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Branch of science/physics which deals with those devices in which we study the
conduction of electricity through vacuum, a gas or a semiconductor.

Energy Band Theory

The electrons can exist in some ranges of energy called permissible energy levels and
cannot exist in other ranges called forbidden energy levels. Permissible levels also called
Energy Bands.

Types of Energy Bands

Valence Band
Occupied by valence electrons. It is highest occupied band and partially or completely
filled and never empty.
(Electrons in outer most shell of an atom are called valence electrons and the outer most
shell of an atom is called valence shell.)

Conduction Band
Electrons which have left the valence band called conduction (free) electrons
(Electrons move freely and conduct electric current through the solid that is why called
conduction electrons). They practically leave the atom or are only weakly held to
nucleus. The band occupied by these electrons called Conduction Band. It may be
empty or partially filled.

Forbidden Band
Valence and conduction band are separated by a gap known as forbidden energy gap.
Energy is required to left an electron from valence band, take it across the gap and put it
in the conduction band.
Classification of Solids by Energy Band Theory

There is a very wide gap between valence and conduction band. Conduction band is
completely empty.

In conductors valence and conduction band overlap each other. There is no physical

In semiconductor there is intermediate gap between valence and conduction band. Both
conduction and valence bands are partially filled in a semiconductor.

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