Earth Science Module 2

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Inclusive Dates: September 13 - 27, 2021

The Earth and Its Subsystems
2 Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you should be able to:

A. describe the unique characteristics of Earth that are

necessary to support life;
B. explain why Earth is the only planet that can sustain life; and
C. identify the Earth’s four subsystems

Read and analyze the lyrics of the song Magkaugnay by Joey Ayala.

Lupa, laot, langit ay magkaugnay

Hayop, halaman, tao ay magkaugnay

Ang lahat ng bagay ay magkaugnay
Magkaugnay ang lahat

Processing questions
What does the song say about everything found on Earth? Do you agree with what it says?

One of the seven Environmental Principles states that “Everything is connected to

everything else.” Everything that we see and feel on Earth are all connected to some other
components and life forms.
The Earth is the third planet from the sun and the only planet in the Solar System that can
sustain life. Pictures taken from space describe Earth as “the blue marble,” since what is mostly
seen is the vast oceans of Earth that has a far larger area than the land. Swirling clouds can also
be seen suspended above the land and the oceans.

However, did you know that the Earth is also a system? A system is an organized group of
related objects or components that work independently and interact to create a whole. Most
systems, like the Earth system, have matter and energy that flow freely through the system. Our
Earth system runs smoothly due to the combination of smaller components that link our planet
together. To understand our system, we need to start with matter and energy.

Matter, which is anything that has mass and takes up space, is one of the two most basic
components of our universe. Matter can be in the form of atoms, molecules, or larger objects
both living and nonliving. Energy, the other basic component, is the ability to do work. The
transfer of energy comes in many forms like heat, light, or electromagnetic waves. Scientists, to
describe systems, can use these two components, specifically how matter and energy are

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Earth Science (STEM-12) Page 2 of 7 pages
transferred within a system. How matter and energy are transferred determines whether the
system is closed or open.

OPEN: Heat may enter and go back to the universe at the same time. Since it is open, all
matter can also enter the planet such as the asteroids, comets, and other objects present in the

CLOSED: Even if it is closed, heat can still enter the planet but not as open as the first
picture. In a closed system, an enough amount of heat can enter and can exit the planet.
Matter cannot easily enter the planet. In other words, in a closed system, we have a certain
level of protection, just like an umbrella.

ISOLATED: It is somehow similar with closed system. In an isolated system, not everything
has a chance to enter the planet. Totally closed.

Read pages 11-19 of your text book to learn more about The Subsystems of the Earth and
how matter and energy behaves in these systems. Then, refer to the PowerPoint presentation
entitled The Subsystems of the Earth for a more in-depth discussion of the topic


The Earth and Its Systems

Write the letter of the correct answer on the line before the number.
___________ 1. Which sphere contains all living things on Earth?
a. atmosphere c. geosphere
b. biosphere d. hydrosphere
___________ 2. Which subsystem contains the totality of Earth’s water, including the
permanently frozen cryosphere?
a. atmosphere c. geosphere
b. biosphere d. hydrosphere
___________ 3. This subsystem is made up of the mixture of gases (nitrogen, oxygen, argon,
carbon dioxide, and water vapor that surrounds the planet. Which one is it?
a. atmosphere c. geosphere
b. biosphere d. hydrosphere
___________ 4. Which of the following is NOT a major geological subsystem of Earth?
a. Atmosphere c. Hydrosphere
b. Geosphere d. Watersphere
___________ 5. How many major subsystems does the Earth have?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

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Check of you got the correct answer by consulting the answer key at the end of this
module. If you did not get all the answers correctly, go over the learning materials provided to
see why your answers were wrong. If you got all the answers correctly, you may proceed to the
next activity.

Parent/Guardian Support
Ask your parent/guardian (learning companion) to assist you in
performing this simple activity and in providing the needed materials.

Perform the laboratory activity on the answer sheet. Then, answer the questions given
and write your answers on the space provide.

It took the universe billions of years to be inhabited by human beings in a rocky planet
called Earth, which just happens to be in the right star system and revolves at the right
distance from the star.
How does it feel that climate change due to human activity is threatening the very
existence of life on this planet which is 13.8 B years in the making?
Have you contributed to this change? How?
What should you do then? Write your answers to these questions on the answer sheet.

Choose the number that corresponds to your learning experiences. Encircle the rating
that corresponds to your choice.


To check your understanding about our topic, answer the test given in your answer sheet.

Borabo, M. (2015). Interactive and innovative teaching strategies. LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
Olivar, (2016). Exploring life through science series: Earth science. Phoenix Publishing House
Ramos, A. & Olivar, J. (2016). Exploring life through science series: Earth and life science. Phoenix Publishing House
Sia, S. et al. (2016) Science in today’s world for senior high school earth and life science. Sibs Publishing House,

d. d 4. d 3. a 1. b 2. d
Activity Corner

Indian Ocean 4. North Pole – Alaska 5. Banaue Rice Terraces - Ifugao

southern part half of Greenland, Iceland, Northern Norway, Sweden and Finland, 3. Madagascar –
1. Tangadan Falls – San Gabriel, La Union 2. Borealis Aurora – Alaska, northern parts of Canada, the
I. Preliminary Activity:

Answer Key:

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Earth Science (STEM-12) Page 4 of 7 pages
CN: ____ Name: ________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________________

Module 2: The Earth and Its Subsystems
September 13 - 27, 2021 Content = /56
Punctuality = /4
Total = /60
Home-based Laboratory Activity Number 1
Feel the Heat!
I. Objectives:
A. To explain the greenhouse effect; and
B. To relate the greenhouse effect to the four subsystems of the earth.

