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Annals of Library and Information Studies

Vol. 57, June 2010, pp.122-129

Podcasting in library environment

Anna Kaushik
Librarian, Modi Institute of Technology,Nayagaon Rawatbhata Road, Kota (Rajasthan)

Examines the uses of podcasting technology in libraries and identifies the various podcasting activities taking place in LIS
sector. Reveals that podcasting is spreading rapidly in LIS field and that the technology can be used to promote library services
and products, library instructions and contents to the uers.

Web enabled technologies have broken physical barriers due to widespread availability of broadband and increasing
and are playing a key role in disseminating valuable access to the internet at home, with more than 100000
information in different formats. Web 2.0 technologies podcasts listed on the iTunes Store as of August 20073.
comprise an array of web enabled services which are
used for diverse purposes. Podcasting is one of the Meaning of podcasting
Web 2.0 applications, which enhances the new ways of
A podcast is an audio file made available on internet. It is
information communication, especially content
a combination of two words broadcasting (the term used
information. It is used in the web-based environment
for the transmission of television and radio) and iPod (a
for broadcasting audio. A number of synonymous terms
well known portable media MP3 player developed by
such as audiocasting, audioblogging and webcasting are
Apple computer Inc.). In the podcasting technology, the
used for podcasting. Vodcasting, on the other hand
audio is syndicated, through RSS (Really Simple
consists of video and broadcasting that turned as a
Syndication) feed that was adopted from blog community.
popular medium due to video sharing sites like Google
Anyone can subscribe to RSS feed for any specific
Video and You Tube 1 . According to Wikipedia,
podcast that facilitates downloading new contents of the
“podcasting” term was used for the first time by Ben
podcast automatically when a new podcast is produced.
Hammersley, a journalist, in his article “The Guardian”
on February 12, 20042.
The term podcasting leads people to think that an iPod is
mandatory to download and to listen to podcasts. But
Libraries and other information provider agencies are
podcasts can be downloaded and listened through any
also incorporating podcasting technology into their
MP3 format supported media player or on personal
services by creating, editing, linking and disseminating
computers and even can be burned on CDs/ DVDs
own and other podcasts to their users. Podcasting offers
directly and heard on CDs/DVDs players.
new opportunities to deliver information contents more
effectively and with flexibility to access them anywhere
Review of literature
and at any time users want or have desire to listen.
Most of the literature regarding podcasting in library field
Podcasting is often referred to as ‘push’ technology is on how to create podcast, history of podcast, overview
because information publishers/ agencies are pushing of podcasting and tools required to develop as well as
information contents directly to the users. listen to podcasts. Mahjouri and Purnell provide essential
steps to create podcasts for a library4. Fetaji described
In 2007, Apple Inc. reported that the popularity of the role of podcasting as to produce and distribute
podcasts has exploded over the last two years probably electronic content and enhance the communication level

among various readers through a case study that was communication11. Worcester and Barker expressed that
initiated in the South East European Universitya5. Some podcasting is a recent phenomenon on the internet that
authors recommended inclusion of podcasting technology explores possibilities to act as alternative tool for academic
in libraries to enhance their services. For instance, Kraft and public libraries through a description of the University
urged to integrate podcasting technology into library of Texas at Arlington Libraries’ experiences12.
collection and asserted the ways about how a library
could find, organize, evaluate and incorporate the How podcasting works
podcasts programme into their collection by setting an A podcaster records and edits using suitable software
example of South Pointe Medical Library podcasts6. and produces an audio file often in MP3 format that may
Janes emphasized that podcasting needs to be adopted contain lectures, interviews, instructions etc., and posts
because it supports library goals7. Murley describes the final audio file on internet server. Thereafter, RSS
podcasts as important for law librarians and discusses (Really Simple Syndication) feed is added in audio files
ways in which podcasting may be helpful to law librarians through any RSS feed generator software like Feed
to deliver library services8. Burner/ Feed for All etc., or with the help of any blog
software. The audience of the podcast uses address of
The use of podcasting technology is increasing and
the RSS feed file to subscribe the podcast by using any
podcasts are being developed by various libraries for
podcast reader/ aggregator/ podcatcher software such
different purposes. Libraries and information centers are
as iTunes, Jiuce, iPodder etc. Once subscription for
also distributing iPods to their users to intensify their
podcast is setup, the podcatcher software will
podcasting services and resources.
automatically check the new MP3 files recently added
Jowitt studied current levels of podcast usage and within subscription. If there is any update found, podcast
perceptions of library instructional podcasts by six sample reader starts to begin downloading these new files and
podcasts that were made available via New Zealand’s other accompanying files also. The audience of podcast
UCOL (Universal College of Learning) website in MP3 has option to synchronize and download podcasts with
format9. Barnes provided a model for creating podcasts other multimedia devices such as a mobile, MP3 player
to promote academic library resources and services, and iPod etc., to use them any where during their leisure
especially emphasized on government documents time.
collections by the Mississippi State University (MSU)
Libraries’ project10. Jowitt defined how podcasting Objectives of the study
technology could be used to provide instruction sessions • To examine the use of podcasting technology in
by the librarian and for promotion of information libraries;

