What Is It?: Architecture Modern

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Neo Modern architecture appeared during 1980s along with the times since the declaration of the death

of modern

What is it?
architecture (1975) and then marked by the appeared of Post Modern Architecture. Neo Modern Architecture
develop coincided with the Deconstructivist in which influenced by the architect like Bernard Tschumi, Rem
Koolhas, Zaha Hadid, Peter Eisenman etc. Neo Modernism contradicting with classisism and developed the new
modern in architecture, different with the Post Modern Architecture that tolerance with ornamentation on the
buildings. Neomodernism is a respond to the splendor of eclectic postmodernism and the protest against populism
in architecture. Neomodernism also uses simplicity that is a mean of expression for the present time.

Anti Metaphor, anti-historical, unintended Structure and construction as Ornament

NeoModern Architecture
humor,unintended symbolic

High-Tech, mechanical, structure Extreme articulation is Differ from

Post Modern Architecture
Second machine aesthetic, extreme logic Metaphysis

Archite Suprematism

The Suprematism prioritizes the manipulation of common forms.

From the meaning of "suprematis" itself, namely against things
that are past and natural,that tries to interpret it into buildings by
manipulating everything that is general in the building. For
example, walls, columns and even sloping floors. The term
disposition is a natural thing in Suprematism in expressing ideas
and concepts. However, suprematism focuses attention on
buildings in terms of the concept of form that leads to the
character of the building without considering function in depth.

The form are used that seem flexible with many curves and arch. This High Tech
flexible formation makes the building more dynamic and has character.
These forms are not always structural in nature, they are often Use extreme structures to "force" the form according to the
decorative in nature but are integrated into the building and are not just concept / idea. However, in this case it is also considered a
"attachments" both in terms of the façade and interior of the building by scientific function that supports the comfort of human users.
using innovative building colors and materials. In essence, the
Plastism tries to convey ideas through unusual formations of a

Anti-Postmodern, Anti-Clasisisme, Anti-Disney-

land, Anti-Deniel

Sometimes develop the Post Modernism as an abstract, conclude the

argumentation-argumentation but not follow them.
Influenced by the Descontructivism that based on literary theories of
French philosophers like Jacques Derrida.

The Language of Deconstruction holds that there is no fixed accessible truth, only chaos and
multiple interpretations. The architecture spin-off simulates an appearance

NeoModern Architec- of chaos with dizzy, diverse perspectives. Vertigo and confusion are the
desired responses.

It does not follow “rules” or acquire specific aesthetics, nor is it a rebellion
against a social dilemma. It is the unleashing of infinite possibilities of
playing around with forms and volumes. Design rules were broken and “form
follows function” was neglected, but somehow, the refinement and elegance
of modernism remained.

The language of Neo Modern Architecture can be read from the method in Neo
Modernism itself.

Hermetic Code Disjunctive Complexity

Architecture is a language that is self-learning from individuals who see and Neo Modernism try to deal with the complexity and contradictions of
assess architectural works. It's different from an artistic language that has a style everyday life. Things that are mundane and messy are not ignored but
that really needs to be studied specifically. Language in Neomodern is futuristic combined to give a different impression. This also often causes people to
and may only be accepted in the future. However, that period depends on how judge the many discrepancies and oddities in the formations of architectural
deeply the individuals who judge a Neomodern work want to learn more about the works
meaning contained in the work.

oder n
While the Post Modern Architecture is the architecture that cored by double
coding, combine modern techniques with something else (usually traditional
buildings) so that architecture is able to communicate with a concerned public or
Neo Authority to the reader not to the writer

with other architectures. The Post Modernism look architecture as a text that
conveys something and must be interpreted. Architecture is also a sign that has

a marker, as well as its significance. Buildings, spaces, surfaces are markers,
while ideas or ideas are signs. These two aspects then form architectural Must be interpreted
significance. Jencks also looks at architecture in terms of indexes, icons, and

My Opinion about
The Architecture has developed in some phase, like modernism, post modern and
neo modernism that every movement brought the new idea and concept about the
architecture. The neomodern architecture that influenced by the deconstructivism

NeoModern Archi-
make the architecture more complex and can be quesioned everything and then
“why not?”. The autority of deconstructivism for the reader not the writer I think
make the architectural works need to learn deeply. The “chaotic” or disjuction in the

concept and idea need effort to understanding and it is not easy for ordinary
people, But the complex discussion of deconstructivism that influenced the
neomodern can push the limit in architecture and revolution always happened in

Ciarkowski, Błażej (2016) NON-MODERN MODERNITY? NEOMODERN ARCHITECTURE, University of Lodz

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