move on and
now that I have the rhythm, everything I say gets her to like me more. How do I get rid
of this girl without crushing her? She is 19, I'm 21 and I was her first also which makes
things even more difficult. She is an 8 and I'm shooting for 10s now. -R."
MY COMMENTS: Like a kid with a new toy, you are. After six years of being single
you can't be happy with a nice girl who's only an "8", huh? It's 10's or nothing for you...
You know, women are right about guys like you! lol... Well, first of all, be careful what
you wish for. 10s are a completely different ball of wax, young Jedi. You may just find
that the 8 with the nice personality is better. And to answer your question, all you have to
do is say: "I only like you as a friend." Women know exactly what that means. And for
gosh-sakes, quit saying things that make her want you even more! You bad man, you.
***COMMENT*** "Just to add to your (absolutely correct) remarks: I am 5'6, and have
dated numerous women taller than me. My current girlfriend is a catwalk/photographic
model who is 5'10" tall. It can be done, is done a lot more than you would think, and
more than society would program you to believe."
whats up? I went to your site when it popped up on my computer screen. I think if you
spent all your time trying to figure us women out, then well, your just pathetic. Most of
what u said is crap! I got alot of laughs though! You are mosty wrong in your
information, so I dont know how you could have "reserched" for it. I beleive that you are
a loser for trying to figure us(women) out. If we wanted to be figured out they we
wouldnt be so diffucult. Women are not manipularors, guys are just sometimes rather
stupid. I just wanted to put my opinion in your mind, thanks for your time. All in all i
dont think your ever find anyone with all your pathetic rules."
MY COMMENTS: That's easy for you to say. As a side note, you might try turning on
the spelling and grammar check feature in your word processing software before you
send out an email that's going to be read by many thousands of people. Oh, and I also
need to point out that if this is the kind of woman that you'd like to attract, then my
techniques probably won't work very well. It's obvious to me that she wouldn't
understand what you were doing. [Can you believe that I get this kind of stuff without
even having to make it up? Amazing.]
***QUESTION*** "David, First, let me say, your methods are awesome, it is fun
enough just being cocky and busting girls balls, but to reap rewards like I have is even
better. I have a friend who had a friend with and awesome body and she was stuck up as
hell, your techniques have not worked better on anyone than her. She never will stop
laughing and can't get enough of me. On our second date I went to her apartment to pick
her up and when I got there she told me we weren't going anywhere, she had cooked
dinner and needless to say the night went very well. Now I sure as hell didn't want to tell
her no, but the back of my mind kept nagging that I was giving up power, and that it
would hurt me in the long run. She is still obsessed with me right now, but what do you
think about a situation like this?"
MY COMMENTS: I think YOU'RE GOING TO BE OK! lol... There are exceptions to
every rule, and this is one of them. If a woman is insisting on doing something nice for
you, then you can accept her "controlling" behavior long enough to enjoy. Just don't let it
spill over into the rest of your interactions. I think she like you.
***QUESTION*** "Amazing D, After reading a few of your newsletters and realizing
how true your approach really is, i couldn’t wait to get my grubby little mits on your
book. Before your book I was shy around most girls, but after finishing your book I had
gained quite a bit of confidence without even realizing it. I used to think I was good with
the women, but now i realize i was doing everything backwards. I'm really glad i
encountered your book on the net, it has done more for me than i thought i was capable
of. Quick question-can you think of a good line for situations when she asks you to do
favors for her? (and i don't kiss her ass when it comes to favors) thx- E."
MY COMMENTS: Yea, I can think of a great line: NO. I really crack myself up
sometimes. Seriously, a good "NO" can be a very healthy thing. Just don't be a mean
loser jerk about it. The other great thing to do is make her pay you back for it... with
interest. "OK, I'll make you a deal. I'll drive you to the store if you give me a 1 hour
massage with hot oil, new-age music, and candles." Remember to use a cocky/funny tone
of voice, but be serious. Try this a few times and you'll start to understand why this is
such a great idea. Trust me. I'll talk to you again soon.