II. Materials
3 plastic bags of different thickness or color 3 rubber bands
3 cups of moist soil thermometer

III. Procedure
1. Get three plastic bags with different thickness or color. Label then A, B and C.
2. Place the moist soil inside each of the plastic bags.
3. Blow air into each plastic bag making sure that the amount of air inside each
is the same or almost the same.
4. Seal the opening of the bags using rubber bands.
5. Leave the plastic bags, one next to the other, under direct sunlight for 10
6. Take a picture of each of your set-up and paste them under the column for
pictures of the Data and Results table.
7. Check the temperature inside and outside of each plastic bag using the
thermometer after 10 minutes.
8. Accomplish the table under data and results with the temperature readings
and the type of plastic used.
9. Answer the questions given under data analysis and state a conclusion in part
VI of the activity paper.

IV. Data and Results


Picture of the

Type of plastic


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Earth Science (STEM-12) Page 5 of 7 pages
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Picture is vivid, clear Picture is clear and in Picture is blurry and Picture is blurry and less
and in focus, well- focus, not very well- imprecise, uncropped, effort is evidently
cropped, and in line cropped, but still in line and not quite related observed.
with the given task. with the given task. with the given task.

V. Data Analysis
A. Compare the air temperature inside the three plastic bags to the air
temperature outside. Why did this happen?

B. What phenomenon did you simulate using the set-ups prepared in this activity?
Describe the different roles of the components of your set-up to the
phenomenon that you have simulated.

C. Relate the effect of the greenhouse effect to the four subsystems of the earth.





VI. Conclusion (Content=X2)


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posting and/or uploading of any part of this document and of any form and any means without the prior official written permission of SLC-SFLU, is strictly
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Earth Science (STEM-12) Page 6 of 7 pages
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
The answer is very accurate. The answer is somewhat The answer is fairly The stated answer does not
CONTENT Most important sets of accurate. Some important sets acceptable. Many important satisfy the given situation.
(X1) information were included. of information were not sets of information were not
included. included.
The laboratory report is
PUNCTUALITY submitted on the scheduled


Choose the number that corresponds to your learning experiences. Encircle the rating
that corresponds to your choice.

Excellent Good Fair Poor

1. The learning activities in the module helped me in
4 3 2 1
attaining the objectives.
2. The content of the module was organized and easy
4 3 2 1
to understand.
3. The lessons learned are useful in real-life situations. 4 3 2 1
4. The given videos/tutorials were helpful in facilitating
4 3 2 1
learning especially in the discussion part.

Post the reasons for items rated fair and poor here.


I. Multiple Choices
Read the following questions. Write the CAPITAL LETTER of your answer on the line before
the number only.
_____1. Which of the following reasons will justify the existence of life on Earth?
A. The Earth is an open system which allows the entrance and exit of materials
necessary for living things.
B. It is located in the habitable zone where liquid water can exist.
C. Its subsystems are independent of each other but driven by heat necessary
for life.
D. None of the above.
_____2. Which of the following cycles refers to the pathways by which chemical substances
move through both biotic and abiotic components of Earth?
A. Biogeochemical Cycle C. Nitrogen Cycle
B. Carbon Dioxide- Oxygen Cycle D. Water Cycle

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posting and/or uploading of any part of this document and of any form and any means without the prior official written permission of SLC-SFLU, is strictly
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Earth Science (STEM-12) Page 7 of 7 pages
_____3. Which of the following statements about the presence of Carbon Dioxide in the
atmosphere is FALSE?
A. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that helps trap heat in the planet.
B. With just the right amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, life-forms on
Earth have a blanket against extreme coldness at night.
C. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is stored in plants through the process of
D. Carbon dioxide is a needed gas for cellular respiration.
_____4. Which of the following subsystems will directly be affected by the increased burning
of fossil fuels by vehicles and industries?
A. atmosphere B. biosphere C. geosphere D. hydrosphere
_____5. How will the increase in air pollutants affect the geosphere?
A. Pollutants are taken in by biotic components living in the geosphere.
B. Air becomes denser and most pollutants sink to the geosphere.
C. Air pollutants are added to rain water which destroys natural composition of
the geosphere.
D. All of the above.


Answer the given question accurately and precisely in NOT more than ten (10)
sentences at the back of this paper. Be guided by the Rubric presented in answering
the question. (20 points)
The Philippines and even other countries have been battling Covid 19 for more than two
years now. How are our actions or responses towards the pandemic affecting the four
subsystems of the Earth?
Rubric for structured-response test
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content Answer is Answer is appropriate Answer is Content is unrelated to
(X2) appropriate to the to the question; appropriate to the question
question; Content is Content may have question; Content
factually correct one or two factual may have three or
errors four factual errors
Connection All possible effects of Most possible effects Some possible Few possible effects of
(X2) our actions and of the actions and effects of the actions the actions and
responses towards responses towards and responses responses towards
Covid 19 were Covid 19 were towards Covid 19 Covid 19 were
presented and their presented and their were presented and presented and the
connection to the connection to the the connection to connection to the
subsystems of the subsystems of the the subsystems of the subsystems are not well-
Earth are well- Earth are well- Earth are not well- established.
established. established. established.
Use of Uses technical or Accurate word Ordinary word Limited vocabulary;
Language scientific terminology choice; No more than choice; Some serious errors impair
appropriately and 2 major errors and a errors (but they don’t communication
correctly; No major few minor errors impair
grammatical or communication)
spelling errors

“The Earth is what we all have in common.”

– Wendell Berry

This is to certify that I have reviewed the entries in the answer sheet of my child.

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature over Printed Name/Date

Property and exclusive use of SAINT LOUIS COLLEGE BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS. Reproducing, storing, distributing, photocopying, recording,
posting and/or uploading of any part of this document and of any form and any means without the prior official written permission of SLC-SFLU, is strictly
PROHIBITED and is subjected to any form of consequences.

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