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Int. J.

Cancer: 121, 856–862 (2007)

' 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Diabetes mellitus and risk of breast cancer: A meta-analysis

Susanna C. Larsson1*, Christos S. Mantzoros2 and Alicja Wolk1
Division of Nutritional Epidemiology, The National Institute of Environmental Medicine,
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Department of Medicine,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Diabetes mellitus has been associated with an increased risk of sev- neoplasm. We also reviewed the reference lists of retrieved
eral types of cancers, but its relationship with breast cancer articles to search for more studies. No language restrictions were
remains unclear. We conducted a meta-analysis of case–control and imposed.
cohort studies to assess the evidence regarding the association
between diabetes and risk of breast cancer. Studies were identified
by searching MEDLINE (1966–February 2007) and the references Inclusion and exclusion criteria
of retrieved articles. We identified 20 studies (5 case–control and 15 Studies were eligible for inclusion in the meta-analysis if they
cohort studies) that reported relative risk (RR) estimates (odds ra- met the following criteria: (i) had a case–control or prospective
tio, rate ratio/hazard ratio, or standardized incidence ratio) with study design; (ii) the exposure of interest was diabetes mellitus;
95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the relation between diabetes (iii) the outcome was breast cancer incidence or mortality; and (iv)
(largely Type II diabetes) and breast cancer incidence. Summary
RRs were calculated using a random-effects model. Analysis of all reported relative risk estimates with 95% confidence intervals
20 studies showed that women with (versus without) diabetes had a (CIs) or provided sufficient information to calculate them. Studies
statistically significant 20% increased risk of breast cancer (RR, of Type 1 diabetes, defined as diagnosis before age 30, were not
1.20; 95% CI, 1.12–1.28). The summary estimates were similar for included. To avoid violating independent assumptions, studies
case–control studies (RR, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.05–1.32) and cohort stud- were included only once. We therefore decided, a priori, on the
ies (RR, 1.20; 95% CI, 1.11–1.30). Meta-analysis of 5 cohort studies following hierarchy: when there were multiple publications from
on diabetes and mortality from breast cancer yielded a summary the same study population, the study that controlled for the most
RR of 1.24 (95% CI, 0.95–1.62) for women with (versus without) di- appropriate confounders were included; otherwise, the study that
abetes. Findings from this meta-analysis indicate that diabetes is had the largest number of case subjects was used.
associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
' 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Data extraction
The following information was extracted from each study: first
Key words: breast cancer; epidemiology; diabetes; meta-analysis; author’s last name, the year of publication, study design, control
systematic review
source (in case–control studies), study location, age of subjects,
sample size (cases and controls or cohort size), diabetes assess-
Diabetes mellitus is a serious and growing health problem world- ment (self-report, blood glucose, hospitalized diabetic patients),
wide.1 Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90–95% of all diagnosed cases adjustment factors and relative risk estimates with 95% CIs for
of diabetes2 and is characterized by insulin resistance and hyperinsu- breast cancer associated with diabetes. From each study, we
linemia in the early phases of the disease.3 It has been hypothesized extracted the relative risk estimate that was adjusted for the great-
that hyperinsulinemia may increase the risk of breast cancer through est number of potential confounders.
direct effects on breast tissue or indirectly by increasing circulating
concentrations of estrogens, testosterone and insulin-like growth fac- Statistical analysis
tors.4,5 Thus, Type 2 diabetes may confer an excess risk of breast
cancer. Diabetes has been related to an elevated risk of several can- We included in this meta-analysis studies reporting different
cers. Meta-analyses have indicated that diabetes is associated with a measures of relative risk (RR): case–control studies (odds ratio),
1.2-fold increased risk of bladder cancer,6 1.3-fold increased risk of prospective cohort studies (rate ratio/hazard ratio) and cohort stud-
colorectal cancer,7 1.7-fold increased risk of pancreatic cancer8 and ies of hospitalized diabetic patients with an external population
2.5-fold increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma.9 Wolf et al. comparison group (standardized incidence/mortality ratio).
combined the results of 4 case–control and 6 cohort studies and Because the absolute risk of breast cancer is low, the 3 measures
found that diabetes was associated with a 13 and 25% increased risk of association yield similar estimates of relative risk; we present
of breast cancer in case–control and cohort studies, respectively.10 all results as relative risk for simplicity. Studies of breast cancer
incidence and breast cancer mortality were analyzed separately.
The purpose of the present study was to summarize all available
evidence from case–control and cohort studies on the relationship Summary relative risks with 95% CIs were calculated with the
between diabetes and breast cancer incidence and mortality fol- method of DerSimonian and Laird by use of the assumptions of a
lowing the meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology random effects model, which considers both within-study and
(MOOSE) guidelines for meta-analyses of observational studies.11 between-study variation.12 We examined statistical heterogeneity
This meta-analysis includes a total of 23 studies, thus providing in results across studies using the Q test (p < 0.1 was considered
more precise risk estimates than the previous analysis by Wolf representative of statistically significant heterogeneity) and the I2
et al.10 that was based on only 10 studies. In this study, we also statistic.13 I2 is the proportion of total variation contributed by
examined whether the association between diabetes and breast
cancer incidence differs according to various study characteristics Grant sponsor: The Swedish Cancer Society.
and menopausal status. *Correspondence to: Division of Nutritional Epidemiology, The
National Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Box
210, SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden. Fax: 146-8-304571.
Material and methods E-mail:
Search strategy Received 3 January 2007; Accepted after revision 26 February 2007
DOI 10.1002/ijc.22717
We searched the MEDLINE database (from 1966 to February Published online 30 March 2007 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.
2007) using the search terms diabetes and breast cancer or breast

