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VERB - an action or experience COMPARATIVE

(run, walk, push, eat) - Comparison between two nouns.

NOUN - name a person, place, things or ideas This apple is bigger than that apple.
(House, teacher, cup, shop)
ADJECTIVE- noun and pronoun
(short, beautiful, red, old)
- Comparison of a noun with other nouns in a group
ADVERB- a verb, an adjective or an adverb
The adverb can tell us how often, how where or when. This apple is the biggest
PRONOUN – replace the name of a person, place things or idea in a
I, she, our, they, it
INTERJECTION- express strong emotion and is often followed by an
exclamation mark.

CONJUCTION – connect words, phrases or clauses in a sentence.

And, but, although, or.
PREPOSITION – describe the place, time or direction. It is used
before a noun or pronoun
Under, above, in, during,

Compares two different things

Something is LIKE or AS something else
For example:
 He was AS quiet AS a mouse
 She swam LIKE a fish.
Something IS something else.
For example:
 Ali IS a walking dictionary.
 Time IS money.
• One syllablecomparative
adjective comparative superlative

strong stronger strongest

big bigger biggest
large larger largest
happy happier happiest
gentle gentler/more gentlest/most
gentle gentle
expensive more expensive most expensive

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