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Alhamdulillah- Kalmai Shukr (All Praise to Allah,Thanks to Allah):

What I see and found Kalmai Shukr: is whatever situation comes no matter state of happiness or
state of sorrows, servant of Allah must say Alhamdulillah. This is not oral gesture but it
encompasses mind, tongue and body. when situation come first situation facer must realize that
whatever happened and came it from Supreme Power who is My Rubb(God), then he must make
dua Alhamdulilah that thanks Allah whatever happened you know the best for me (this time
person has to submit his will infornt of Allah ‘s will) and on the third stage person has to be
agree and surrender and start doing according to Allah s will.

As Allah says in Quran that “Hasbi Allahu Namul Wakil Namul Maula Wa Namul Nasir”

When servant of Allah performs act of Shukr Alhamdulillah he is saying ,Oh !Allah I am
realizing, recognizing your power and knowledge. Allah (swt) is more merciful in every situation
it is we who take different situations in different way. Infact Allah (Swt) is same but He knows
that what situation is the most preferable and benefial for us.

Allah(Swt)never come directly to make a person do or not do the things but He makes the
situation in which we are directed accordingly. This is Allah ‘s power indirectly which take in or
out from the situation and only we are who take the situation in our mind and body.

Allah (swt) blessed us with many blessings but we are not noticing and realizing ,because we are
always comparing, complaining and indulge into the inferiorities and complexes but if we just
subordinate infront of will of Allah then we will not be worried ,tense and sad. Alhamdullilah.

If any situation came where person is distrous and feel regretful, now how can one come out
from the situation?If person just think who is the most power full more than him and how power
are circulated no one object. Allah thought these are our mistake because of which we are
punishable in this dunniya but it is also Allah s mercy he is removing our sins from us and
preparing for Ajar in Akhira, Subhanallah, Malik I Mulilki !!!!
If don not surrender or we will not recognize that all calamities comes from Allah or just put
trust in .

In any situation person has two situation either submit Allah or take at own.

Those who submit Allah and leave matter in Allah ‘s hands Allah bestows them with
Sabar(patience) because they performed act of tawakkal(trust) in Allah that Allah can take
matter in right way rather than anything else .Another thing is what one week person can do
when situation is not favorable , Momin always seeks help from Allah(swt) and they receive in
turn Sakeenah(peace)nin their quloob(hearts).However,The person who in the situation in both
happiness and sorrows take matter in their own hands they remain tense ,depressed, fearful and
try to take revenge .This the major problem that majority people are cause of heart attacks and
nervous break down.

So we need to be just servant in all situation trust on Malik that whatever He make, create
situation for us that is the best planned for us. If we object and complain it means we are pointing
or blaming Allah that He (Naouz Billah) is planned wrong for us or we are not happy on His
planning of Allah and that shows our act of Fisq(disobedience).

Start saying today Alhamdulillah I am Muslim, Alhamdulillah I am not

handicapped,paralysed,Alhamdulailah I am educated and dependent on myself,
Alhamdulillah I have a good family ,Alhamdulillah! I am not sick!
Alhamdulillah whatever I have!

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