***QUESTION*** "David, i am a 28 year old divorcee with a child. i was one of those
wusses and that is why i am divorced now. it took me a long time and your book to
figure that out. however, i am a fairly good looking man and with your tips, woman have
seen me differently. my dating has increased and now woman come to me. unfortunately
not the ones that i want (hot and thin). i know that will get better in time with more work.
now to the point of this e-mail. i have this girl at work that is a very mature 18 and she
knows it. she will never date a man her age because they are too immature. i started
busting her balls a lot and she started showing me all the tale tell signs of interest.
however, another girl at work told me that she was talking about me and out of her
mouth was that she is not sure of me because i am a little old and more experienced than
her and i have a kid. what can i say to her to get past these obstacles? i make no excuses
for my son, i love him very much. i know i have her on the brink!! what do i do? thnx
ahead of time for your wisdom and sharing with the rest of us guys. A., Hilliard, OH"
MY COMMENTS: It's important for you to understand that you don't need to "say"
anything. You just need to remember to do the things that make her feel ATTRACTION
inside, and she'll find her own reasons to stay with you. Get it? Forget logic, think
attraction. Play hard to get. Stop calling her all the time. Tease her more. Don't you dare
let any of her judgements about you change how you behave! Stick to what works.
***QUESTION*** "Im a 19 yr old British guy who has had below par success with
women until recently. I haven’t got your book or anything but I read your email every
week and although I don't consciously set out to put into practice your tips, just reading
about things like the 'kiss test' and 'cocky/funny' has been stored in my head and has
really worked. I kissed 6 very attractive women in 2 days over the weekend, a level I
used to achieve in maybe a year!! Your techniques are surprisingly fantastic! My only
problem is reeling the women in after kissing. and progressing to dating, getting laid etc.
Im just not quite cocky and pushy enough I guess, and the girls seem to go off me, how
can I keep their interest? Thankfully, H."
MY COMMENTS: OK, let me just get this straight... You haven't downloaded my book
yet, but by just reading my email tips you wound up kissing 6 "very attractive" women in
2 days over the weekend, and you want to know how you can keep their interest, huh?
Well, FOR STARTERS GO GET MY BOOK! Duh. If I was in your situation and having
that kind of great success from these email tips, I would have downloaded it TWICE just
to make sure I didn't miss anything! You're asking a complex general question, and you
need to read my book for the basics first. Get it... </cgi-bin/redir.cgi?
***SUCCESS STORY*** "Hi Dave, Just wanted to let you know that I used my own
version of your personals ad on someone I liked online, and she just ate it up! She wrote
back with her own sarcastic response which I really enjoyed (I like a woman who can
dish it out as well as take it!), and sent me her phone number without my having to even
ask for it! I phoned her up, we made a date (which we had last night). I kept up the funny
routine, mixed it with "deep" conversation, and by halfway through the evening, we were
holding hands; she also accepted a good night kiss from me. We're seeing each other
again this weekend. She's absolutely great, and we just "clicked" amazingly well. You're
a genius man, thanks a million! Here's a quick tip for a good cocky/funny role model:
Check out UPN's Sci-Fi series "Special Unit 2", shown on Wednesdays. Watch the
leading man, whose character is named Nick. This guy is a master of the cocky/funny
routine, and you can pick up some great ideas from him. The writers of this show
obviously "get it". Thanks again! T."
MY COMMENTS: Great job. Isn't it fun teasing women on the internet and via email?
Love it. As for the show you're talking about, I don't watch a lot of TV. Know where I
can get video of the episodes? I'd love to see it.
***QUESSTION*** Hello David! Your book rocks! First here's what's working: 1)
Acquiring emails has worked great. I've gotten two dates with college aged women and
I'm 39. Not bad eh! 2) Love the suggestions on communicating body language...
i.e....taking up more space and leaning back. I had a friend who was an ex NYC cop and
he played the role perfectly. He was a natural and he received a lot of positive attention
from women by just showing up. Question: I was dating this great woman and things
were moving along quite well romantically. I was reading your book and not showing too
much courting behavior, busting her stones, and not being too available. She does have a
full plate right now...grad school, bought a new house, moved to this location x months
ago, blah, blah ,blah. She gave me the cold shoulder one night at a networking meeting.
She called later and apologized and said things were moving too fast. I said great and
gave her about four weeks of space. I called her and she said she was ready to do
something again and her plate had emptied a little. She said she would call me the next
day and of course did not? What gives? I've of course moved on based upon your jedi
