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At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Know when the digital age took place

2. Identify the different types of communication from early time up to the


3. Know the role and importance of ICT

What does it mean when we say Digital Age?

It is a period in human history that started when computers were

introduced in the 1970s. It is evident in the rapid shift from mechanical
industrialization to technological innovation.

The Digital Age is also termed as the Information Age, Computer Age, or
New Media Age.

An important thing to note is that the meaning of the Digital Age will
continue to change over time as new technologies or devices will be
developed through research and development that will ultimately impact
how we as humans will interact.

Now let us define what is ICT?

ICT or Information and Communication Technology pertains to the

unification and integration of telecommunication lines (wireless or not),
computers, software and systems that enable access, storage, transmittal,
and manipulation of information. It concentrates on advancing the way we
communicate in this Information or Digital Age.
Cave Paintings and Carve Stones

Imaginative art or some form of communication were discovered by

archaeologists in the cave paintings and carved stones done by
Neanderthals or early homo sapiens that dates backs to around 130,000 to
100,000 B.C.

Carrier Pigeons

Another means of communication was the use of homing pigeons which

dates back to no less than 2,900 BC, when ships coming into Egyptian
ports discharged pigeons to report imperative guests. The Egyptian army
likewise utilized bearer pigeons for military correspondence. Homing
pigeons were additionally utilized for correspondence in China, India,
Persia, and numerous different parts of Asia. Around 2,350 BC, King
Sargon of Akkadia sent a homing pigeon out with every one of his
detachments. By 776, transporter pigeons were being utilized to convey
the news of Olympic triumphs to Athens.

Marathon Man

The Story of Pheidippides is that which inspired the sporting spectacle of

Marathon running. Pheidippides an Athenian Herald or Courier was said to
have run from Marathon to Athens to report that the Greeks won against
the Persians in the Battle of Marathon.
First Daily Newspaper

The first daily newspaper ever to be distributed was the Einkommende

Zeitungen in July 1, 1960 in Leipzig, Germany. The name of the newspaper
means “approaching daily papers”.


The Telegraph was created in the 1840s by Samuel Morse (1791-1872) and
different designers. It worked by transmitting electrical flags over a wire
laid between stations. Notwithstanding designing the broadcast, Samuel
Morse built up a code (bearing his name) which came to be known as the
Morse code.

The Telephone

Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), best known as the designer of the

phone, worked at a school for the hard of hearing while at the same time
endeavoring to imagine a machine that would transmit sound by power.
Bell was awarded the principal official patent for his phone in March 7,
1876, however he would later face a very long time of lawful difficulties to
his case that he was its sole creator, bringing about one of history's longest
patent fights.

Radio Signal

In 1901 Guglielmo Marconi an Italian inventor pioneered long-distance

radio transmission and transmitted the first transatlantic radio signal from
Cornwall to Newfoundland.

Television Broadcast

In April 7, 1927, AT&T (Bell Telephone Company) held the first public
demonstration of long-distance television transmission. Reporters watched
as a TV image of Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover was sent from
Washington, D.C. to New York by phone lines.

Inter-networking began with when Packet switching networks which

included the ARPANET project of the US Protection Office joined multiple
separate networks into a network of networks.

World Wide Web

The World Wide Web was developed from 1989 to 1994 at the European
Council for

Nuclear Research and was made freely available to the world in 1994.

Instant Messaging

Instant Messaging basically began in the 70s and 80s but the new era of
instant messaging can be credited to America Online (AOL) AIM which
gained popularity in May 1997

Blogging 1999 Vlog

In 1999, the word blog sprung up and after five years, the term blog, was
announced the expression of the year by Merriam-Webster.


Facebook, the world's most mainstream interpersonal interaction site was

launched in February 2004. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg.


Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Business Stone, and Evan
Williams in 2006. Rapidly gained popularity as of 2017 has 100 million daily
active users.

That is how communication evolved. Now let us discuss the importance

and benefits of ICT to the Society and individuals

For Health:
– . Easy access to patient records.

– Access to medical information

– Online Appointment/s.

– Database for Medical Inventory

– Organized information about individual patients

For Education:

– Research and Resource over the internet.

– New ways and style of learning.

– Remote learning.

– Skills for life.

For the Solution of Crimes:

- Media and Communication.

- Storage and access of information.

- Forensic, Tracing and Fraud prevention.

- Database and prevention of fraud.

- Saves time.

For Communication:

– Ways of communication using ICT.

– Communication using E-mail, IM etc.

– Easy communication system benefits.

For Business:

- Changing ways of business.

- Information technology.

- E-commerce (selling/buying).

- Online Banking.

- For Work

- Work can be carried out easily.

- Information about work can be accessed from anywhere.

- Work can be taken to different location.

- Efficient and organized way of storing file.

By using ICT systems we are:

more productive as we are able to deal with transmit and receive vast
amounts of information and process it quickly

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