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Journal of Information Technology (1990) 5, 123-133

The case study: a useful research method for

information management
The Graduate School of Business Administratioin Harvard University, USA

Abstract: This paper urges greater recognition of the case study as a research method for information management. It
acknowledges concern about the representatives of case studies but by specifying the relationships between epistemology and
research methods shows that this concern is misplaced. Representatives is irrelevant for many research purposes, particularly
when the distinction is made between logical and statistical inference. The validity of explanations or theory derived from case
studies depends on the logic of the analysis and acknowledgement of ceteris paribus conditions, not on how typical the cases may
be. Typologies of case studies have been proposed and these are considered, together with recommendations for the conduct
of systematic and rigorous case study research. It is stressed that research problems should be addressed using appropriate
research methods. Research of the important problems within the management area frequently demands a qualitative research
approach, though it would seem that such an approach is often ignored because of a positivist research orientation. An
assessment of the strengths and weakness of the case study method, which highlights its potential in the vital role of theory-
building, leads to the conclusions that this method has much to commend it to information management researchers (1).

In recognition of the case study approach to science. Qualitative and inductive

approaches are much less frequently reported, if at all
Why should the research of management academics (2).
have intellectual authority and command the respect Consideration of the contribution of such research
and attention of practitioners? An appropriate (the extent to which it is meaningful) is beyond the
response to such a question would note the role of scope of this paper. It would raise a number of major
management academics generally as social scientists questions, particularly about the agenda for
and that management research is therefore scientific. management research and who sets it; though these
It is not simply because management academics are issues should not be ignored (3). The concern here,
usually to be found in universities and other centres of however, is with whether in seeking to apply scientific
learning and often have titles conveying eminence and method to management, researchers are using the
wisdom! The legitimacy of information management most appropriate research methods and techniques.
research must also be derived from the way in which it This clearly has some bearing on the potential
is conducted. In other words, the scientific method is contribution of research in information management.
employed to ensure that research findings are The case study, it is suggested, is deserving of greater
meaningful, both theoretically and practically within recognition as a research method. Such a claim has to
an applied discipline, accepting that they may not be made within the context of an appreciation of what
have immediate application. management research is trying to achieve.
Einstein said "the whole of science is nothing more Within social science generally there has long been
than a refinement of everyday thinking". The criticism of positivist research orientations (Silverman,
refinement comes from the methods which scientists 1985). This is gradually being acknowledged within
employ. So it is the use of the scientific method which the general management literature (4). However,
confers legitimacy on research into management (and, positivism continues to dominate, especially in the
as a consequence, much management teaching). USA. Despite the leadership of the USA in
However, what does the scientific method amount to in management education, the traditional American
application to management? An examination of the research model would be a poor one to emulate. Being
content of many management journals containing scientific is not solely or necessarily the result of
empirical papers would suggest that being scientific number-crunching. While this author would not deny
means quantification within a hypothetico-deductive a role for quantitative approaches within management
124 Smith

research, qualitative approaches, including the use of ment (5). Science aims to create order, to make sense of
the case study method, are often more appropriate for facts. It seeks patterns or regularities. In so doing, a
tackling the important research problems of informa- process of systematic observation, description,
tion management and management generally. explanation and predication is employed. At least this
In using any research method it is helpful to much can be agreed on. And all of this may be found
understand its epistemological underpinnings. By within the social sciences. A reasonable position to
examining the relationship between epistemology and adopt seems to be one of admitting the limitations of
research methods further support can be found for the social science achievements while acknowledging the
use of qualitative approaches, such as the case study, complexities of social science research. It may then be
in management research. It should be noted that all claimed that the social sciences are sciences in so far as
references to case study research in this paper refer to they apply scientific method. But one must ask what
the development of case studies for research purposes. form of scientific method (if any) is appropriate to
Teaching cases are developed to illustrate established social science.
theories. Research cases are use to build theories, Consider the nature of this particular human
though this does not preclude their later development activity known as science. Hughes notes that 'scientific
into teaching cases. methods seek deliberately to annihilate the individual
scientist's standpoints and are designed as rules
whereby agreement on specific versions of the world
Epistemology and research methods can be reached: a distinction, in short, between the
"Although business researchers may need to learn even more producer of a statement and the procedure whereby it
about techniques, their notable weakness is their inadequate is produced' (Hughes, 1980). The outcome of these
emphasis on the research process. Knowing how to use the methods is scientific knowledge: "a systematic body of
tools and techniques of research does not in itself guarantee concepts, theories, principles and laws or law-like
the effectiveness of an individual in carrying out a scientific
statements designed to explain phenomena" (Hughes,
investigation" (Rigby, 1965).
1980). This outcome is achieved where plausibility is
Rigby's observation on the failure of management recognized or where, as Hughes puts it, there is
researchers to address fundamental methodological agreement on specific versions of the world. The
concerns seems almost as valid today as it was twenty- problem for the social sciences (and hence some of the
five years ago. Such a criticism is borne out by the complexity of social science research as acknowledged
reference above to the positivist orientations found in above) is that this involves a human attempt to explain
much published management research. Positivism can human phenomena. This is problematic because it is
be simply defined as 'working as natural scientists are doubtful as to whether method, can ever 'annihilate'
believed to' (Bell and Newby, 1977). It reflects, the individual scientist's standpoint. Medawar admits
therefore, a belief that the social sciences can be this problem within the natural sciences, he quotes
investigated in the same way as the natural sciences. Whewell: "facts cannot be observed as facts except in
Many writers on research methodology have argued virtue of the conceptions which the observer himself
against positivism, the essence only of these arguments unconsciously supplies" (Medawar, 1967). Such is the
will be necessary here to demonstrate the relationship dilemma posed for the social sciences, that Hughes
between epistemology and research methods and, as a feels obliged to ask: "is a science of social life
consequence, the shortcomings of some of the more impossible?" (Hughes, 1980).