master advise, but I'm curious. Should there be a next step and what should it be if any?
You must bust her balls to no end for this infraction. It is your only hope. And you need
to quit with this "she had a full plate" excuse, and any others you may have for her. If a
woman says she's going to do something, then doesn't do it, call her on her integrity. It's
time that you learned to accept only the best from women.
***QUESTION*** "Dear David, Thank you very much for your greatest work. Ever
since I started using your techniques I have been fairly successful with the opposite sex. I
am particularly fond of teasing women that they are trying to seduce me. By doing this I
establish a fait accompli, which automatically transforms into reality. 'Mist cleared' I
would say, and your book should properly be described as the classic. I have a question:
what sort of job/profession do women tend to prefer? I am an undergraduate student at a
good university, and I don't know which career I should choose after I am graduated. I
want to take women's preference into account along with numerous other factors. The
alternatives I am considering at the moment are: lawyer, naval officer and airline pilot.
Your advice would be greatly appreciated. J."
MY COMMENTS: You know, I thought that the email from the lesbian was interesting...
You want career advice? You want little old me to tell you what to do when you grow
up... so that you can choose the profession that will attract the most women? What's the
going rate for career counseling? I think I like this job. Let's see... lawyers are boring,
naval officers are too dull, and airline pilots get to fly planes all over the world and hang
out with women who are forced to meet height and weight restrictions and wear flight
attendant outfits... hmmm. I don't know. I guess you'll have to figure this one out for
yourself. And by the way, I'm really glad that you pointed out that teasing women about
being interested in you is "establishing a fait accompli". "uhhh, hey Beavith, big wordth
are rad."
***QUESTION*** "Hi David, You're ideas are AMAZING. I tried your street pickup
routine at the mall, the first few times I was nervous, but once I calmed down and got the
hang of it I ended up picking up 4 women in a row within 2 hours! Now, I have the
power and I do the choosing. The Question: Someday, I would also like to reach the
highest skill level with women. For this, one has to be original and creative. About your
3 minute email routine and the street pickup routine......How did you come up with
them? Trial, error and analysis? In other words, how do I go about creating my own
cocky+funny routines that are original and complement my style? I highly recommend
the book to your subscribers. Those rules like "Never give a women a ...... answer", are
priceless! You have truly made a difference in my life. Thank you. Big Chief"
MY COMMENTS: Thanks for your email. Making a difference is what it's all about. To
answer your question, I figured out the 3-Minute email technique by sheer trial and error.
I used to have this idea that if I could get women's phone numbers that I would be "the
man" and have no worries. So I spend probably a year or so perfecting the art of getting
numbers (only to realize that there was a lot more to it than just this). In the process, I
learned a lot. One of the most important lessons I learned was that WOMEN WILL
YOU... if you know what you're doing. So the short answer is that I figured it out by
figuring it out in the real world.
***QUESTION*** "David, Let me start off by saying that you are the man. I bought
your book a little over six months ago and I have been using the techniques with amazing
success. Last week, I found out that your techniques work on any woman, anywhere,
anytime. I was on vacation with a group of people and the first night, we were all
drinking at a bar. One of the women I had driven with to the vacation spot confessed to
me that she was gay and had a girlfriend. This came as a complete shock to me, since she
had been digging my cocky/funny routine the entire time we were together. Well, I
continued to press the attack and did not give up. I told her that since she was gay, it
didn’t matter if she kissed me. It worked! So, we started kissing and I used your stopping
technique. Man, I really got her fired up. By the time we got back to the room, things
were definitely going in the right direction. Needless to say, she now considers herself
Bi-sexual. The only problem was that we hooked up at the beginning of the week. For
the entire rest of the week, things were weird. I want to know how to not let things get
weird like that. I mean, is there some way that I could have kept things from getting
weird? Its not like I want a relationship from her, I just want things not to be strained
when I talk to her. She is one of the coolest people I have ever met. Sincerely, K."
MY COMMENTS: This stuff is unreal. First you use the techniques to turn a gay woman
bi, then you ask me how to keep her from feeling and acting weird. Um, helllooooooo?
Are you going to write me next week to ask how to convince her to not go through with
the sex change? Maybe I should write another book called "How to date gay women...
for straight men (and how to keep them from being weird, getting the sex change, oh,
