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Tagbina Campus
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

TLE 101 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
Cooking Methods

Name: MARY JANE V. FEGARUM Year/Section: 1ST YEAR/BEED 1A Date: ___/___/___ Score:___

1. In your own point of understanding, what is the meaning of the following

cooking methods?
a) Dry Heat Cooking Method – Where food exposed to high heat with
temperature of 300 F or hotter without using moister.
b) Moist Heat Cooking Method – Where food exposed to lower temperature
with moisture by using liquids.
c) Combination Cooking Method – It is a cooking process with a combination
of Dry and Moist cooking methods.
2. Differentiate the following cooking techniques:
a) Baking & Frying – In baking, it is a heat from surrounding that transfer from
the food in an enclosed environment such as oven. While frying, heating
elements are used to heat the oil that surround a food.
b) Steaming & Poaching – It is a heat from boiling water rise continuously,
cooking the food placed on top of boiling water. Peaching use small amount of
hot liquid to cook the food perfectly.
c) Boiling & Simmering – Boiling, the cooking of food at boiling point of 212 F.
Simmering, the cooking of food on low heat below the boiling point.
d) Roasting & Grilling – Roasting, the cooking of food on high heat between
425 and 450 F. Grilling, directly exposed to very hot by using various source of
e) Braising & Stewing –Braising contain larger food such as meat, or chicken
immersed in liquid for a long period of time while stewing, opposite way of
braising in which it contain smaller pieces of chopped meat totally immersed in
Tagbina Campus
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

TLE 101 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
Recipe for Cutting Techniques

Name: MARY JANE V. FEGARUM Year/Section: 1ST YEAR/BEED 1A Date: ___/___/___ Score:___
Make the recipe for Cutting Techniques using the format below:

Recipe Title: Vegetable Fritters No. of Serving: _______

Ingredients Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

Oil ¼ kg 80.00 20.00

Carrots 2 pcs. 100.00 35.00
Potato 1 pc. 100.00 15.00
Cabbage ½ of whole cabbage 60.00 20.00
Egg 4 pcs. 288.00 32.00
Green onion 1 pc. 120.00 25.00
Garlic 1 clove 100.00 6.00
Onion 1 pc. 110.00 7.00

Grand Total Cost 160. 00

Slice the ingredients into different cuts, then mixed the egg, after that put the seasoning. In a pan,
heat up oil and fry the dish on it. After a minutes, the dish ready to served.

Materials Needed:

Kitchen knife
Chopping Board
Dinner Plate
Picture of your finished product

What are your observations of upon preparing and presenting the finished product?
In making recipe from different vegetables, we have a second thoughts if our way of cutting
are right and followed to the guidelines of cutting techniques that are given. We hold the knife
carefully according to the knife skills and safety practices. Above all, after the ingredients are
well prepared, it is already easy for us to continue in cooking procedure. There’s a moment
that we afraid that might the hot oil spill in our skin but it went successfully. In presenting our
finish product we think something that would create a nice plating and to make it more

Cutting techniques should applied in a right way in order to be safe from getting cut and also
to slice the vegetable in a different cut. The different cuts of vegetables should base on
specific recipe like vegetable fritters. This kind of recipe must control the heat in order not to
burn the vegetable fritters. Furthermore, it is a healthy and nutritious food because it reach of
vitamins. It is a basic recipe but need to carefully perform to get a perfect result.
Tagbina Campus
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

TLE 101 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
Recipe for Dry Heat Cooking Methods

Name: MARY JANE V. FEGARUM Year/Section: 1ST YEAR/BEED 1A Date: ___/___/___ Score:___
 Make the actual recipe that you made for Dry Heat Cooking using the format below:
Recipe Title: Chicken Adobo No. of Serving: _________

Ingredients Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

Oil ¼ kg 80.00 20.00
Onion 1 pc. 110.00 7.00
Garlic 1 clove 100.00 6.00
Pepper 1 pack 5.00 5.00
Lemon 10 g 50.00 10.00
Bell pepper 1 pc. 95.00 5.00
Chicken ½ kg 170.00 85.00
Soy sauce 1 pouch 12.00 12.00
Vinegar 1 pouch 10.00 10.00

Grand Total 160.00

Slice the chicken into different size, after that heat the pan and put the oil followed by
garlic, onion and bell pepper. Next, put the marinated chicken then add some soy sauce,
vinegar and pepper. Mixed it well until the chicken soup well dry. After 35 minutes the
chicken adobo is ready to serve.