Fig.1— Working of podcasts (Adapted from a model of podcast publication and subscription presented
by Margaret Maag13 )
124 ANN. LIB. INF. STU., JUNE 2010

Fig. 2 –– Podcasting website of The Library 2.0 gang

• To identify the podcasting activities taking place libraries web site gives information regarding entire library
in online resources in library and information in 15.3 MB (about fifteen minute audio) with necessary
science area; and direction floor by floor15. Lunar and Planetary Institute
• To review some prominent podcasting websites Library – What’s New Podcast highlights new additions
available in LIS sector. to the library collections, tips on using library services
and resources16 for information about library tour and
Methodology instructions. Georgia Perimeter College Library Listen
Up! produces podcasts on monthly basis since 2005 that
An extensive search was conducted through three search
focuses on library related news, events and promotion
engines, viz., Google, Yahoo and MSN using a
of library services17. OPAL podcasts deal with library
combination of different search terms such as library
staff development including training sessions18 for
podcast, library podcast blog, library podcast database,
conferences, tutorials and training sessions. South
and library podcast journal. A few resultant podcasts
Huntington Public Library has published various audio
relevant to LIS field were retrieved through above search
books19. “Talking with Talis” website is imparting
engines, Apart from this, podcast directories like
information in podcast format about conversations held
Podcastalley, Podcastdirectory and several online
among different technical leaders on the latest technology
resources such as databases, journals, websites, and blogs
issues like web 2.0, library 2.0 and semantic web20 for
etc., were also searched to access podcasts in library
lectures, interviews and resource guides. Lib Vide website
and information science field. The identified podcasts
provides news in podcasts format about what is happening
were thoroughly examined to know the possible use in
in the library and literary world21 for professional
libraries and podcasting activities governed through
development and learning tool.
various online resources. Finally, a few selected podcasts
in each category of online resources is reviewed.
However, use of podcasting technology can vary from
library to library where each library develops podcasts
Use of podcasting in libraries
according to their information needs or focusing an area
Presently, many libraries and information centers are of the services. By using podcasting technology in library
using podcasting technology for various purposes. services, users have another option to get readymade
Roberts pointed out the uses of podcast for information information in portable format that promotes mobile
literacy14. Alden Library podcast on the Ohio University learning environment.

Fig. 3 –– Library website with podcasts Mississippi State University

In the following sections, a few selected podcasting departments submit podcast scripts on their materials
sources relevant to LIS practitioners and professionals and services to the Podcasting Committee, who then
are discussed. record and edit the scripts before posting them on the
Library’s website at
Podcasting website podcast.html (Fig. 3). Additionally, the Committee creates
There are many websites that contain podcasts on various a podcast named as “This Week @ Your Library,” which
subjects. For example, (Fig.2) contains information on upcoming events taking place
provides a podcast named as “The Library 2.0 gang” on throughout the MSU Libraries. Another podcast entitled
library and information science which is a monthly as “Didgiknow” imparts information regarding services
roundtable podcast which has been joined by several offered by MSU libraries. Beside this, several episodes
contributors (professionals) from libraries worldwide to on various topics like College of Veterinary Medicine
discuss the technological issues/ topics of the day that Branch Library, survival skills, MSU faculty authors
influence them. Each month, the library 2.0 gang is joined podcast, access services and Government documents,
by a guest for a discussion on a topic of interest. It is microforms, and current journals department are also
produced by Talis and syndicated by Library Technology listed in the form of podcasts in (.mp3) and (.m4a)
Guides. Each entry has the title, host name, date and formats. The government documents and microforms
time of entry posting, time duration of podcast and details (GD/MF) department views the podcasting initiative as
regarding podcast but does not mention the length of an opportunity to bring the library’s United States
the particular podcast. Its first entries were made on Government and United Nations collections directly to
March11, 2008. patrons. The “Podcasts @ Your Library” web page is
the gateway to the MSU Libraries’ podcasts. This web
Library website with podcasts page provides a brief description of what podcasts are,
as well as instructions on how to access and play them
The Mississippi State University (MSU) during the Fall on either a computer or MP3 player, and links to both
(August) 2006 semester, began a project to develop RSS feeds and podcast files from individual library
podcasts that promote the Library’s numerous resources departments, but, the above web page do not provide
and programs to the university’s students, faculty and any information regarding posting date, time duration,
staff. Through this initiative, the library’s various length / size, and transcript of the any podcast.
126 ANN. LIB. INF. STU., JUNE 2010

