PCW Webinar Series

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In order to fulfill its mandate in providing Gender and Development (GAD) related
technical assistance (TA) even in times of COVID-19 pandemic, the Philippine
Commission on Women launched its first GAD webinar series in 2020. It aims to
provide members of GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) and other government
staff members the opportunity to be levelled-off on GAD related concepts,
mandates, framework, tools and procedures, based on the modules designed by
PCW. Creating a herstoric milestone in 2020, a total of 2,367 participants (1878
females and 489 males) attended and took part in the GAD webinar sessions.

As the government continue to adjust to the new-normal, PCW will once again
organize and offer its laddered GAD webinar series beginning March 2021. The
Zoom webinar will still be used as the online platform for the conduct of GAD

1. Target Participants

The webinar is open to all the members of the GAD Focal Point System of
Executive Departments, National Line Agencies, Central Offices of Bureaus,
Attached Agencies, and Government Owned and/or Controlled Corporations
(GOCCs), Legislative, Judiciary Branches, Constitutional Bodies and State
Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Local Government Units, and Water Districts.
Private organizations, and civil society organizations will not be prioritized in the
webinar series for 2021. 

2. Registration

2.1 Participants are expected to register per webinar schedule. Registration will
be accepted on a first come first served basis. There is no limit on the number of
participants per agency.
2.2 Each agency participant shall register on the GAD Webinar link uploaded in
the PCW Facebook/Website. Registration link will open one (1) week or earlier
before the webinar schedule and will automatically close if the number of
registered participants reached 1000. List of registration dates are indicated in
the GAD Webinar schedule below.
2.3 Once the registration is approved, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the
participant with the webinar credentials that will be used during the scheduled
2.4 Participants with approved confirmation but did not participate during the
actual GAD webinar session for whatever reason may not be allowed to
participate in the succeeding webinar sessions of PCW.
Please take note that PCW is not requiring agencies to send an official letter
requesting for slots for their agency participation in the GAD webinar series. All
registration will be coursed through the GAD webinar registration page that will
be uploaded per webinar schedule. 

3. Online Platform

PCW will use Zoom Webinar platform that can accommodate 1,000 participants.
Meeting link and password will only be sent to the confirmed participants.
Participants are advised to refrain from sharing the Zoom Webinar credentials as
slots are limited only to those who registered. For this year, the webinar will not
be streamed live via the PCW official Facebook page but will be uploaded in a
later time. 

4. Ensuring Training Quality

To ensure the quality of the training, participants are advised to have a stable
internet connection or has at least 5mbps bandwidth. To check for the speed,
participants may type www.fast.com in their web browsers.

5. Training Cost

The webinars offered is free of charge. 

6. E-Certificate

E-Certificate will be issued only to participants who have completed at least 2.5
hours of aggregate training time per session and have accomplished the Post
Test and Evaluation Survey thru a Google Survey that will be shared to


GAD Webinar 1
Session Title: Introduction to GAD Concepts and SOGIESC

Schedule: March 18, 2021; 1:00-5:00 pm

Description: To achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment agencies
need to know the basics. This learning session aims to describe basic gender-
related concepts and identify how social institutions contribute to the perpetuation
of gender issues/biases. The session also aims to differentiate sexual
orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, and appreciate the
importance of SOGIESC in our GAD work and advocacy.

Resource Persons:

Dr. Wilhelmina Pateña-Masinsin

Head, University of Rizal System GAD Center
PCW GAD Resource Pool Batch 1

Alvin Cloyd H. Dakis

Principal Consultant and Managing Director, ADGenderPh Training and
PCW GAD Resource Pool Batch 4

GAD Webinar 2
Session Title: Fundamentals of Gender Mainstreaming: Review of Policy
Imperatives on GAD and GM Concepts 

Schedule: May 12, 2021; 1:00-5:00 pm

Opening of Registration: April 26, 2021; 2:00 pm

Description: This learning session focuses on gender mainstreaming as a

strategy to implement the gender equality policies and make it a fundamental
value in development choices and 

institutional practice. Gender Mainstreaming ensures the recognition of gender

issues on a sustained basis through the inclusion of a gender perspective in the
design and implementation of plans and programs to carry out government
mandates. The session will also review GAD-related mandates that are
imperative and essential in fully understanding the basis and history of Gender
and Development Approach in the country. 

