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 PRIMITIVE MAN – moved in order to satisfy  SPARTA – the main objective of physical

a felt of need or a necessity education was to contribute a strong and

 HUNTING WILD ANIMALS – in the forests or powerful army
by fishing along the rivers and streams  The main objective of physical education
 ERECT SHELTTER – to protect him from was to contribute a strong and powerful
adverse elements or a hostile environment army
 His motives for physical activity were mainly  In ATHENS the individual’s life was not
to search for food and to protect himself controlled and regulated as in Sparta, and
from his enemies he enjoyed individual freedom
 ANCESTOR WORSHIP – was characteristic  GYMNASTIC – was believed to contribute
of their religious belief; neglected their physical development and music was also
physical body to something they believed important for the intellect
was more important and which was the  PALAESTRA – a building for exercises and
spirit an open space for jumping and wrestling
 CHINESE CLASSICS – show that rich families  PAIDOTRIBE – proprietor of the palaestra
engaged in music, dancing and archery who was also responsible for directing the
 2698 B.C. – form of medical gymnastics was activities
developed  GYMNAST – main areas of concern were
 KUNG FU – was the earliest of exercises special sports and exercises under an expert
recorded in history instructor
 HINDU DANCING – the oldest of organized  Greece laid the foundation for the present
dancing Olympic Games which were first held in 776
 YOGA – which is composed of exercises in B.C and continued every four years.
posture and regulated breathing  HERODOTUS – recognized the use of
 EGYPTIANS – believed in living full life; this physical education as an aid to medicine as
meant a life full of physical activity early as the fifth century.
 Egyptian women danced for royal  GALEN – stated that physical education is a
entertainment part of hygiene and subordinate to
 The main objective of PERSIA was the medicine.
building of an empire through military  HIPPOCRATES – proclaimed the law of use
aggression. and disuse of the parts of the body
 529 B.C. – King Cyrus the Great  SOCRATES – emphasis on the importance of
encompassed the area now referred to as physical education in attaining health in
Middle East order to achieve one’s purposes in life.
 The state trained the six-year-olds in such  PLATO – considered gymnastics and music
events as running, slinging, shooting the as the two most important subjects in the
bow, throwing a javelin, hunting, and curriculum.
marching.  ARISTOTLE – recognized the close
 SOLDIER – was trained to endure all sorts of interrelationship of the body and the soul
hard ships which included travel without and those mental faculties can be affected
food and clothing by poor health
 XENOPHON – thought of physical education  Feudalism was a system of land tenure
as important in terms of the military, and based upon the 11 allegiance to the
that essential to success in life in soundness nobleman or lord
of the mind and the body  The lord who owned the land was called fief
 The objective physical education in Rome that let out the land to a subordinate who
affected the sound held by the Greeks was called his vassal.
whom they conquered.  Vassal had people who worked the land but
 Army life was considered very important to shared little in the profits and these were
the Romans and considered health as called serfs
important only for military life.  The renaissance period which came after
 Roman soldier had to engage in various the dark ages lasted until the beginning of
physical activities following a rigid schedule modern times.
of training  This was called the revival of learning which
 He had to be ready at a moment’s notice to also brought about the dignity of man and a
serve the state from 17 to 60 years of age renewed spirit of nationalism
 Historians note that the most outstanding  This was with the belief that it was
cause of the fall of the great Raman Empire necessary for health, as a means of
was due to moral decay and physical developing the body
deterioration.  Physical education on modern Europeans
 DARK AGES – in history was the period countries is reflected in the contribution of
following the fall of the Roman Empire in these countries to the growth and
A.D. 476 advancement of physical education of
 The strong Teutonic barbarians overruled physical education which is also associated
the lands that experienced glory and with names of its contributors
grandeur. Physical Education in Germany
 2 major movements grew which swept all
 Johann Bernhard Basedow – Established a
over Europe: asceticism and scholasticism
school called Philanthropinum, the 1st
 Christianity grew and thrives in this period
school in modern Europe that offered a
with the ascetic belief that one can attain
program where physical education was a
high spiritual level through solitude
part of the curriculum
 Christian emperor, Theodosius, abolished
 Johann Christoph Friedrich Guts Muths
the Olympic in A.D. 394 because these were
(1759-1839) – Wrote two books,
believed as a pagan
Gymnastics for the Young and Games,
 Scholasticism had the belief that the most
which contained illustrations of various
essential items in one’s education are facts
exercises and apparatus, arguments in favor
 The period of feudalism came into being
of physical education institutions.
