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A steady one-dimensional flow in a constant area duct with friction in the absence
of Work and heat transfer is known as “fanno flow”.
Fanno flow occurs in many practical engineering applications of such flow includes

1. Flow problems in aerospace propulsion system.

2. Transport of fluids in a chemical process plants.
3. Thermal and nuclear power plants.
4. Petrochemical and gas industries.
5. Various type of flow machineries.
6. Air conditioning systems.
7. High vacuum technology.
8. Transport of natural gas in long pipe lines.
9. Emptying of pressured container through a relatively short tube
10. Exhaust system of an internal combustion engines
11. Compressed air systems
When gases are transported through pipe over a long distances. It is also a
practical importance when equipment handling gases are connected to high
pressure reservoirs which may be located some distance away. Knowledge of this
flow will allow us to determine the mass flow rate that can be candled, pressure
drop etc…
In real flow, friction at the wall arises due to the viscosity of the fluid and this
appears in the form of shear stress at the walls far in our discussion, we have

assumed the fluid to be calorically perfect in viscid as well. Thus, strictly speaking,
viscous effects cannot be accounted for in this formulation. However, in reality,
viscous effects are confined to very thin region (boundary layer) near the walls.
Effects such as viscous dissipation are also usually negligible. Hence, we can still
assume the fluid to be in viscid and take the friction force exerted by the wall as
an externally imposed force. The origin of this force is of significance to the
The following are the main assumptions employed for analyzing the frictional flow
problem. In fanno flow
1) One dimensional steady flow.
2) The Flow takes place in constant sectional area.
3) There is no heat transfer or work exchange with the surroundings.
4) The gas is perfect with constant specific heats.
5) Body forces are negligible
6) Wall friction is a sole driving potential in the flow.
7) There is no obstruction in the flow.
8) There is no mass addition or rejection to or from the flow.
In thermodynamics coordinates, the fanno flow process can be described by a
curve known as Fanno line and it’s defined as the locus of the state which satisfies
the continuity and energy and entropy equation for a frictional flow is known as
“fanno line”.


In a fanno flow, subsonic flow region, the effect of friction will increase the
velocity and Mach number and to decrease the enthalpy and pressure of the gas.
In supersonic flow region, the effect of friction will decrease the velocity and
Mach number and to increase the enthalpy and pressure of the gas. In both cases
entropy increases up to limiting state where the Mach number is one (M=1) and it
is constant afterwards. At this point flow is said to be chocked flow.


From the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy of the adiabatic flow
increases but not decreases. Thus, the path of states along the Fanno curve must
be toward the right.
In  the  subsonic  region,  the effects  of  friction  will  be    to  increase  the velocity
and Mach number and to decrease the enthalpy and pressure of the stream .
In the supersonic region, the effects of friction will be to decrease the velocity
andMach number and to increase the enthalpy and pressure of the stream.
A subsonic flow can never become supersonic, due to the limitation of second law
of thermodynamics, but in can approach to sonic i.e., M=1.
A supersonic flow can never become subsonic, unless a discontinuity (shock) is
In the case of isentropic stagnation, pressure is reduced whether the flow is
subsonic or supersonic.

Consider steady one-dimensional flow of an ideal gas with constant specific heats
through a constant-area duct with heat transfer, but with negligible friction. Such
flows are referred to as Rayleigh flows
The following assumptions are employed in the analytical treatment of
Rayleigh flow:
1) Flow occurs in a constant area duct
2) Frictional effects are negligible in comparison to heat transfer effects

3) There is no mass addition or rejection to or from the flow

4) The flowing fluid is a perfect gas
5) The composition of the gas doesn’t change appreciably during the flow
6) The flow is steady and one-dimensional
7) Body forces are negligible and there is no external shaft work
8) There is no obstruction in the flow

The Rayleigh flow process can be described by a curve known as Rayleigh line and
is defined as the locus of quasi-static thermodynamic state points during the flow.
1) General shape of the Rayleigh line remains the same for all perfect gases.
Unlike the Fanno line, the Rayleigh line passes through a state of maximum
enthalpy (H) and another state of maximum entropy (S).
2) Similar to Fanno flow, the local flow velocity at the point of maximum
entropy equals the local sonic velocity
3) Bifurcation of Rayleigh line into upper and lower branches occurs about the
point of maximum entropy.
4) The upper branch of the Rayleigh line is subsonic whilst the lower branch is
5) In general, an “upwards traverse” along either branch of the Rayleigh line
represents a heating process. Similarly, a “downwards traverse” along either
branch represents a cooling process.
6) The point of maximum entropy (S) always coincides with the point of maximum
stagnation enthalpy.
7) Maximum heating from either the subsonic or supersonic branch would
proceed up to point S


