Tle Afa Org Agriculture9 Las2 (Checked by Sir Leo)

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Organic Agriculture Production

Activity Sheet
Quarter 3 – C2
Establish Nursery
Prepare Seedbeds Based on Planting Requirements

TLE 9-AFA Organic Agriculture Production
Activity Sheet No. 2
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of TLE AFA (Organic Agriculture Production) Activity


Writers: Helbert L. De la Cruz

Maricel N. Pollentes
Illustrator: Joyce Rizalene T. Gabasa
Editor: Armida T. Tabaosares
Layout Artist: Yves Kim C. Cabanting
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Arthur J. Cotimo
Ray G. Mercolino
Armida T. Tabaosares
Division of Guimaras Management Team:
Ma. Roselyn J. Palcat

Nordy D. Siason Jr.

Elleda E. De la Cruz
Arthur J. Cotimo
Ray G. Mercolino
Felizardo S. Valdez III
Marve E. Gelera
Regional Management Team

Pedro T. Escobarte Jr.

Ramir B. Uytico
Elena P. Gonzaga,

Introductory Message

Welcome to TLE – AFA Organic Agriculture Production Grade 9!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Guimaras and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The Organic Agriculture Production Activity Sheet will help you facilitate
the teaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and
learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease
the independent learning.

For the learner:

The Organic Agriculture Production Activity Sheet is developed to help

you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides
you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an
active learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the
activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the
agreed schedule.

Quarter 3 Week 2

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. 2

Name of Learner: _____________________________________________________

Grade and Section: ________________________ Date: _________________

TLE-AFA (Organic Agriculture Production)

Prepare seedbeds based on planting requirements.

I. Learning Competency with Code

Prepare seedbeds based on planting requirements.


II. Background Information for Learners

In vegetable production, raising seedbeds are important and necessary

to provide a good environment for the seeds to grow before it can be
transplanted in the field.

Good seedbeds preparation provide soil contact to seeds by

establishing the firmness of the soil. When the soil is too loose, it increases
the passage of air that can affect the wetting and drying cycles of the soil,
while when the seedbeds is to firm it is difficult for the seed to penetrate into
the soil. Proper seeding depth is acquired when the seedbeds are uniformly

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Training and development module, Soil, Crops and Fertilizer Use,

Chapter 4; Seedbeds preparation

Link for reference:

Link for reference:

IV. Activity Proper

Activity 1.

1. Direction / Instructions

Read the information below on the preparation of seedbeds

based on planting requirements. Take note of the necessary
information as your reference in answering the activities that

A. Preparation of Seedbeds

Preparation of seedbed depends on the topography or

location, climate, type of soil, crop, level of management, and
availability of equipment. Climatic and soil condition are the two
(2) main factors that can be considered in making your seedbeds. 
3 Types of Seedbeds
1. Flatbeds
2. Raised beds.
3. Sunken beds
1. Flatbeds

Flatbeds are being used where there is adequate water

supply. It is also used in areas that do not have drainage
problems and are usually used for some crops that do not
need to be transplanted (e.g., corn, beans, sorghum,
sugarcane, etc.).

The soil is being mounded in the crop base as the crop

grows. This method is also known as “hilling-up”. This is done
to help control weeds in between rows, provide support and
drainage. In some crops like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and
other root crops, hilling up is used to help the tubers develop.
2. Raised Beds

Raised beds are used in areas that have poor drainage

and usually have clay soils. Raised beds are constructed with
10-30cm in height but it depends on the type of soil and
amount of rain in the area. Furrows or ridges of raised beds
are essential for irrigation to supply water into your crops.
Raised beds are compatible with vegetable crops that needs to
be transplanted like tomatoes, eggplant, leafy vegetables and

Advantages of Raised beds
 Drainage is much better compared to flatbeds and sunken
 Topsoil is enhanced when soil residues from other areas
accumulated in between furrows or ridges.
 In regions with temperate climate, raise beds can promote
early planting since they can be easily warmed up in spring
which can benefit the cold sensitive plants.
 Weeding and thinning can be done easily in raised beds.

The disadvantage of raised beds.

 During dry season, raised beds dried-out quickly than
flatbeds and sunken seedbeds since water tends to run-off
in the ridges or in between furrows. But these problems can
be solved with the use of mulching.
3. Sunken beds

Sunken beds are used in soils that have a low water

holding capacity. The size of sunken beds may vary from 100-
130cm wide and 2-5 cm below the soil level (shallow beds).
This helps conserve water, and it is much efficient than raised
beds. Sunken beds are good for crops like, “kangkong or water
hyacinth, and rice”
Advantages of Sunken beds
 It can limit the evaporation since there were no exposed
 Water is not lost through run-off.
       Note: run-off refers to the movement of water on top of
the soil.
Disadvantages of Sunken beds
 A part of the topsoil is removed during construction.
 Needs to have enough water supply.
 Needs a specific variety of crop that can tolerate
B. Fineness of seedbed
       The fineness of seedbed refers to the smoothness of soil
or without the presence of soil clods. The fineness of the
seedbed depends on the seed type, seed size, and method of
planting to be used.
1. Seed Type
       Monocot seeds have roots that have a shape of a
spike and they can break through soil clods. Monocot

plants have only one cotyledon. An example of these
monocot plants are corn, sorghum wheat, and barley.
       Dicots cannot thrive well in hard ground or soil
clods. Dicots seeds need to have finer seedbeds to
promote good germination. The dicot plant has two (2)
cotyledons. Examples of these are beans, tomatoes,
eggplant, and others.
2. Seed Size  
       In plants, seed size matters especially in the dicot
plants. The larger seeds have more stored energy to
breakthrough into the ground. Corn and Sorghum
have small seeds but can handle soil clods since they
are monocot. Smaller seeds need finer type of
seedbeds to promote a good environment for the
plants to grow.
3. Methods of Planting
Planting methods depend on the availability of
materials and the location.
a) Mechanical methods are used in large-scale
planting with the use of machines, it is efficient
and cost-effective,
b) Manual planting is done by using manual
planting implements like grab hoe, spade and
shovel, this allows farmers to adjust the
planting depth of seeds.

Preparing a Seedbeds  
1. Remove all weeds, stones in the seedbeds.
2. The soil should be tilled and pulverized to make it fine.
3. To improve the soil, compost and/or manure can be
4. Let the manures and/or compost decomposed for 4-6
5. Level the soil of the seedbeds.

2. Exercises / Activities

Exercise 1. What’s Next!

Directions: Using the information you have learned,

create a flowchart that shows the steps in preparing
seedbeds based on planting requirements. Draw the
flowchart in your activity notebook.

Exercise 2. Discuss me!

Directions: Answer the following questions based on

exercise 2 “What’s Next”. Write your answer in your activity

a) What are the advantages of knowing the steps in

preparing seedbeds?

b) How this activity preparing seedbeds will help you in

making your vegetable garden at home.

Exercises 3. Complete Me!

Instructions: Complete the table below on the proper

method of preparing seedbeds based on its fineness. Identify
the properties and method of planting seeds in the table
below. Copy and complete the table below in your activity

Seeds Seed Type Seed Size Methods of

(Monocot or (Small or Planting
Dicot) Big) (Mechanical
or Manual or
1. Tomato
2. Rice
3. Pole Sitaw
4. Pechay
5. Patani

V. Reflection

1. In this lesson preparing seedbed based on planting requirements, I

learned that

2. I can apply this learning through the


VI. Answer Key (Upside Down)

Exercise 1. What’s Next! Answers may vary.

Exercise 2. Discuss Me! Answers may vary.

Exercise 2. Complete Me!


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