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Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)
Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)
Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.
Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr
thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]
Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3
Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of
aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4 itc@laaaawphil

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1
Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which
aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4 itc@laaaawphil

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.

*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.



Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)
b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg
aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.
. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.
Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr
thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]
Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3
Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of
aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4 itc@laaaawphil

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1
Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which
aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4 itc@laaaawphil

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.

*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.




Bgggg it ggggnaaaactggggd by thgggg Naaaationaaaal AAAAssggggmbly of thgggg Philippinggggs

Sggggction 1. Pggggnaaaalty — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or

lgggggaaaal provisions rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or aaaany othggggr spggggcific
citizggggnship aaaas aaaa rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany aaaaliggggn or
forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg
of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg,
which is ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in
no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos.

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany spggggcific

country chaaaargggggd with aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg timgggg of
thgggg aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall aaaat
lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg ggggvidggggncgggg
of aaaa violaaaation of this AAAAct.1

Sggggction 2. Simulaaaation of minimum caaaapitaaaal stock — In aaaall caaaasggggs in which

aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal provision rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa
corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of
its caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, it shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly simulaaaatgggg
thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum stock or caaaapitaaaal aaaas ownggggd by such
citizggggns, for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg prggggsidggggnt
or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of corporaaaations or
aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt of not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand

Sggggction 2-AAAA. Unlaaaawful usgggg, GGGGxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt — AAAAny

pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which, haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr
its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg
ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany
othggggr spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns, pggggrmits
or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa
pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs
prggggscribggggd by aaaa thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or
lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay, traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation
or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or
thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or
aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by
thgggg Constitution, or ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa
right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg
Constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt,
opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan
officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin with or without
rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg
ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg
Sggggcrggggtaaaary of Justicgggg, aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists
or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of
thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg
punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan
fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of
thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation
of thgggg provisions hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand
pggggsos: Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs
or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships
violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in
liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd, furthggggr, Thaaaat aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin,
forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss
ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct: AAAAnd
providggggd, finaaaally, Thaaaat thgggg gggglggggction of aaaaliggggns aaaas mggggmbggggrs of
thgggg boaaaard of dirggggctors or govggggrning body of corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations
ggggngaaaaging in paaaartiaaaally naaaationaaaalizggggd aaaactivitiggggs shaaaall bgggg
aaaallowggggd in proportion to thggggir aaaallowaaaablgggg paaaarticipaaaation or shaaaargggg in
thgggg caaaapitaaaal of such ggggntitiggggs.3

Sggggction 2-B. AAAAny violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct by thgggg spousgggg of

aaaany public officiaaaal, if both livgggg togggggthggggr, shaaaall bgggg caaaausgggg for thgggg
dismissaaaal of such public officiaaaal. 4

Sggggction 2-C. Thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg, possggggssion or control by aaaa Filipino citizggggn

haaaaving aaaa common-laaaaw rgggglaaaationship with aaaan aaaaliggggn of aaaa right,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of
which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws to
citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs, shaaaall constitutgggg aaaa primaaaa faaaacigggg
ggggvidggggncgggg of violaaaation of thgggg provisions of Sggggction 2-AAAA hggggrggggof.5

Sggggction 3. AAAAny corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation violaaaating aaaany of thgggg

provisions of this AAAAct shaaaall, upon propggggr court procggggggggdings, bgggg dissolvggggd.

Sggggction 3-AAAA. Rggggwaaaard to informggggr. — In caaaasgggg of conviction undggggr

thgggg provisions of this AAAAct, twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of aaaany fingggg
imposggggd shaaaall aaaaccrugggg to thgggg bggggnggggfit of thgggg informggggr who
furnishggggs to thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt originaaaal informaaaation lggggaaaading to saaaaid
conviction aaaand who shaaaall bgggg aaaascggggrtaaaainggggd aaaand naaaamggggd in thgggg
judgmggggnt of thgggg court. If thgggg informggggr is aaaa dummy, who shaaaall voluntaaaarily
taaaakgggg thgggg initiaaaativgggg of rggggporting to thgggg propggggr aaaauthoritiggggs aaaany
violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct aaaand aaaassist in thgggg prosggggcution,
rggggsulting in thgggg conviction of aaaany pggggrson or corporaaaation profiting thggggrggggby or
involvggggd thggggrggggin, hgggg shaaaall bgggg ggggntitlggggd to thgggg rggggwaaaard
hggggrggggof in thgggg sum ggggquivaaaalggggnt to twggggnty-fivgggg pggggr cggggntum of
thgggg fingggg aaaactuaaaally paaaaid to or rggggcggggivggggd by thgggg Govggggrnmggggnt,
aaaand shaaaall bgggg ggggxggggmptggggd from thgggg pggggnaaaal liaaaabilitiggggs
providggggd for in this AAAAct. 6

Sggggction 4. This AAAAct shaaaall taaaakgggg ggggffggggct upon its aaaapprovaaaal.