commonly adopted research approaches in manage- In reference to Schutz, Hughes (1980) explains the
ment. dilemma of the social sciences in terms of the social
It should first be noted that positivists only rarely construction of reality: "like all sciences they make
define themselves as such. Positivism is all but a term objective meaning claims, or at least aspire to do so,
of abuse; though some would say rightly so, for in but in the case of social sciences these have to be within
extreme cases it amounts to an ignorance of epistemo- the context of the human activity which has created
logical issues. Yet the 'waters' beyond positivism are them and which cannot be understood apart from this
dangerous. They are best avoided by the Taint of scheme of action". As Berger and Kellner put it, in a
heart'. In some respects, to operate within a positivist different context, "direct access to facts and laws... is
framework allows the researcher the luxury of not never possible, no matter what one's standpoint...
having to question whether the research is meaningful; there is no magical trick by which one can bypass the
the methodological concern of such research often act of interpretation" (Berger and Kellner, 1981). This
focuses on internal rather than external validity. is the basic epistemological problem of social science.
Ultimately this is dysfunctional if social science is to How can the human world be objectively known in
advance. subjective, human terms?
There has been considerable debate about the One may indeed, go further, for scientific activity
`scientificness' of the social sciences, including manage- and what is associated with it, including the status of
Case study: a useful research methodfor information management 125

scientists and scientific knowledge is, after all, like the because the attempt at objectivity is illusory.
phenomena studied by social scientists, a social Moreover, because of this artificial distancing, the
construction. As Ford neatly observes, "when research is not sufficiently close to the phenomenon
academics take off their white scientific coats and under investigation to understand it. So, just as there is
funny philosophical hats they turn into ordinary a requirement 'stand back a bit', there is an equal
people" (Ford, 1975). This is the problem, and one requirement not to stand back so far that the findings
that social scientists cannot escape. Moreover, to echo are distorted by distance as well as by the act of
an earlier and vital theme, if they didn't have their interpretation (6).
white scientific coats and other accoutrements of This argument about distance from the
scientific activity including titles and ivory towers phenomenon under study and its impact upon
would the outcome of such activity, scientific objectivity and whether research is meaningful can be
knowledge, still have intellectual authority? For, as expressed another way. It was noted earlier that
Hughes observes. "it is necessary to ask what it is science involves a systematic process of observation,
about the procedures and methods used by sociological description, explanation and prediction. In applying
researchers or economists, psychologists, historians, natural science methods and techniques to social
etc. which makes them superior, gives them greater science problems, positivist approaches assume that
intellectual authority than those used by, say, the man social science is at a point of noielopment whereby
or woman in the street, the journalist, the racial bigot, methods and technique's appropriate to explanation
the politician, the revolutionary, or a Trobriand and prediction may be employed and that much of the
Islander" (Hughes, 1980). complexity of social phenomenon can be igaored. For
Clearly, at this juncture, the analysis of much of social science, observation and description,
epistemological issues surrounding social science with possibly limited explanation, are the req, 'site
research has reached a point well within the maze of modes. Certainly this is true of management.
research methodology. The problems facing social Accordingly, methods appropriate to this phase of
scientists seem intractable. One might, therefore, development need to be employed.
takec heart in the following words from the sociologist Bonoma (1985) in one of the few papers in the
George Homans, quoted by Denzin in The Research Act: general management literature on the case study
method, covers this problem of positivist research
orientations by referring to a trade-off between
"The most important advice I can give the contemporary currency and date integrity. Currency pertains to
sociologist has nothing to do with the validity of my generalizability of results, an amalgam of what is
arguments. It is this: you do not have to believe anything
elsewhere termed external validity and pragmatic or
about theory and methodology that is told you pretentiously
and sanctimoniously by other sociologists including myself.
ecological validity. Data integrity refers to those
So much guff has gotten mixed with the truth that, if you characteristics of research that affect error and bias in
cannot tell which is which, you had better reject it all. It will research results, an amalgam of internal validity,
only get in your way. No one will go far wrong theoretically statistical conclusion validity and reliability. Bonoma
who remains in close touch with and seeks to understand a notes that, ideally, high levels of both data integrity
body of concrete phenomena" (Denzin, 1978). and results currency should be sought, but that it is not
possible for any single research method simultaneously
to minimize multiple threats to both data integrity and
It is very easy to end up in a methodological maze. currency. So, for example, laboratory experiments
Providing the researcher has a basic grasp of the issues offer high data integrity but low currency, in contrast
and remains close to the phenomena studied, to case research which offers high currency but low
meaningful research is likely to be conducted. Yet, date integrity. He explains:
within this sensible conclusion, lies a key to some
resolution of the problem identified above as well "the study which seeks a high degree of data integrity requires
highlighting the principal weakness of positivist a precise operationalisation of the research variables, a
research. The superiority of scientific knowledge, its relatively large sample size and quantitative data for
greater intellectual authority, stems from whether the statistical power, and the ability to exercise control over
scientist qua scientist was able to 'stand back a bit', persons, settings, and other factors to prevent causal
achieve some measure of objectivity. Morally at least, contamination. In contrast, a study which seeks high
there is an obligation on the scientist to do this if claims currency typically demands situationally unconstrained
operationalisations of variables to allow cross-setting
of superiority are to be made. But even though social
generalisation, and observations within natural, ecologically
science involves human attempts to investigate human valid settings 'noisy' settings where large samples,
phenomena, a natural science, positivist approach to quantitative measures, and control are more difficult to
the social sciences often ignores the inevitable act of achieve. Often, the latter kind of study demands a greater use
interpretation by the scientist. It then becomes invalid of subjective or, at best, clinical analysis." (Bonoma, 1985).
