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Bullet Journaling for Beginners: 8 Steps

to Get Started
Step 1: Adjust Your Mindset

Your first notebook will be your learning notebook. Like any

productivity method, it will take time to find a bullet journaling
flow and structure that works for you. Don’t prematurely
optimize and go all out with a handmade leather journal. That’s
too much pressure. Any creative endeavor involves letting go of
perfection. Bullet journaling is no different. Make a mess.

Step 2: Get a Journal and Writing Utensils

Start with an inexpensive notebook — one you like but feel okay
making mistakes in or throwing away if it doesn’t work out. Opt
for a journal with blank pages (lined or unlined, your choice)
instead of one with preexisting sections so you can customize it.
As for writing tools, I start with a pencil so I can erase easily.
But if you’re a die-hard ballpoint pen person or gel pen lover,
you do you.

Step 3: Start an Index Page

The index is the backbone of your BuJo system. Think of it like

the table of contents in a book. This will be your reference key to
find certain sections or pages in your bullet journal.
Credit: Claire via flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Step 4: Create Logs

Logs are staples of the bullet journal system. Essentially, these

are places where you can brain-dump tasks and projects you’re
currently working on. It’s also your storehouse for future goals.

In general, there are three types of logs:

 A future log helps you keep track of items that
aren’t yet on your immediate radar. In Getting
Things Done (GTD) terms, this is similar to a
someday/maybe list.

 Monthly logs include things like calendars and

categorized goal lists for the next 30 days.

 Daily logs may includes entries of to-dos,

meetings, and reminders.

Simplicity is a top tenet of BuJo, so keep your entries brief. For

instance, “Write draft of Chapter 1” or “Call Amy re: birthday
plans” is more than sufficient, as long as you can interpret the
Credit: John Uri (CC BY 2.0) and flakyredhead (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) via flickr

Step 5: Pick Signifiers

Many people use bullets for lists of tasks, circles for events, and
dashes for notes. Stars commonly denote high-priority items. Of
course, this is all is customizable, and over time you’ll arrive at a
system of symbols that’s unique to you. You’ll track
personal signifiers on a reference page.

Step 6: Document Items with Collections

Collections are running lists and anything you want to

remember for later:
 Books you want to read

 Movies you want to watch

 Friends you want to reconnect with

 Things you’re grateful for

 Blog topics

 Self-care ideas

And lots more. These are typically kept toward the back of your
notebook since they don’t change very often.

Step 7: Make Time for It

Schedule time to update your journal. After all, no productivity

method works unless you put effort into it. Cross off items on
your daily and monthly logs as you complete them. Write page
numbers on the bottom of each page, and update your Index.
Many BuJo enthusiasts do a monthly or quarterly review, taking
time to reflect on what they accomplished and their future goals
and to transfer items from one log to the next.

Step 8: Get Better, Gradually

Over time, you’ll home in on a bullet journaling process that fits

your needs and preferences. Once you get your standard page
formats down, you can move on to optimizing your process in
other ways. Maybe you work on improving your handwriting. Or
add washi tape to make finding frequently flipped-to pages
easier. There are lots of helpful online resources created by the
innovative BuJo community.

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