This includes the static and the Stagnation Pressure Measurements. These
are done by using:
a) Manometers
b) Bourdon Tube Gauges
c) Electrical Transducers

It is also a very important property used in compressible flow. It is of 2
types Static and Total Temperature. It is measured by using:
a) Mercury Thermometers
b) Vapor Thermometers
c) Resistance Thermometers
d) Thermocouples
e) Stagnation Temperature Probe

It is used to obtain the mass flow rate of the gas or the air. If pressure and
temperature is known density can be found from:
Density= Pressure/(R*Temperature)
The density is usually measured by an interferogram


Depending on the range and the accuracy required the following principles
are used to measure the velocity of the flowing gas or air:
-By using the dynamic effect of the fluid stream on a small windmill.
-By bringing flow to a rest in a flow tube.
- Measuring the cooling effect on a heating element.
-Using Doppler Effect


The meteorological device that is used to measure the speed of the wind and its
pressure is known as an anemometer. These instruments are essential tools used
for meteorologists to study the patterns of weather. These devices are used by
the physicists while studying the moves of air. 
The common type of anemometer includes cups which are connected to arms in
horizontal. These arms are attached to a rod that is in a vertical position. When
the breeze blows, then cups in the anemometer will turn to make the rod turn.
Once the breeze blows very fast, then the rod will rotate speedily. This instrument
calculates the number of revolutions to calculate the wind speed. As the speed of
the breeze/wind is not reliable then wind speed can be generally averaged in a
less period.
The anemometer working principle is, the air stream will cool a heated object
because the cooling rate can be determined by the airflow speed. A fine wire that
is electrically heated can be arranged within the airflow. Once the flow of air
increases then the wire gets cool.

There are different manufacturing companies worldwide offering a variety of
anemometer instruments to calculate the wind speed and airflow in industries

like marine, HVAC, wind power, construction, etc. Additionally, for air velocity or
wind, there are different types of anemometers used for multi-functional
like humidity and temperature. Based on the type, these also possess data
recording or data logging functionality to take dimensions long term in a certain


This kind of anemometer includes four hemispherical cups. These are arranged on
the horizontal arms at one side at equivalent angles over the shaft. Here shaft is in
a vertical position.
Based on the cup position only the air will flow in a horizontal direction to make
the cups turn. So that it is comparative to the wind speed. By measuring the
rotates of the cups over a certain period, the normal wind speed can be found.
These devices are utilized by meteorologists, educational institutions,
researchers, for commercial and research purposes.


This kind of anemometer includes a thin wire that is heated up to a fixed
temperature but somewhat more than the temperature of atmospheric. When
the air flows fast, then the wire gets cool. The relation between the wire’s
resistance as well as wind velocity must be obtained to estimate the velocity. But
most of the resistance of the metal depends on the metal’s temperature. These
are used in HVAC, etc.


This kind of anemometer is one kind of mechanical device and it is the same as to
the normal windmill. This device is used to measure wind velocity. It includes a
rotation axis that runs parallel to the wind direction. It consists of an aero vane
because the wind direction is not stable to help the axis to change the direction.
The aero vane includes a tail & a propeller to get the exact speed of wind &
measurements of direction.


A light ray can be used and that is further divided into two rays. The velocity can
be decided by measuring the light amount. Once the light ray enters into the
anemometer then it will be reflected off through the flowing air particles. These
devices are used in river hydrology and high-tech jet engines.

1) Precision
2) Low power utilization
3) By using this device, speed, velocity, direction, and pressure of wind can be
4) These are available in different sizes and shapes.
5) It delivers specific measurements with less power consumption.

1) Distortion of the instrument
2) Due to strong winds, the instrument may get damage. So protection must be
taken while installing the device.


1) An anemometer is used to calculate the whole velocity magnitude, the

component of the velocity in a specific direction otherwise the magnitude
velocity on a flat plane.
2) These instruments are used in all weather stations which range from the
frigid Arctic to humid equatorial areas. The speed of the wind will help to
indicate a change within weather patterns like approaching storms as it is
significant for engineers, climatologists & pilots.
3) These devices are used to measure the pressure and flow of wind.
4) It can also be used to measure the wind direction
5) These instruments are used by the users of the RC plane and drone to verify
the conditions of weather before testing their instruments
6) These devices are used by the pilots as well as long-range shooters
7) Skydivers also use to calculate the velocity of the wind
8) It is used in aerodynamics for measuring the airspeed

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