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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Province of Capiz CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENT FOR FY 2020 LGSF-AM REGION: VI PROVINCE: CAPIZ Please attach/submit the Certified True Copies of the following required documents together with the MLGU Certification to wit: Local Access Road (LAR not in hazard zone - Annex 2A) Local Access Road (LAR in Hazard Zone - Annex 2B) DRR not in hazard zone (Annex 2c) DRRin hazard zone (Annex 2D) Water ‘Supply ‘System (WSS not in Hazard Zone - Annex 2Ea) Water Supply System WSS in Hazard Zone - Annex 2Eb) ‘Approved Detailed Engineering Design (DED), DUPA, POW and ato Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) or Certificate of Non-Compliance (CNC) from DENR-EMB, whichever applicable Certificate of Non-Overlap (CNO) or Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) from NCIP whichever applicable Water Permit from the National Water Resources Board (NWRB), for Water Projects Deed of Donation or Deed of Absolute Sale or Usufruct or any “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” Provincial Park, Roxas City, Capiz ‘Tel Number: (036) 6210-592 Email: Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Province of Capiz other legal documents proving that the site of the project has no land ‘ownership or RROW issues MGB Certification that the project is not located in the “no build” zone , , , and hazard-prone area Engineering Mitigation Measures must be included in the DED to address the potential hazards for ’ ’ ’ Project located in the “no build” zone or hazard prone Water Source Validation (SVR) for Water Project | Executive Orders creating PIT, PMC and Inspectorate Team Certification from the Provincial Planning Development Coordinator of the complete Municipal & Barangay roads and , , bridges inventory with shapefiles and road attributes using prescribe format received by PPDO Note: The deadline of submission of required documents is not later than March 30, 2020. ie Provincial Park, Roxas City, Capiz Bik Tel Number: (036) 6210-592 Email:

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