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 Speech and writing, directness is the quality of • Comics • Picture Storybooks • Graphic Novels

being straightforward and concise: stating a • Posters • Newspapers • Brochures.

main point early and clearly without 2. Digital multimodal texts include:
embellishments or digressions. • Slide Presentations
 Language has different dialects and • Animation
pronunciations in various areas where it is • Book Trailers
spoken depending on the culture and ways of • Digital Storytelling
people. Chaudhary (2020) • Live-Action Filmmaking
 Standard English • Music Videos, ‘Born Digital’ Storytelling
 The formal type of English language that is • Various Web Texts and Social Media.
mostly spoken and written I government  Modes and Meaning Systems
agencies and environments. • Modes and meaning systems explores the key
 Used in government institutions, Standard meaning-making systems we can use to create
English is also engaged in media meaning.
conversations, school announcements and • We can use five broad semiotic or meaning
international communications. making systems to talk about how we create
 Language that is used by educated speakers meaning: written-linguistic, visual, audio,
in their speeches, researches, interviews or gestural, and spatial patterns of meaning.
any other kind of public discourse.  The Meaning Systems
 Non-Standard English 1. Written / Linguistic
 Used is everyday life by anyone from a little • Concerns spoken and written language
kid to a 70 year old person with basic words through use of vocabulary, generic structure
that are common and easily understandable and grammar.
by the local community. 2. Audio
 Does not make use of complex terms and is • Music, sound effects, noises, ambient noise,
sometimes missing the proper punctuation and silence through the use of volume, pitch
as well. and rhythm.
 Lexical Accuracy refers to using words 3. Visual
appropriately and correctly in communication. • Concerns still and moving images through the
 Synonyms – a word or phrase that means use of color, saliency, page layouts, vectors,
exactly or nearly the same as another word of viewpoint, screen formats, visual symbols; shot
phrase. framing, subject distance and angle, camera
 Antonym – word opposite in meaning to movement, subject movement.
another. 2. Gestural
 Homophones – each of two or more words • Concerns movement of body, hands and eyes,
having the same pronunciation but different facial expressions, demeanors, and body
meanings or spelling. language, and use of rhythm, speed, stillness
 Homographs – each of two words spelled the and angles.
same but not necessarily pronounced the same 3. Spatial
and having different meanings. • Concerns with environmental spaces and
 Lexical Change – Be open to changes in the architectural spaces and use of proximity,
form and use of English words. direction, layout, position of organization of
 Euphemism is expression used in place of me. objects in space.
That may be found offensive in suggest  Creating Multi-modal Texts
something unpleasant. 1. Creating your own images and sounds
 A mild or indirect word or expression 2. Creating Comic Strips or Graphic Novels
substitute for one considered to be too 3. Digital Storytelling
harsh or blunt when referring to something 4. Posters
unpleasant or embarrassing. 5. Short Films
 Ex. Passed away instead of died. 6. Music Video
 Multimodal is the dynamic convergence of two 7. Trailers
or more communication modes within the same 8. Born Digital Storytelling
text and where all modes are attended to as 9. Web texts or Blogs
part of meaning-making Most of the texts we 10. Film-making
use are multimodal, including books when we - Pre-production
take the visual and design elements into ▪ Development of story, setting and characters
account. ▪ Writing the script
 Multimodal Text Examples ▪ Storyboard
1. Print-based multimodal texts include:
- Production - Bringing the story to life using and ensure action from him in the right
the chosen tools and available semiotic perspective.
resources to create meaning.  General Speech Purposes
- Post-production  Informative Speeches – The purpose of
▪ The ‘first cut’ informative communication is to increase
▪ Sound effects the receiver’s knowledge and
▪ Music understanding of a subject.
▪ Titles and credits Information, even it if consists only of facts,
▪ The ‘final cut may lead to changes of belief, although
 Media resources are a wealth of digital audio such results may not be a part of the
and image resources (free or licensed). speaker’s purpose
 Reading multimodal texts provides resources  Persuasive Speeches – The major function
for deconstructing and analysing how different of the persuasive speech is to induce the
modal systems work to create meaning in a audience to think, feel, or act in a manner
text. selected by the speaker.
 Visual literacy provides a closer look at one of Focuses on sharing a perspective and asking
the key meaning-making modes. the public to think it over.
 Writer (2020): Five purposes for  Argumentative Speech – An argumentative
communication speech is a persuasive speech.
Inform An argumentative speech targets to alter
Imagine the viewpoint already detained by the
Influence audiences.
Meet social expectations  Entertaining Speeches – The third major
Express feelings type of speech has the purpose of
 1. Ethos: your credibility and character entertaining the audience.
2. Pathos: emotional bond with your listeners  Specific Speech Purposes
3. Logos: logical and rational argument  When your general purpose is to inform,
 Communication is the process of passing your specific purpose might be:
information from one person to another. a. To have the audience understand the
 Principles of Communication (Vicky, 2020) important aspects of student government.
1. Clarity – the principle of clarity means the b. To have the audience understand the
communicator should use such a language basic fundamentals of boating safety.
which is easy to understand. c. To have the audience understand the
2. Adequacy and Consistency – the history of the modern Animal Rights
communicator must carefully take into account movement.
that the information to be communicated  If you’re general purpose is to persuade,
should be complete and adequate in all respect. your specific purpose might be:
3. Integration – the principle of integration a. To get the audience to give money to a
portrays that through communication the college fund to beautify the campus.
efforts of human resources of the organization b. To get the audience to agree that India
should be integrated towards achievement of should withdraw all its soldiers from
corporate objectives. Kashmir.
4. Economy – the unnecessary use of c. To get the audience to agree that we
communication system will add to cost. The should have a Department of Women’s
system of communication must be used Studies at our University.
efficiently, timely i.e. at the appropriate time  If you’re general purpose is to entertain,
and when it is necessary. your specific purpose might be:
5. Feedback – the purpose of communication a. To make the audience laugh at the “clear”
will be defeated if feedback is not taken from statements of some political leaders.
the receiver. The feedback is essential only in b. To have the audience enjoy hearing
case of written communication and messages about the best ways to escape the clutches
sent through messengers. of the hostel warden.
6. Need for Communication Network – The c. To have the audience enjoy, vicariously,
route through which the communication passes my appearance on MTV-Bakra.
from sender or communicator to its receiver or  Speeches can be categorized into four broad
communicate refers to communication areas depending on the amount of preparation
network. that is undertaken and depending upon the
7. Attention – The message communicated nature of the occasion.
must draw the attention of the receiver staff  Types of speeches are

 Manuscript Speech (Lumencandela, 2020)

The speech has been polished by a staff of
speechwriters and has been practiced many
 Memorized Speech
All the objections that apply to the read speech
also apply to the memorized speech.
Memorizing a speech puts entirely too much
pressure on the speaker.
 Impromptu Speech
Again, no prior planning, no notes, you just do
 Extemporaneous Speech
An extemporaneous speech is one where you
will have time for preparation and practice but
will not be expected to read from a manuscript
or to have the speech memorized.
 An impromptu speech is a speech that you have
to make without much or any time to prepare.

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