Publication of the International Union Against Cancer

Years of No. of Controls or Diabetes assessment Breast cancer 2
Study and country Age, year ascertainment Adjusted RR (95% CI) Adjustments
follow-up cases cohort size (age at diagnosis)

Case–control studies
O’Mara et al., 198515; 30–89 – 1883 2420 (H)3 Self-report (29 years) Medical records 1.2 (0.9–1.6)4 Age
United States
Franceschi et al., 199016; Italy 25–74 – 2663 2344 (H) Self-report (all ages) Medical records 1.0 (0.8–1.3) Age, study area, education,
age at first birth,
menopausal status, BMI
Talamini et al., 199718; Italy 23–74 – 2569 2588 (H) Self-report (all ages) Medical records 1.4 (1.0–1.8) Age, study area, education,
parity, menopausal status, BMI
Weiss et al., 1999 ; United States 20–54 – 2158 1980 (P) Self-report (30 years) Cancer registries 1.13 (0.70–1.90) Age, race, previous breast biopsy,
family history, parity, age
at first birth,
menopausal status, BMI, alcohol
Baron et al., 200120; United States 50–75 – 5101 5430 (P) Self-report (35 years) State-wide 1.2 (1.0–1.4) Age, state, family history,
tumor registries parity, age at first birth,
menopausal status, age
at menopause, OC use,
PMH use, BMI, alcohol
Cohort studies
de Waard and 55–75 8.1 70 7259 Self-report (all ages) Medical records 1.5 (0.6–3.3)5 Age
Baanders-van Halewijn,
197421; Netherlands
Raggozzino et al., 198222; NA 25 14 1135 Blood glucose levels Medical records 1.3 (0.7–2.2)5 Age
United States
Sellers et al., 199424; 55–69 5 611 41 837 Self-report (30 years) State Health 0.96 (0.68–1.36) Age
United States Registry of Iowa
Steenland et al., 199525; 25–74 7.7 163 NA Self-report (all ages) Medical records 1.40 (0.70–2.78) Age, income, menopausal status,
United States smoking, BMI, physical
activity, alcohol
Goodman et al., 199726; Japan NA 8.3 161 22 200 Self-report (all ages) Cancer registry 2.06 (1.27–3.34) Age, city, age at the
time of the bombings,
radiation dose
Weiderpass et al., 199727; Sweden 40 24 1145 70 110 Discharge diagnosis Cancer registry 1.3 (1.2–1.4) Age, calendar year
(hospitalized DM patients;
40 years)
Hjalgrim et al., 199728; Denmark 30 20 7 402 Hospitalized DM Cancer registry 0.72 (0.29–1.48) Age, calendar year