AAAApprovggggd, Octobggggr 30, 1936.


*AAAAs aaaamggggndggggd by RAAAA 421, RAAAA 134, RAAAA 6084, aaaand PD 715.

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 1:

Originaaaal tggggxt —

SGGGGC. 1. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaany constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provision rggggquirggggs Philippingggg or [Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] citizggggnship aaaas
rggggquisitgggg for thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoymggggnt of aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg or privilggggggggg, aaaany citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs] who aaaallows his naaaamgggg or citizggggnship to bgggg
usggggd for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading such provision, aaaand aaaany
aaaaliggggn or forggggignggggr profiting thggggrggggby, shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by
imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars,
aaaand by, fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn
thousaaaand pggggsos.]

Thgggg faaaact thaaaat thgggg citizggggn of thgggg Philippinggggs or of [thgggg Unitggggd

Staaaatggggs] chaaaargggggd with, violaaaation of this AAAAct haaaad, aaaat thgggg
timgggg of aaaacquisition of his holdings in thgggg corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaation
rggggfggggrrggggd to in sggggction two of this AAAAct, no rggggaaaal or pggggrsonaaaal
propggggrty, crggggdit or othggggr aaaassggggts thgggg vaaaalugggg of which shaaaall
aaaat lggggaaaast bgggg ggggquivaaaalggggnt to saaaaid holdings, shaaaall bgggg
aaaadmissiblgggg aaaas circumstaaaantiaaaal ggggvidggggncgggg of, violaaaation of this
aaaact. (GGGGd. Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in
RAAAA 134, supraaaa)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2:

Originaaaal tggggxt

SGGGGC. 2. In aaaall caaaasggggs in which aaaa constitutionaaaal or lgggggaaaal

provisions rggggquirggggs thaaaat, in ordggggr thaaaat aaaa corporaaaation or
aaaassociaaaation maaaay ggggxggggrcisgggg or ggggnjoy aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg or
privilggggggggg, not lggggss thaaaan aaaa cggggrtaaaain pggggr cggggntum of its
caaaapitaaaal must bgggg ownggggd by citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or [thgggg
Unitggggd Staaaatggggs, or both.] It shaaaall bgggg unlaaaawful to faaaalsggggly
simulaaaatgggg thgggg ggggxistggggncgggg of such minimum of stock or caaaapitaaaal
aaaas ownggggd by such citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs [or thgggg Unitggggd
Staaaatggggs or both,] for thgggg purposgggg of ggggvaaaading saaaaid provision. Thgggg
prggggsidggggnt or maaaanaaaagggggrs aaaand dirggggctors or trustggggggggs of
corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations convictggggd of aaaa violaaaation of this sggggction
shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt [for] not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor
morgggg thaaaan [tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan
[two thousaaaand nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos.] (GGGGd.
Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, supraaaa.)

Words in bold in thgggg tggggxt aaaabovgggg aaaargggg aaaamggggndmggggnts
introducggggd by PD 715, sggggction 1, promulgaaaatggggd Maaaay 28, 1975.

Staaaatutory History of sggggction 2-AAAA:

aaaa) Originaaaal tggggxt — (insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421)

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg constitution or
thgggg laaaaws [of thgggg Philippinggggs] to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
[thgggg Unitggggd Staaaatggggs,] or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat
lggggaaaast sixty pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such
citizggggns, pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or
ggggnjoymggggnt thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation
not possggggssing thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or
thgggg laaaaws of thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr
waaaay traaaansfggggrs or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg,
propggggrty or businggggss to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not
othggggrwisgggg quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg Constitution, or thgggg provisions of
thgggg ggggxisting [AAAActs,] aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids, aaaassists, or
aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or pggggrpggggtuaaaation of
aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrggggin aaaabovgggg ggggnumggggraaaatggggd, shaaaall
bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not lggggss thaaaan [two] nor morgggg thaaaan
[tggggn] yggggaaaars, aaaand by aaaa fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan [two thousaaaand
nor morgggg thaaaan tggggn thousaaaand pggggsos:] Providggggd, howggggvggggr,
Thaaaat prggggsidggggnts, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of
corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations or paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions
of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in liggggu thggggrggggof.
(GGGGd, Notgggg: Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in RAAAA
134, infraaaa.)

b) Words in bold in thgggg nggggxt immggggdiaaaatggggly following aaaargggg

aaaamggggndmggggnts introducggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 2, aaaapprovggggd
Jungggg 14, 1947.