C 'tr tie:/Ifi):,Documents%2Oand%2OSetthgsJAdmrntrator/My%2OD:Xuments/lNew%2Cf'oIder%20(4)/Emerad%2Opodcasts% to [j~ J.- .•

Text view ContaC1us Site map Help Se~"ct>:

f .. -..... ""j Password". - AlhensAnstllJ..ClonLogitl I Register I Fotgot I"8ssword1

"~M~Profile Emerald podcasts; enjoy Emerald content on the move!

Browse by subject

• Human RO>SOUfl'O>Manlioemenl
• MalKMinaandt'loistics
• InformalionManao<>ml!nlO1nclTRr.hnolollv
ForU~rarla!1s • Manaaemi'!nlofOualih'
Research Zone • OOBratiom; and Production Manilc<>mAnl
• Too Manaoemenl

M~T~ &jASS t'e#dll

SlucIy$l<ls Subscribe to OUf Fmp.r~lri Podc<isls RSR fp.p.rJ

We are now offering some of our management content as podcasts,

Lme The podcasts available on thiS page are specially Wllnerl by ~. They are drawn from reviews irl OUf Em~rald Marliaement
&~,which is updated mon1hlywith independenl reviews ofe'iE'ry article in the world's top management publications
Abo1.rlEmerald· Podcasts are provided as mp3 files which you can play on your computer or upload to your mp3 player No special software is


• To play the file choose 'open' (Interne1 Explorer) or 'Open wi1h' &0 click 'OK' (Firefox) W'hen your browser prompls you
• To download the files 10 your compuler choose ·sa~e' (Internet Explorer) or 'Save to diSC' (Flfefox)

We ~ilue your feedback on thiS service. Please send any commen1s 10 oodcastsfilpmeralrimr>iClht com


d}5t.rtl t!)?OO;~pos$b'tioes' ,,1~Dco:t.nJenu-Micr~t .. H\§4-~~-Ct,;;~~ -.2.:;INtl'lfoldl')r(ot)

Fig. 4 - Emerald database with podcasts

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%2O=older%20(4)iNew%~f •. [3-;:' ..

AugU$t 2009: Openneu 2,0 • Pvt2: Sh~ring Openness in Developing N~tion'

Eduardo Villanueva Joins us for Part 2 of our ongoing series to discuss the economic,
educational, and lingustic challenges of establishing Openness in deyeloping nattons .

• Drr•.,mlrwl Ct"rlr:a~tMP3 (2U.8MB, 26:00)1~



Questions, comments, suggestions? Email cGmmp. ••t~[;.Itlfir:<:trr1onr1...-.Icodr..:..I<;! kll)tl om

E_Mf,,?,S.u:[!}!X!f..1 (..,Q!}!{; I Arf.:.Ql:'::11 EQJi.(!ls.t.8!,'~~:l;>Jti~ I CO.Qr;fl.~,L~?nt I fJL;;U!.1QL9lf'Ll-j,<;l.!I!f.

ISSN 1396-0466 ~J.n..f[i.!I.ilt!!1996-2009, First Monday
A Gr",'ll Cites In;~13'iVF> of the l)n\'>"rsiN o' rWnoi" 1ll r'hl~"ao Lihr3r1o-'

~ ·~~~~p<>~ikm··.,1 fIDOoc:~I.~Moft" If;e;i-G;,<>gleCh'''''''' • .=D~'~c.~=c......

__ ~

Fig. 5 - Journal related podcast: First Monday

info. emeraldins ing/podcasts/ index .htm

Database with podcast (Fig~A) in MP3 format. The podcasts can be browsed
subject-wise that include accounting and finance, human
Emerald, a well known database/ publisher in resource management, marketing and logistics,
management and other fields, offers its management information management and technology, quality,
contents in podcasts form which are drawn from review operations and production management. Each of its
of its databa,se namely "Emerald Manage,ment Review" podcasts provide brief summary, facility to view transcript
that is updated on monthly basis with independent and a image but does not contain the length, time duration
reviews of articles in the worlds top management and date of posting. A brief guideline regarding
publications. The podcasts are available at http:// downloading and playing podcasts is also given.

