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According to the fast growth of media and social networks, beauty standards are
rapidly evolving to meet a community's aesthetic preferences. However, there is
a serious problem that affects everyone: BODY SHAMING - a word used to
denote harsh comments or judgments regarding the looks of people. For young
people nowadays, this is one of the hottest subjects and hashtags on social
networks and online forums.


Many individuals believe that "Body Shaming" is not a negative thing on some
sites. In their minds, these actions are positive contributions that can help others
improve themselves. Nothing positive can come from criticizing another
person's appearance in such a disrespectful manner. This is embarrassing for
those who have been subjected to body shaming. This is the first time I've heard
the term "V-line face" used to describe someone's face. These ridiculous criteria
are becoming clichés and aesthetic measurements in today's modern culture,
which is a tragedy.


Many individuals are still unaware of the dangers that body shaming may have
on its victims at this time. However, these individuals are also subjected to
psychological and bodily stress as a result of this occurrence. It is as though they
are enslaved to the beauty standards and prejudices of others. Those folks had to
fast, take medicine, and discover ways to acquire the weight and appearance that
others desired. Who knows if that misguided effort has sapped any of their

More seriously, many victims of “BODY SHAMING” took their own lives
because of stress. Just recently, the US newspaper The Guardian reported,
Jessica Laney, a 16-year-old high school girl who committed herself because she
couldn't take the harsh comments from people around her about her appearance
such as: "You're really fat", "Why don't you die?", "No one cares about a fat
person like you"....

Another heartbreaking story is the case of Brenda Vela, an 18-year-old girl, who
was harassed and humiliated by her peers for a long time due of her weight.
Brenda's family also tried to contact the police and the school's administration,
but received no reaction from either party. As a result, Brenda shot herself in the
head in front of her parents and grandparents at home. What a life!

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