Yoga Asana

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Pavanmukta Asana

In stand up pose and in lying pose. We will see it in lying position.

Lie dawn on your back on the floor. Keep the palm down and near to the body. Bring the heels and toes
together and keep them loose. Make the whole body straight and look towards ceiling. Breath normally.


Lift one knee up towards the chest.

Put the same side hand on the ankle and other hand on knee.

Pull the knee towards the chest without any pull on the ankle.
Without disturbing the posture relax all muscles and continue normal breathing and stay in that position
for 6 to 8 sec.

While releasing slowly move hands to normal position, leg to original position.

Repeat this with other leg pressed against chest/ stomach.


All the foot and calf asanas help in returning the stagnant lymph and venous blood. They relieve
tiredness and cramp, and prevent venours thrombosis especially in bedridden, post-operative patients.

It activates the pancreas and other organs of the abdomen and also relieves wind trouble, acidity etc... It
loosens the hip-joints and activates the abdominal muscle and intestines and ultimately cures the
constipation, and corrects the malfunctioning of stomach. It is easy asana and people of any age can do


People who have undergone an operation on belly or suffering from hernia and piles, etc. should
perform this asana after consulting some Yoga Expert. Similarly, the pregnant women should also not
practice it.
Vriksha Asana

The Sanskrit word vriksha means tree, A tree is always in a standing position, remains stable and grows
upward. The same stages involves in this asana therefore, it is called Vrikshasana.

Position of Readiness

Stand with feet together on the floor. Keep hands at your sides, eyes looking forward. Breathe normally.


Stand up firmly on the left leg and fold the right leg at the knee, raise the right thigh and bring the sole
of the right foot as high up the inside of the left thigh as possible. Right foot will be twisted slightly
pressing its side against left thigh. do not press the thigh with the heel but with its sides.

Balance on the left foot and raise both arms over the head keeping the elbows unbent and joining the
palms together. The whole body right from the heels to the fingers of the hands is stretched upward.
Hold the posture while breathing gently through the nostrils for about 10 complete breaths.

Release the pose exhaling, lower the arms and right leg and return to the tad-asana, standing position
with feet together and arms at the sides. Rest for a few seconds and repeat on the opposite leg.

Daily Practice

Repeat it two or three times on each leg. Do not practice more six times a day.

In this asana all the muscles are stretched and so it tones up the muscle of the ankles, toes, knees, hip
joints, shoulder joints, elbows, hands and fingers. Overall it brings flexibility to the body and removes all
the strains activating all the joints of the body

Vajra Asana

Position of Readiness

Sit with legs extended together, hands by the side of the body, palm resting on the ground, fingers of
the hands together pointing forward.


Bend the right leg at the knee and place the foot under the right hip with sole remain inside.

Now same way bend the left foot and place it under the left buttock.

While sitting on the bent feet, do not sit on the heels the heels should remain out and toes inside with
Soles upward.
Keep hands resting on the respective thighs.

Sit straight, gaze in front close the eyes.

Breathe gently through your nostrils and sit in this position for at least three minutes.

While returning to the original position, bend little towards right side take out your left leg and extend it.

Similarly extend your right leg and return to the original position.


The Vajra-asana is a versatile posture well suited for meditation; rest in between other seated postures,
or as an aid to digestion. This strengthens thigh muscles and calf muscles


The Vajra-asana can be held for as long as is comfortable it simply depends on the reason for doing the
posture. Persons suffering from piles should not practice it.
Shashanka Asana

Position of Readiness

Sit in the Vajrasana position and hold your ankles with hands of the same side.


Take a deep breath and raise both the hands in one line with head up (palms facing each other).

Bend forward while exhaling and let the forehead touch the ground.

Retain this position as long as you feel comfortable and come back to Vajrasana position.

Relax for some time and repeat the asana.

Daily practice

Shashankasana can be performed three to five times in succession.

It exercises the lower abdomen and improves digestion. It also relieves stiffness of the spine. Yoga-
Mudra and Shashankasana produce similar beneficial effects. It remedies uterine inversion.


When the forehead touches the ground, the buttocks should still remain on the floor.

Bhujanga Asana

Bhujanga means Cobra. Bhujanga Asana is always practiced as the first in a series of backward bending
movements. In this asana the spine is arched backward gently promoting flexibility.

Position of readiness

Lie straight on your stomach, keeping the palms on the floor below the shoulder blades and the elbows
touching the middle part of the body. Keep the heels together and toes flat on the floor. Breathe


Bend the head and neck backward.

Inhaling slowly, raise the head and chest, above the naval area, upwards. Tighten the legs allover from
the waist down to the toes.
Retain your breathe and hold in the same position for about 6 to 8 seconds.

Exhale and simultaneously lower the head towards the floor. Relax your body and rest with your right or
left cheek on the floor for about 6 seconds. Now you have completed one round of bhujanga asana.

Daily practice

Start with three rounds on the first day and increase to a maximum of four rounds. Benefits :

Bhujanga asana activates and energizes the upper areas of the body like the chest, shoulders, neck, face
and head, giving a youthful appearance and the abdominal area, because of this activation, the
pancreas, liver and other organs of the digestive system are strengthened and normalized.

Increases flexibility, rejuvenates spinal nerves and brings a rich blood supply to the spinal region.

It has some special benefits for women. Helps relieve problems of the uterus and ovaries and menstrual
problems. A regular practice of this asana makes child birth easy.


It is recommended to practice the Salabha Asana after releasing the Bhujanga Asana.