patients (30 years)

Wideroff et al., 1997 ; Denmark 50 17 493 109 581 Discharge diagnosis Cancer registry 1.2 (1.1–1.2) Age, calendar year
(hospitalized DM patients;
50 years)
Mink et al., 200230; United States 45–64 7.1 187 7894 Self-report (all ages) Cancer registry 1.39 (0.86–2.23) Age, race, study center,
and medical records family history, age at menarche,
age at first birth, age
at menopause, smoking,
BMI, alcohol
Michels et al., 200331; United States 30–55 22 5605 116 488 Self-report (30 years) Self-report, 1.17 (1.01–1.35) Age, family history, history
verified by medical of benign breast disease,
records and age at menarche, parity,
pathology reports age at first birth, menopausal status,
age at menopause, PMH use,
height, BMI, physical
activity, alcohol

between-study variation.13 To assess for publication bias, we con-

BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; DM, diabetes mellitus; NA, information not available; OC, oral contraceptive; PMH, postmenopausal hormone; RR, relative risk.–2The measure
of relative risk is an odds ratio (case–control studies),15,16,18–20 rate ratio/hazard ratio,24–26,30,31,33–36 or a standardized incidence ratio.21,22,27–29,32–3Type of controls in parentheses (H 5 hospital-
based; P 5 population-based).–4The confidence interval was estimated based on data provided in the article.–5The relative risk (and its 95% confidence interval) was calculated from observed and
Age, smoking, BMI, drinking

of cardiovascular disease,
structed a funnel plot, and applied regression methods to deter-

smoking, BMI, physical

mine funnel plot asymmetry as suggested by Egger et al.14 We

Age, study area, history

country of residence
Age, smoking, alcohol
Adjustments performed subgroup analyses and used meta-regression models to
Age, calendar year,

activity, alcohol,
evaluate potential sources of heterogeneity. Study characteristics

dietary factors
examined included study design, diabetes assessment, geographic
region, publication year, and adjustment for body mass index,

Age, income
physical activity and alcohol consumption. We also conducted
analyses stratified by menopausal status. All statistical analyses
were carried out with Stata, version 9.0 (StataCorp, College Sta-
tion, TX).

Adjusted RR (95% CI)

0.87 (0.62–1.17)

1.51 (1.26–1.80)

1.27 (0.51–3.14)
1.08 (1.01–1.16)

0.83 (0.44–1.57)

Breast cancer incidence

We identified 6 case–control studies15–20 and 16 cohort stud-

ies21–36 that presented results on diabetes and breast cancer inci-
dence. Two studies (1 case–control17 and 1 cohort23) were
excluded because of duplicate publications from the same study
population. Of the 20 eligible studies, 9 were from North America,
Breast cancer ascertainment

7 from Europe and 4 from Asia (Table I).

and medial records

Of the 20 studies, 15 found an increased risk of breast cancer in

women with diabetes, and in 8 studies the relationship was statisti-
Cancer registry

Cancer registry

Cancer registry
Cancer registry

Cancer registry

cally significant (Fig. 1). In analysis of all studies, the summary

relative risk of breast cancer was 1.20 (95% CI, 1.12–1.28) for
women with diabetes compared with women with no diabetes.
There was statistically significant heterogeneity among studies (Q
5 36.53, p 5 0.01, I2 5 48.0%). Three studies, all based on a dis-
charge diagnosis of diabetes,27,29,35 contributed significantly to the
DM patients (30–49 years)0000

summary estimate. In a sensitivity analysis excluding these 3 stud-

(hospitalized DM patients)

ies, the summary relative risk remained unchanged but the CI

Hospitalized insulin-treated

slightly widened (RR, 1.20; 95% CI, 1.09–1.33) and heterogeneity

Diabetes assessment

among studies was reduced (Q 5 23.60, p 5 0.10, I2 5 32.2%).