126 Smith

In making the trade-off, choosing the right method, meaningful research demands a sound epistemological
Bonoma suggests the researcher has to consider the base to the research methods. Epistemology and
purpose of the research and nature of the phenomenon research methods are interrelated in a complex way.
under investigation. On the former, Bonoma, in Despite the assumed division between the theory and
essence, notes that high data integrity methods (and, practice of research, the two cannot be considered in
therefore, with low currency) cannot be efficiently isolation. There is, so to speak, a two-way street. Much
applied to theory-building research: that is, research at of the criticism of the use of case studies in research
the description end of a research continuum of stems from this misapprehension, the view that the
description, classification, comparision, measurement/ relationship between epistemology and research
estimation, establising association, and determining methods is unidirectional, a one-way street.
cause and effect. This is because 'either the power
deductive methods is under-utilized, or theory and/or In reply to questions of representativeness
method are prematurely pressed into service when
their underlying assumptions cannot be met'. Of The principal criticism of case studies in research is
course the converse applies to high currency, inductive that they are unrepresentative. Theoretical
methods. In considering the phenomenon under conclusions derived from case studies are not
investigation he suggests the key issues are whether the considered to be valid unless the cases can be
phenomenon can be studied outside its normal setting demonstrated to be typical of the phenomena under
(often requisite for high data integrity) and whether it investigation. The very word representative implies
is amenable to quantification. On the latter point, recourse to survey research methods to demonstrate,
Bonoma gives the examples ofgood practice in market- via quantitative procedures, that the theoretical
ing management as a research topic which currently, conclusions derived from the cases are applicable to
at least, defies quantification. the population as a whole. Qualitative research,
In looking at the research conducted in marketing, according to the canons of positivism, is fine for
Bonoma (1985) concludes that "the apparent research exploratory studies, but quantification is necessary to
bias towards types of investigation that preserve data establish the validity of any findings. The special issue
integrity at the expense of currency results in a of Administrative Science Quarterly, on qualitative
methodological one-sidedness that may impair the research, contained as a preface a neat illustration of
development and testing of sound theories". This this point under the heading 'The Seminar' (4):
reiterates the concern earlier expressed about the Qualitative researcher: 'Many people these days are
research agenda for management. Some areas of bored with their work and are....'
management can quite legitimately be investigated
using quantitative and hypothetico-deductive Quantitative 'What people, how many, when do
approaches. In such circumstances one might conclude researcher they feel this way, when do they
that positivism is acceptable. However, to what extent (interrupting) work, what do they do, why are they
bored, how long have they felt this
are these areas more worthy of investigation than those way, what are their needs, when do
demanding more inductive and qualitative approa- they feel excited, where did they
ches? One must certainly question a research agenda come from, what parts of their work
should it be determined by a requirement to use bother them most, which...'
particular research methods.
Qualitative researcher: 'Never mind.'
In sum, an understanding of the epistemological
issues surrounding social science research point to the So concerns with representatives may be irrelevant.
requirement to use an appropriate method for the Some would argue this irrelevance is absolute. Others
research problem; in other words, 'horses for courses'. that it is only temporary, that for the moment
The debate about positivism has illustrated the representatives can be ignored, but that it must be
limitations of traditional research methods when attended to eventually if generalizations valid
applied to many social science problems. An alterna- theoretical conclusions are to be made. The next
tive and seemingly more potentially fruitful path section, in examining theory-building and the case
would employ qualitative and inductive approaches. study method, is largely concerned with the former
The case study is included in such approaches. proposition that representativeness is absolutely
Epistemological issues as discussed above seem irrelevant. Such a proposition rests on accepting the
frequently to be considered irrelevant to the practice of two-way street concept of the theory and practice of
research to be ignored if the researcher can latch on research , that there is an interrelationship between
to an appropriate research method, appropriateness epistemology and research methods and hence concern
usually stemming from prior use in similar with whether cases are typical or not is epistemologically
circumstances. Yet they have a direct consequence for erroneous. However, before explaining why this
the meaning which may be attributed to the research; should be so,it is useful to consider the proposition that
Case study: a useful research methodfor information management 127

representativeness is only temporarily irrelevant. In so and historically attuned case study with representative
doing, the more conventional argument for the use of coverage and quantification". By incorporating
the case study method may be briefly explored. elements of positivist research design (sampling,
Perhaps surprisingly, there is not a great deal of quantification, etc.), they absolve themselves from the
literature on the use of the case study method, at least charge that their cases are unrepresentative.
not under that title. Yet many researchers refer to case
studies. This imbalance seems to reflect the low status
of case study research (because of the representative- Theory-building and the case study method
ness issue) and the view that it is not a method as such.
One can find references to research methods such as So the problem of representativeness may become
repertory grid or comparative analysis which then temporarily irrelevant either by choosing to view case
produce case studies, but they are not conceived as studies as appropriate to exploratory work only, or by
forming a part of the case study method. Consequently, making them representative through the application of
McClintock et al. (1979) refer to case study strategies quantitative procedures. However, both solutions still
rather than methods: "the differences between case accept the epistemological requirement for
study and sample survey strategies in the analysis of representativeness. One may, alternatively, view it as
organizations reflect a broader distinction in the social absolutely irrelevafit.
sciences between qualitative and quantitative There are two reasons for this. Firstly, one may have
methods". This would indicate that case studies are an different intentions when using case studies as opposed
approach, rather than a method. As Goode and Hatt to survey research. One's purpose, for example, may
put it over thirty years ago: be with description rather than correlation.