after the death of a powerful ruler
 Friedrich Ludwig John (1778-1852) – His
Charlemagne in 1814 when there was a
name is associated with the Turnverein, an
disintegration of the whole empire and
association of gymnasts, which he
there was decentralization of government
inaugurated to help German youth into
strong and hardy citizens
o Instilled in the youth a love for  Great Britain is known as the home of
gymnastics outdoors sports which utilized a program
 Adolf Spiess (1810-1858) – Founder of a program of organized game and sports
school gymnastics in Germany; Physical  Hockey and quoits – as early as the 15th
education should be required of all century.
students  Tennis – as early as 1300
Physical Education in Sweden  Golf – as early as 1600
 Archibald McLaren (1820-1884) – His
 Per Henrick Ling (1776-1839) – His name
works or books pointed out that the
is symbolic of the rise of physical
objectives of physical education should
education in Sweden
consider health as more important than
o He established the Royal Central
Institute of Gymnastics to prepare
 Tennis was introduced in 1874.
teacher in three categories of
 Golf came to America in the late 1880’s
gymnastics: educational, military, or
 Bowling had been popular since the time
of the early Dutch, but in 1895 the
o His objective of physical education
American Bowling Congress was organized
was to develop the body to its
 Basketball was invented by James
fullest extent, to restore health to
the weak, and to make the country
 Thomas Dennison Wood – Introduced
strong to protect against
Natural Gymnastics which gave more
emphasis on game and game skills
 Lars Gabriel Branting (1799-1881) – His
 Clark Hetherington – Emphasized on
teachings were based on the premise that
children’s play activities
physical activity causes changes in the
 Jessie Bancroft – Influenced the
muscular, nervous, and circulatory system
development of Physical education as a
 Gustaf Nybleus (1820-1902) – Specialized
responsibility of homeroom teachers in
in military gymnastics.
the elementary schools
 Hjalmar Fredrick Ling (1820-1886) –
 Jacob Riis Symbolic of the playground
Organize educational gymnastics in
movement in New York
 Juan Camote dance - Is one of the
Physical education in Denmark
imitative dances that imitae their way of
 Franz Nachtagal (177-1847) – Introduced life, it is performed by a man going of
physical into the schools of Denmark; First steling camotes in the field.
director of a Training School for Teachers  Canao – A similar ritual known as kanyaw
of Gymnastics in the Army involving the animal sacrifices. They
 Niels Bukh – Introduced “Primitive perform this rituals for healing, wedding,
Gymnastics” the birth of the child, during awakens, and
Physical Education in Great Britain  Sta. Cruz de Mayo or Santacruzan – is
representing the Santo Niño’s. Girls and
boys are wearing barong and gowns for
parade. In their parade many Santo Niño’s  In 1867 – The Manila Jockey Club was
is with them carried by other people. founded to supervise the holding of horse
 Pabitin – A birthday party or fiesta game race once a year at the present R. Hidalgo
where there is a square hanging with the Street in Manila.
prizes such as candies and small toys. o The San Lazaro Hippodrome was
 Juego de Annillo – A game influenced the opened in 1901, but only
Spanish. It is a type of a game which the professional riders were allowed
player must ride a horse while holding a to compete
dagger to catch the rings hanging on the  1901 – Physical exercise was one of the
tree. subjects introduced in the public schools,
 Juego de Prenda – A bird hunting game. and regular program of athletics was
All the players need to do is to find the developed.
missing birds in this game.  1905 – Baseball and track and field was
 Duplo – Is like a theatrical plays. But this introduced and taught to the young boys
one is a poetic debate, the reason why it is in school.
like theatrical play is they are also using  1909 – The athletic programs for the
songs and dances to present it. schools were inaugurated and much
 Panguingui – It is like Filipino version of emphasis was given to the playing of
casino. So it means it is a gambling card Western sports and the coaching of
games. tennis.