(age at diagnosis)

and medication use

Blood glucose levels

Stratification by study design showed that diabetes was associated

Self-report (all ages)

Self-report (all ages)

Discharge diagnosis

with a statistically significant 18 and 20% increased risk of breast

cancer in case–control and cohort studies, respectively (Fig. 1 and
Table II). The relation between diabetes and breast cancer was
similar in population-based case–control studies and hospital-
based case–control studies (Table II).
To examine whether differences in diabetes assessment
accounted for the heterogeneity in results, we stratified studies by
diabetes assessment. Summary estimates were similar for studies
Controls or
cohort size

468 615

33 503
465 510

51 223

where diabetes was defined based on self-report, blood glucose

levels or a discharge diagnosis (patients with diabetes); there was
no statistically significant heterogeneity only among studies based
on self-reported diabetes (Table II). Stratifying study results by
control for potential confounders, we found that there was no sta-
No. of


tistical significant heterogeneity within strata of studies that

adjusted for body mass index, physical activity, alcohol intake or
use of postmenopausal hormones (Table II). In meta-regression

analysis, the association between diabetes and breast cancer varied

Years of




statistically significantly by geographic region (stronger associa-

tion in Asia than in North America; p 5 0.02), but not by study
expected number of cases reported in the article.

design, diabetes assessment, publication year or control for poten-

tial confounders.
Age, year





Three studies provided results stratified by menopausal

status,16,18,31 and 5 studies included only or predominantly post-
menopausal women.20,21,24,29,35 In stratified analysis by menopau-
Inoue et al., 200636; Japan
Khan et al., 2006 ; Japan

sal status, diabetes was associated with an increased risk of breast

Lipscombe et al., 200635;
Swerdlow et al., 200532;

Jee et al., 200533; Korea

cancer in postmenopausal women but not in premenopausal

women (Table II). The difference in summary relative risks across
United Kingdom


strata of menopausal status was not statistically significant (p 5

Study and country

There was no indication of publication bias on the funnel plot

(data not shown) or by Egger’s test (p 5 0.94).

Breast cancer mortality

We identified 5 cohort studies that reported results on diabetes

and mortality from breast cancer (Table III).32,33,37–39 Combining

FIGURE 1 – Relative risks for the association between diabetes and incidence of breast cancer in case–control and cohort studies. Studies are
ordered by study design and year of publication. Squares represent study-specific relative risks (the square sizes are proportional to the weight of
each study in the summary estimate); horizontal lines represent 95% confidence intervals (CIs); diamonds represent summary relative risks with
95% CIs. Test for heterogeneity among studies: Q 5 36.53; p 5 0.01; I2 5 48.0%.

Heterogeneity tests
No. of studies RR (95% CI)
Q p I2 (%)