Consequently, Benson and Hughes distinguish
"The case study, then, is not a specific technique. It is a way between the different intentions in ethnomethodology
of organising social data so as to preserve the unitary character and what they choose to term conventional sociology
of the social object being studied. Expressed somewhat differently, (read positivist):
it is an approach which views any social unit as a whole.
Almost always, this means of approach includes the "What we are not saying is that conventional sociology and
development of that unit, which may be a person, a family or ethnomethodology are in competition with each other; that,
other social group, a set of relationships or processes... or even for example, the ethnomethodologist's approach to the study
an entire culture' (their emphasis), (Goode and Hatt (1952). of crime is a better alternative to those exemplified in
criminology or sociology.., under ethnomethodological
Clearly the case study is not a technique, it is not a treatment the topic as conceived by 'conventional' sociology
means for obtaining data. Yet it may be described as a tends to dissolve or disappear, suggesting, to put it no
research method in so far as it is a method for stronger than this, that ethnomethodology's interest lies in a
organizing data. One may also refer to case study different direction pointing to different phenomena". (Benson
methods, such as participant observation, content and Hughes, 1983).
analysis, or repertory grid, by which data for case
studies is obtained (Cohen and Mannion, 1980). Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, there is
However it is simpler to distinguish between the recognition that representativeness is irrelevant
techniques and the method, particularly as techniques because it can be a spurious basis for claiming validity.
such as content analysis or repertory grid are not Worsley et al. write:
exclusive to the case study method.
Case studies, as qualitative research, may be "The general validity of the analysis does not depend on
employed within a positivist perspective. One may whether the case being analysed is representative of other
cases of this kind, but rather upon the plausibility of the logic
seek to involve numbers and counting, as Jauch et al. of the analysis. The generality is of the same kind that enabled
(1980) suggest in advocating the structured content Sir Ronald Ross to announce the 'cause' of malaria when he
analysis of cases. Or, as McClintock et al. (1979) found the malaria parasite in the salivary gland of a single
propose, apply the logic and method of survey female Anopheles mosquito in 1897" (Worsley et al., 1970).
research. The latter paper considers some of the
literature on the use of case studies and qualitative Mitchell has expanded on this argument in an article
versus quantitative approaches. It suggests a choice which presents a particularly thorough and convincing
between thick, deep, and holistic, and thin, narrow, submission for the case study method (Mitchell, 1983).
but generalizable. In response to the question: "what As he shows, "logical inference is epistemologically
do you do if you prefer data that are real, deep and quite independent of statistical inference". How he
hard?" (raised by Zelditch in 1962), McClintock et al. comes to this conclusion is worthy of close
(1979) favour the invention of research designs that consideration. Mitchell starts by referring to an eclipse
incorporate qualitative and quantitative strategies. of interest in case studies as a method of sociological
They seek (quoting Warwick), "to wed the qualitative analysis, which he attributes to the tremendous
128 Smith
increase in quantitative studies following the a representative sample drawn from a parent population
development of statistical techniques and powerful probably reflects reasonably accurately given sampling
computer technology. He suggests there is a errors the distribution of ages within that population. A
consequent confusion about the use of case studies, as difficulty arises however when the relationship between
indicated by the challenge frequently addressed to characteristics is considered. In the sample analysed a
relationship a correlation in fact may be noted between say
those who have chosen to pursue the deviant path of age and the probability of being married. In terms of the
case studies: "how do you know the case you have canons of statistical inference the analyst may assume that the
chosen is typical?" Mitchell responds to this challenge same relationship exists between the same characteristics in
by explaining the difference between making the parent population. Note, however, that the inference from
inferences from statistical data and from cases. In so the sample in relation to the parent population is simply
doing, he provides guidelines for the use of case studies about the concomitant variation of two characteristics. The
in social investigation and theory building. analyst must go beyond the sample and resort to theoretical
A simple definition of the case study is at first thinking to link those characteristics together... The inference
presented: "the basic descriptive material an observer about the logical relationship between the two characteristics
is not based upon the representatives of the sample and
has assembled by whatever means available about therefore upon its typicality, but rather upon the plausibility
some particular phenomenon or set of events". This, or upon the logicality of the nexus between the two
however, would also apply to the cases of physicians characteristics" (his emphasis), (Mitchell, 1983).
and other practitioners trained in the systematic
recording of information, such as psychiatrists, social Mitchell offers an interesting example of a study for
workers and so on. It is necessary to emphasize the which the author claimed validity on the basis of
distinction between their purposes and that here of statistical significance, but which was rejected because
using the material to infer theoretical principles. it was not plausible. The findings were rejected, not
Moreover, the term observer is better replaced by because the variables failed to statistically correlate,
analyst because of the analystic intentions. So but because they were not logically (or causally, if one
Mitchell's definition characterizes a case study as "a prefers) related. The research had linked interpreta-
detailed examination of an event (or series of related tions of Rorschach ink-blots with dietary disorders. It
events) which the analyst believes exhibits (or exhibit) had been found that there was a statistically significant
the operation of some identified general theoretical difference between those with dietary disorders and
principle". Different types of case study may be those without, in terms of the former reacting to the
identified according to their complexity and their use blot with a 'frog' response. This the research attributed
(these are considered in the next section). Following to an unconscious belief in the cloacal theory of birth,
his classification of the types of case studies, Mitchell which involves oral impregnation and anal
turns to his central concern and the fundamental parturition. The cloaca of the frog (its excretary and
problem in case studies: "the basis upon which general reproductive canals) are common, a biological fact
inferences may be drawn from them". providing, it is assumed, the rationale for this belief.
