From 60 To Zero - The World's Car Giants Need To Move Fast and Break Things - Briefing - The Economist

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4/23/2020 From 60 to zero - The world’s car giants need to move fast and break things | Briefing | The

and break things | Briefing | The Economist


Briefing Apr 25th 2020 edition

From 60 to zero

The world’s car giants need to move fast and break

They have dawdled for too long

Apr 25th 2020

W hen carmakers sold 95m cars and commercial vehicles in 2017 the 100m
mark seemed just around the corner. After a disappointing 2018 and 2019,
this year was forecast to be a turning point. And it will be—in the wrong direction.
As governments around the world have ordered factories to close and locked-down 1/11
As governments around
the world have ordered factories to close and locked down
From 60 to zero - The world’s car giants need to move fast and break things | Briefing | The Economist

buyers put o purchases, car sales are expected to plummet by a fth (see chart 1),
to a level last seen in the depths of the global nancial crisis of 2007-09. A feared
second wave of covid-19 makes prospects for 2021 uncertain. The industry, already

facing a precarious and colossally expensive shift to electric cars, will emerge from
the pandemic transformed—not necessarily for the better.

Most carmakers were tter going into this crisis than the last recession a decade
ago. Back then America’s General Motors (gm) and Chrysler entered bankruptcy and
needed bail-outs. This time balance-sheets looked stronger, costs had been tamed
and rms had restructured to concentrate on pro table businesses. Nothing,
though, prepared them for the coronavirus. First China and then the world went
into lockdown. Car rms, parts suppliers, showrooms and repair shops shut.


The immediate concern is survival. Firms are tapping old and new credit lines
despite high borrowing costs. Ford, an American rm, is paying a punishing 9%
interest on its newly issued bonds. The price of insuring its debt against default
has soared since December. Other companies, too, have seen their
creditworthiness increasingly questioned. 2/11
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They have no choice but to borrow. Credit Suisse, a bank, expects gm and Ford to
burn through $10bn and $14bn of cash, respectively, in the rst half of 2020.
France’s psa Group, which reported rst-quarter results on April 21st, and enjoyed
record pro tability before production stopped, used up €4bn ($4.4bn) of cash
between January and March, leaving it with gross liquidity of €19bn. Analysts at
Je eries, a bank, estimate that the eight biggest carmakers in Europe and America
could, in all, burn over $50bn of cash in the second quarter. At that rate, they may
run out of money by the end of the year (see chart 2). 3/11
4/23/2020 From 60 to zero - The world’s car giants need to move fast and break things | Briefing | The Economist

Companies are cancelling dividends and begging governments for assistance.

Across the rich world governments will pay furloughed workers, whose wages eat
up around 15% of car rms’ revenues, according to Morgan Stanley, a bank. In
Germany Volkswagen, bmw and Daimler will use a videoconference with Angela
Merkel on May 5th to implore the chancellor to revive a “cash-for-clunkers” scheme
like the one introduced after the nancial crisis.

At least factories are opening after having been shut for weeks. Those in China are
already up and running. Chinese dealerships are, too. Early signs o er some
encouragement. Chinese sales collapsed by 80% in February, year on year,
according to the China Passenger Car Association, an industry body. In March they

were down by two- fths—still dismal but less so. April promises to be better. In the
rst 19 days of the month sales were down by just 7% from the same period last

Even if sales recover, scars will remain. Capacity utilisation in Chinese factories
was already low by global standards, at 75%. It is surely even lower now—possibly
below the 65% that, according to an industry rule of thumb, carmakers need to
break even. Social distancing is hard on an assembly line, where even highly
automated procedures, such as robotically attaching windscreens, require half a
dozen workers in attendance.

Labour shortages caused by illness, the need for more deep-cleaning and other
safety measures will be a drag on rms’ productivity for a while. vw, one of several
European rms that will slowly restart from April 27th, will use experience from
reopening 32 of its 33 plants in China. Its 100-point plan will safeguard workers’
health—but make their jobs harder.

Bigger question-marks hang over the supply chain. Natural disasters such as a
devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011 taught car companies to
diversify their suppliers and have alternatives to fall back on. But not all parts can 4/11
4/23/2020 From 60 to zero - The world’s car giants need to move fast and break things | Briefing | The Economist

be sourced from several parts-makers. As Matteo Fini of ihs Markit explains, bulky
ones like door panels tend to be made close to factories, where you are unlikely to
nd multiple producers. Doubling up capacity for those that require pricey tooling,
such as dashboards, is prohibitively expensive.


Suppliers are also nancially feebler than the carmakers they serve. AlixPartners, a
consultancy, nds that nearly a quarter of 400-odd stockmarket-listed parts-
makers face immediate cash shortfalls. Continental, a German producer of
everything automotive from electronics to tyres, which itself supplies carmakers,
warned that dozens of its suppliers are on the brink. Without parts and people,
factories cannot run at full steam.

