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CE23 : Design of RC Structures Assignment-3 July-October, 2017 : Week-3

Questions with solution

Q 1: The rectangular beam of width, 250 mm is having effective depth of 317 mm. The
concrete grade is M20 and the grade of reinforcing steel is Fe415. The moment
capacity of the section due to concrete as per limit state method is :

(a) 52.046 kNm (b) 69.395 kNm (c) 86.744 kNm (d) 104.093 kNm

(i) Characteristics strength of concrete, fck =20 N/mm2

(ii) Characteristics strength of reinforcing steel, fy =415 N/mm2

(iii) Width, b=250 mm

(iv) Effective depth, d=317 mm

(v) Neutral axis factor, d
= c+
= 0.0035+0.0038
(vi) Coefficient, Qub
=k1 xdub (1 − k2 xdub )
=0.36 × 0.48 × (1 − 0.42 × 0.48)
(vii) Moment of resistance due to concrete, Mucb
=Qub f ck b d2
=0.138 × 20 × 250 × 3172
=69.395 kN m

Answer : 1. (b) 69.395 kNm

CE23 : Design of RC Structures Assignment-3 July-October, 2017 : Week-3

Q 2: The width of a rectangular beam is 250 mm and the effective depth is 317 mm.
The concrete grade is M20 and the grade of reinforcing steel is Fe415. The position
of neutral axis from compression side is

(a) 266mm (b) 228mm (c) 190mm (d) 152mm

(i) Characteristics strength of concrete, fck =20 N/mm2

(ii) Characteristics strength of reinforcing steel, fy =415 N/mm2

(iii) Width, b=250 mm

(iv) Effective depth, d=317 mm

(v) Neutral axis factor, d
= c+
= 0.0035+0.0038
(vi) Position of neutral axis from the compression side, xub
= xdub d
=0.48 × 317.0

Answer : 2. (d) 152mm

CE23 : Design of RC Structures Assignment-3 July-October, 2017 : Week-3

Q 3: The rectangular beam of width, 250 mm is having effective depth of 317 mm. The
concrete grade is M20 and the grade of reinforcing steel is Fe415. As per limit state
method, the area of steel in a balanced section is :

(a) 757mm2 (b) 833mm2 (c) 909mm2 (d) 984mm2

(i) Concrete Grade, =M 20

(ii) Steel Grade, =F e415

(iii) Width, b=250 mm

(iv) Effective depth, d=317 mm

(v) Area of tensile reinforcement, balanced section, Astb

k f ( ) b d
= 1 ck0.87 dfy
= 0.36×20×0.48×250×317
=757.3 mm2

Answer : 3. (a) 757mm2

CE23 : Design of RC Structures Assignment-3 July-October, 2017 : Week-3

Q 4: The rectangular beam of width, 250 mm is having effective depth of 317 mm. The
concrete grade is M20 and the grade of reinforcing steel is Fe415. As per limit state
method, the lever arm in a balanced section is equal to :

(a) 152mm (b) 178mm (c) 203mm (d) 254mm

(i) Concrete Grade, =M 20

(ii) Steel Grade, =F e415

(iii) Width, b=250 mm

(iv) Effective depth, d=317 mm

(v) Lever arm, Zub

=d(1 − k2 xdub )
=317.0 × (1 − 0.42 × 0.48)

Answer : 4. (d) 254mm

CE23 : Design of RC Structures Assignment-3 July-October, 2017 : Week-3

Q 5: The rectangular beam of width, 250 mm is having effective depth of 317 mm.
The concrete grade is M20 and the grade of reinforcing steel is Fe415. The tensile
reinforcement is provided by 2-16 mm dia bars. As per limit state method, the
moment of resistance due to steel is equal to :

(a) 20.589 kNm (b) 30.884 kNm (c) 41.178 kNm (d) 51.473 kNm

(i) Concrete Grade, =M 20

(ii) Steel Grade, =F e415

(iii) Width, b=250 mm

(iv) Effective depth, d=317 mm

(v) Area of tensile reinforcement, Ast

=nt π φ2t /4
=2 × 3.14159 × 162 /4
=402.1 mm2
(vi) Moment of resistance due to steel, Mus
=0.87 f y Ast (1 − k2 xdu ) d
=0.87 × 415 × 402.1 × (1 − 0.42 × 0.25) × 317.0
=41.178 kN m

Answer : 5. (c) 41.178 kNm

CE23 : Design of RC Structures Assignment-3 July-October, 2017 : Week-3

Q 6: The rectangular beam of width, 300 mm is having overall depth of 400 mm. The
concrete grade is M20 and the grade of reinforcing steel is Fe415. The tensile
reinforcement is provided by 4-20 mm dia bars. In the compression side, the rein-
forcement is provided by 2-12 mm dia bars. The clear cover is 25 mm. The moment
capacity of the section due to concrete as per limit state method is :

(a) 82.603 kNm (b) 110.138 kNm (c) 137.672 kNm (d) 165.207 kNm

(i) Concrete Grade, =M 20

(ii) Steel Grade, =F e415

(iii) Width, b=300 mm

(iv) Overall depth, D=400 mm

(v) Clear cover, cc=25 mm

(vi) Effective depth, d

=D − cc − φt /2
=400 − 25 − 20/2
=365 mm
(vii) Area of tensile reinforcement, Ast
=nt π φ2t /4
=4 × 3.14159 × 202 /4
=1256.6 mm2
(viii) Area of compression reinforcement, Asc
=nc π φ2c /4
=2 × 3.14159 × 122 /4
=226.2 mm2
(ix) Moment of resistance due to concrete, Mucb
=Qub f ck b d2
=0.138 × 20 × 300 × 3652
=110.138 kN m