Mitchell asks how ostensibly unique material can The research hypothesized: "since patients should be
form the basis for inference about some process in inclined to manifest eating disorders:compulsive
general. The very word case connotes this uniqueness eating in the case ofthose who wish to get pregnant and
and the implication of a chance or haphazard anorexia in those who do not...such patients should
occurrence. Yet most social anthropological and much also be inclined to see cloacal animals such as frogs on
sociological theorizing is founded on case studies. He the Rorschach". The response of other clinical
suggests the difficulties in the practice of the case study psychologists to this however was 'I don't believe it',
method arise out of the common assumption that the even after having seen the experimental results. The
only valid basis of inference is that which has been theory proposed was rejected on the grounds of
developed in relation to statistical analysis. However, plausibility, regardless of unimpeachable method. As
as Mitchell goes to great lengths to explain, statistical Mitchell explains, " while the clinical psychologists
analysis merely permits the inference that may well have accepted that more people with dietary
characteristics within the sample may be expected disorders saw the blots as frogs than those without,
within the population. Theorized relationships they could not accept the explanation of the relationship
between the characteristics are the result of a separate between the two characteristics" (his emphasis).
procedure and not substantiated by statistical He is not, of course, the first to recognize such a
analysis. Having described the purposes of statistical distinction. Glaser and Strauss, for example, make the
analysis, Mitchell writes: distinction between theoretical and statistical
"In so far as the descriptive features of the sample (and
therefore of the parent population) are concerned the validity "Theoretical sampling is done in order to discover categories
of the inference is probably sound. The distribution of age of and their properties, and to suggest the interrelationship into
Case study: a useful research methodfor information management 129

a theory. Statistical sampling is done to obtain accurate position that representativeness is only temporarily
evidence on distributions of people among categories to be irrelevant. Robinson's argument assumes case studies
used in descriptions or verifications' (Glaser and Strauss, concentrate on instances where the phenomenon
1967). under investigation actually occurs". To do this is, of
course, eminently sensible: it is a far more efficient way
Mitchell, in turn, recognizes the commonly of seeking evidence than the mere random selection of
accepted distinction between statistical inference and cases. Yet this does not presume a requirement for
scientific or causal inference. The former is "the statistical procedures to take into account those
process by which the analyst draws conclusions about occasions when the phenomenon does not occur, for
the existence of two or more characteristics in some these will have already been accounted for in the
wider population from some sample of that population theorizing. As Mitchell puts it, "the extent to which
to which the observer has access", whereas, "scientific generalization may be made from case studies depends
or causal or perhaps more appropriately logical upon the adequacy of the underlying theory and the
inference, is the process by which the analyst draws whole corpus of related knowledge of which the case is
conclusions about the essential linkage between two or analysed rather than on the particular instance itself "
more characteristics in terms of some systematic (Mitchell, 1983).
explanatory schema some set of theoretical proposi- Selecting cases for study will not, as a consequence,
tions." Importantly though, Mitchell recognizes that therefore rest on how typical the case may be, but on its
the distinction is often absent in quantitative studies: explanatory power. Indeed, the deviant cases may be
"in analytical thinking based on quantitative chosen, as analytical induction suggests, to
procedures both types ofinference proceed pari passu but demonstrate the limits to generalization. The
there has been some tendency to elide logical inferences presentation of a case will be limited to that material
with the logic of statistical inference: that the which most effectively reveals the theoretical principle
postulated logical connection among features in a investigated, for just as the best cases are employed, so
sample may be assumed to exist in some parent are the best elements within each case. This atypical,
population simply because the features may be selective quality to case studies gives rise to their
inferred to coexist in that population' (his emphasis), criticism as a basis for generalization, but this is ill-
Mitchell, 1983). founded. Irrelevant elements, just as irrelevant cases
More importantly, this distinction paves the way for would merely serve to confuse; providing the analyst
illustrating the irrelevance of representativeness in meets the ceteris paribus criterion they should be
case studies, for the analyst, in using this method, is ignored. Mitchell explain: "in interpreting the events
only concerned with logical inference. As Mitchell in any particular case theoretically the analyst must
argues, "the process of inference from case studies is suppress some of the complexity in the events and state
only logical or causal and cannot be statistical and the logical connexions among some of the features
extrapolability from any one case study to like situa- which are germane to the interpretation". And later, in
tions in general is based only on logical inference. We reference to Gluckman, "it is perfectly justifiable for
infer that the features present in the case study will be the analyst to operate with a simplified account of the
related in a wider population not because the case is context within which the case is located provided that
representative but because our analysis is unassailable". the impact of the features of that context on the events
So in summary of Mitchell's position on the extent to being considered in the analysis are incorporated
which case studies have validity, Silverman writes, rigorously into the analysis" (Mitchell, 1983). Much,
"the claim, therefore, is not to representiveness but to of course, is left to the analyst, particularly his or her
faultless logic" (Silverman, 1985). intimate knowledge of the circumstances of the case:
Silverman points out that implicit in Mitchell's
"All cases are necessarily contextualised and generalizations
analysis here is the logic of analytical induction. made from case studies must therefore be qualified with a
Mitchell (1983) contrasts analytical induction and ceteris paribus condition. It is incumbent on the observer to
enumerative induction in reference to Znaniecki and to provide readers with a minimal account of the context to
Robinson. Referring to the latter, he observes "by its enable them to judge for themselves the validity of treating
procedures analytical induction isolates the necessary other things as equal in that instance" (Mitchell, 1983).
