Running Head: Legacy City: Service Complaints 1

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Legacy City: Service Complaints

Institutional Affiliation

Legacy City: Service Complains


The Mayor of Legal City, Mr. Patel, is concerned about issues the City is experiencing in

the customer services issues in the Water and Sewer Departments and the Solid Waste

Department of the Legacy City. The two departments have faced issues for a while now, and the

Mayor wishes to draft a plan to solve these two issues. Owing to the problems facing the two

Departments as the clerk, it is worth noticing that the Departments have faced the departure of

their Department heads because they could not or would not make the customer service problems

go away. The hired new department heads that serve as replacement for the initial ones were

hired just a few months ago. The Mayor feels the need to address the long-standing community

concerns as, despite the hiring of the new department heads, there have continued to be a lot of

unsatisfied citizens. The matter is so serious that it found its way to the editor of the local

newspaper. As an MPA graduate, Mayor Patel, who is a down-to-earth, practical man with over

a decade of experience in public administration, requires my draft memo that contains a plan that

will solve the customer complaints in Solid Waste and Water and Sewer Departments in Legacy

City. To solve the problems encountered in The Water and Sewer Departments and the Solid

Wastes departments, the five critical factors that need to be addressed to achieve customer

satisfaction are operational efficiency of services, Customer Billing Services., inadequate waste

management, Inadequate Service Coverage of the population and final disposal of wastes

Operational Efficiency of Services

Operational inefficiencies of waste systems, as stated by SW Head of Department, are largely

due to inefficient operational frameworks, inefficient management practices, the insufficient

capability of the organizations affected, and the use of outdated technology. As he describes

further, the informal sector has typically played a significant role in the wastes, Particularly in

the recovery of capital. However, as their actions can conflict with the activity of dumpsites and

waste recycling, they are an eye-catcher and thus objected by the authorities. To solve the

operational inefficiencies of wastes and achieve customer satisfaction, I would recommend

 A dynamic and rational bidding environment is required to ensure that private firms

compete effectively to make a profit and make a profit to retain their position in the

sector. Private monopoly without challenging competing forces would not achieve

optimal efficiency (Hung, Wang & Shamman, 2012).

 Before determining the likelihood of involvement of the private sector, it is important to

determine which organizations with sufficient technological and operational capability

exist to achieve the objectives set out. The public bodies need to create precise criteria for

the products to be delivered.

 Participation of Solid Waste and Water and Sewer government agencies in the private

sectors switch from facilities to regulation. They then need to develop a legal and

regulatory structure (laws and regulations) and adequate performance management and

monitoring mechanisms to ensure effective service.

Customer Billing Services.

Billing problems are also the key driver of customer care inquiries in Legacy City. Such

problems are replicated again and again and are easier to fix, such as adjustments to the

payment's consumer profile or cancellations. However, some of the inquiries are much harder to

handle. My suggestions will then be

 A range informs the visual experience of technical technologies for diverse applications.

Contact centers can select screen-sharing, live video or co-browsing, assistance to engage

their customers visually to address customer complaints such as billing resolution,

transaction, or proof-related issues.

Inadequate Waste Management

Solid Waste and Water and Sewer wastes created must be segregated, as that, that can handle

non-infectious and non-hazardous waste as ordinary domestic waste. Hazardous and contagious

products should be converted into various forms, depending on how they could regulate it later.

After personal analysis from the Solid Waste and Water and Sewer Departments, my

recommendations would be

 Handling is the secret to the proper treatment of solid waste and water and sewage waste.

It needs the dedication and supervision of various people, the waste, and finishing up

with the person responsible who disposes of the waste in the right manner.

 Training and motivation in phases are critical and it needs to be encouraged by the

relevant stakeholders. The underlying theory of motivation is that individuals are inspired

to follow and fulfill their needs. (Berman, 2006).

 Legislation or standards exist in many ways, but they are not applied or followed.

Another problem is the disposal of industrial waste, Solid Waste, and Water and Sewer

wastes. Sufficient storage units are a necessity for any industrial waste groups, Solid

Waste, and Water and Sewer wastes. It is advised to use various containment units with

various forms of waste and fracture-resistant containers with stoppers.

Inadequate Service Coverage of the population

According to the two departments, the industrial waste disposal systems of Legacy City typically

represent only a small portion of the local population. Those who live without a waste disposal

program are typically low-income residents living in peri-urban areas. My recommendation

would be

 Alternative solutions to primary collection systems involve substantial involvement by

residences. Therefore, it is necessary to determine their ability to participate and include

prospective users at all stages of decision-making when setting up the scheme.

 Enhancing awareness through information and education will improve motivation and


 Low-cost engineering strategies are the prerequisites for successful schemes (Miller,

2006). Poor citizens may not be able to manage monetary donations, but they may donate

courteously. Muscle-driven (person or animal) carts or small vehicles have been shown to

be useful for areas with difficult access where collecting vehicles are required.

Final Disposal of Waste

Most of the waste in Legal City is dumped on land in a more or less unchecked fashion. Such

insufficient disposal of waste causes significant environmental issues that could affect public

health and inflict economic and other adverse selection. My recommendations would be;

 Solid Waste and Water and Sewer wastes must cover the costs of preparation, resources,

service, and monitoring and must be paid for in a healthy manner waste management.

Estimated capital and recurring costs of disposal


To achieve customer satisfaction in Legal City, the main factors that must be addressed

are operational efficiency of services, Customer Billing Services., inadequate waste

management, Inadequate Service Coverage of the population, and final disposal of wastes. These

factors have a wide range of recommendations Mayor Patel could address to solve the customers'

complaints in the customer services issues in the Water and Sewer Departments and the Solid

Waste Department of Legacy City as explained. Having in mind that when leaders are withdrawn

and lack the appropriate skills, performance improvement becomes a futile exercise.


Berman, E. M. (2006). Performance and productivity in public and nonprofit organizations (2nd

ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Hung, Y. T., Wang, L. K., & Shammas, N. K. (Eds.). (, 2012). Handbook of environment and

waste management: air and water pollution control, 1, World Scientific.

Miller, K. (2014). Extreme Government Makeover: Increasing our capacity to do more good.

Washington, DC: Governing.

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