Homework 28/7: Task 1

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Homework 28/7

Task 1
The bar chart gives information the proportion of electricity composed and
consumed by the top ten of countries used energy in 2014. It is clear that, China
and the USA produced and consumed more electricity than other country. In
addition, Germany was the country in the top 10 that consumed and more
electricity than it produced.
In 2014, China was the world leader in electricity production and consumption
with over 5000 billion KWH for each. The USA was in the second place,
production and consumption about one-fifth less than China. In third place was
Russia, although its power production and consumption was only around 100
billion KWH.
The lowest producer in the top 10 was South Korean with 485.1 billion KWH
which was about half of fourth-place country Japan. The seventh and eight
place country, France and Brazil, respectively. Both countries produced and
consumed similar amounts of electricity at 550 billion KHW for production and
450 billion KWH for consumption. Finally, Germany was the ninth place
produced only 526.6 billion KWH of power, but it consumed 582.8 billion
KWH, which was the fifth highest.

Task 2
Some people claim that History is necessary in education. Other believe,
Science and Technology are most relent. In my opinion, both Science,
Technology and History have the significant role in education.

On the one hand, students must be learned History throughout in the school
period. Addressing ancient culture has importance in student life. Continues
learning of history will Mae them to know about ancient culture and lifestyle.
Making comparison with living lifestyle will be more helpful. Path of struggled
life can be easily understood. Ancient innovative idea will enlighten their
future. By studying history has important knowledge about old age manners and
basic fundamental of culture. Furthermore, students can determine the emerged
way of cultural program such as music, food, and others.

On the other hand, understanding about today's advanced ideas' technology has
a major role in training system. It has also dominant role in student life. Wide
range of technology and science is dramatically increased in present world. The
use of technology and science will soar in future. And without technology,
human will not live. So, learning knowledge about innovative idea in science
and technology have training system taught about more in this field. From a
recent study conducted in various school. Students are likely to accept to study
about technology and science rather than others subject. Student can easily to
learn everything through modern training. In this way both history and science
are essential subject to students.

In conclusion, training system will be changing in future. It will be put-down

history students must be learned about past and future period. Foremost, the
student has right to know about history and science both are essential to their

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