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Republic OF THE Philippines

Department of education
Division of Surigao del Sur


Sto. Niño, san agustin, surigao del Sur


Directions: Read the following statements and understand each. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. It is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information as by speech,

signals, writing or behavior.
A. communication C. language
B. feedback D. message
2. This communication type is characterized by a certain look or gaze.
A. non-verbal Communication C. verbal Communication
B. oral Communication D. written Communication
3. It is the definition of communication.
1. Communication involves a transaction.
2. Communication is sharing of ideas among a group of people.
3. Communication is a confusion of ideas in the mind of the other.
4. Communication is a transfer of messages from one person to
A. 1234 C. 124 only
B. 234 only D. 4 only
4. What happens when the message is NOT clearly conveyed?
A. The communication continues.
B. The communicators end the communication process.
C. The recipient may get the wrong information to share with others.
D. The situation will never change.
5. A strong wind struck as Arnold and his father took turns in pulling the fishing
boat to the shore. Arnold cannot hear his father’s voice. Which affects the
flow of the communication process?
A. Arnold’s voice C. father
B. boat D. wind
6. You ask your sister to put on her mask every time she goes out and she nods
in reply. Which model of communication is presented here?
A. Interactive C. Linear
B. Conversational D. Transactional
7. Which of the following must the listener do to avoid mental noise?
A. Be ready for the communication activity. C. Just remain quiet and daydream.
B. Be attentive and respond to the speaker. D. Be loud as much as possible.
8. Which is the best option in order to avoid misinterpretation that causes
communication barrier?
A. Be familiar with the topic of the speaker. C. Do not be conscious of gender or status.
B. Disconnect with your emotional baggage. D. Inquire the meaning.
9. When is the communication process complete?
A. when the message enters the channel of communication
B. when the receiver understands the message and feedback
C. when the sender transmits message to the receiver
D. when the sender transmits the message successfully
10. Which function of communication is served when people’s feelings are being invoked?
A. information dissemination C. social interaction
B. control D. emotional expression
11. Ross greets Rachel; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
A. control C. motivation
B. social interaction D. emotional expression
12. Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
A. information C. emotional expression
B. motivation D. control
13. Which of the following is NOT a speech context?
A. Intrapersonal Communication C. Long Distance Communication
B. Dyad Communication D. Public Communication
14. Which one of the following is NOT an example of intrapersonal
A. sending a text message to a friend C. writing a note to yourself
B. talking to yourself D. thinking about a problem
15. Which of these is an example of Dyadic Communication?
A. two brothers arguing
B. a coach and a player discussing last week’s game
C. a husband and wife making plans for the summer vacation
D. all of these are correct
Identify the type of speech context evident in the following situations.
16. You provided reassuring and comforting words to a friend who was feeling
A. Dyad Communication C. Mass Communication
B. Public Communication D. Interpersonal Communication
17. You are having a discussion with your group mates on how to finish the
assigned task.
A. Public Communication C. Dyad Communication
B. Small group communication D. Interpersonal Communication
Directions: Identify whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE. Use a separate sheet
of paper for your answer.
__________ 18. The types of speech according to delivery are impromptu speech,
persuasive speech, extemporaneous speech, and manuscript speech.
A. True B. False
__________ 19. The primary goal of an informative speech is to influence the thoughts,
feelings, actions, and behaviors or attitudes of your listeners (Gamble
& Gamble, 2012
A. True B. False
Identify the speech style in the following situations:
20. Ana is talking to a doctor for her physical examination.
A. casual C. consultative
B. formal D. frozen
21. Coaches of different events are giving last-minute instructions to players.
A. casual C. consultative
B. formal D. frozen
22. What type of speech act is this? “Please don’t let the door open,” the speaker
requests that the door remain closed.
A. locutionary C. perlocutionary
B. illocutionary D. prolocutionary
23. You were eating delicious apples. Your friend came and asked you, “Is that
sweet?” while looking at your apples. How will you respond appropriately?
A. “Yes, these apples are sweet.” C. “Yes, would you like some?”
B. “No, please leave me alone.” D. “Absolutely!”
24. What do you call the utterances that a speaker makes to achieve an
intended effect?
A. Speech Act C. Speech Style
B. Speech Context D. Speech Variation
To what classification of illocutionary act do the given examples belong? Choose your
answer from the choices below.
A. assertive C. directive
B. commissive D. expressive E. declaration

25. “From this day forward, I promise to love you for the rest of my life.”

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Teacher II Master Teacher II Principal II

Principal IV
Republic OF THE Philippines
Department of education
Division of Surigao del Sur


Sto. Niño, san agustin, surigao del Sur


NAME: __________________________________ DIAGNOSTIC TEST. NO.:

GRADE & SECTION: _________________________ DATE: ______________________

1. __________ 11. __________ 21. __________

2. __________ 12. __________ 22. __________

3. __________ 13. __________ 23. __________

4. __________ 14. __________ 24. __________

5. __________ 15. __________ 25. __________

6. __________ 16. __________

7. __________ 17. __________

8. __________ 18. __________

9. __________ 19. __________

10. _________ 20. _________

Republic OF THE Philippines

Department of education
Division of Surigao del Sur


Sto. Niño, san agustin, surigao del Sur


1. A 11. C 21. C

2. A 12. B 22. B

3. C 13.C 23. C

4. C 14. A 24. A

5. D 15. D 25. B

6. A 16. A

7. B 17.B

8. B 18.A

9. B 19. B

10. D 20. C

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