Accolite Digital Test + Interview Experience For Intern + FTE (On-Campus 2022)

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Accolite Digital Test + Interview Experience for

Intern + FTE (On-Campus 2022)

The campus recruitment process will have an online test (MCQs - 30 min/30Que &
Coding Round - 60min duration), followed by technical (2 levels) and personal
interview rounds, all Interview sessions conducted virtually.

Assessment 1: In this, we have to attempt a 30 min assessment at the Eduthrill

platform, which consists of 30 questions. Questions are related to Data Structures
and Algorithms, Operating systems, Object-Oriented Programming, Database
Management systems, Networking, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning.

Assessment 2(Coding Round): We have to solve 1 coding question in 1 hour in

this round. We are given the desired array target [ ] containing n elements. Compute
and return the smallest possible number of the operations needed to change the
array from all zeros to the desired array. They have changed the story of the
question, else the concept is totally the same.

Technical Interview Round-1 (1hour+): After the coding round, I got the mail and
call from HR on the same day, Informing me about the next round. I have gone
through the previous Interview Experiences at GeeksforGeeks and Glassdoor.

The interviewer started with the introduction part and then he asked:

What is OOPs, Class, Objects, features of OOP, why do we need OOP? Types of
Polymorphism(Functional and Operator Overloading) Encapsulation, Inheritance.
(Collections (only If you know C++ and Java, In my case I directly tell him "I'm leaner
towards Python")). Then He asks me about Data Structures and Algorithms in python
(List, Tuple, Dictionary, sorting algo - bubble, merge)

Then he asks me to share my VS Code screen and give me a problem:

After that, he moves to my projects and asks about that: covering (what is that
project, Technology used, deep questions on that tech stuff)(almost 10-15 mins

After that we move to DBMS and OS:

OS - (Process and Threads)

DBMS - Joins(Inner, left-outer, right-outer), 2nd Highest Salary Query,
Normalisation(all types)

In the end, he asked me whether I had any questions for him. I asked him about my

Technical Interview Round-2 (1hour+): I got the result of Technical Interview 1

within 2 hrs, that I have cleared that round and they schedule the next technical
round after 3 hrs.

The interviewer asked me to introduce myself, my projects, my past internship and

my co-curricular activities. (He asks too many tech questions about my experience).
Ask about Computer Network Fundamentals (HTTP, HTTPS, SSL certificate).

DBMS - Joins(Inner, left-outer, right-outer), Normalisation(all types), this time he asks

me to write a query for left join on Given example.

My Project is in the Domain of AI/ML/Web-dev. So he asks me about supervised

learning algorithms -> Linear regression, Logistic regression, Decision tree, Random
Forest -> How to calculate the accuracy of model (Ans: for Linear reg : RMS Value
and for logistic reg : Confusion Matrix ) -> What is Confusion Matrix -> 4 Quadrants
of Confusion Matrix (TP,TN,P,N)-> formula to calculate accuracy from confusion
matrix (accuracy = (TP+TN)/(P+N)), Information Gain + Formula and Entropy.(Going
deeper by extracting keywords from my previous answers)

Then he moved to Data Preprocessing, Methods of Data Cleaning. (Basics, I explain

all things w.r.t my projects)

In the end, he asked me whether I had any questions for him. I asked him about my

HR Interview Round-3(45-60 mins): After two technical interviews, I got the result
the same day, that I have cleared it and they will schedule an HR interview tomorrow.

The interviewer asked (ALL TOP HR QUESTIONS):

Tell me something about yourself.

Explain your project. (Then she asked me to explain one)

Where did you see yourself after 5 years? (imp)

Why Accolite? (prepare it from their website)

What are your expectations from Accolite?

Short term goals, Long term goals and Ultimate goals?

Why will the company hire you?

Is there any question I want to ask?

Then, the interviewer explained to me the compensation that I will get and company
terms and conditions.

Final Verdict: Selected

Note: You should have strong projects or strong DSA. Because you need to give him space by which the
interviewer can check your core logic. It might be possible I forgot to add some parts of our discussion
and questions. So just try to take it as a reference only.
Best of Luck!
- Amit Gamot

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