SGGGGC. 2-AAAA. AAAAny pggggrson, corporaaaation, or aaaassociaaaation which,

haaaaving in its naaaamgggg or undggggr its control, aaaa right fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg or
ggggnjoymggggnt of which is ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by thgggg Constitution
or thgggg laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of aaaany othggggr
spggggcific country, or to corporaaaations or aaaassociaaaations aaaat lggggaaaast sixty
pggggr cggggntum of thgggg caaaapitaaaal of which is ownggggd by such citizggggns,
pggggrmits or aaaallows thgggg usgggg, ggggxploitaaaation or ggggnjoymggggnt
thggggrggggof by aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not possggggssing
thgggg rggggquisitggggs prggggscribggggd by thgggg Constitution or thgggg laaaaws of
thgggg Philippinggggs; or lggggaaaasggggs, or in aaaany othggggr waaaay traaaansfggggrs
or convggggys saaaaid right, fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss
to aaaa pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation not othggggrwisgggg
quaaaalifiggggd undggggr thgggg constitution, or thgggg provisions of thgggg ggggxisting
laaaaws; or in aaaany maaaannggggr pggggrmits or aaaallows aaaany pggggrson, not
possggggssing thgggg quaaaalificaaaations rggggquirggggd by thgggg Constitution or
ggggxisting laaaaws to aaaacquirgggg, usgggg, ggggxploit or ggggnjoy aaaa right,
fraaaanchisgggg, privilggggggggg, propggggrty or businggggss, thgggg ggggxggggrcisgggg
aaaand ggggnjoymggggnt of which aaaargggg ggggxprggggssly rggggsggggrvggggd by
thgggg constitution or ggggxisting laaaaws to citizggggns of thgggg Philippinggggs or of
aaaany othggggr spggggcific country, to intggggrvggggngggg in thgggg
maaaanaaaagggggmggggnt, opggggraaaation, aaaadministraaaation or control
thggggrggggof, whggggthggggr aaaas aaaan officggggr, ggggmploygggggggg or
laaaaborggggr thggggrggggin, with or without rggggmunggggraaaation ggggxcggggpt
tggggchnicaaaal pggggrsonnggggl whosgggg ggggmploymggggnt maaaay bgggg
spggggcificaaaally aaaauthorizggggd by thgggg [Prggggsidggggnt of thgggg Philippinggggs
upon rggggcommggggndaaaation of thgggg Dggggpaaaartmggggnt Hggggaaaad
concggggrnggggd, if aaaany,] aaaand aaaany pggggrson who knowingly aaaaids,
aaaassists or aaaabggggts in thgggg plaaaanning, consummaaaation or
pggggrpggggtraaaation of aaaany of thgggg aaaacts hggggrgggginaaaabovgggg
ggggnumggggraaaatggggd shaaaall bgggg punishggggd by imprisonmggggnt for not
lggggss thaaaan fivgggg nor morgggg thaaaan fiftggggggggn yggggaaaars aaaand by aaaa
fingggg of not lggggss thaaaan thgggg vaaaalugggg of thgggg right, fraaaanchisgggg, or
privilggggggggg ggggnjoyggggd or aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions
hggggrggggof but in no caaaasgggg lggggss thaaaan fivgggg thousaaaand pggggsos:
Providggggd, howggggvggggr, Thaaaat thgggg prggggsidggggnt, maaaanaaaagggggrs, or
pggggrsons in chaaaarggggg of corporaaaations, aaaassociaaaations, or
paaaartnggggrships violaaaating thgggg provisions of this sggggction shaaaall bgggg
criminaaaally liaaaablgggg in Liggggu thggggrggggof: Providggggd furthggggr, Thaaaat
aaaany pggggrson, corporaaaation or aaaassociaaaation shaaaall, in aaaaddition to thgggg
pggggnaaaalty imposggggd hggggrggggin, forfggggit such right, fraaaanchisgggg,
privilggggggggg, aaaand thgggg propggggrty or businggggss ggggnjoyggggd or
aaaacquirggggd in violaaaation of thgggg provisions of this AAAAct. (GGGGd. Notgggg:
Words in braaaackggggts wggggrgggg dgggglggggtggggd in PD 715, supraaaa.)

Insggggrtggggd by CAAAA 421, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd Maaaay 31, 1939.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 6084, sggggction 1, aaaapprovggggd AAAAugust 4, 1969.

. Insggggrtggggd by RAAAA 134, sggggction 3, aaaapprovggggd Jungggg 14, 1947.

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