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Video Games

Faculty of Science and Technology.

Computer Systems and Networks Engineering.


Carlos Antonio Medrano Robles.


Technical English Applied to Computing.

Activity Name:

The pros and cons of gaming.

Estefani Susana Vásquez Ramírez.

Video Games

A. Look at the statements about gaming (1-4) and say if you

agree or disagree with them. Give reasons for your answers.

1.- TV and video games are amusing and can be educational. But too
much if this kind of entertainment can be addictive and make children
become accustomed to violence.
I do not totally agree with this, if it can become addictive, I cannot deny
it (I am a video game addicted), but what video games can generate
violence? Well, there it depends on each person, personally I play
too many shooters and I am very competitive, but it has not made me

2.- Massively multiplayer online games are interactive and fun.

I agree, they are very fun and more if they are played with friends.
Games like A Way Out, Apex Legends, Borderlands 3, Call of
Duty: Warzone, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Dead by Daylight,
Destiny 2, Fortnite, League of Legends, Free Fire, among others,
are good options to play multiplayer with the friends.

3.- Video games have negative effects on children and distract them
from school and homework
I do not totally disagree, simply video games, like any other type of game, create addiction. It is not only about the
game itself or the content, but about the time spent, which is no longer invested in other things. This has negative
consequences, especially in people who are still developing. But even so, experts indicate that the main problem
lies in the lack of parental control and that many of these games can increase different capacities and abilities in

4.- Modern games and simulations offer a great deal of adventure and
challenge. In addition, they can teach skills such as strategic thinking,
interpretative analysis and problem solving.
I totally agree, strategy video games improve the cognitive abilities of
minors; they develop their inventiveness, creativity, and intellectual and
analytical skills. They motivate them to overcome challenges, which
increases their motivation and commitment. The frequent use of them
enriches the capacity of logic, deduction, and reasoning, increases their
spatial orientation and, in addition, better results are observed in mathematics of
the adolescents who use them.

B. Write an essay called the pros and cons of gaming (80-120 words). Use these steps and the Useful language
box to help you.
Video Games

The opening (paragraph one): Present the topic in one or two sentences.
The body (paragraphs two and three): Give pros (arguments in favour) with facts and examples. Give cons
(arguments against) whit facts and examples.
The closing (paragraph four): Summarize your main ideas and give your opinion.

Video games have their pros and cons; the positive side is that they can teach knowledge and improve physical and
mental skills, the negative side is that they can be aggressive and cause too much time to be spent with them;
Nowadays it is difficult to find a house that does not have the odd console or computer, both adults and young
people spend several hours a day playing, either through the means mentioned above or through other devices such
as mobile phones or tablets.

The pros of video games are that they can be used in people who have both physical and mental problems, such as
in people who have mobility problems in the arms, or who find it difficult to relate; As is the case with people with
autism, it has also been used in a rehabilitative way in people with attention problems, among others, it encourages
teamwork, use as a teaching aid, encourage positive values, increase sense of competence and self-esteem, and
develops empathy.

The cons that video games have are that they can create addiction (there are activities that are tremendously
entertaining and absorbing, therefore more time can be spent than usual), it increases the aggressiveness of the
player and in special cases they are violent (no clear conclusion is reached as to whether video games create or
increase aggression in their players.), they have negative effects on socialization.

Currently, many people make use of devices with which they can be played and, however, few are aware of the
disadvantages and negative effects that they may have for people who use it, it is important that , from home and
schools, priority is given to its advantages and positive effects, since it has been proven that they positively affect
all people who play video games both physically and mentally; In fact, many teachers have begun to use video
games to teach subjects such as mathematics, language and English in their classes, even so, we must remember
that both parents have to know the diversity of video games that exist, the purpose will be to buy the one that best
suits the age group of your child, since on many occasions we are not aware of what this game consists of or if it
really is the most appropriate, finally, to point out that it is important from home that discuss the most appropriate
times for the use of video games, both for children and adults in order to make good use of them and maximize
their benefits.

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