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IT'S SIMPLE TO MAKE YOUR MARK. ® oO 0 | yen ‘[ruesee | pur tave | pup tose | pupaves || papazee | PHRa299 CL a Unii AlINet** Uni AliNet** DN cli ee a I ‘Netflix Mobile Plan (12 months) ‘Signature 5G o©®) o® © Ziman Pimenihe munsee | uP rave | pHpT999 | pHBave> || pHPzae | PHEGIOS 5GB 10GB 15GB 30GB 30GB 60GB Una nae 0©®), ow) o© ow comer 6 months Meee PHP 999 PHP 1499 PHP 1999 PHP 2999 ek up trom Ti Stor: Comet Detrery(Sreping Aces! ea rid eA ule Repsol Pe up tor Other Store Bronch "56 pomred arse tho Smart Seeerhed pone aaa Chosen Plan ae AlNet: Smor/Sun/THI/Gidbe/TM/her mabe cand Chosen Device TOTAL MONTHLY FEE Commitment Period Promo Availed, now more about The Smart representaie has shown me iterate coy "sete cela Harenen (onan | O semememie ‘Acsnowiedged iberlber's Name ond Signature 1480 Go PHP 149 NETFLIX PHP 149 Mobile / PHP 369 Basic / HBO: PHP 489 Standard / PHP 549 Premium Ba ee eee ee i 8 Spotify PHP 149 spotty Premium / PHP 189 Spotty Premium Duo /PHP 214 Premium Family Date ot Application For wa HOLASco JEMAR VLAVUEYA, rise JEM=SEEA _ orf n-s4-090 VMLAWEYA EZARETA ESCnrrS Net UCI ST eamona S980. Bey peek, BAeIEL Bole O onstconmct O tetyretesonRemsnring Mon: __) CAI OFAOAI —_ AAS EPR YEE Gon, onkuares Tones MEPELIN —_Notesco ee conan foe O°2HEFEAS. sno SEER ae a a snare UATUES. LOWETERA He: acess 284 PAU aaa ST BS} SOCMETO PULA | paAceN) eng Service wth Caren Empre ons Ge MOLNeNS relearn rena) OTN Concent ae photor Ov score rc Fp | ety eri) soucecthppiesten: O) rbaind | owas | ‘Se eget ae AUTOMATIC DEBIT AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. My enrollment to the Automatic Debit Agreement (ADA shall take effect upon acquiring bank, and SMART. 3, Upon the approval of my ent authorize SMART to autom: ment to the ADA, | hereby ly charge my total account ard, on a monthly basis Provides that incase the credit cardbiling charge submitted by SMART tothe isuing bank or acquiring bank is rejected or dectined for any reason whatsoever, SMART may stil attemy to submit the same billing charge to the issuing bank or acquiring bank until the total account balance for the next biling period! ances to my enrolled Balances that ae stil outta enrollment to the ADA may be charged by SMART to my Credit card upon approval of my ADA enrollment. ‘event that the creditcard biling charge submitted by ART to the issuing bank or acquiring bank is rejected or declined for any reason or whatsoever, | shall settle ry outstanding balance directly with SMART of through SMART's accredited payment channels, | understand that in case of changes in my credit card ‘number brought about by cases, such a, but not limited to, lost cect card, upgrade andlor card renewal, | shall be required to submit a new ADA Enrollment Form indicating wee changes. | understand that in case of changes in my, credit card expiry date, brought about by cases, such as, but not limited to card renewal, | shall be required to report the expiry date of my enrolled credit card to your customer service. Incase fllto report the new credit card expiry date and my enrolled creditcard is alteady expired, SMART shall endeavor fo try to update the new expiry date to be able to Continue the submission of my biling charge to the issuing bank orthe acquiring bank. Provided however that, Ishallbe held liable for any inconvenience or delay of my payments shouls the creait card company decline the transaction due tothe changes in my credit card number andlor creditcard ‘expy date which are not reported to you. understand that in case of changes in my mobile number or account number brought about by cases, such as, but not limited to, change in ownership oF account migration to or from any of the SMART Postpaid services, | shall be required to submit 3 new ADA Enrollment Form indicating these changes, | understand that at any time, SMART may initiate the cancellation of my enrollment to the ADA, for any teason whatsoever. In case of such cancellation, or any other cancellation for any reason whatsoever, | shall pay my bills directly to SMART or through SMART's accredited payment channels. Any amount due prior to the effective date of such cancellation shall stil be due and demandable and may Il be submitted by SMART to the issuing bank or acquiring bank for approval prior to the effective date of the cancellation, fully understand that my enrollment tothe ADA may entitle ‘my account to exemptions from the pre-redrection and redirection services even when my usage has exceeded the assigned credit limi for my account. Undertake to have read, understood and agreed to the Terms: ‘and Conditions governing the Automatic Debit Agreement (ADA) a evidenced by my signature in this Application Form. PLDT Group Credit-Checking Declaration My signature below signifies that | authorize S \ obtain relevant information about myself and my cr on from SMART’s subsidiaries and affiliates for the validation my credit history in orde application for service subscription. | authorize the releast Of such information by these companies from which my information will be requested, acknowledge that a complete list of SMART's subsidiaries and. affilates m y_ be accessed by myself on Subscriber's signature over printed name amOD-VeYN GCE tena This is to declare that | have read and accepted the Subscriber's Declaration and hereby consentacknowiedge that my acceptance will carry over/cover all applicable ____ tine applications herewith. | | | | | | Subscriber’ signature over printed name | | | | Date (Ma-DD-YvvY) Plan Device Mobile No, | Plan baat || Mobie no; — Plan Device ‘Mobile No. | | Plan Device ‘Mobile No. JEMAR V. NOLASCO 2012.02.090 ‘SIGNATURE Home aero: 48814 Sta Luca St Bry. Tabang Panel, Bulacan, Contact Person: Nols Cotnsuerars ‘This sto certy that he bearer, whose ‘ame, signature and picture appear on {tis card is a bonafede employe of LIMITLESS KONSTRAG INC. | omni

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