Materials Needed:
Kitchen knife
Chopping Board
Dinner Plate
Picture of your finished product

What are your observations of upon preparing and presenting the finished product?
Upon preparing the chicken adobo recipe with my group member. We have a little talk
because we can’t decide quickly what really want to do. We had challenged in slicing the
chicken and afraid of getting cut. In marinating the chicken, we carefully controlled the
ingredients such as soy sauce, vinegar and pepper in order to have a delicious chicken
adobo. And also the seasonings to get the perfect taste. When the chicken adobo already
cooked, we transfer it to the bowl and adding designs like fresh onions and etc. to make it
more presentable and attracting to the eyes of customers especially to look more

Before engaging in cooking, let’s have first the knowledge of a specific recipe and observe
before making it from the knowledgeable one. While performing our recipe, we gain
some techniques and strategy on how to cook it deliciously. Chicken adobo recipe might
be a common but difficult to figure out the exact taste, mostly it could be salty or
flavorless so, you might control and measure the right quantity in order to have a good
Tagbina Campus
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

TLE 101 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
Recipe for Moist Heat Cooking Methods

Name: MARY JANE V. FEGARUM Year/Section: 1ST YEAR/BEED 1A Date: ___/___/___ Score:___
 Make the actual recipe that you made for Dry Heat Cooking using the format below:
Recipe Title: Sunny side egg No. of Serving:_______

Ingredients Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

Oil ¼ kg 80.00 20.00
Egg 4 pcs. 288.00 32.00
pepper 1 pack 5.00 5.00

Grand Total Cost 57.00


In a pan, heat up oil over medium-high heat until hot. Crack eggs at a time into the pan. Reduce
heat to low and cook for 4 minutes until the white is set but the yolk is still runny. Transfer to a
plate. Add pepper.

Materials Needed:

Dinner Plate
Picture of your finished product

What are your observations of upon preparing and presenting the finished product?
In preparing this food we performed with careful in order not to break the egg yolk to form a
perfect sunny side egg. I observe that we need to control the heat and if egg turn white, quickly
transfer in order not to burn the egg. In presenting the finish product, we arrange it and put some
design to look beautiful and delicious.

Controlling your movements is a key to get a better outcome. Having some knowledge in terms of
cooking will help to cooked perfectly. In cooking will help to cooked perfectly. In cooking process
is not only need to observe but it needs to perform to measure your skill and if you already know
how to cook. Sunny side egg is one of the simplest recipe but without knowledge you cannot
perform it correctly. Skill and knowledge is a combination in engaging in the kitchen and to
perform it well.
Tagbina Campus
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

TLE 101 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
Others Skills to be a Successful Chef

Name: MARY JANE V. FEGARUM Year/Section: 1ST YEAR/BEED 1A Date: ___/___/___ Score:___

1. Explain, how each of the following skills relate your job as a successful Chef?

a) Attention to Details – Being successful chef, you need to show attention to details, to efficiently
manage everything in order to prepare all the ingredients, equipment, tools and good measurement
of each food products. The chef should have an active participation to monitor all the details such as:
Heat control, measuring, portion sizing, presentation, quality of food and supervising.

b) Business Sense – Being a good chef you need to have a business mind-set. To evaluate the needs
or wants of every customer to improve your dish and how to make it more delicious. A chef should
always look for unique and classic foods to get attention but affordable for all customer. Chefs often
deal with the following tasks: Administrative, Budgeting, Control Labor Costs, Cost Reduction, Food
Safety & Regulations, Inventory Management, Kitchen Management.

