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Bicol University

Graduate School
Legazpi City

Master’s and Doctoral Research Proposal Concept Note

A concept note is prepared by the student to give the BU Graduate School an idea of his/her area of
research interest, so that he/she would be guided in selecting the adviser, panel members and in
developing a research proposal. Simple words and sentences should be used. Please submit the completed
and signed form to BUGS.

Proposed Title

The Extent of Implementation of Modular Distance Learning in Senior High School of Tabaco City Division

Research Discipline
The multiple learning delivery modalities for teachers, school leaders and learners as major
adjustments to the COVID-19, composed of the three (3) learning modalities implemented which are:
(a) Distance Learning;
(b) Blended Learning; and
(c) Home Schooling.
The Department of Education has conducted survey in our country about the learning modality to be
used and learning through printed and digital modules appeared to be the most preferred distance learning
of parents to those learners enrolled in this academic year. Tabaco City Division of Region V (Bicol) has 50
schools under it and out of this, 46 schools or 92% are currently under the MDL approach. Additionally, only
9 out of 50 schools or 18% caters Senior High School Offerings.
The researcher will conduct this study in order to assess the extent of the implementation of the MDL
Approach in Tabaco City Division specifically the nine (9) schools offering SHS. The extent of the
implementation will consist of the availability of the learning resources such as SLMs, Learning Activity
Sheets, etc.; monitoring and evaluation of teachers, school heads and partner-stakeholders; assessment of
the curriculum whether the required competencies are still aligned and achieved with the demands of the
society. The study will focus on the data of School Year 2020-2021. An indicator will be used in order to
identify the level of implementation as to the different aspects. Additionally, the study also seeks to find
out the challenges encountered by students, parents and teachers in the MDL Approach. Lastly, possible
methods, intervention and solutions that should be offered to teachers, parents and students having
difficulty in the learning modality.

Scientific/Theoretical Background to the Study

The researcher will conduct this study in order to assess the extent of the implementation of the MDL
Approach in Tabaco City Division specifically the nine (9) schools offering SHS. The extent of the
implementation will consist of the availability of the learning resources such as SLMs, Learning Activity
Sheets, etc.; monitoring and evaluation of teachers, school heads and partner-stakeholders; assessment of
the curriculum whether the required competencies are still aligned and achieved with the demands of the
society. The study will focus on the data of School Year 2020-2021. An indicator will be used in order to
identify the level of implementation as to the different aspects. Additionally, the study also seeks to find
out the challenges encountered by students, parents and teachers in the MDL Approach. Lastly, possible
methods, intervention and solutions that should be offered to teachers, parents and students having
difficulty in the learning modality.

Knowledge Gap to be Filled

Education is very important in order to advance the way of living. In this time of pandemic, our
government still device ways on how to overcome such challenges. Through the Basic Education –
Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP), different learning modalities have been designed. Modular Distance
Learning is the popular among the modalities because of practical reasons.
Most of the studies focused on the assessment of the implementation of the K-12 and the strand
implemented. Results indicate as to what level the institution falls under. In addition, issues and
challenges in the implementation were addressed. On the other hand, acceptability of teacher-made
modules was given attention and studies about this arouse. Different studies as to the effectiveness of
teacher-made modules were done showing higher performance level for students. Also, effectiveness of
modular instruction was evaluated prior to pandemic and during pandemic. Challenges faced by
stakeholders and students were studied. Factors affecting the performance of students in modular
instruction were also enumerated.
This study will focus in assessing the extent of the implementation of the MDL Approach in
Tabaco City Division specifically the nine (9) schools offering SHS. The extent of the implementation will
consist of the availability of the learning resources such as SLMs, Learning Activity Sheets, etc.;
monitoring and evaluation of teachers, school heads and partner-stakeholders; assessment of the
curriculum whether the required competencies are still aligned and achieved with the demands of the
society. The study will focus on the data of School Year 2020-2021. An indicator will be used in order to
identify the level of implementation as to the different aspects. Additionally, the study also seeks to find
out the challenges encountered by students, parents and teachers in the MDL Approach. Lastly, possible
methods, intervention and solutions that should be offered to teachers, parents and students having
difficulty in the learning modality.

Main Research Question

Implementation is conceptualized as a change process and is examined in the context of school
organizational factors which influence change. This study generally aimed to identify the extent of the
implementation of Modular Distance Learning (MDL) in Senior High School at Tabaco City Division.
Specifically, it aimed to answer the following sub-problems:
1. What is the level of implementation of Modular Distance Learning (MDL) in Senior High
School at Tabaco City Division School Year 2020-2021 in terms of:
a. availability of resources.;
b. administrative support;
c. in-service training;
d. instruction and curriculum;
e. adherence to IATF protocols.
2. What are the challenges encountered by teachers, parents, and students in the
implementation of Modular Distance Learning (MDL)?
3. What plan of action may be proposed to further improve the implementation of
Modular Distance (MDL) in SHS at Tabaco City Division?

Research Design, Methods and Materials

This study is limited in providing information as to the extent of the level of implementation in
Modular Distance Learning (MDL) Modality in Senior High School at Tabaco City Division. Among the 50
schools of the said Division, only 9 or 18% caters Senior High School. Among these Senior High School,
out of 7407, 69% are under the MDL Approach. Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) were utilized in print and
soft copy for students to be answered and studied. Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) were also designed and
made for additional activities and problems. The number of respondents was based on the data given by
the LRDM Section School Year 2020-2021. This research employed descriptive method. The study seeks
to find the level of implementation of the Senior High School of Tabaco City Division which utilize the
Modular Learning Approach. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher will make
use of the self-learning modules adopted from the Department of Education and the survey
questionnaires as basis for the gathering data. The respondents, who are the Senior High School students
from different schools in Tabaco City Division, teachers and parents, will undergo the usual process of
distribution and retrieval of self-learning modules (SLMs).
An orientation on the manner of answering the modules and administration of survey
questionnaires will be done to students and parents together with the distribution and retrieval of
modules. The modules from the second quarter of SY 2020- 2021 will be the basis in answering the
questionnaires and in analyzing the data. Documentation of the process of distribution of modules will
be made for reference of this study. Survey questionnaires will consist of two (2) parts. The first part will
include a 5- point Likert scale which contains the following: (1) assessment of the Self-Learning Modules
(SLMs); (2) teacher management practices; (3) school’s management practices; and (4) health and safety
protocols practices. Questionnaires will be composed of descriptors which the respondents will indicate
the extent to which they agree and disagree to each statement. The second part will have an open-ended
question on the issues and challenges encountered by participants in the MDL modality. Statistical
treatment will be applied after gathering of data. Results of the study will be very beneficial for future
improvement of the learning modality and for further study of prospective researchers

Most Relevant References.


Name/Signature of Proponent: ERICA L. CANON

Date Submitted & Received By: July 13, 2021 _

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