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Họ & Tên : Nguyễn Thị Như Ý

Lớp : 20CNACLC02
Unit 1 : Speaking
1 / Page 15
a. 4
b. 1
c. 5
d. 2
e. 6
f. 3

Unit 2
Vocabulary :
2 / Page 24
a. Valley ( the only one which is a lower area of ground, not a raised area )
A mountain is taller and often rockier than a hill. A dune is a hill of sand
b. Desert ( the only which is not a body of water – a desert is a large, inhospitable area
without much vegetation )
A lake is larger than a pond. Ponds are often man – made and found in gardens and
parks, whereas lakes are usually natural. A lagoon is an area of the sea which is
separated by a long, thin piece of land ow a coral reef, forming a kind of lake.
c. Field ( the only one which is not an area of trees – a fields is a cultivated area of grass or
crops )
A forest covers a larger area than a wood. A jungle contains very dense vegetation and is
usually found near the equator in regions with a very wet climate.
d. Plain ( the only one not related to the sea or water – a plain is large, flat area of land )
A beach is a thin strip of sandy or stony land bordering the sea. Shore is another word for
beach, but can also refer to the land around the edge of a lake or other large body of
water. Coast is a more general term for the area of land near the sea.
e. Waterfall ( the only one not related to vegetation – a waterfall is a steep drop in the level
of a river or stream )
A bush is a plant with woody branches and leaves, but unlike a tree, it has no trunk. A
hedge is a border or fence created by planting bushes close together in a line .

3 / Page 24
1. Mountain, beach, shore, coast, bush.
2. Plain, tree
3. Dune, desert
4. Valley, hill, field, wood, hedge

1 / Page 25
1. Imagine finding
2. Hope to be rescued
3. Risk getting
4. Spend time searching
5. Postpone worrying
6. Managed to find or build a shelter
7. Keep reading

2 / Page 25
 Group A : imagine, risk, spend time, postpone, keep
 Group B : hope, manage

3/ Page 25
1. Making
2. Enlarging
3. To be
4. To build ( explain that the verb stop ca be followed by both forms, but that each has a
different meaning)
5. To find
6. Walking ( explain that try walking is used for suggestion and means “ one thing you
could do is … “ )
7. Drinking
8. Eating ( make sure that they understand if you can’t face ..)
9. To approach
10. Looking ( check that they knows that give up mean ‘ abandon ‘ here )
11. Eating
12. Doing

4 / Page 25
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A

5 / Page 25
a. … to study at university / … seeing my old teachers.
b. … to throw away their litter / … ignoring me .
c. .. to give up smoking / cycling to college instead of driving
d. .. to send my mother a card on her birthday. / ... going on a plane for the first time

Use of English
1/ Page 28
1 To On
2 In At
3 Of With
4 For Of
5 In Of
6 Of About

2 / Page 28
a. At
b. On
c. In
d. On
e. To
f. By
g. On
h. At
i. Over

3/ Page 28
Some people think cute knut should have been allowed to die because raising him by hand is so
unnatural. In the wild, he would have died.

4 / Page 28
1. All
2. With
3. In
4. Would
5. By
6. With
7. Of
8. Too
9. Have
10. He
11. As
12. With

1/ Page 22
a. All of them
b. Antelope
c. Monkey
d. Antelope
e. Monkey
f. Dog

2 / Page 22

A. In a forest in Uganda
B. The Spanish Sahara
C. The North Cachar Hills in India
D. In a cardboard box in a forest in Romania
A. Five or six ( Line 10 )
B. About 10 ( line 24 )
C. Five ( Line 45 )
D. About seven ( Line 64 – 68 )

3 / Page 22
A. Monkey boy
B. Gazelle boy
C. Leopard boy
D. Dog boy

Key :
1. B ( Line 33 – 34 )
2. D ( Line 63 – 65 )
3. A ( line 11 – 13 )
4. B ( line 25 )
5. D ( line 70 – 71 )
6. C ( line 47 – 48 )
7. D ( line 65 – 66 )
8. A ( line 15 )
9. B ( line 37 – 39 )
10. C ( line 50 – 51 )
11. A ( line 14 )
12. C ( line 44 – 45 )
13. B ( line 30 – 31 )
14. B ( line 27 – 28 )
15. A ( line 16 – 18 )

4 / Page 22
a. 4
b. 1
c. 5
d. 2
e. 6
f. 3

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