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Detailed Lesson Plan in Anatomy and physiology

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the period the students should be able to:

A. understand the main organs and its function of respiratory system and
circulatory system in the human body sytem.
B. explain the inner workings of the respiratory system and circulatory
C. determine methods for identifying and preventing disorders of the
respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
D. create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the circulatory and
respiratory systems with at least three unique characteristics for each and
two things they have in common.
II. Learning Content
A. Subject Matter: Life Science: Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
B. References:
C. Materials: Laptop, Smart TV, activity sheets and other visual aids
D. Focused Values: Develop curiosity, ability to think logically and objectivity,
open-mindedness, resourcefulness, health constructive thought and
attentiveness in the classroom.
E. Skills Develop: Observing, Classifying, Inferring, Predicting, Analyzing
III. Learning Experiences

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Routine/Normalization
“Good morning teacher.”
“Good morning class.”

“Please keep silent for one minute and say

(students will pray)
your personal prayers.”

“How are you today?”

“We are feeling excited and nervous
at the same time teacher.”

“Because it seems to be a hard

“For what reason could it be?”
lesson for today teacher”
“Well to know that, let’s start the ball
rolling. By the way class who is absent for
“None teacher.
“Excellent. Pick up the paper from under
your chairs, straighten your chairs, and
make sure you're in the right place.” “Yes teacher”

B. Motivation

“I emailed you a sample of a KWL table

last night and requested you to recreate it. A
KWL table is a space where you can record
your previous knowledge. K stands for
what you KNOW, W stands for what you
WANT to know, and L stands for what
you've LEARNED. I'm assuming you've
already completed the K and W sections
according to my instructions. Now for the L
section, do it after class and we'll go over it
if you've learned anything. Is that clear?”

“Let's start with a short activity to refresh “A little bit teacher”

your memory of the respiratory and
circulatory systems from your previous
lesson. Are you prepared? “

(Present a ppt presentation about the model (Students will respond in chorus to a
of the respiratory and circulatory systems. ) model of the respiratory and
circulatory systems.)
“Here is the model of respiratory and
circulatory system. I want you to identify
what part should be in the box. I will allow
you to answer in chorus.

“The one who can answer the activity will “Okay teacher”
earn 5 points bonus for the assessment later.
Ok, start.”

(5 mins.)
“Congratulations to everyone who have
answered correctly. Remind me of the
names later so that I can give each
yourselves a 5 point.”

C. Presentation of the Lesson

“We completed the task in order to
“Lets now process the activity. Why do you gather previous information that we
think I let you do the activity? Yes, Ian?” could apply to our lesson today

“Excellent, Ian.”

“Let’s start our lesson by defining first “The respiratory system is in charge
these two systems. Who can define the of obtaining oxygen from the air and
function of the respiratory system? Yes, transporting it to our lungs.”
John? “

“Very nice information you got there for us,

John. The primary part of the respiratory
system includes the Nose, pharynx, larynx,
trachea, bronchi, and lungs.”

“And what about the primary parts for the “We are not so sure teacher.”
circulatory system? Who will try to
answer? Anyone”

“Okay it’s fine. To continue, There are

three major parts of the circulatory system
The heart that pumps the blood throughout
the body. The blood vessel carries blood
throughout the body: Arteries, veins and
capillaries. The blood carries the materials
throughout the body.”

“The two systems work together. The heart

pumps and the blood transport the inhaled
oxygen to every cell of the body. Carbon
dioxide is given off in the process and is
carried by the blood to the lungs and is
release through exhalation.”

D. Generalization

“To fully understand these systems, allow

me to show you a video.”

(Present the video about circulatory and

respiratory systems)

“who can synthesize in front what he/she “Air first enter your lungs and then
have watched? Yes, Larah” into the left part of your heart. It is
then driven by your heart into the
blood stream, all the way through
your body. The heart pumps blood,
which transports essential nutrients,
oxygen and other chemicals to every
cell in your body. Once it reaches the
cells, oxygen processes the nutrients
to release energy. Carbon dioxide is
given off during this process. The
blood delivers carbon dioxide into
the right portion of your heart from
which it is pumped to the lungs.
Carbon dioxide leaves your body
through the lungs when you exhale”

“Definitely. This is the process that happen

to your system every now and then. Did
you understand?”

E. Valuing

“From the video you have watched, it also

showed us the negative ways of living like
smoking, polluting the environment, eating
unhealthy food, drinking liquor and sleep
deprivation. That leads to diseases that was
mentioned earlier. One’s lifestyle has a
significant impact on the body as it can
either strengthen or weaken the systems in
the body specially the respiratory and
circulatory system.”

“As a students can you help people with “It can be changed if we educate
these lifestyle change?” everyone about what might happen
to them and how they can take care
of themselves by eating healthy
foods, avoiding vices, exercising
regularly, and getting enough sleep.”

“Excellent. All right, everyone, I'll return

your KWL table and fill in the L column.”

F. Fixing Skills

Direction: Write True on the blank if the statement is correct. If incorrect, change the
underlined word to make it correct

________1. The diaphragm depresses during inhalation.

_______2. The larynx closes the glottis when we swallow to prevent the food from entering into
the air tube.

________3. The oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange takes place in the alveoli.

________4. The frog breathes through its gills in the tadpole stage.

________5. The epithelium is the protective covering of the lungs.

IV. Evaluation/Learning Assessment

V. Assignment

Make a Venn diagram and label one side as circulatory and one side as respiratory. Include information
unique to the system in the parts of the diagram that do not overlap. Place shared characteristics inside
the part of the diagram where the circles overlap. each system should have at least three unique
characteristics. there should be at least two characteristics the systems share.

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