Fig. 6 –– LIS podcast on blog OPAL

Journal related podcast parameters and each sub-parameter comprises several

questions related to assess quality of technology and
First Monday podcast, at http://www. firstmonday - information science podcasts. (Fig.5), is a monthly online audio programme
featuring stories on all aspects of the internet, First Monday podcasts contain title, brief summary,
investigating the recent trends, standards, technical issues, month and year of the each podcast available in MP3
educational uses, political and social implication of the format, describing length and time duration along with
internet. The periodicity of the First Monday podcast is its related transcript view. Its extra features lead users
similar to its first peer review journal First Monday to its concerned references from where podcasts are
focusing on novel ideas of the history and current use selected. The archives of past podcasts are also available.
and future of the Internet. First Monday podcasts lead First Monday’s podcasting began in August 2007.
users behind the scenes to meet the people, targeting
students, educators, researchers, and professionals in the
field of information technology, library science, computer LIS podcast on blog
science, communication and any users who are The blog OPAL(Online Programming for All Libraries-
associated with political, legal and educational issues all Users) available at
attached with the internet. The aim of the First Monday (Fig. 6) imparts information such as interviews, book
podcasts is to provide reliable, credible review of discussions, current happing/ events, library training,
technology and information science podcasts based on a memoir writing workshops, and virtual tours of special
set of criteria suitable for unique attributes of online audio digital library collections in the field of library and
media that are adopted from a research article published information science. OPAL was founded in 2003 by the
in the journal Libri in December, 2007 named as Alliance Library System, the Mid-Illinois Talking Centre,
“Developing criteria for podcasts22 “ written by Joy and the IIlinois State Library Talking Book and Braille
Austria and a set of criteria used by “Edgy review from Service and administered by TAP information services.
that podcast show23 “. It contains various podcasts with brief summary, length
of podcast, time duration, recording date, labels and has
Its review criteria contains three main parameters viz. facility to post the reaction regarding any podcast of any
(1) Content, (2) Presentation, (3) Technical aspects. Each user in the form of comments. OPAL also comprises
main parameter also consists of many specific sub related link, previous posts and archives since March
128 ANN. LIB. INF. STU., JUNE 2010

Fig. 7 –– Podcasting for education and training: The University of Arizona

2005. The frequency of OPAL podcast is irregular and a and format of the podcast in each entry. Apart from this,
huge gap was found among the entries, for example, the navigation, calendar and events, guided exportation to
last three entries were posted on August 20, 2008, January browse or search podcasts by audience, people, course,
23, 2009 and January 30, 2009. task, topic and guided keyword and access to past
podcast archives of SIRLS facilities are also available.
Podcasting for education and training The currency of podcast is monthly but sometimes
two podcasts are also posted in a month and all podcasts
Some schools of library and information science are also are categorized year-wise.
involved in podcasting. They are generating various
podcasts on library and information science subject. For Advantages of podcasting
example, (Fig. 7), the The following are the advantages to libraries as well as
School of Information Resources & Library Science at users:-
the University of Arizona is a pioneer school in distance 1. On demand availability (anywhere and anytime)
education since 1985 offering various courses in library of information is the key feature of podcasting
and information science including master’s level for the technology.
library and information professions focusing on services
2. It could be an interactive and learning tool
and technologies for the creation, organization,
especially for distant users.
management, access and use of knowledge and
information resources in libraries and other information 3. Cost effective as this technology can be
settings and environments. The School of Information managed with minimal hardware and software.
Resources & Library Science (SIRLS) podcast page 4. Its portability attribute enables users to carry and
offers podacsts on educational events, lectures of guest access without much peripherals and promotes
speakers and other kinds of live presentations combined mobile learning environments.
with in audio, video and supplementary presentation 5. The developing staff and users of podcasts can
material, for the use of students, faculty, alumni, staff use any operating system to create and listen to
and others in the SIRLS community. Began in March podcasts as they are compatible with almost all
2006, the site provides guidelines and software required operating systems (Windows/ Mac/ Linux).
to play and download each podcast. It depicts the 6. Repeated listening flexibility enables users to get
abstract, date and time of posting, title, and producer name better understanding and control on the
of every podcast but does not denote length, time duration information.