c) Creativity – A chef must be a creative person to apply it in adding and improving all the recipe that
less of sales. A creative person can create new recipe design and adding some uniqueness to the
recipe that will keep the customers intact and coming back. A new found recipe will amaze the
customer that will get their full attention.

d) Culinary Expertise – A chef should have the knowledge how to cook and ability to make it more
delicious. It should need to know how to properly hold knife and skills for cutting ingredients in a
specific menu or recipe. They also need to control the seasoning and recognizing flavour so that the
result of taste is perfectly. The chef should have experience with cooking techniques, table and food

e) Fast-Paced Decision Making – A chef should be able to make decision quickly and efficiently
without any hesitation. A chef should be able to handle pressure, problem solving and initiative in
order to have an efficient service.

f) Motivational Management Style – A chef should always motivate all the members to work
efficiently. They should remind those working in the kitchen to work faster and always be careful in
every action they make.

g) Team Player –A chef should have to communicate with others to work as team and they have a
good treatment to each other especially to the staff and management in order to have a peaceful
environment and unite to have a good outcome. Chef should be able to Accept Feedback,
Collaborate, Show Compassion, Emotional Intelligence, Give Feedback, Be Interpersonal, Have a
Sense of Humor, Team Building, Training.
Tagbina Campus
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

TLE 101 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
Cutting Techniques
Name: MARY JANE V. FEGARUM Year/Section: 1ST YEAR/BEED 1A Date: ___/___/___ Score:___

1. Describe the following vegetable cuts:

a) Julienne – It is a French cut which the food item is cut into 2 to 3 inches lengths, then
remove the rounded sides to create a rectangle shape. The rectangle shape will cut into 1/8
inch of slices. It will cut into thin small pieces.
b) Brunoise – It is a culinary knife cut and is derived from the julienne. It is a smaller cube
that cut into smaller then, dice it into 3mm cubes. This cut is mostly used as a garnish in
many dishes and making sauce such as tomato concasse.
c) Batonnet –Some common foods cut in this style are French fries and crudités or vegetable
sticks for dipping. It is a long cube that should measure approximately 0.2 inch square and 2
to 3 inches long. Batonnet is a culinary term used to describe one of the cuts used in
preparing vegetables.
d) Roundelle – It is a type of cut that creates round slice that perform using chef’s knife. And
also it is a culinary roundels from round vegetables.
e) Chiffonade – Is a fancy term for slicing or herbs such as basil. Simply pull the leaves away
from the stem, gather it all, arrange, roll and slice the leaves perpendicular to the roll.
f) Paysanne – Paysanne is a French term that usually cut very thin and it describe the way
vegetables being cut. This cut is for all round vegetables that cut into thin circles but not
same diameters.
g) Wedge – Cut spherical vegetables and fruits lengthwise in sixths or eighths or round
vegetable cut equally lengthwise.
h) Macedoine – It is a process of slicing ingredients into ¼ inch cubes that should be cut into
a larger Brunoise of ¼ inch dice. It is used for salad preparation.
i) Mirepoix – It is roughly chopped to make sure that they are about same size. The size you
cut the vegetable should be determined by how long the mirepoix will cook.
j) Crush –Cutting knives are blades that cut through a material using pure force. It is also
lends itself to healed knife cutting which is useful when cutting adhesive backed webs.
Tagbina Campus
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

TLE 101 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
Knife Skills

Name: MARY JANE V. FEGARUM Year/Section: 1ST YEAR/BEED 1A Date: ___/___/___ Score:___