circumstances for the manifestation of some
phenomenon but does not in itself establish sufficient
conditions... whereas enumerative induction, as
Mitchell's observations on the logic of case studies has
been usefully summarized in a table by Silverman
exemplified by statistical procedures, establishes
(1985). This is shown in Table 1. In sum, it should be
sufficient conditions for the phenomenon to occur" (his
emphasis) (Mitchell, 1983); though this is not to recognized that spistemology and research methods
are interrelated. A position on the former does not
suggest a case for using both case studies and quantita-
tive procedures, that is, as noted above, adopting the simply give rise to the latter. Accepting this two-way
130 Smith
Table 1. The logic of case studies While apt illustrations and social situations are
principally distinguished by differences in complexity,
Survey research Case study social situations and extended case studies are
Claim to Depends on represent- Only valid if distinguished by complexity and the duration of time
validity tativeness ofsample based on spanning the events described. The extended case
on articulated study is probably best exemplified by the lone
theory anthropologist landing on a South Seas island,
notebook and pencil in one hand, a large suitcase in the
Nature of Correlations not causes Logical/causal other, with the intention of staying for some time.
explanations connections Margaret Mead's study of the coming ofage on Samoa
Relation to Theory-neutral Theory- would be a well-known, if highly criticised, example.
theory dependent Eckstein has distinguished five categories of case
study according to the way in which the case may be
street prompts a reappraisal of the accepted wisdom used as a contribution to theoretical thinking (7).
that the case study method is inferior to quantitative
methods because it lacks representativeness. Such a (1 ) Configurative-idiographic studies.
charge often prompts the response that representative- Disciplined configurative studies.
ness is temporarily irrelevant; either because the case Heuristic case studies.
studies are exploratory, implying survey research at Plausibility probes.
some future date, or that quantitative and qualitative Crucial case studies.
procedures may be combined to provide the 'best of
Crucial case studies are comparable to the crucial test
both worlds', which, while acknowledging the
in the natural sciences. Plausibility probes are studies
usefulness of case studies, still assumes the importance
designed tentatively to test theory developed which
of representativeness. Alternatively, representatives has perhaps resulted from heuristic case studies.
may be viewed as absolutely irrelevant. This position,
Configurationidiographic studies describe events and
contrary to accepted wisdom, reflects either an their circumstances which may indicate relationships,
acknowledged difference in purpose, as in the concern but not necessarily general theoretical interpretations.
of an ethnographer to describe a simple society as part Finally, there are disciplined configurative studies,
of an anthropological study, or recognition of the which do indicate general theoretical interpretations.
epistemological distinction between statistical and They "as their name implies are still configurations or
logical inference.
patterns of elements but the observer does not look
upon these as unique or idiographic. Instead the
Types of case study analyst seeks to interpret the patterns in terms of
general theoretical postulates."
Gluckmann distinguishes between three types of case
study, which may be viewed as falling along a
continuum of increasing complexity (7). These are apt Conducting case study research
illustrations, social situations and case studies.
The apt illustration is "a description of some fairly The data collected frequently comes from both
simple event or occurrence in which the operation of primary and secondary sources. Semi-structured
some general principle is clearly illustrated". More interviews, using interview schedules often provide
complex is the analysis of a social situation, where much of the primary data. The interviews should, with
"some restricted and limited (bounded) set of events is the permission of the respondents, be tape-recorded
analysed so as to reveal the way in which general and subsequently transcribed in full. Transcribing
principles of social organization manifest themselves interviews is a lengthy process, but worthwhile as it
in some particular specified context"; for example, enables the researcher to stay close to the data. Tape-
Gluckman's account of the official opening of a bridge recording ensures all data were noted and, in leaving
in Zululand, which brought together different sectors the researcher free from the burden of making notes,
of the population, reflects the structure of South allows concentration on the issues of concern and
African society at that time. Then, finally, there is the rapport to develop more easily. Data such as copies of
extended case study, typically dealing with a sequence letters, reports and so on, may also be obtained from
of events over a long time period and "where the same interviewees. Interviews are problematic in a number
actors are involved in a series of situations in which of ways, but principally:
their structural positions must continually be re-
specified and the flow of actors through different social (1) Through the interviewer's values reflected in
positions specified". The emphasis here is on a process. the question asked and the interaction, as well as
Case study: a useful research method for information management 131

non-verbal cues (raised eyebrows, for example) research as lived may not have the time or requirement
which may bias response and interpretation. for such fancy procedures. Coding, for this author at
In terms of validity respondents providing least, was achieved satisfactorily and intuitively
answers the interviewers wants to hear, or that the during the data collection. Only on writing-up the
respondent would like the interviewer to hear. cases was it thought necessary to code the data in any
Inappropriate for the research question. Some way, and then only to be certain of conveying key
research questions cannot be answered by elements within the cases (10). This may, however,
interviews. have had something to do with the partly deductive
approach adopted or the research problem. However,
These problems and others as identified by many the usefulness of explicit coding during data collection
sources, (8) must as far as possible, be controlled for; appears limited. If the research is close to the data,
though the author has much sympathy with analysis and theorizing is inevitably taking place. The
Silverman's position that there is no bad way of doing value of such procedures may have more to do with
interviews, there is only bad analysis of interviews. As making qualitative research appear acceptable and
he writes, "for positivists, interviews are essentially rigorous, than improving the method.