 Moro-moro – It is a folk drama which is  1910 – Basketball first introduced as a
usually perform in fiestas. game for girls in the Carnival Meet held I
 Cockfighting – It is known by “sabong” Manila, but was later discontinued in 1914
and two chicken are fighting. People who because it was found strenuous for the
are watching sabong have their own bet girls.
chicken, luck is with them if their bet wins.  1911 The “Athletic Handbook” was publish
 In 1863 – A royal decree established a which prescribed a few simple group
Normal School of primary instruction games and relays in the first part, while
throughout the country. the second part contained the rules for
 In 1892 When another royal decree baseball, basketball for girls, volleyball,
established the superior Normal School indoor baseball, track and field, and lawn
for Women Teachers in Manila tennis.
o Physical Education was included in  1914 The Teachers Vacation assembly in
the curriculum Manila gave special training to Filipino
 In 1893 – The Normal school for men teachers so they could conduct various
established in 1863 was allowed to train physical education activities included in
teachers for both the elementary and high the physical education
schools  1919 A syllabus entitled “Physical
o Gymnastics was also included in Education: A Manual for Teachers” was
the curriculum and it’s required published which submitted by a special
for the elementary teacher’s committee of superintendents and edited
certificate by Frederick O. England
individual physically, socially, emotionally,
and mentally through total body
 1920 Physical Education was made a
required subject in the curriculum of all
 Physical Education is an educational
public schools.
process that has as its aim the
 1928 A summer for coaching was held
improvement of human performance
with the aim of helping the public-school
through the medium of physical activities
teachers in charge of athletics to improve
selected to realize this outcome
their coaching methods
 AAHPERD – American Alliance for Health,
 November 15, 1935 marked the beginning
Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
of transition for the Philippines to prepare
 The goal of physical education is to assist
for a truly self-government – the
the learner to maintain a healthy lifestyle
Commonwealth period
that can be achieved through the
 1937 physical education was made a
acquisition of knowledge, desirable habits
curricular subject in the secondary school
and attitudes, 31 game and dance skills,
and wholesome interpersonal
 1938 a summer school of physical
education was opened by the then Bureau
 Physical Development objectives –
of Education under the direction of Mr.
Physical fitness, which is the capacity of
Serafin Aquino.
the body to engage in work and play
 1940 this vacation school of physical
without undue fatigue, is the foremost
education became the joint sponsorship of
aim of physical education
the Bureau of Education and the
 Mental development objectives –
Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation
acquisition of knowledge and
 1941 the attack on Pearl Harbor started
understanding, ability to analyze body
World War II which necessitated the
movement and skills, evaluate games
closing of schools
 1947 the Training of Teachers in Vacation
 Mental development objectives – learner
School was revived, this time, under the
selfdom gets into vigorous physical activity
joint sponsorship of the Department of
by himself. He plays dances or exercises
Education and the Philippine Amateur
with people
Athletic Federation
 Emotional development objectives –
 Republic Act No. 5708 known as “The
Participating in varied physical activities
Schools Physical Education and Sports
enables one to acquire pleasant attitudes,
Development Act of 1969
desirable habits, appreciations, and values
 YDT – Youth Development Training
 CAT – Citizen Army Training; offered in
fourth year high school taking the place of
scouting in the YDT program
Fitness and Movement Skills
 Physical Education is an integral part of
the educational program designed to
Emotional Stability
promote the optimum development of the
 Physical Fitness – this is the first course in
physical education
 Physically Educated Person – An individual
who has undergone physical education in
the educational ladder cannot deny the
valuable contribution of this area of
learning toward his total development.

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