Bomba de Pistones 8,14

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failure mode: abrasive wear caused by fine particles ne particles of foreign material such as Girt, soil and steel circulate through the system and cause weer. The degree of wear depends on the size and especially the type ot particles. For example particles of silicon or steel cause the pistons to look dull and the retraction plate to weer at a much taster rate than soft particles. See Illus tions 6 and 9. lustration 6 use Wear around the pis holes in the retraction plate. The worn area will b namfered and slightly concave. A certain amount of break-in” woar is normal at this locstion resulting n some 2 between slope’ ion plate and we break-in” could resut in an increase from lassembled clearance) to approxmately wear bs excessive, it ca lustration ©. Th sembly will be taper: (it) rat (ight), as the slipper shoulder conforms the retraction plate oulder of the fr rounde Fine particles can be generated any number of ways: internally, via metal-to-metal contact, from insuificient cleaning during assembly or, m commonly, from an outside source like worn seals. (See lliustrations 10 and 11.) The entrance of particles from outside can be reduced by checking for and correcting oil leaks (sea scored rods) and by using clean containers and equipment when adding oil to the system. In care should n during re: airs to prevent dirt from entering the system a disassem © sources of failure mode: Scored rods; see Illustration 10. Damaged cylinder rod seals; see illustration 11 Dirty oil in the system. Incortest fiter element being used Extended filter change interval Insufficient cleaning atter a repair llustration 10. A scored cylinder rod is a piimary source abrasive ditt in the hydraulic system. The seals cannot wine away dus! which colests in the grooves ard is car- Tied away by ol i the cylinder. More ditt is carried inio the cylinder with each stroke llustration 11. Worn or damaged cylinder rod seals can- not function effectively to keep ditt out o: to keep alli the system, High temperature can result in seal damage. More specifically, polyurethane material in the seal is sensitive to moisture drawn no the seal area where it can be subjact ed Io high temperatures and pressures, Thisleads to dele- rioration of the inner tad seals. The seals on the right are. new, those on the left are discolored and eroded fiom, heat and pressure, failure mode: abrasive wear caused by coarse particles Coarse particles, such as cleaning beads and weld slag, or metal particles are usually generat- ed in other areas of the hydraulic system and then pulled into the pump through the suction line. Wear caused by such particles always takes the form of grooves and/or scratches in one or more parts of the pump. See llustrations 12, 13, 14 and 15 { llusiration 12, Metal particles embedded in the port plate llustration 13, This port plate has deep scratches in the: ike this can lead to scoring o! the barrel face and resu in _seal bands and on the outer thrust face 4 joss of pump efficiency, increased case drain leskage, and overheating ( 10 lipper on this piston assembly has 9 boaring are: a and balance llustiation 15. Exa sotatches on the lands wth sources of failure mode: Contaminants such as cleaning beads or weld 9 left in the hydraulic tank Contaminants generated internally, such as cylin der metal or seal particles (created by the piston rubbing hard against the inside of the cylinder barrel) Insufficient cleaning after a repair failure mode: damage caused by the impact of a hard foreign object Thi failure mode will normaly show heavy dam: e on the inlat side of the pump. See Ilustration The object is usually a bolt or a similar small tin the tank or suction lino. Fis broken fin on an impeller wa: by a foreign object drawn into the pump via ‘auction ine, used Hustration 17, The damage at the inlet port and the deep tank 0 grooving from the inlet port fo the outlet by a large foreign object entering via the inlet pulled across the port plate by the rotating barre sources of failure mode: Insufficient cleaning within and without the imme- diate part and enti fem (after previous fail ure) An object left in the system. smearing caused by lack of lubrication Smearing, commonly found on the port plate, is caused by lack of lubrication. This type of failure can look similar to failures caused by coarse or metal particles, primarily because the damage is located in the same area—the outer thrust face. Lack of lubrication failures are generally charac- terized by a discoloration of the thrust face and @ wide smezring pattem with less individual grooving. Unless smearing is severe, there will be iittle or no damage to the seal bands Hustration 18, Notice the discoloration and wide emearing patter typical of a lack of lubrication failure. Little or no damage fo the seal bands indicates that no metal particles have passed through them, sources of failure mode: Poor start-up procedures after rebuild, Running the pump with insutficient oi Poor bleeding of the suction line after the system has been drained for maintenance NOTE: Follow the break-in procedures; see the section, Rebuilt Pumps, for more information on oe haa failure mode: damage caused by excessive heat ations of excessive heat include discolor- ation, checks, cracks (llustrations 19 and 20) metimes warpage. When the port plate warps, there is an increase in case drain leak- age and a loss of pump officioncy. llustiaion 19. A barrel assembly face with heat check cracks in the thrust face contact area. This wil eause tap- id wear to the thrust face of the port plate resulting in an 2 drain leakage (ow cooler flow on the hy- crosiatic wansmission ustration 20. A wear pla assembly slipper contac with heat cracks in the pistor sources of failure mode: Debris restricting air flow through the cooler Misplacement of baffling around the cooler caus- ing misdirection of air flow through the cooler. Relief valve set too low. Excessive operation over the relief valve Oil of the wrong viscos A misadjusted cooler bypass valve allowing too much/ltte oil to flow through the cooler Inefficient or damages cooler circulating pump. The shuttle valve or servo piston sticking and preventing/ delaying downstage of pump (motor graders only), Misadiusted “stop” for minimum angle of swash Dlate (motor graders only), Excessive case drain leakage (primarily motor graders).

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