Answer : 6. (b) 110.138 kNm

CE23 : Design of RC Structures Assignment-3 July-October, 2017 : Week-3

Q 7: The rectangular beam of width, 300 mm is having overall depth of 400 mm. The
concrete grade is M20 and the grade of reinforcing steel is Fe415. The tensile
reinforcement is provided by 4-20 mm dia bars. In the compression side, the rein-
forcement is provided by 2-12 mm dia bars. The clear cover is 25 mm. The salient
points of design stress-strain curve of Fe415 is given by (strain, stress, N/mm2 )
(0.00144,288), (0.00163,306), (0.00192,324), (0.00241, 342), (0.00276, 351), (0.00380,
360). The stress in steel at compression level is equal to :

(a) 176.5 N/mm2 (b) 264.8 N/mm2 (c) 353.1 N/mm2 (d) 441.3 N/mm2

(i) Concrete Grade, =M 20

(ii) Steel Grade, =F e415

(iii) Width, b=300 mm

(iv) Overall depth, D=400 mm

(v) Clear cover, cc=25 mm

(vi) Effective depth, d

=D − cc − φt /2
=400 − 25 − 20/2
=365 mm
(vii) Strain in concrete, c =0.0035

(viii) Effective cover in compression side, d0c

=cc + φc /2
=25.0 + 12.0/2
(ix) Strain in compression steel, sc
=c (1 − ( ddc )/( xdub ))
=0.0035 × (1 − ( 365.0 )/0.48)
(x) Stress in compression steel, fsc =353.1 N/mm2

Answer : 7. (c) 353.1 N/mm2

CE23 : Design of RC Structures Assignment-3 July-October, 2017 : Week-3

Q 8: The rectangular beam of width, 300 mm is having overall depth of 400 mm. The
concrete grade is M20 and the grade of reinforcing steel is Fe415. The tensile
reinforcement is provided by 4-20 mm dia bars. In the compression side, the rein-
forcement is provided by 2-12 mm dia bars. The clear cover is 25 mm. As per limit
state method, the section will take additional moment of :

(a) 25.362 kNm (b) 31.702 kNm (c) 38.043 kNm (d) 44.383 kNm

(i) Effective depth, d
=D − cc − φt /2
=400 − 25 − 20/2
=365 mm
(ii) Area of tensile reinforcement, Ast
=nt π φ2t /4
=4 × 3.14159 × 202 /4
=1256.6 mm2
(iii) Area of compression reinforcement, Asc
=nc π φ2c /4
=2 × 3.14159 × 122 /4
=226.2 mm2
(iv) Area of tensile reinforcement, balanced section, Astb
k f ( ) b d
= 1 ck0.87 dfy
= 0.36×20×0.48×300×365
=1046.3 mm2
(v) Additional tensile reinforcement available, Ast2
=Ast − Astb
=1256.6 − 1046.3
=210.3 mm2
(vi) Addl. moment of res. due to tensile reinforcement, Must2
=0.87 f y Ast2 (d − d0c )
=0.87 × 415 × 210.3 × (365.0 − 31.0)
=25.362 kN m
(vii) Moment of res. due to comression steel, Mucs
=fsc Asc (d − d0c )
=353.1 × 226.2 × (365.0 − 31.0)
=26.673 kN m
(viii) Addl. moment of res. for doubly reinf. section, Mu_addl =25.362 kN m

Answer : 8. (a) 25.362 kNm

CE23 : Design of RC Structures Assignment-3 July-October, 2017 : Week-3

Q 9: A flanged beam is having the following dimension : width of flange, bf = 1000mm

depth of flange, Df = 125mm, width of web, bw = 250 mm and overall depth of
beam, D = 350 mm The concrete grade is M20 and the grade of reinforcing steel
is Fe415. The clear cover is 25 mm. The moment capacity of the section due to
concrete as per limit state method is :

(a) 95.891 kNm (b) 127.854 kNm (c) 159.818 kNm (d) 191.781 kNm

(i) Concrete Grade, =M 20

(ii) Steel Grade, =F e415

(iii) Flange width, bf =1000 mm

(iv) Flange thickness, Df =125 mm

(v) Web thickness, bw =250 mm

(vi) Overall depth, D=250 mm

(vii) Clear cover, cc=25 mm

(viii) Effective depth, d

=D − cc − φt /2
=250 − 25 − 20/2
=215 mm
(ix) Moment of resistance due to concrete, Mucb
=Qub f ck bf d2
=0.138 × 20 × 1000 × 2152
=127.854 kN m

Answer : 9. (b) 127.854 kNm

CE23 : Design of RC Structures Assignment-3 July-October, 2017 : Week-3

Q 10: A flanged beam is having the following dimension : width of flange, bf = 1000mm
depth of flange, Df = 125mm, width of web, bw = 250 mm and overall depth of
beam, D = 350 mm The concrete grade is M20 and the grade of reinforcing steel is
Fe415. The clear cover is 25 mm. The area of steel required in balanced condition
is equal to

(a) 1029 mm2 (b) 1543 mm2 (c) 2058 mm2 (d) 2572 mm2

(i) Concrete Grade, =M 20

(ii) Steel Grade, =F e415

(iii) Flange width, bf =1000 mm

(iv) Flange thickness, Df =125 mm

(v) Web thickness, bw =250 mm

(vi) Overall depth, D=250 mm

(vii) Area of tensile reinforcement, balanced section, Astf b

k f ( ) b d
= 1 ck0.87 dfy f
= 0.36×20×0.48×1000×215
=2058.0 mm2

Answer : 10. (c) 2058 mm2

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