Study design
Case–control studies 5 1.18 (1.05–1.32) 3.16 0.53 0
Population-based 2 1.19 (1.02–1.40) 0.05 0.82 0
Hospital-based 3 1.17 (0.96–1.43) 3.06 0.22 34.7
Cohort studies 15 1.20 (1.11–1.30) 33.31 0.003 58.0
Diabetes assessment
Self-report 13 1.19 (1.09–1.29) 11.66 0.47 0
Blood glucose levels 2 1.49 (1.26–1.77) 0.25 0.62 0
Patients with diabetes 5 1.16 (1.05–1.27) 17.84 0.001 77.6
Geographic region
North America 9 1.12 (1.06–1.18) 4.37 0.82 0
Europe 7 1.19 (1.08–1.31) 12.68 0.05 52.7
Asia 4 1.45 (1.07–1.97) 5.11 0.16 41.3
Publication year
1970–1994 5 1.08 (0.93–1.26) 2.21 0.70 0
1995–1999 7 1.27 (1.16–1.38) 10.24 0.12 41.4
2000–2006 8 1.17 (1.04–1.32) 16.79 0.02 58.3
Adjustment for body mass index
No 10 1.19 (1.09–1.30) 26.47 0.002 66.0
Yes 10 1.20 (1.09–1.33) 10.06 0.35 10.5
Adjustment for physical activity
No 17 1.20 (1.12–1.29) 35.00 0.004 54.3
Yes 3 1.16 (1.01–1.33) 1.36 0.51 0
Adjustment for alcohol intake
No 13 1.17 (1.08–1.27) 27.67 0.006 56.5
Yes 7 1.26 (1.13–1.40) 7.37 0.29 18.6
Adjustment for postmenopausal hormone use
No 18 1.20 (1.11–1.30) 36.46 0.004 53.4
Yes 2 1.18 (1.06–1.32) 0.05 0.82 0
Menopausal status
Premenopausal 3 0.91 (0.62–1.34) 0.35 0.84 0
Postmenopausal 8 1.16 (1.08–1.23) 11.56 0.12 39.4

Years of Age, No. of Cohort Diabetes assessment 3
Study and country size (age at diagnosis) Adjusted RR (95% CI) Adjustments
follow-up year deaths2

Kessler, 197037; 26 NA 21 21 447 Blood glucose level 0.88 (0.70–1.08)4 Age

United States
Verlato et al., 200338; Italy 10 NA 28 7148 Diabetes clinics, 1.40 (1.06–1.81) Age
drug prescriptions,
or family physicians
Coughlin et al., 200439; 16 30 4346 588 321 Self-report (all ages) 1.27 (1.11–1.45) Age, education, race,
United States smoking, physical activity,
BMI, alcohol,
dietary factors
Swerdlow et al., 200532; 30 30–49 17 5066 Hospitalized 0.86 (0.50–1.38) Age, calendar year,
United Kingdom insulin-treated country of residence
DM patients (30–49 y)
Jee et al., 200533; Korea 10 30–95 NA 468 615 Blood glucose 2.23 (1.49–3.33) Age, smoking, alcohol
levels or medication use
BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; DM, diabetes mellitus; NA, information not available; RR, relative risk.–2Deaths from breast
cancer.–3The measure of relative risk is a rate ratio/hazard ratio33,39 or a standardized mortality ratio.32,37,38–4The confidence interval was calcu-
lated from observed and expected number of deaths reported in the article.