In a kneeling position, move forward the right foot until the lower leg-having tibia and fibula bones-is
perpendicular to the ground. Keep the back straight, arms by the sides, and inhale. Next, exhale while
moving the weight of the body forwards and maintaining an upright position of the trunk. Bend the knee
as much as possible while keeping the heel firmly on the ground. Inhale, while at the same time
returning to the initial posture.

Ardha-Bhujangasana is an effective way of making the spinal column, legs, knees and ankles more
supple. This asana is excellent way to prepare the body for pregnancy.
Makara Asana

'Makara' means 'Crocodile'. While doing this Asana body resembles the shape of 'crocodile', hence it is
known as Makarasana. It is also considered a relaxative Asana like Savasana. Makarasana increases the
heat of the body.

There are two versions of Makarasana practiced in (1) prone position and (2) supine position.

Makarasana (prone position)

Position of readiness

Lie face down on the floor on your stomach, hands stretched backwards close to the thighs and the legs


Slowly spread out both the legs. The toes should remain out and heels inward.

Slowly fold the left hand at elbow bringing it from below the armpit. Place it in the right shoulder. Fold
the right hand at the elbow and place it on the left shoulder.

Place your head on the triangle made by both the elbows. If it is difficult to rest the head, keep chin
between the elbows


As all the muscles are relaxed, as well as the heart beats and the breathing also slow down. Though the
basic operation turns slow, the body gets good rest.

This is beneficial in Asthma. It corrects the acquired wrong process of respiration due to

Asthma etc. Abdominal muscles get massage.


Those having heart problem, obesity, gas or high blood pressure should not practice it.


In Sanskrit Dhanu means Bow. In the asana body takes the shape of Bow and therefore it is called
Dhanu. This asana is a combination of both Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana and can deliver benefits of
both the asanas.

Position of readiness

Lie straight on your stomach. Keep your arm stretched on both sides. Put your hand resting on the floor.
Bring the legs and heels together. Breathe normally.


Fold both the legs at the knees and keep them 6 to 8 inches apart from each other.

Bring the heels close to your hip.

Catch both the legs firmly near the ankles (grab the right ankle with right hand and the left ankle with
the left hand).

Exhale & inhaling pull the legs upward with the hands, allow the body to be stretched in a curve, push
the neck backwards.

Now try to raise the thighs up from ground along with shoulders and chest. Push the neck backwards as
much as possible.

While releasing Inhale and exhaling bring both the knees, chin and shoulders slowly on the ground.
Leave the ankles and bring the hands beside the body.

Straighten the folded legs and bring them in initial position.

Daly Practice

Daily three to four times.


Though this asana is a combination of both Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana it delivers benefits of both
the asanas. It activates all the glands of endocrine system.

This asana also has good effects on pancreas adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary and the sex glands
leading to normal secretion of respective hormones.

This has favorable effect on enzyme producing organs, liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine.
As a result of this the concerned organs become more active and efficient.

It restores flexibility to the spine. Regular practice will relieve lower back pain and release tension and
strain in the upper back and neck area.

It increases blood flow in abdominal area and aids all sorts of digestive disorders and discomforts. Also
the blood circulation in arms and legs is improved.

People suffering from Back problems, TB in intestine, ulcer in stomach, hernia should consult Yoga
expert before practicing this asana

Ardha Matsyendrasana

This is one of the basic yoga poses. It is a beautiful posture.

Position for Readiness

Sit firmly on the floor with your legs stretched and heels together. Keep the spin, neck head straight
upward. At this stage, keep the hands down on the floor on both sides.


Fold the right leg at the knee by pulling it backward Cross it over your left knee, place it firmly on the
floor, keeping the left hand on the right toes.

Fold the left leg at the knee without lifting it up. The thigh and knee of the left leg should remain on the
floor. And brought the left foot below the right buttock.

Now lift the right foot slightly up and bring it on the outer side of folded left knee.

Now you have to make a lock with the opposite arm and the standing knee. Stretch out the left arm and
bring it on the outer side of the right knee. Now your arm is locked against the standing knee firmly.
Grab the right foot with the left hand in order to provide stability to the locked part of the body.
Bring the whole of right arm and hand on the back in a loose condition. Try to touch the front part of the
fingers of hand on the back.

Now start exhaling slowly and turning the head, chest and waist area towards the right side. Twist the
body as much as you can. At full twist all the air should be exhaled out.

Stay in the position for about 8 sec. (at beginning it may be 3 – 6 sec.)

The start inhaling slowly and gradually return to the initial position from where, you had started the

Now unlock the arm, the knee. Rest for a few seconds. Now in next round you left knee will be standing
up and your right arm will be locked. Keep doing it alternatively.

Daily Practice:

Four to six rounds daily alternatively.


This asana has great effect on the pancreas and other glands, such as adrenal, thyroid and sex glands.
The muscle and organs of abdominal area are fully activated due to this asana. Because of this activation
the condition and functioning of the pancreas is energized and strengthen. It is a best asana for

This asana has several other benefits also; it corrects disorder of kidneys, spleen, liver, stomach,
intestine, bladder and pelvic region.

The twist completes the stretching of the spine so that now every muscle and ligament of the

back and neck has been stretched in all directions.

Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Modified) The Half-Matsyendra Posture

In this posture, the leg is folded inwards instead of outstretched. During twists performed in the final
stages of pregnancy, the weight of the body rests mainly on one buttock, because the center of gravity is

To increase their beneficial effect on the spinal column, these twists should be combined with other
asanas e.g. Ustrasana and Catuspadasana

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