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1. Goals have both an ______ and an ______ aspect.

a. Mission and vision c. Internal and external
b. Induction and reduction d. Inclusion and exclusion
2. The content of a goal is whatever the person is ______.
a. Hoping c. Doing
b. Seeking d. Keeping
3. It is the most effective in motivating improved performance when it is used to set goals.
A. Self-efficacy C. Feedback
B. Self-management D. Planning
4. Goals stimulates _________ in general.
A. Self-efficacy C. Feedback
B. Self-management D. Planning
5. It is defined as people’s beliefs about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performances
that exercise influence over events that affects their lives.
A. Self-awareness C. Self-esteem
B. Self-efficacy D. Self-reference
6. The following words are the criteria of goal setting except.
A. Specific C. Time-bound
B. Measurable D. Remarkable
7. According to Neff (2012), these feelings are generated from one's warm embrace of self-compassion.
a. Positive c. Negative
b. Nuetral d. Unacceptable
8. These people tend to have less anxiety and engage in fewer self-harming behaviors such as
a. Handicapped c. Self-compassionate
b. Disabled d. Highly educated
9. Self-esteem is thought to be an evaluation of superiority/inferiority that helps to establish social rank
stability and is related to alerting, energizing impulses and the activation of what hormone.
A.) Prolactin C.) Dopamine
B.) Oxytocin D.) Melatonin
10. High self-esteem can lead to ___.
A.) Suicidal thoughts C.) Masochism
B.) Narcissism D.) Altruism
11. Known to be an important predictor of anxiety and depression?
A. Self-compassion C. Self-criticism
B. Self-esteem D. A and B
12. ____ Enhances motivation rather than self-indulgence.
A. Self-compassion C. Self-criticism
B. Self-esteem D. None of the above
13. Self-compassion and ______ are two ways to positively confront stress.
A. Self criticism C. Self care
B. Self esteem D. Self eficacy
14. An example of a self-compassion exercise that has been used by therapeutic programs.
A. Meditation C. Physical exercise
B. Sleep D. Self-compassionate letter
15. What goals can be highly effective in gaining commitment, although they may not always be set as
high as another person would assign?
A. High commitment C. Self-efficacy
B. Commitment D. Self-set
16.What is wrong with urging people to "do their best" especially when they are paid on a piece rate
A. People need feedback on their progress toward the goal
B. People simply not do their best because this exhortation is too vague and too abstract.
C. People attain their goal and must be committed the goal, especially if the goal is difficult
D. None of the above
17. It is a stress in daily life that has positive connotations, such as marriage, promotion, baby and
winning money.
A. Distress C. Eustress
B. Stressor D. Stress Syndrome
18. It is a stress in daily life that has negative connotations, such as divorce, punishment, injury and
A. Distress C. Eustress
B. Stressor D. Stress Syndrome
19. Which of the following statement is true?
A. Habitual behavior patterns like over scheduling, procrastination, etc can cause negative stress.
B. Thoughts like fear. Worrying about future etc. Can cause negative stress.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
20. What is the signs of stress overload?
A. Anxiety or panic attack C. Moodiness
B. Irritability D. All of the above
21. This can be used to enhance task interest and reduce boredom. However, it also increase stress and
A. Ejaculation C. Goal
B. Failure D. Self-management
22. Stress can affect people of all ages, genders and circumstances which leads to
A. Psychological health issue C. Both A and B
B. Physical health issue D. None of the above
23. He defined stress as the body’s nonspecific response to any demand, whether it is caused by or results
in pleasant or unpleasant stimuli.
A. Hans Selye C. Charles Spielberger
B. Dean Ornish D. Robert Kugelmann
24. Emotions are form in which one experiences automatized value _____________ .
A. Ability C. Goals
B. Performance D. Judgements

25.What article of the Health Harvard Journal of 2017 that discuss about chronic stress and human body
A. Understanding self-problem C. Self-stress understanding
B. Understanding self-response D. Human self-response on stress
26. What area of the brain that function like a command center?
A. Amygdala C. Cerebral cortex
B. Hypothalamus D. Brain
27. The _____is like a bit a command center of the brain.
a. hypothalamus c. amygdala
b. cerebral cortex d. cerebellum
28. Are maladies caused principally by errors in the body’s general adaptation process?
a. anxiety c. stress diseases
b. depression d. suicide
29. This part of the brain contribute to emotional processing, sends a distress to the hypothalamus.
a. Hypothalamus c. Amygdala
b. Cerebellum d. Cerebral cortex
30. The body dies because it has used up its resources of adaption energy.
a. The stage of existence c. Stage of puberty
b. The exhaustion stage d. The alarm stage
31.It evolved as a survival mechanism, enabling people and other mammals to react quickly to life
threatening situations.