1. Why is it important to appropriately understand the skills of using a knife when working
in the kitchen?
Learning and understanding the skills of using a knife will help to move more quickly and
efficient. It will help to our safety and enable to work faster and easily through chapping
and cutting form uniformly. It can build confidence making more efficient in the kitchen,
2. Discuss the pros and cons of using a knife and its safety practices.
The pros of knife is useful in cutting and chopping foods. The cons of knife, it can be used
for illegal purposes. And also when the knife is misused it can hurt people. While using
the knife hold the handle properly, and always cut away from yourself in order to protect
yourself from cut. Always check the knife if it is dull, sharpen the blade because it is more
dangerous to use dull knife than a sharp one.
3. Differentiate of sharpening knife using stone against a sharpening steel?
a.) Sharpening stone – are used to sharpen the edges if steel tools and implements such as
knives, and scissors. Sharpening stones have superior results for nearly every kind of
knife. This method is probably the most labour intensive but if it will perform properly, you
will gain a best result.
b.) Sharpening steel – is a piece of culinary equipment that is used to hone or align the edge
of a knife blade for more precise and fasting cutting. Sharpening steel are not really like
sharpening stone, it does not actually sharpen the blade of a knife.
4. Describe the proper gripping of knife.
The best way to hold a chef knife is to grip the impact point of the cutting edge with your
thumb and pointer and fold the excess three fingers over the handle. A good grip will give
you better control expanding cutting exactness and speed while forestalling slippage and
reducing the odds of misshape.
Tagbina Campus
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

TLE 101 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
Cleaning Procedures

Name: MARY JANE V. FEGARUM Year/Section: 1ST YEAR/BEED 1A Date: ___/___/___ Score:___

1. If you are a Chef, identify areas in your work area which require cleaning and describe the
frequency of cleaning required for each.
The areas of kitchen that require cleaning, first the sink because it is the dirtiest places in our
kitchen, it needs to clean in everyday lives. It is use disinfectant to make sure no odor will remain
and to kill the bacteria that could spread to the food. Second, the counters it needs to sanitize in all
three meals or wiped down if something spill in your counter. Wipe it with wet cloth and after that
wipe down with dry cloth to vanish the smell of foods. Third, dining table it should be wiped down
every day. The table should not leave any food crumbs that could attract ants or insects that can
harm us. Lastly, floor should be clean in order to avoid accident and to maintain the cleanliness of
areas to work smoothly and comfortable.

2. How can you identify the need for cleaning/sanitising of equipment, areas or utensils in addition
to scheduled cleaning?
Cleaning schedule is a guide to have a proper setting of cleaning. But, cleaning are needs if there an
emergency that happens. Even it is not the schedule to clean but if there are accidental spills and
breakages, it will seek quickly response to make the areas clean and safe. For example, the floors will
need to be cleaned twice a day but we can’t make sure that everything are well managed because
there’s a time that you accidentally spill the water on the floor. So, it need on immediate action
instead of waiting for schedule to clean.

3. Name one item of equipment that needs to be cleaned on a regular basis in the kitchen where
you work and describe the cleaning process for this item.
To clean the blender just scrubbing out the pitcher and pour water about halfway and shake it up
tow ash all mess. Then, add dish soap, rub all the area of blender. Lastly wipe down with a clean
towel. Let it dry first before putting it back.

4. What precautions do you take to ensure cleaned and sanitised food-related items are kept clean
and ready for use without becoming re-contaminated?
Here are some precautions to ensure cleaned and sanitised food. First, keep yourself clean and
together with your work areas. Second, keep raw meat and other raw animal products away from
other foods. Third, store foods appropriately both before and after cooking. Lastly, use good
cleaning and storage techniques to reduce the chance of food contamination.