and how to keep them bi). I think you're going to have to use your best judgement on this
one. But thanks for the comedy.
***QUESTION FROM A WOMAN*** "Hi D: I am a female who loves reading your
info on women/men situations. I have one that has stumped me. A male friend gave my
number to a guy he works with. The guy has been divorced for about 3 yrs. X-wife still
lives in the same town and they "get along". He is 43, I am 39. We started off by him
calling me and we talked for hours...he called me everyday for one whole wk., we
emailed pictures of each other ahead of time and then asked me out. We went on a very
nice date and I acted like a lady. No sexual advances on either part except a hug and kiss
on the lips at the end of the date. "I" didn't want to scare him off. The next wk. he called
me every other day and we talked for hours. We hit it off pretty well. All seemed great.
We had a lot in common. His friend said he was on "cloud 9" at work and was excited
about meeting me and going out. He had not been out of a date in a "very long time". All
of a sudden he didn't call and I had this feeling that something was not right. I emailed
him, he emailed me back...he said, "I'm sorry, there's just no spark, no feelings like I
want them to be". I'm sorry." What happened? Do you think it was cold feet? X-wifey in
the picture or what? Help. What should I do? Everything was great...I thought? Signed,
Sad and Lonely again!"
MY COMMENTS: OK, I have to admit, I only included this one because I wanted to
show that this stuff goes both ways. It's all the same psychology! YOU NEED TO NOT
MAKE YOURSELF SO AVAILABLE! You claim to be a reader of my newsletter, but
are you paying any attention to what's going on? I mean, YOU'RE A WOMAN! You're
supposed to know this stuff! First of all, QUIT MAKING YOURSELF SO
AVAILABLE, Don't talk more than twice a week... Three times at the most. None of this
talking every day like a teenager! Sheeesh.
***QUESTION*** "Dave, Let me just say that you are the man. My friend & I both
started your book and advice around the same time.. We are kind of like wingmen to
each other, talking to each other and giving each other input, and pushing one another go
get stuff done with women. Well yesterday, my friend and I were sitting in a college
lounge, just eating... We both notice this kinda cute chick with a Mac laptop.. one of the
new IBooks. So he tells me "ok this is your chance.. go get her". So I get up and I ask her
"Hey is that the new Ibook?" She says "yea". I then responded "Do they make that for
guys too?" Naturally she cracked up and we started talking. Butter. Smooth. Got the
email and went on my way. Experience helps!!! Now I'm getting addicted!! I wanna do it
more and more! Question though.. after reading your various emails & advice, when
going up to any random girl, what would you do if she refuses to give you her email
and/or phone number, or if she says "i have a boyfriend"? How would you respond? One
technique i saw, "what you don’t have email?" or "you don’t have a phone? Cmon I'll
only call you 30 times a day" etc, but what else could be done? F."
MY COMMENTS: I love your Mac comment. Verrrrry nice. To answer your boyfriend
question, I personally say "Great, take care." I get this same question many times a week,
and my answer is always the same... just say "next". There are soooo many women out
there. Why waste time trying to be a home-wrecker when you could be out meeting nice
women who don't potentially have a psycho boyfriend who wants to kill you and her
both? It just doesn't make good sense to me. Say "next".
***QUESTION*** "Hi David... I've read your book and your newsletter. I'm a fan.
Anyway, my success story and a question. As I work on the net I use ICQ sometimes to
chat to women. After reading your book I realised that I had an almost 100% "success"
rate pattern with these women that I chat to on ICQ. It was your humorous, cocky,
slightly arrogant pattern. Basically, because these women are in another country, and I'm
not going to meet them by next Tuesday I don't give a damn... and I just tease them in an
Aussie way. They LOVE it. You're right. Now, my question. How do I translate this
success into an OFFline world? I'm a 50 year old guy who prefers women in their early
to mid thirties, and I'd like to advertise in some of the dating type sections in newspapers.
What approach would one use here? Cheers K."
MY COMMENTS: If I were you, I'd try a direct, cocky and funny ad that said something
like: "Are You Up For A Challenge? I'm 50, looking for a Brat of about 30-35 who's
ready to meet her match. Be very attractive, because I'm very intelligent..." etc. See how
that works for you. ...and let me guess... about 1,000 personal ads are going to run all
over the world this week with those exact words. How special. By the way, if you've
been reading these emails and you'd like to get a better perspective on what I'm talking
about, then you need to download a copy of my online eBook, "Double Your Dating:
What Every Man Should Know About How To Be More Successful With women And
Dating". It's the foundation for all of the comments that you read in these newsletters,
and it will help you meet more women and get more dates! I'll talk to you again soon.

