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The Pinkerton This is a special Threat that can only be put in play when you are instructed to do so by The

American playbook. Present it at the beginning of

the first new Day phase that follows when it was put in play (it can be presented even if there are already three or more active Threats).
A man named Winslow Taggard called on Hargrave House, looking for the American; the American was out at the time, and so Mr. Taggard said he
would try again later. A cursory inquiry reveals that Mr. Taggard works for the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, and that he has been hired to
bring the American back to the United States. He’s staying at the Langham Hotel in the West End.
Pose the following to the American: You know Winslow Taggard by reputation: ruthless and corrupt. What criminal scheme was he known to be
involved in back home?
Taggard wouldn’t come all the way to London just to collect a bounty. If you can figure out what shady angle he’s working on the side, you might be able to
confront him with it and pressure him to give up on the bounty rather than risk being exposed to his employers.

Questions & Opportunities Side Characters

LONDON? (Complexity: 4) Glistening coiffure. Vibrant pocket square. The tiniest mustache you’ve
Resolve the Threat by confronting Taggard with his shady dealings and ever seen. Randall is extremely proud of his position at the shiny new
convincing him to leave London. Langham Hotel, and he won’t see the place scandalized. He will be icy
toward Hargrave House if they are explicit about investigating a guest.
Quote: “Welcome to the Langham, the grandest grand hotel in London! How
The Pinkerton can I help you have an experience of unparalleled luxury today?”

Taggard is a squat, stout man, with a mean, square-jawed face. He wears a VARIOUS STAFF AT THE LANGHAM

charcoal three-piece suit, red bowtie, and billycock. He always has an The hotel staff are uniformly bright-eyed and attentive. They may be more
1848 Baby Dragoon revolver at hand, and two Sheffield side knives hidden willing to talk about what they’ve seen than Mr. Mayer. Some names, if
somewhere on his person. He’s after the American, but he’s trouble for all you need them: Rufus, James, William, Scott, Tanner, Evie, Clara, Melissa,
of Hargrave House because they are sheltering his bounty. He will Rhonda, Charity
interrupt and impede their investigations at every turn, and even try to
get Scotland Yard on his side when he can. Clues
His methods will become increasingly violent. A dozen tiny diamonds wrapped in a velvet cloth.
A lockbox full of stock certificates.
Moments The address of a warehouse in Chelsea.

The press of humanity on a tight side street—sights, sounds, and smells A tin of aluminium dust.
from all over the world. Stories of Taggard regularly meeting with prostitutes, but not for sex.
A wealthy man showers coins on a crowd of poor people just to watch Word of a horse breeding facility just outside the city being burned to
them scramble and scrape. the ground reaches London; Taggard was seen there the day prior.
A barbershop quartet from New York City performs a delightful Taggard has been paying his expenses around town using a variety of
rendition of “Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!,” popular during the recently- foreign currencies, none of them American dollars.
concluded American Civil War.
A collection of forged travelling papers.
A piece of clothing with hidden pockets.
Rumors of an American inquiring about rare coins at the city’s auction houses.
Rumors that Taggard has been meeting with importers of a particular
Hotel staff dashing to and fro. Great piles of luggage. A pair of gentlemen
commodity (pick one: cotton/wheat/sugar/something else).
in comfy lobby chairs, enrapt in conversation and each other.
Paint the Scene: The Langham is one of the newer hotels in the city. What do A collection of fraudulent estate documents.
you see that shows how they are putting their best foot forward? Red handkerchiefs tied in conspicuous places.
Taggard has employed street urchins to serve as his spies.
Tall windows that let in a lot of light. Palm leaf motifs. Plush rugs underfoot.
Paint the Scene: Taggard won’t allow any cleaning staff in his room. Looking A procession of representatives from various trade unions coming in
around, how do you know this? and out of the Langham.
A small glass tube of rubies.
Rewards Chemistry equipment in an unusual place.
Local dog breeders were paid large sums of American dollars for their
Taggard’s 1848 Baby Dragoon. Add it to your Personal Quarters.
prized sires.
One of Taggard’s side knives, an adder carved on the handle. Add it to
A leather case with deeds and other documents related to mining interests.
your Personal Quarters.
A maid at the Langham is found dead, seemingly pushed out a window.
A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
then add it to your Personal Quarters.
A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
then add it to your Personal Quarters.
A memento from the investigation; ask another hunter what it is and
then add it to your Personal Quarters.

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