about ascertaining facts or beliefs out there in the A further consideration is deciding how many cases
world", whereas (as an interactionist would argue) to present, yet this may be out of the hands of the
interviews may also be seen as social events in researcher. This author found that as each case
themselves, involving interviewer and interviewee in progressed, as each interview was conducted, the data
mutual participant observation (Silverman, 1985). were found to be conforming to a pattern. In other
Interviews are not just about asking questions and words, a theory was emerging. The content of the data
taking the answer given, but also about interactions, became predictable because it conformed with
as, for example, how they reveal feelings or fears. So expectations. This is common to qualitative research
finally, before reviewing the strengths and weaknesses and is sometimes referred to as saturation (by Glaser
of case studies, this section should make brief mention and Strauss (1967) for example). When saturation is
of the form of analysis which may be employed. achieved, the researcher may claim to have a sufficient
The more sophisticated sources of qualitative data number of cases.
analysis refer to explicit coding and analytical
procedures, whereby categories (concepts or
relationships) and their properties are identified and Strengths and weaknesses of the case study
analysed as they occur within the data (9). Some method
advocate quantitative procedures, from simply
counting categories to statistical analysis. Ignoring the "Case studies of whatever form are a reliable and respectable
positivist overtones of coding and its analysis, there is procedure of social analysis... much criticism of their
the problem of specifying what to code. If the data reliability and validity has been based on a misconception of
the basis upon which the analyst may justifiable extrapolate
alone is to generate theories then clearly categories
from an individual case study to the social process in
cannot be specified a priori. This suggests either leaving general... The validity of the extrapolation depends not on the
the coding to the end of the data collection, which typicality or representatitiveness of the case but upon the
would deny flexibility such that interesting categories cogency of the theoretical reasoning".
would only be recognized too late to prevent
appropriate investigation within the study, or coding The use of the case study method can lead to charges of
everything, a burdensome (if not impossible) task, as anecdotalism. Yet for many research topics within
Glaser and Strauss (1967) acknowledge. They propose management this method is the most appropriate.
the constant comparative method, which, they However, case studies need not be viewed as solely
suggest, incorporates an ongoing explicit coding exploratory or tentative exercises in research. Their
procedure and permits theory development during the validity, when correctly understood, depends, as
study. Mitchell indicates above, on how they are used and the
However, on the basis of this author's experiences of logic of their analysis. Yet it would be foolish to
case study research this source and even the 'hands-on' understate some of the weaknesses of the case study
manual by Miles and Huberman, seem remote from method. As the earlier discussion has indicated,
the practice of research. Research as lived, where qualitative approaches do bring the researcher closer
interviews are a process of continual idea to the phenomenon under investigation and some
development; where theory is the outcome of a might say too close. This raises two distinct problems.
combination of studying other works, the data Firstly, the problem of the dependence on the
collection and chance occurrences and conversations; researcher's skills of clinical analysis in maintaining
where, as Latour and Woolgar (1979) comment on the objectivity. Yet as with quantitative research,
natural sciences, order is brought forth from chaos; judgement may still be passed on the validity of
132 Smith
research results (indeed, the distinction between These questions are clearly important, not least
qualitative and quantitative research may be artificial when the demand for management teaching at the
in many ways). As earlier discussions suggests, on undergraduate, postgraduate and post-experience
might agree with Ratcliffe (1983) that "all approaches levels grows apace, the substance of which is at
to inquiry are inherently qualitative in nature". least partly fed by academic research. This author
Secondly, there is the political consideration of the would argue that the criteria for determining the
acceptability of case study research. As Bonoma management research agenda should be at least
somewhat drily observes and is perhaps a fitting partly determined by practitioner and teaching
conclusion to this paper "because the major thrust of requirements, though this is not to suggest that
most published marketing research is towards management research should be partisan and
deductive, numerate, and causally directed research, solely concerned with the interests of managers.
the researcher may have a greater challenge in
demonstrating the benefits and necessity of qualitative (4) See, for example, the special issue of the
methods for the problem sudied" (Bonoma, 1985). Administrative Science Quarterly on qualitative research,
24 (December 1979), or Bonoma, (1985).
(5) See, for example, Dainty, P. (1983). 'Meaningful
Notes management research', Graduate Management
Research, 1, 1 Spring); Hunt, S. D. (1976). 'The
An abridged version of this paper appears in nature and scope of marketing', Journal of Marketing,
Mansfield, R. (ed.) (1989). Frontiers of Management. 40, July.
Routledge: London. (6) Silverman identifies three assumptions central to
Bonoma, for example, found that a random theoretical critiques of positivism which are reflected
sample of ten issues (124 articles) of the journal of here:
Marketing Research contained no qualitative studies of
any sort. See Bonoma, T. V. (1985) 'Case research in Analytically, we cannot put our commonsense
marketing: opportunities, problems', Journal of knowledge of social structures on one side in the
Marketing Research, 22. misplaced hope of achieving an objective
Few can deny the logic of the corporate viewpoint. In an inter-subjective world, both
requirement for a sense of mission, objectives and observer and observed use the same resources to
strategy. Management teachers regularly highlight the identify 'meanings'.
importance of corporate direction; after all, `if you Methodologically, it should be recognized that a
don't know where you are going, you may end up in the statistical logic and an experimental method are
wrong place'. Yet this logic is so rarely applied to not always appropriate for the study of this inter-
academic research and research in management is no subjective world. Random sampling methods and
exception. Is this a case of 'physician heal thyself ? Or the use of control groups derive from a logic which
is it that research is an activity which, because of the is not necessarily applicable to a post-positivist
uncertainties that surround it and the loose universe.
organization of those that conduct it, defies any sort of Practically, because we are dealing with an inter-
planning? Surely some direction for management subjective world, policy interventions based on a
research, particularly as it falls within an applied stimulusresponse model of change are neither
academic discipline, is both possible and necessary. analytically nor politically acceptable. We can no
There are therefore some key questions about the role longer, therefore, accept a picture of objective
and nature of management research which should be experts manipulating variables to produce
addressed by the management academic 'community': outcomes as tolerable for research practice' (op. cit.