5. What protocols apply to the removal of waste from inside the kitchen/food area to external
waste bins?
The guidelines and protocols apply to the removal of waste from inside the kitchen or food area to
external waste bins. First, remove food scraps from the kitchen daily and dispose during regular
garbage collection. Second, do not allow garbage containers to overflow because it can attract
houseflies and other insects. Clean the garbage containers regularly and use sanitizer. Third, keep
the lids tightly closed on all garbage containers when in use. Separate the dangerous item such as
broken glass to ensure the safety of other worker. Always use gloves in segregating the garbage and
after segregating the garbage wash your hands with soup to kill the bacteria.
Tagbina Campus
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

TLE 101 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
Kitchen Overview

Name: MARY JANE V. FEGARUM Year/Section: 1ST YEAR/BEED 1A Date: ___/___/___ Score:___

1. How would you monitor kitchen area in a workplace to ensure the prompt preparation of food
for the hotel guests?
Kitchen area is a venue for cooking and preparing food in a commercial hospitality business. It
provides an information which lead to be relayed, identifies the staff who may be involved and
presents appropriate communication techniques. It also provides general assistance in food
operations where the staff who take orders are supported by others who deliver the food to,
and collect used items from food service points as the work of a “bus boy” in an establishment.
To accommodate the hotel guest regarding to food preparation their assign person who will
prepare the food they need and constant communication and linkage between kitchen and
service area.

2. What is a culinary art? Explain.

The word culinary art refers to cooking and art means interest in cooking. Culinary arts refer to
the art of preparing, cooking, presenting and serving food. Culinary arts means a person who
prepare food for his/her family or customer.

3. Why is it important to develop good organization flow in the kitchen area?

An organized kitchen improves efficiency which can lead to success. It is important having an
organized kitchen so that there’s less need for moving around and to look your kitchen nicer
and clean. It helps to save time, money and it is easier to work. It increase courage and interest
to develop their skill and techniques.

4. Describe five possible reasons regarding the wearing of chef uniform in food preparation.

a.)Chef uniform helps with comfort and hygiene

b.) it reflects heat away from the chef’s body
c.) it helps catch and stop any errant sweat droplets
d.) it helps to prevent injury from burns, and cuts
e.) it helps look self-clean appearance
5. List five personal hygiene practices while working with food to avoid contamination.

a.) Wash your hands with soap

b.) Not touch any parts of your body
c.) Keep hair tied back and wear a suitable head covering
d.) Dry hands and arms using clean towel
Tagbina Campus
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

TLE 101 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
Kitchen Tools and Equipment

Name: MARY JANE V. FEGARUM Year/Section: 1ST YEAR/BEED 1A Date: ___/___/___ Score:___

1. Explain, how you determine the cooking equipment required for a nominated menu item.
To determine the cooking equipment, you will look for the quality and right types of equipment
for a nominated menu item. The equipment you choose is depend on the menu item. I believed
that the right tool for the right job and you are only as good as your tools.

2. Identify one piece of commercial cooking equipment and describe how to clean it, and how it
should be stored for ready for future use.

Ovens- it is one of commercial cooking equipment. To clean the ovens make sure your oven is
switched off and cooled down and mix your own cleaning solution with baking soda and water.
Then, cover the oven in the cleaning paste and spread your homemade paste all over the interior of
your oven. Let the baking soda solution to rest on the oven for 12 hours. After that wipe down the
oven and spray it with vinegar. Lastly, wipe it again. To store the oven cover it with a blanket to
protect it from dust, dings and dents. Place it in upright position.

3.List the 5 general steps in cleaning food preparation equipment.

-Equipment and areas

-Equipment Disassembly

-Cleaning Frequency

-Cleaning tools

-Cleaning solution

4. Describe a problem involved with cooking tools and equipment, how did you identify the problem
and how did you resolve it?

Kitchen safety includes having the right tools to make cooking easier and safer. To identify the
problem involved with cooking tools and equipment if something change in appearance and smells.
If the foods are not tastes better so, it is important to identify the problem so that it won’t cause
trouble. I will always clean the equipment tools that involve in cooking before using it because it
might affect the taste of the food.

5. Why is it important to appropriately maintain tools and equipment when cooking in a commercial

It is important to appropriately maintain tools and equipment when cooking in a commercial kitchen
because it helps prevent food particles, grime, rust, and debris form building up, which can cause
damage of equipment and tools. Through proper lubricating it will last longer the life of the
equipment. And also to avoid contamination that are harmful to our health issue.

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