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TLE-AFA (Organic Agriculture

Activity Sheet
Quarter 3 – C3
Establish Nursery
Caring and Maintaining Seedlings According to Farm

TLE - AFA (Organic Agriculture Production)
Activity Sheet No. 3
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.
Development Team of TVL-AFA (Organic Agriculture Production – Produce
Organic Vegetables) Activity Sheet

Writers: Helbert L. De la Cruz

Maricel N. Pollentes
Editor: Armida T. Tabaosares
Layout Artist: Yves Kim C. Cabanting
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Arthur J. Cotimo
Ray G. Mercolino
Armida T. Tabaosares
Division of Guimaras Management Team:
Ma. Roselyn J. Palcat
Nordy D. Siason Jr.
Elleda E. De la Cruz
Arthur J. Cotimo
Ray G. Mercolino
Felizardo S. Valdez III
Marve E. Gelera
Regional Management Team

Pedro T. Escobarte Jr.

Ramir B. Uytico

Elena P. Gonzaga,
Donald T. Genine,
April C. Velez
Introductory Message
Welcome to TLE – AFA (Organic Agriculture Production) Grade 9!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Guimaras and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents, and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The Organic Agriculture Production Activity Sheet will help you facilitate
the teaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and
learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease
the independent learning.

For the learner:

The Organic Agriculture Production Activity Sheet is developed to help

you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides
you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an
active learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the
activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the
agreed schedule.

Quarter 3 Week 3

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. 3

Name of Learner: _____________________________________________________

Grade and Section: ___________________________ Date: ___________________


Caring and Maintaining Seedlings According to Farm Procedure

I. Learning Competency with Code

Care and maintain seedlings according to farm procedure.


II. Background Information for Learners

It is a relief for most growers if the seedlings emerge from the soil.
Caring and maintaining seedlings are important aspects of growing a plant.
Giving plants a strong head start is an important step towards the success in

A seed appears to be just a small thing but hidden inside is pure

potential – the potential to grow into a beautiful, mature plant that can host
beautiful flowers and delicious fruits.

This Learning Activity Sheets deals with the basic concepts and
principles in caring and maintaining seedlings according to farm procedure.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

K to 12 Module in Agriculture Crop Production 9

IV. Activity Proper

Activity 1.

1. Directions / Instructions

Instructions: Read the information in caring and maintaining

seedlings according to farm procedure. Write down necessary
information in your notebook as a guide in answering the activities that

Read me!

Caring and Maintaining Seedlings

As your seedlings emerge from the soil, most growers breathe a
big sigh of relief. To grow food with a minimum of external inputs,
organic producers need to understand with living organisms and its
vital processes. The following are the methods in caring and
maintaining the seedlings:

1. Watering Seedlings
Enough supply of clean water is essential to plant growth.
Plants need more than 90% water. Seedling’s requirements of
the amount of water depends upon the following:

a. Seedling age. 
When the seedling is young, more water is
required after germination, but this requirement
reduces as the seedlings grow in age.

b. Amount of sunlight 
If the area is exposed to the sun, more water is
needed and vice versa.

c. Soil type 
A sandy soil loss water faster than soil with high
clay content hence, sandy soil needs more and
frequent watering. However, clayey soil becomes hard
and cracks when it dries out.

It is recommended to use a watering can or hosepipe with

a nozzle to ensure even distribution of water. In watering, water
also the beds not only the plants.

Clean water must be used to ensure good seedling growth.

Too much water can damage the plants just as much as not
enough water because of water clogging which hinders the roots
from breathing.

During the rainy season, watering may be done once or
none. Avoid under watering and overwatering. Use an adequate
amount of water, e.g., 20 liters for 1,000 seedlings.

2. Weeding 
Weeds are a threat to healthy seedlings’ development.
Therefore, weeds should be eradicated or controlled because
they get also nutrients, water and light that are supposed to be
for seedlings. In removing weeds, gently pull them out using
your hands.
Use your hands or a dibble gently pull out unwanted growth.
This should be done whenever weeds are observed.

3. Light Requirement
It is a good idea to cover the propagation tray with a
humidity dome and place the tray under full-spectrum lights. The
dome will keep the relative humidity in the propagation tray for
about 98% that is ideal for germinating seeds. The full-spectrum
lights will help keep the seedlings once they germinate.

4. Fertilization 
To determine when to add more compost/fertilizer, use the
date of potting up as your starting date and add in 3 or 6 months
depending on your fertilizer release time frame.

5. Hardening off/Hardening 
Hardening is the process of exposing seedlings to outdoor
conditions to make them strong so that they will be able to
survive under a harsh climate in the field after planting out.
Good preparation for our planting results in a good field survival.
Therefore, hardening off should be done 2 – 3 weeks before
planting out time. 

6. Root Pruning 
Root pruning is the process of cutting roots to control root
system development beyond the box or container. When
seedlings have reached a certain size, their roots become
longer than the depth of the pots. If roots are left without
pruning, they will penetrate the ground and develop the root
systems. Periodic root pruning is required before the root
reaches the ground.

The period and interval of pruning depend on different

species and other conditions. Root pruning should be done
regularly every 2 –3 weeks. Prune when the seedlings reached
the span of your palm and when their roots have started to
penetrate the under surface. 

2. Exercises / Activities

Exercise 1. Fill Me Up!

Directions: Based on the topic you have learned, list the down
the ways on caring and maintaining seedlings. Draw and fill up the
concept map in your activity notebook.

Caring and

Rubrics in Scoring
Descriptio 10 8 6 4
The The concept The concept The

Caring and concept map shows map shows concept
maintaining map shows only 5-6 only 3-4 map shows
seedlings all the methods in methods in less than 2
methods in caring and caring and methods in
caring and maintaining maintaining caring and
maintainin seedlings seedlings maintaining
g seedlings seedlings

Legend: Excellent - 10
Very Good - 8
Good - 6
Needs Improvement- 4

Exercise 2. Let’s Do It!

Directions: In your locality or in your garden at home, look for a
vegetable grower and help her/him to take care of his/her vegetation
following the information you have learned from this topic. Read and
answer the following questions below. Write your answer in your
activity notebook.

a. What are the methods you performed in caring and maintaining

the seedlings? List down at least 5.
b. What are the possible effects of the methods you did in caring and
maintaining the seedlings? Write down according to the methods
listed in your answer.
c. How did the activity affect the growth of the seedlings? Explain in
not more than 3 sentences.

Rubrics in Scoring Exercise 2.

Description 5 4 3 2
Performed Performed Performed Performed
a. Methods all the only 4 only 3 less than 2
performed in methods in methods in methods in methods in
caring and caring and caring and caring and caring and
maintaining maintaining maintaining maintaining maintaining
seedlings seedlings seedlings seedlings seedlings
Listed Listed Listed Listed
b. Effects on effects on effects on effects on effects on
the seedlings the the the the
seedlings in seedlings in seedlings seedlings
5 methods only 4 in only 3 in only less
methods methods than 2

c. Content Provided Provided the Provided Did not
the required minimal provide
required, information information required
clear, and in only and in only information.
concise, two one
well-written sentences sentence.
and in three

Legend: Excellent - 10
Very Good - 8
Good - 6
Needs Improvement- 4

IV. Reflection

Instructions: In your own words, answer the following questions based

on the topic read and activities performed.

1. What insights have you gained from your activities?


2. What significant values have you developed in doing your exercises?


3. How can you apply this in your daily activities?


V. Answer Key (Upside Down)

Answer in exercise 1. Fill me up

(Answers may vary in other activities)


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