Lesson Plan p.14-30

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Lesson Plan for 2nd August 2021 and 6th August 2021

Date : 2nd August 2021

Time : 08.00 – 09.10, 09.25 – 11.35
Time allotment : 3 hours 20 minutes

A. Teaching material
a. Student Course Book (SCB) “Foundation of English 2” page 14 – 22
b. Recording of a talk back radio program
B. Learning Topics
a. Modals of obligations, prohibition, and permission (SCB: 14)
b. Expressing insistence, sympathy, and surprise (SCB: 16)
c. Listening: What can you do? (SCB: 17)
C. Learning Purpose
By the end of the lesson, the students would be able to:
a. understand the use of obligations, prohibition, and permission (writing skill)
b. work on stress and intonation relate to expressing insistence, sympathy, and surprise (speaking skill)
c. develop students’ listening skills relate to recognizing key cohesive devices and sequencers into organization of a
listening text (listening skill)
C. Learning activities
Stages Activities

General Actions Detailed Actions and Detailed Actions and Notes Duration

Opening 1) Greeting the students 1) Getting attention from 1) The teacher used “good 5 minutes
and asking how they students and showing morning, everyone. How are
have been appreciation toward them you today?” for greeting
2) The teacher said: “Today, we
2) Informing them about 2) to centralize student will discuss modals of
the topic for today’s attention to the new topic obligation, expression of
lesson before beginning the insistence altogether with
lesson listening an audio about
public transportation”
3) Give some leading 3) to centralize and narrows 3) The teacher asked and walked
questions relate to the student’s focus to the around the students: “Well,
topics by asking their topics let’s move on first topic fist…,
knowledge and everyone, what’s on your
comprehension mind when you hear about
modals of obligation?”
1. Scriptwriting (Writing Skill and Speaking Skill) p. 16
Kriteria for speaking skill: pronunciation, intonation, word-stress, fluency.
Kriteria for writing skill: grammar and punctuations.
2. Listening skill (3) (listening skill) p. 19
Kriteria for listening skill: correct answers for task 3 and task 4
3. Story Writing (writing skill and speaking skill) p. 22
Kriteria for speaking skill: pronunciation and fluency.
Kriteria for writing skill: grammar and punctuations.
4. Reading Comprehension p. 27 (reading skill) task 3 and 4
Kriteria: Correct answer of task 3 and 4
5. Grammar Skill (4b and 5) p. 25 and vocabulary
Kriteria: Correct answer for task 4b and correct sentence-writing (grammatically and semantically) for task 5.
6. Roleplay p. 28 (Speaking and writing)
Kriteria for speaking skill: pronunciation, intonation, word-stress, fluency.
Kriteria for writing skill: grammar and punctuations.

Pengambilan sample untuk comparison dua nilai (INI DIREKAM)

1) Discussion
2) Presentation
3) Writing di file.

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