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Influenza is Getting Serious

Teacher’s Name:

Class: 5 Telus


Hey Atiqah! What are you reading about in the newspaper?
Your face looks very serious. You might scare others you

Hi, Amalia! I was reading the news about influenza in this
newspaper. You know, it turns out that Malaysian people are
already infected with the disease.

Oh yes. I also know about that. Among Malaysians, there are
many students who are also victims of the influenza.
A few days ago, The Malaysian Ministry of Health has stated
that the highest number of cases is recorded in Selangor
which is 717.

Wow! That's a very large number. I'm scared to be out of the
house. If you want to know, one of our students is said to be
infected with this influenza. Even in school is not safe.

Is it true? It seems this influenza disease is getting more

From what I know, the word Influenza comes from the Italian
language meaning "influence" and refers to the cause of the
disease; initially, this ascribed illness to unfavorable
astrological influences.
Influenza that also known as the flu is a contagious
respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can cause
mild to severe illness and can cause death. Influenza usually
comes on suddenly.

People who have Influenza often feel some or all of these

symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy
nose, body aches, headaches, and fatigue. Most people who
get influenza will recover in a few days to two weeks.

Influenza also can cause respiratory tract infections include

nose, throat and lungs.

I agreed with you, Amalia. Furthermore, influenza viruses
come in three of the four types that affect humans which are
Type A, Type B, and Type C. Type D has not been known to
infect humans but is believed to have the potential to do so.
Influenza A is more dangerous and spreads faster. It also
causes worse symptoms than other types of influenza.

Usually, the virus is spread through the air from coughs or

sneezes. This is believed to occur mostly over relatively short
distances. It can also be spread by touching surfaces
contaminated by the virus and then touching the mouth or

A person may be infectious to others both before and during

the time they are showing symptoms. The infection may be
confirmed by testing the throat or nose for the virus. A number
of rapid tests are available. However, people may still have an
infection even if the results are negative.

A type of polymerase chain reaction that detects the virus's

RNA is more accurate. You’ve said earlier, people who get
influenza will recover in a few days to two weeks. Some
people can develop complications such as pneumonia as a
result of influenza.

Wow Atiqah, you know a lot about influenza more than I do. I
thought you were only interested in writing a novel.

I need to know these things. The more I know, I can come up

Atiqah with a more interesting novel by including health info like
influenza in my novel.

You are the least. It's also good that we can share new

We are advised to take influenza vaccines once a year so that

we can be in the community which protected from a virus.

However, Dr. Hanisah Akbar Tajudin said for children

between the ages of six months and eight, they are
encouraged to be vaccinated twice a year.

She said taking the vaccine was the best way to ensure that
the outbreak of influenza would not be repeated in the future.

But, I don't know much about how to prevent influenza. Did

you know?

Amalia What you're saying is true. I got new knowledge today too.

About how to prevent this influenza virus, the most important

way is getting an influenza vaccine in the hospital or clinic.

The influenza vaccine is recommended by the World Health

Organization (WHO) for high-risk groups, such as pregnant
women, children aged less than five years, the elderly, health
care workers, and people who have chronic illnesses such as
HIV/AIDS, asthma, diabetes and heart disease. Infants and
small children are more vulnerable to influenza and can
become seriously ill. They can get pneumonia, bronchiolitis
and are more likely to die from the flu.

Other than that, we can prevent it also by wearing a face

mask. Since our school had many students, so they only
supply the masks to those who really need it. You can get it in
the office.

Besides, the doctors also advise us to avoid eating fried and

spicy foods and always drink enough water to keep the throat
moist and not let the throat dry or thirsty because the virus
can 'attack' in just 10 minutes.

Therefore, if we find that our body is not healthy or has the

symptoms of influenza, we should immediately seek treatment
at the clinic before it can harm our body.
I think we also need to stay away from the public if we have
any signs of influenza, at least one meter.

Based on the info you just mentioned earlier, I remembered

Dr. Ganabaskaran's words that reminding everyone including
the infected should always focus on the concept of 'prevent
better than treat'. In addition, we are recommended to reduce
outdoor activity to prevent the spread of the virus until it is

He suggests people who love to go vacation to take the

influenza vaccine a month before going to their destination to
strengthen their immune system and antibodies.

Vaccine injections can not only protect yourself but protect

others from being infected with the influenza virus that can
lead to complications of other diseases including pneumonia
that you mentioned earlier.

Yes, it is true. Don’t forget to keep yourself clean as one of
the routine part of everyone's life.

People with the flu are advised to get plenty of rest, drink
plenty of liquids, avoid using alcohol and tobacco and, if
necessary, take medications such as acetaminophen
(paracetamol) to relieve the fever and muscle aches
associated with the flu.

I heard if this virus getting a higher case rather than reduce,

the schools need to hold on to the curriculum activities first
until this influenza getting much better.

I hope the influenza virus is recovering from the Malaysians. It
only brings harm to our high school students like us who will
take the SPM. They will miss a lot of subjects while
undergoing influenza.

You're right.
Atiqah, the break is over. Let's get into the classroom.

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