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Last class, we basically talk about different business ethics theories,

Utilitarianism, Deontology and Virtue ethics. Utilitarianism mainly states that people

should judge actions based on outcomes and try to make best decisions that yield

greatest social benefits. In most collectivism culture, rights of minority groups

sometimes are sacrificed, because the authority tries to benefit the majority according

to the utilitarianism theory. In China, demolition has become a very critical social

issue. Some people do not willing to remove their house where the government plans

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to build public infrastructure. According to the utilitarianism theory, people who resist

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to remove yields social harm. On the other hand, people's rights of property should be
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respected. Therefore, in my opinion, in the reality, it is really hard to judge the real

situation by only focusing on the outcomes. For Deontology, it stresses that people
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should be treated equally and treated unequally according to their inequality. I think,
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this theory can explain the feminist movement which declares that women should not
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be treated as same as men because male and female are born with difference. They
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still insist that women should not be discriminated by their sex.

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The second reflection I want to make is the reading about corporate responsibility.

In the article The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Its Profits, I agree

the idea that Milton Friedman makes. Last year, I took a Green Business Management

course at Seneca College, and I found that the reason most companies choose to go

green is not about ethics and responsibilities but the profit they can earn from going

green. I agree the author's point that sometimes the competitive business environment

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forces people to be responsible for their own actions and makes it difficult for them to

exploit other people for either selfish or unselfish purposes. In my opinion, if we want

to convince a company to take their social and corporate responsibility, the best way

should be explaining the benefits from cost-saving and long term reputation that both

their companies and themselves can gain from doing that. Otherwise, without the

motivation, the company and its executives may just pretend to go green, or in other

words, greenwashing. I still remember the CEO of BP Oil Company once showed in

the TV advertisement and said that BP is 100% green and social responsible. Shortly

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afterwards, BP's image has been destroyed by a serious oil leakage accident in

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Mexican Gulf and considered as a greenwashing company.
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