the results from these studies yielded a summary relative risk of the true relationship between diabetes and risk of breast cancer.
1.24 (95% CI, 0.95–1.62) for women with (versus without) diabe- Finally, inherent in meta-analysis of published studies is the possibility
tes. There was statistically significant heterogeneity among studies of publication bias. However, we found no evidence of such bias in
(Q 5 20.54, p < 0.001, I2 5 80.5%). There was no evidence of this meta-analysis.
publication bias (Egger’s test: p 5 0.89). None of the studies included in this meta-analysis provided
results stratified by insulin-dependent versus noninsulin-dependent
Type II diabetes. We therefore could not examine whether risks
may differ in these 2 types of Type II diabetics. One cohort study
Discussion consisted entirely of patients with insulin-treated diabetes, and in
Findings from this meta-analysis support a positive association this study no association was found between insulin-dependent
between diabetes (largely Type II diabetes) and breast cancer risk. Type II diabetes and breast cancer incidence or mortality.32
Summary results showed that women with diabetes may have The mechanisms underlying the relation between diabetes and
20% increased risk of breast cancer. The association between breast cancer risk may be related to alterations in circulating concen-
diabetes and breast cancer was consistent for case–control and trations of insulin, insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and endoge-
cohort studies and for studies carried out in North America, nous sex hormones. Type II diabetes is usually associated with
Europe and Asia. insulin resistance and increased pancreatic insulin secretion for long
There are several potential limitations that should be considered periods both before and after disease onset. Insulin has been demon-
when interpreting the results of this meta-analysis. First, most of strated to have mitogenic effects on breast tissue,42,43 and insulin
the studies did not distinguish between Type I and Type II diabe- receptors are frequently over-expressed in breast cancer cells.44,45 A
tes. Because Type I diabetes (which accounts for 5–10% of all positive association between circulating concentrations of insulin or
diagnosed cases of diabetes2) may not be a risk factor for breast C-peptide (a marker of insulin secretion) and breast cancer risk has
cancer,28,32,40 the magnitude of the relationship between diabetes been observed in several,46–50 but not in all epidemiologic stud-
and breast cancer may have been somewhat underestimated. Fur- ies.30,51,52 High fasting insulin concentrations53 and Type II diabe-
thermore, because diabetes is an underdiagnosed disease, some tes54 have also been associated with adverse prognostic factors and
misclassification of exposure is likely to have occurred and this poor outcomes in women with breast cancer. Elevated insulin con-
misclassification would tend to attenuate any true association centrations may also stimulate tumor growth by increasing bioavail-
between diabetes and breast cancer risk. Based on data from a able IGF-I.5 High circulating IGF-I concentrations have been shown
population-based study in the United States, about 3–4% of adults to predict premenopausal breast cancer risk.55 Insulin inhibits the
(aged 40 years) have undiagnosed diabetes.41 In cohort studies production of sex hormone-binding globulin,56 which leads to an
of hospitalized diabetic patients, the comparison group (i.e., the increase in bioavailable estradiol and testosterone.57 Compared to
general population) includes individuals with diabetes; this would healthy women, diabetes patients have been found to have higher
also lead to attenuated relative risk estimates. A second limitation concentrations of circulating estrogens and androgens.58,59 Epide-
is methodologic issues related to study design. Case–control stud- miologic studies have generally indicated positive relationships
ies are susceptible to recall and selection biases. The association between estrogen and testosterone concentrations and risk of breast
between diabetes and breast cancer risk was similar in case–con- cancer in postmenopausal women.60,61 Some studies have found
trol and cohort studies, which argues against the possibility that positive relations between estrogen and testosterone concentrations
the observed association was the result of recall or selection bias. and breast cancer risk in premenopausal women62,63 but the associa-
Third, as our analyses are based on observational studies, uncon- tions seem to be weaker than in postmenopausal women. In this
trolled confounding cannot be entirely excluded as a potential ex- meta-analysis, the relation between diabetes and breast cancer
planation for the observed association. Nevertheless, many studies appeared to be confined to postmenopausal women, but this finding
adjusted for potential confounders and the association was similar was based on a limited number of studies of premenopausal breast
for studies that controlled for body mass index, physical activity cancer and a test for difference in association by menopausal status
and alcohol consumption, and for studies that did not adjust for was not statistically significant. Thus, this may be a chance finding.
these variables. It is remarkable that only 2 studies20,31 adjusted In summary, this meta-analysis supports the hypothesis that
for postmenopausal hormone use, a risk factor for breast cancer. women with diabetes may have an increased risk of breast cancer.
In the study by Michels et al.,31 women with diabetes were less Whether this association varies by menopausal status or type of
likely to use postmenopausal hormones. Hence, failure to adjust Type II diabetes (insulin-dependent versus noninsulin-dependent)
for postmenopausal hormone use may result in an underestimation of warrants further investigation.
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