“Here’s How To Meet And Date

The Kind Of Women
You’ve Always Wanted”
I’ll show you the exact steps and specific directions to help you be
more successful with women and dating—and you don't have to be
rich or handsome to do it...
Dear Friend,

       Recently I was out with some friends at a local club. I looked over and saw a very attractive
woman. I decided that I'd like to meet her and get her number so I could get a date with her later.

       I walked over and said a few words to her. Within about 3 minutes she was writing her name
and phone number down for me. Keep in mind, this was at a popular club where she was being
hit on all night. And I was the one who got her number.

       Other guys buy drinks, dance, and try for hours— and usually wind up with nothing in these
types of situations. But I was able to talk to her and get her number almost instantly.

       The question is: What did I say to her? How did I do it?

       If you would have asked me if this was even possible a few years ago, I would have said "No
way." But now I do it ALL THE TIME.

       It's not uncommon for me to go out for an afternoon or evening and come home with 3 or 4
phone numbers from attractive, interesting women.

       And it doesn't matter where I am. I can go shopping at a mall, out to a nightclub, or even
shopping at the super market, and still meet one woman after another. As a matter of fact, my
techniques work EVEN BETTER in coffee shops and other 'normal' places.

       I have to mention one more thing: I'm a regular guy. I'm 33 years old, I'm only 5'10" tall
(short?), and I'm not athletic. I'm a mixture of nationalities, but most people think that I'm
Middle Eastern when they first meet me—and I've never been the kind of guy that women
approach or ask out.

       So how did I go from not even being able to TALK to women to now being able to get
phone numbers in 3 minutes and as many dates as I want?

Unfortunately, Most Men

Will Never Have This Kind Of
Success With Women
        I know that you want to be more successful with women. Every guy does. But what do most
guys do about it?


       They sit back and take whatever they can get—which is usually nothing. Sure, once in awhile
most guys have a little luck and meet a girl that will go out with them. But this usually doesn't
happen very often.

       And just about every guy I've ever talked to would like to have more skills and success when it
comes to women. But here's the interesting part: Most guys won't go out and learn how to be
successful with women. They just won't do it.

       It's as if they had someone say to them when they were young: "You're a loser if you have to
learn how to meet women" or "If you're not just acting natural and being yourself then there's
something wrong with you."

       Well I'm here to tell you that these ideas are B.S.!
       You weren't born knowing other skills like how to walk, how to speak English, or how to drive
a car. These are basic skills that you LEARNED when you needed them. Success with women is
just another skill, and any man can learn it if he wants to.

       One night a few years ago, I got sick and tired of not knowing how to meet women. I was sick
and tired of being sick and tired. I couldn't stand the idea that I was going to spend the rest of
my life not knowing how to date the kind of women that I wanted.

       I went on a personal mission, and spent years reading and studying all of the books, tapes,
and seminars on how to be successful with women and relationships. But the frustrating part was
that most of what I learned was WRONG—most of it simply didn't work when I tried it!

       Have you ever looked at some of the 'relationship' books like “Men are from Mars, Women are
from Venus?” Those books would be great—EXCEPT THAT THEY DON'T TELL YOU HOW TO

       All most books talk about is what to do after you're already dating a woman. They don't tell
you ANYTHING about how to meet and attract women. These books only work if you've already
got a girlfriend - they do almost nothing to teach you HOW TO GET ONE IN THE FIRST PLACE!
And the books that do teach you how to meet women are mostly old, outdated, or just plain

       Even worse, there are books out there like "The Rules" that teach women exactly how to
manipulate men in order to get them to buy women expensive gifts and marry them by playing
mind games.

       The sad truth is that most men give up and never have the kind of success that they want with
women—they give up and settle for a woman that isn't what they REALLY want—or worse—they
settle for no women at all.

It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way!

       This is where I come in.

       I've spent the last few years learning everything there is to know about MEETING women and
about what causes them to feel attracted to men.

       For a long time my friends have been watching me date all of these amazing women and
saying "You have to write a book... You have to write a book..."

       So that's what I've done. I've taken the time to write down everything that I've learned and
discovered in my new book in plain, easy-to-understand language. A good friend of mine showed
me how to publish the book online and make it available to you for instant download.

       The book is called “Double Your Dating: What Every Man Should Know About How To Be
More Successful With Women”.

       I've learned that most men do exactly the WRONG things in most situations with women. In
my book, I'll teach you the RIGHT things to do.

       If you don't know anything about meeting women, and would like to get this part of your life
handled, this book will help you.

       If you're already good with women, this book will make you better.

       You might want to become a Don Juan who meets new women all the time. You might be
looking to meet one special woman. Or attract a particular woman that you've had your eye on.
That's fine. Whatever your situation, this book will help you.
       By the way, this isn't some repackaged book from the 1970s that's filled with ridiculous ideas
and cheesy out-of-date pick-up lines. This book is full of fresh, original ideas all backed by years
of my own personal psychological research and my own real world experience learning from
scratch. I'm not kidding around with you - I learned all this stuff the hard way. You won't find this
kind of information in any other book - I guarantee it.

       I've decided to publish this manual only as an 'eBook'... which means that you can download it
and start learning these secrets immediately— right from the privacy and comfort of your

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