Resource Persons:

Maria Clara Ignacio

Independent GAD Consultant
PCW GAD Resource Pool Batch 3

Atty. Judie Rose T. Dimayuga

Director II, House of Representatives
PCW GAD Resource Pool Batch 4

GAD Webinar 3
Session Title: Gender Analysis: Tools and Praxis

Schedule: June 23, 2021; 1:00-5:00 pm

Opening of Registration: June 15, 2021; 2:00 pm

Description: This learning session will focus on gender analysis as a practical

process in asking key questions and understanding the differences of men and
women in terms of needs and capabilities, roles and responsibilities, and access
and control to resources, among others. There are various gender analysis tools
suitable to the needs of intended stakeholders, like the 24-hour profiling and its
sample applications. One of the tools that this session will also focus on is the
Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) for
institutions/organizations. This is one of the tools developed by the Philippine
Commission on Women to gauge the level of organizational gender-
responsiveness of government agencies in the country.

Resource Persons: TBA

GAD Webinar 4
Session Title: Beyond Attribution: Use of the HGDG to mainstream GAD
elements in the Project Development Cycle

Schedule: September 2, 2021; 1:00-5:00 pm

Opening of Registration: August 24, 2021; 2:00 pm

Description: The Harmonized GAD Guidelines (HGDG), a tool co-developed by

the Philippine Commission on Women and the National Economic and
Development Authority, is used to ensure that programs and projects undertaken
by the government in their various stages are gender responsive. This learning
session will focus on the use of HGDG to integrate GAD elements in the
programs and projects of government agencies. It will also highlight how the
results of HGDG are applied in preparing the GAD Plan and Budget and GAD
Accomplishment Report, and in identifying strategies to address the gaps or
missing elements. The session hopes to make its participants internalize the
importance of HGDG in gender-responsive project development cycle, and
realize that applying HGDG as a tool significantly influences the rest of the
agencies’ processes/programs to be gender-responsive. 

Resource Persons: TBA

GAD Webinar 5
Session Title: GAD Planning and Budgeting: From Preparation to GAD
Funds Audit

Schedule: October 7, 2021; 1:00-5:00 pm

Opening of Registration: September 28, 2021; 2:00 pm

Description: This learning session is clustered into three important portions of

GAD Planning and Budgeting.  The first part will focus on the steps and
procedure in preparing a GAD Plan and Budget, a systematically designed set of
programs, projects and activities to be implemented over a given period of time.
The second part will highlight the elements, processes and procedures for
submission, review and endorsement of GAD Plan and Budget and GAD
Accomplishment Report of National Government Agencies based on the
Circulars issued by PCW such as the GAD Budget Call and PCW-NEDA-DBM
JC 2012-01. While the last part will discuss the comprehensive audit of a
government agency’s policies, funds, programs, projects, and activities focusing
on the area of GAD to determine economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of
interventions in addressing gender issues.

Resource Persons: TBA

GAD Webinar 6
Session Title: The GAD Agenda: Formulating the GAD Strategic Framework
and GAD Strategic Plan

Schedule:  November 18, 2021; 1:00-5:00 pm

Opening of Registration: November 9, 2021; 2:00 pm

Description: This learning session will discuss the step-by-step guide in
formulation the agency’s GAD strategic framework and plan to achieve gender
equality and women’s empowerment. Part of the session is to apply gender
analysis in identifying issues, goals and strategies to mainstream gender
perspective in the plans, projects, and programs of the agency. Select agencies
who have developed their GAD Agenda will share their experiences. 

Resource Persons: TBA

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