Turning back the clock

The depressing mix of sti ed production and uncertain future sales will crimp
pro ts. Margins were under pressure before the pandemic slump, in part owing to
investments in electric vehicles (evs), particularly in Europe, where emissions
targets are tightening. Now capital spending and research-and-development
budgets are under review. The thorny question of what resources to allocate to evs
and other future technologies has gained new urgency.

In the words of Dan Levy of Credit Suisse, the industry is running on “two clocks”.
The rst marks time in the near term, when investment in fossil-fuelled vehicles,
which provide the bulk of pro ts, has to continue, not least to ensure that rms
have money to invest in electric ones (as well as self-driving cars and mobility
services). On this clock companies will keep selling evs at a loss for several years.
On the second, longer-term clock, battery prices will fall enough to ensure
pro tability (see article). But margins on evs may not match those of conventional
automobiles for a while, if ever.

Herbert Diess, vw’s boss, alluded to the complicated equation when he said in
January that the car industry would have to “slaughter some sacred cows”. vw has
made a start with the industry’s biggest bet on the future, vowing to plough €60bn
into evs and other new technologies over the next ve years. 5/11
into evs and other new
technologies over the next ve years.
From 60 to zero - The world’s car giants need to move fast and break things | Briefing | The Economist


The question is whether motorists are interested. The take-up of electric cars has
been slow except in China, where the government has lavished subsidies on the
technology to turn its carmakers into world leaders. In Europe, where consumers
worry about range, charging infrastructure and cost, only two in every 100 cars sold
last year ran on pure battery power.

Carmakers have not (yet) asked for relief from Europe’s tougher emissions rules, so
the proportion of ev sales will have to rise (it may not in America, however, where
emissions standards were recently relaxed). But buyers will be pulled in two
directions, says Andrew Bergbaum of AlixPartners. The pleasure of breathing
cleaner city air during lockdowns may persuade some to go for evs. Many others
will hold on to older petrol cars for longer—especially with falling oil prices, a glut
of cheap second-hand cars foreclosed from unpaid leases and fewer incentives
from cash-strapped governments to buy electric.

Covid-19 may, then, slow electri cation—but will not derail it. Car rms must
sooner or later press ahead with e orts to make evs pro table. Some are pooling
resources in areas where pro ts are highest. gm’s decision to sell its loss-making
Opel unit to psa in 2017 and get out of Europe was an early example. The mega-
merger announced last year between psa, which has turned a pro t at Opel by
wrapping it in its larger European business, and Fiat Chrysler is still on track. (The
chairman of Fiat Chrysler John Elkann sits on the board of The Economist’s parent 6/11
4/23/2020 From 60 to zero - The world’s car giants need to move fast and break things | Briefing | The Economist
chairman of Fiat Chrysler, John Elkann, sits on the board of The Economist s parent

More consolidation looks certain, though perhaps not through full mergers, which
have a mixed record in carmaking. Investors would welcome e orts to reduce the
duplication of investment, which has long depressed returns. They can expect
more alliances to pool scarce resources, such as one announced last year by bmw
and Jaguar Land Rover to jointly develop evs. Another between Ford and vw to
share electri cation costs could become more intimate. Morgan Stanley sees “no
limit” to their collaboration. Patrick Hummel of ubs thinks that even joint
development of next-generation petrol engines may make sense. Alliances, though,
are complicated. The biggest, between Renault and two Japanese rms, Nissan and
Mitsubishi, may nally snap under the strain of coronavirus.


The pandemic will not hurt everyone equally. Tesla in particular has had a good
crisis. The electric-carmaker enjoys a big backlog of orders, enough liquidity to see
it through the downturn—and no petrol-engine legacy to shed. Its share price has
regained ground since a dip in March. Only Toyota has a higher market

The Japanese giant and vw, which make roughly 10m cars each annually, should
weather the storm. Chinese companies may look for cheap bargains abroad. Two of 7/11
4/23/2020 From 60 to zero - The world’s car giants need to move fast and break things | Briefing | The Economist

them, Geely and baic, already hold big stakes in Daimler (maker of Mercedes cars),
which does not have strategic shareholders of the sort that protect vw and bmw
from takeover. Mass-market rms, mostly operating on wafer-thin margins, will
struggle. Taxpayers look likely to prop up some weaklings, like Renault.

The biggest concern may be that the virus changes attitudes to cars. On the one

hand, fear of infection may put commuters o trains, buses or ride-hailing, and
into automobiles. On the other, more home-working may reduce commuting of
any kind, including with your own set of wheels. A prolonged recession could
damage sales for good. Carmakers of the future may yet look back nostalgically to
2017 as their industry’s peak. 7

This article appeared in the Brie ng section of the print edition under the headline "From 60 to zero"

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4/23/2020 From 60 to zero - The world’s car giants need to move fast and break things | Briefing | The Economist

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