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Coca powder

Variety : ____________ Shift : _________ Code: _________ Date : ____________

Sr. Parle
Test Observation/Calculation Result
No. Std.
Oven Temperature : 105 ° C
Empty Dish Wt (M) : _____________
1. Dish + Sample Wt before drying (M1) : _____________
Moisture Dish + Sample Wt after drying (M2) : ___________
Sample weight (M1 – M ) : ___________

Moisture (%) = 100 x ( M1 – M2)

(M1 – M )

Crucible Wt (W1) : __________

Initial Crucible + Sample Wt : __________
2. Total Sample Wt (W) : __________
Ash Final Crucible + Sample Wt (W2) : __________

% Total Ash = (W2 - W1) X 1000

By dry
(100 – Moisture) X W

Crucible Wt (W1) : __________

3. Acid Initial Crucible + Sample Wt : __________
Insoluble Sample Wt (W) : __________
Ash Final Crucible + Sample Wt (W2) : __________

% A.I.A = (W2 - W1) X 1000

By dry
(100 – Moisture) X W

Sample Wt. (W) : _________

4. Fat Initial empty flask wt (M1) : _________
Final flask wt with fat (M2) : _________
Extracted fat wt. ( M2 – M1 ) : _________

Fat % = ( M2 – M1 ) X 1000
(100 – Moisture) X W

5. Acidity Extracted fat wt : _________

Normality of NaOH ( N ) : _________
Burette reading (B. R.) : _________

Acidity = B. R. x 25.6 x N =
Extracted fat wt

6. pH

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