Conclusion college of learning, Reference service review, 36(3) (2008)

Podcasting is spreading rapidly in every field. Libraries
10. Barnes N, Using podcasts to promote Government documents
and information centers and other information publishers/
collections, Library Hi Tech, 25(2) (2007) 220-230.
agencies are including this technology into their products
11. Jowitt A, Creating communities with podcasting. Computers
and services to provide exact information in new and
in Libraries, 28 (4) (2008) 14-15, 54-56.
mobile format. In India, many online resources such as
12. Worcester L and Barker E, Podcasting: exploring the possibilities
websites, journal and blog etc., are available on internet
for academic libraries, College and Undergraduate Libraies,
in library and information science domain but none of h t t p : / / w w w. i n f o r m a w o r l d . c o m / s m p p / t i t l e ~ d b =
the library/ information agency/ resource is found all~content=t792303993~tab=issueslist~branches =13 - v1313
engaged with podcasting activities. It is suggested that (3) (2006) 87 – 91.
information agencies should make their podcasts 13. Maag M, iPod, uPod? An emerging mobile learning tool in
attractive and more informative so as to build a nursing education and students’ satisfaction. Proceedings of
remarkable product for users that enables them to the 23rd annual ascilite conference:Who’s learning? Whose
approach information contents to listen anywhere at any technology?, The University of Sydney. (2006) http://
convenient time to those they have subscribed via RSS
feed and set podcasts as a reliable source of information pdf_papers/p92.pdf (Accessed on 17 Dec 2009).
for various purposes which could helpful in saving users’ 14. Roberts R, Podcasting for information literacy. Presented to:
valuable time. Information literacy section w/ academic and research libraries
section conduits for transformation: Incorporating
References multimodal instruction and learning into information literacy.
Meeting: 133 Academic and Research Libraries with
1. CHLA/ABSC Podcasting factsheet (2007)available at: Information Literacy (1) (2007) available at: http://
podcasting.pdf (Accessed on 15 Dec 2009). (Accessed on 17 Dec 2009).
2. History of podcasting available at: 15. Alden Library podcast tour available at: http://
History_of_podcasting (Accessed on 15 Dec 2009). (Accessed on 18
3. Apple (2007) Podcasts [online]. Apple Inc. available at: Dec 2009).
h t t p : / / w w w. a p p l e . c o m / i t u n e s / s t o r e / p o d c a s t s . h t m l 16. Lunar and Planetary Institute Library – What’s New Podcast
(Accessed on 15 Dec 2009). available at :
4. Mahjouri J and Purnell M, Broadcasting Library Information: (Accessed on 18 Dec 2009).
a podcast project at Charles Darwin University library available 17. Georgia perimeter college library listen up ! available at:
at: (Accessed on 19 Dec
(Accessed on 16 Dec 2009). 2009).
5. Fetaji M, Review of podcasting and case study of issues and 18. OPAL ( Online Programming for All Libraries ) podcast available
solutions in using podcasting in South East European at: (Accessed on 19
University. In: G. Richards (Ed.) Proceedings of world Dec 2009).
conference on e-Learning in corporate, government, healthcare,
19. South Huntington Public Library available at: http://
and higher education (2008) 354-358.
6. Kraft M, Integrating and promoting medical podcasts into the 383567C20974/10/391/en/BrowseNonFiction.htm (Accessed
library collection, Medical reference services quarterly, on 20 Dec 2009).
h t t p : / / w w w. i n f o r m a w o r l d . c o m / s m p p / t i t l e ~ d b = a l l ~ 20. Talking with Talis podcasts available at:
content=t792306935~tab=issueslist~branches=26 - v26 26(1)
(Accessed on 20 Dec 2009).
(2006) 27 – 35.
21. Lib Vide : library news available at: http://libvibe.blogspot.
7. Janes J, How to think about technology. Library Journal, 127 com./ (Accessed on 20 Dec 2009).
(2) (2002) 50-52.
22. Austria J L, Developing evaluation criteria for podcasts, Libri,
8. Murley D, Podcasts and podcasting for law librarians, Law 57(4) (2007) 179-272 available at:
Library Journal, 99(3) (2007) available at: pdf/2007-4pp179-207.pdf (Accessed on 21 Dec 2009).
abstract=979621 (Accessed on 18 Dec 2009).
23. Edgy podcast review available at: http:// www.
9. Jowitt A, Perceptions and usage of library instructional /thatpodcastshow/standards-for-rating-
podcasts by staff and students at New Zealand’s universal podcasts/ (Accessed on 21 Dec 2009).

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