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1 Cinema words

Label the pictures with the words below.

a box office a projector a screen a seat a ticket popcorn

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

2 Film genres
How many different kinds of films can you think of? Continue the list below.

action comedy

Name one film for each genre, for example:

"The Expendables is an action film."

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3 People in films

Match the people to the definitions, and then complete the sentences below.

1. an actor/actress a. a person in a film, book or story

2. a film director b. a person who gives a professional opinion about a film

3. a composer c. a person who tells the actors in a film what to do

4. a critic d. a person who writes music

5. a character e. someone who stars in a film

1. Brad Pitt is a very talented .

2. Steven Spielberg is a famous American .
3. Han Solo is the name of a in the film Star Wars.
4. The film received very good reviews from fans and .
5. The music was very bad. This film needs a better .

4 Describing a film

Match the questions to the answers. Can you guess the film?

1. What kind of film is it? a. It came out in October 2015.

2. Where is it set? b. It’s an action film.

3. Who’s in it? c. It’s set in Mexico and London.

4. When did it come out? d. It stars Daniel Craig.

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Work in pairs. Student A, choose a film title from the table and ask Student B a question from this
exercise. Student B, answer the question. Change roles and repeat.

Title Setting Actors Genre Release


Titanic on a ship Leonardo Di Caprio drama December,


The Godfather in New York Marlon Brando gangster March,


Gladiator in Rome Russel Crowe action May,


Star Wars in space Harrison Ford science fiction May,


Lincoln the United States Daniel Day Lewis historical November,


Casablanca in Morocco Humphrey Bogart drama January,

and Ingrid Bergman 1943

5 Practice

Think about a film. Write a few sentences about it but don’t write the title.








Work in pairs. Student A, read your description to your partner. Student B, try to guess the film.
Change roles and repeat.

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1. Cinema words

1. popcorn 2. a ticket 3. a box office 4. a projector 5. a seat 6. a screen

Ask students questions using the vocabulary, e.g. "Do you usually buy popcorn when you watch a film?", "Can you
buy cheap tickets at your local cinema?", "Do you prefer the seats at the front or at the back?", etc.

2. Film genres

Elicit film genres, e.g. gangster, epic/historical, horror, musical, science fiction, war, western. In a small class, you
can go around the class eliciting one film for each genre. In a larger class, students can complete the exercise in
small groups or pairs.

3. People in films

1. e 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. a

1. actor 2. film director 3. character 4. critics 5. composer

To give students speaking practice in a small group or one-to-one class, you can ask questions like ‘Who’s your
favourite film director?’, ‘Who’s your favourite film character?’, etc.

4. Describing a film

Students work individually and check in pairs. Read out the mini dialogues with a strong student.
(Film: Spectre)
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a

The second part of the exercise is a drilling activity. Students follow the worksheet instruction. One student picks
a film title asks a random question, e.g. ‘Who’s in Star Wars?’ Students reverse roles and continue until you decide
to end the activity.

5. Practice

Monitor the activity. Make a note of mistakes and write them on the board. For a more ambitious class, encourage
additional expressions, e.g. ‘It was directed by ...’, ‘It’s about ...’, ‘The main character is a ....’

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Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo.
© Photocopiable and licensed for use in Maria Jose Solohaga's lessons.

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