Purpose of Taxation 1. Revenue-Raising 2.2.safeguard Duty

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Safeguard Duty

1. Revenue-Raising A new multilateral measure in the form of an

These taxes are imposed solely for the purpose increase tariff or additional special safeguard
of raising revenue for the Gov. duty levied in addition to the regular duty
against covered products being imported in
Revenues derived from taxes are intended increased quantities, or its volume exceeds the
primarily to finance the gov and its activities. trigger level or its CIF value falls below the
trigger price.
(Income tax, VAT, transfer tax)
Temporary return of certain barriers to trade
2. Non-Revenue/Sumptuary that were removed in compliance with the
obligations of the Republic of the Philippines
These taxes are imposed for the purpose of
achieving social economic goals, having no under General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
(GATT) and World Trade Org (WTO)
relation to the raising of revenue.
2.3.Countervailing Duty
(Protective Tariff)
Is a special duty which is equal to the
Specifically: ascertained amount of subsidy granted, is
a. Promotion General Welfare intended to offset or forestall the subsidy or
b. Regulation bounty directly or indirectly granted by the
c. Reduction of Social Inequality manufacture, production, or exportation of a
d. Encourage economic growth product imported in a country which has cause
e. Protectionism or threatens to cause material injury to a
domestic industry or retard the establishment
In relation to Customs Administration: of a domestic industry producing identical or
2.1.Anti-Dumping Duty like articles.

Whenever any product is granted directly or

Is a special duty which is equal to the difference
between the lower price of the dumped indirectly by the government in the country of
origin or exportation, any kind of form of
imported articles and the higher price of a like
domestic product. subsidy upon the production, manufacture,
exportation of such product, and the
Is imposed in addition to the regular duty to importation of such subsidized product has
prevent the continuous dumping of imported caused or threatens to cause material injury to
articles into the local market of a country at a a domestic industry/materially retarded the
price less than those prevailing in its domestic growth or prevents the establishment of a
markets, which has the effect of causing domestic industry.
material injury or threatening to retard the
Is determined by the Tariff Commission,
establishment of a domestic industry producing
the same product. Secretary of Trade and Industry (non agri
product), or Secretary of Agriculture (agri
product) shall issue a department order
imposing countervailing duty equal to the
ascertained amount of subsidy.

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