a. Adrenaline c. Alarm stage
b. Sympathetic Nervous System d. fight or flight reaction
32. It serves as the second component of the stress response and activated by the hypothalamus.
a. CRH c. Hypothalamic Pituitary adrenal axis
b. Corticotropin-realising hormone d. None of the above
33. He studied the "Culture's Consequences on Coping: Theories, Evidences, and Dimensions"?
A. Ben Tulfo C. Ben Kou
B. Ben Kuo D. Ben Ten
34. Coping through family support are most common to those individuals of ______ background.
A. American C. Latino/Latina
B. Asian D. None of the above
35. People can counter the stress by using a combination of approaches to elicit the _________.
A. Physical Activity C. Social Support
B. Relaxation Response D. Hypertension
36. Several techniques to counter chronic stress were presented in what article?
A. Health Harvard 2017 C. Health Center 2019
B. Health Care 2008 D. Health Lovers 2010
37.Which of the movement therapies can help induce calmness?
A. Gong cha C. Qi gong
B. Tai Wan D. None of the above
38. People who enjoy close relationships with family and friends receive emotional support that indirectly
helps to sustain them at times of _____________________ and crisis.
A. Acute stress C. Physical injuries
B. Family conflict D. Chronic stress
39. _____________ adolescents were found to engage in collectivistically based coping, in conjunction
with indivualistically based coping when dealing with impersonal conflict, adjustment stress, and gender
role-related stress?
A. Chinese-Canadian C. Filipino-Chinese
B. Indian-American D. Chinese-American
40. The relationship between coping methods and coping outcomes is _____________ but is moderated
by constellation of contextual and personal factors?
A. Straightforward C. Curved
B. Not straightforward D. None of the above
41. How can stress be beneficial at times?
A. Producing a boost that provides the drive and energy to help get through situations
B. Rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and other mental health
C. Help you meet daily challenges and sleep until you are done
D. Incredibly overwhelms you and can’t concentrate on anything.
42. The body undergoes virtually the same nonspecific responses to the various positive and negative
stimuli acting upon it.
A. Eustress C. Both A and B
B. Distress D. None of the above
43. Which statement is NOT true ? Self-efficacy influences:
a. Commitment to goals. c. The choice of task strategies
b. Asking for commitment in public. d. None of the above.
44. Self-efficacy refers to task-specific confidence and is a key component of Bandura's (1986)?
a. Social cognitive theory c. Social manipulation theory
b. Social cultural theory d. Social and Self theory
45. One cannot really make any significant advancement in using "metacognitive" skills without having
an honest and accurate evaluation of what you know and don’t know.
a.) Modifying your approach c.) Knowing your limits
b.) Skimming d.) Engaging on what you learned
46. This is trying to test your comprehension of your learning experience or the skills you have acquired
during learning.
a.) Self-Test c.) Knowing your limits
b.) Rehearsing d.) Modifying your approach
47. It begins with the recognition that your strategy is not appropriate with the task or that you do not
comprehend the learning experience?
A. Skimming C. Knowing your limits
B. Modifying your approach D. Self-test
48. The following are not the tips that you can use in studying, except what?
A. Make an outline of the things you want to learn.
B. Challenge yourself in completing the task successfully.
C. Test your comprehension.
D. Rehearsing.
49. This is basically browsing over a material and keeping an eye on keywords, phrases and sentences. It
is also about knowing where to search for key terms.
A. Skimming C. Rehearsing
B. Knowing your limits D. Self-test
50. This is not just about repeatedly talking, writing and doing what you have learned, but also trying to
make a personal interpretation or summary of the learning experience.
A. Skimming C. Rehearsing
B. Knowing your limits D. Self-test
51.Kristin Neff has defined self-compassion as being composed of 3 main components namely
a. Self-kindness, common humanity and mindfulness
b. Common Humanity, self-acceptance and Curiosity
c. Empathy, self-pity and Self-kindness
d. Optimism, Happiness and mindfulness
52. Self-compassion enhances_____?
a. Self-indulgence c. Happiness
b. Motivation d. Anxiety
53. Greater self-compassion is linked to less ____?
a. Anxiety and depression c. Sadness and self-pity
b. Happiness and motivation d. Confidence and Self-indulgence
54. Neff provided self-compassion phrases when feeling stress or emotional the first phrase states that?
a. This is a moment of suffering c. May I give myself the compassion I need
b. Suffering is part of life d. May I be kind to myself
55. Self-compassion has the ability to turn ___?
a. understanding, acceptance and love inward. c. Empathy and motivation
b. Self-pity and anxiety d. Depression and self-pity
56. Less self-compassion can lead into ___?
a. Happiness and enjoyment c. Confidence and understanding
b. Anxiety and depression d. Love and acceptance
57. Who wrote the science of self-compassion?
A. Martin luther ford c. Christopher daniels
b. Kristin neff d. None of the above
58.Stress and tension are interpreted as?