(note 3), p. ix).
Who sets the agenda for management research? (7) In Mitchell, op. cit. (note 25).
How and to what extent does management (8) Useful sources are Hartman, J. J. and Hedblom J.
research contribute to management teaching? H. (1977) Methods for the Social Sciences: A Handbookfor
How and to what extent does management Students and Non- Specialists Greenwood Press,
research contribute to management practice? Westport, chapter 11; and Ackroyd, S. and J. A.
What efforts are being made to integrate Hughes (1981). Data Collection in Context Longman;
management research findings, to produce a Harlow, chapter 4.
coherent body of knowledge? (9) Such as Miles, M. B. and A. M. Huberman
What are the most appropriate methods and (1984). Qualitative Data Analysis: A Sourcebook of New
techniques for researching problems in Methods (Sage, Beverley Hills), pp. 49-78; or Glaser
management? and Strauss, op. cit. (note 26). pp. 101-115
Case study: a useful research method for information management 133

(for their constant comparative method). Sociological Review, 31, 187-211.

(10) Although it is worth noting that a journal was Ratcliffe, J.W. (1983) Notions of validity in qualitative
kept during research by this author as advocated by research methodology. Knowledge, Creation, Diffusion,
Mills, recording chronologically ideas on the research, Utilisation. 5, 2, December.
including the data collection. See Mills, C. Wright Rigby, P.H. (1965) Conceptual Foundations in Business
(1959), 'On intellectual craftmanship', appendix to Research. John Wiley, New York.
The Sociological Imagination, Oxford University Press, Silverman, D. (1985) Qualitative Methodology and
New York. Sociology. Gower, Aldershot.
Worsley, P. et al. (1970) Introducting Sociology. Penguin,
Bell, C. and Newby, H. (1977) Doing Sociological Biographical notes
Research. Allen and Unwin, London.
Benson, D. and Hughes, J.A. (1983) The Perspective of Craig Smith is a Visiting Assistant Professor of
Ethnomethodology. Longman, London. Business Administration at Harvard Business School.
Berger, P. and Kellner, H. (1981) Sociology reinterpreted: He was formerly Lecturer in Marketing and Director
An Essay on Method and Vocation. Penguin, of the Consumer Behaviour Research Centre at
Harmondsworth. Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield Institute
Bonoma, T.V. (1985) Case research in marketing: of Technology, Bedford, UK. He had been at
opportunities, problems and a process. journal of Cranfield since 1981, during which time he also taught
Marketing Research, 22, May. at Cambridge University; EAP, the European School
Cohen, L. and Manion, L. (1980) Research Methods in of Management Studies in Oxford; and London
Education. Groom Helm, London. Business School. Smith holds a PhD in marketing and
Densin, N.K. (1978) The Research Act: A Theoretical comsumer behaviour from Cranfield (1985) and a BA
Introduction to Sociological Methods. McGraw Hill, New
in marketing, with first class honours, from
York. Huddersfield Polytechnic (1981). Smith's research
Ford, J. (1975). Paradigms and Fairy Tales: An focuses on social issues arising from or impacting on
introduction to the Science of Meanings. Routledge and marketing practice. He applies marketing
Kegan Paul, London. management, consumer behaviour, and consumer
Glaser B.G. and Strauss, A. L. (1967) The Discovery of policy perspectives. Smith is currently working on a
Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. project to develop the Harvard ethics initiative in the
Aldine, New York. marketing area. Smith is the author of more than
Goode, W. J. and Hatt, P.K. (1952) Methods in Social twenty publications on marketing management and
Research. McGraw Hill, London. business policy issues. His work appears in journals
Hughes, J. (1980) The Philosophy of Social Research. such as: Quarterly Review ofMarketing, EuropeanJournal of
Longman, London. Marketing, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, and
Jauch, L.R., Osborn, R.N. and Martin, T.N. (1980) European Management journal. He has also contributed
Structured content analysis of cases: a complementary chapters to a variety of books and to academic
method for organisational research. Academy of conferences. His book Morality and the Market: Consumer
Management Review, 5, 4. Pressure for Corporate Accountability (Routledge, London
Latour, B. and Woolgar, S. (1979) Laboratory Life: The and New York, 1990) examines consumer activism in
Social Construction of Scientific Facts. Sage, Beverly Hills. the marketplace. He is the co-author of the
McClintock, C., Brannon, D. and Moody, S.M. (1979) forthcoming Management Research Handbook
Applying the logic of sample surveys to qualitative (Routledge) and the founder editor of a journal on
case studies: the case cluster method. Administrative research.
Science Quarterly. 24, December. Address for correspondence: Professor N. Craig
Medawar, P. B. (1967) The Art of the Soluble Methuen, Smith, University of California at Berkeley, School of
London. Business Administration, 350 Barrows Hall, Berkeley
Mitchell, J.C. (1983) Case and situation analysis. The CA 94720 USA.

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