A. Vicarious experiences. C. Physiological (somatic and emotional) states.
B. Mastery experiences. D. Signs of vulnerability to poor performance.
59. Dr. Bandura describe these four main sources of influence by which a person's self-efficacy is
developed and maintained. Except one:
A. Performance accomplishments or mastery experiences.
B. Verbal or social persuasion.
C. Physiological (somatic and emotional) states.
D. Signs of vulnerability to poor performance.
60. It’s the belief of one’s capabilities to organize and execute the sources of action required to manage
prospective situation.
A. Self-esteem C. Self-efficacy
B. Productivity D. Self-conscious
61. who is named as the most influential psychologist of all time because of his theories that gave major
contribution in the field of psychology?
A. Dr. Kendra
B. Dr. Bandura
C. Dr. Weibell
D. Dr. Brandon
62. Was named the most influential psychologist of all time. His theories gave major contribution to the
field of psychology, psychotherapy, and education.
A. Dr. Bandura C. Weibell
B. Barack Obama D. Kendra
63. Dr. Bandura described four main sources of influence by which a person’s self-efficacy is developed
and maintained.
A. Vicarious experiences
B. Fall easy victim to stress and depression
C. Shy away from tasks they view as personal threats
D. Have low aspirations and weak commitment to goals they choose to pursue
64. The following are example of people who with high assurance in their capabilities. EXCEpt.
A.Set a Challenging Goals and maintain strong commitment to Them;
B. Shy away from tasks they view as a personal threat
C. Approach difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered
D. Approach Threatening situations with assurance that they can Exercise control over them
65. The most influential psychologist that his theories gave major contribution to the field of psychology,
psychotherapy and education.
A. Dr. King C. Dr. Bandura
B. Dr. Alterado D. Dr. Welbell
66.What goals can be highly effective in gaining commitment, although they may not always be set as
high as another person would assign?
A. High commitment C. Self-efficacy
B. Commitment D. Self-set
67. What is wrong with urging people to "do their best" especially when they are paid on a piece rate
A. People need feedback on their progress toward the goal
B. People simply not do their best because this exhortation is too vague and too abstract.
C. People attain their goal and must be commited the goal, especially if the goal is difficult
D. None of the above
68. She published her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success in 2006 that contributes to the
field of Social Psychology.
a. Dr. Dwight c. Dr. Dwyer
b. Dr. Dweck d. Dr. Dwelle
69. What are the two types of Mindset
a. Gratitude and Confident Mindset c. Social and Dreamer Mindset
b. Creative and Productive Mindset d. Fixed and Growth Mindset
70.She has been elected as one of the outstanding scholars in social sciences at the American academy of
arts and sciences. And her works has been featured in different publications like the New Yorker, Time ,
a. Carol S. Dweck's c. Carlo D. Dwight
b. Edwin A.Locke's d. Aldwin C. Dwelle
71. She graduated from Bernard Collage in 1967 and earned her Phd from Yale University in 1972 and
she was the author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.
a. Aldwin C. Dwelle c. Carol S. Dweck's
b. Carlo D. Dwight d. Edwin A.Locke's
72. A way of coping that has been shown to be beneficial for asian-americans and asian-canadians in
dealing with various stressors such as conflicts and racial discrimanation.
A. Problem focused coping c. Spitual focused coping
b. Emotion focused coping D. Social focused coping
73.Locke’s goal setting theory states that goals should have all of the following elements, EXCEPT:
a. Clarity c. Challenge
b. Feedback d. Ease of attainment
74. Who created the goal setting theory?
a. John Locke c. Edwin Locke
b. John Snow d. Sherwin Locke
75. The goal setting theory was first studied by?
A. Dr. Locke C. Beckman George
B. Donald Campbell D. Carol Dweck
76. The goal setting Theory was studied in the middle of?
A. 1960's C. 1950's
B. 1970's D. 1980's
77. An integrated approach incorporating conventional and culture based collective coping measure is
A. Imperative C. Authoritative
B. Cooperative
78. Which is the first using the strategies you can at least identify the metacognitive learners.
A. Strategic C. Lacit
B. Aware D. Cramming
79. This is a metacognitive learner in which learners know some of their metacognitive strategies, but
they do not plan on how to use these techniques.
A. Strategic C. Lacit
B. Aware D. Cramming
80.How to reach your goal?
A. Perseverance
B. To study hard so that you can reach your goal
C. Being inspired by Family and Friends
D. All of the Above

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