Pop! - OS Keyboard Shortcuts - System76 Support

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Pop!_OS Keyboard Shortcuts - System76 Support https://support.system76.



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Support Articles

Pop!_OS Keyboard Shortcuts

Notable Keys
Super key
The Super key is the OS key on your keyboard.

On recent System76 products, it's the Pop key ( ).

On older System76 products, it's the Ubuntu key ( ).

On the Launch keyboard it is the SUPER key.

On generic third-party products, it may be labeled with a Windows


On Mac accessories, it may be labeled command .

In Pop!_OS, the Super key handles the majority of OS and window actions.
This key is represented by in the lists below.

Direction keys
Directional actions can use either the standard arrow keys or their Vim

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Pop!_OS Keyboard Shortcuts - System76 Support https://support.system76.com/articles/pop-keyboard-shortcuts

Key Description

← , ↓ , ↑ , → Direction keys (arrow keys)

H , J , K , L Direction keys (Vim shortcuts)

Keyboard Shortcuts
Move, resize, and swap windows
Shortcut Action

+ Direction keys Switch focus between windows

+ Enter Enter window adjustment mode

Direction keys Move window (while in adjustment mode)

Shift + Direction keys Resize window (while in adjustment mode)

Ctrl + Direction keys Swap windows (while in adjustment mode)

Enter Apply changes (exit adjustment mode)

ESC Cancel (exit adjustment mode)

+ Left click + Drag Move window (without adjustment mode)

+ Right cick + Drag Resize window (without adjustment mode)

Manipulate windows
Shortcut Action

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Pop!_OS Keyboard Shortcuts - System76 Support https://support.system76.com/articles/pop-keyboard-shortcuts

Shortcut Action

+ S Toggle stacking

+ O Change window orientation (while stacking)

+ G Float/unfloat window (while stacking)

+ M Maximize/unmaximize window

+ Ctrl + ← / → Snap window to left/right side of display

+ Q Close window

Manage workspaces and displays

Shortcut Action

+ Ctrl + ↑ / ↓ Navigate between workspaces

+ Home / End Navigate to first/last workspace

+ Shift + Move active window between

Direction keys

+ ESC Lock the screen

Use the launcher

The launcher allows searching through open windows and installed
applications, and also has the additional functions listed below.

Shortcut/command Action

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Pop!_OS Keyboard Shortcuts - System76 Support https://support.system76.com/articles/pop-keyboard-shortcuts

Shortcut/command Action

Activate the launcher on Pop 21.04+

+ / Activate the launcher on Pop 20.10 and below

recent filename Browse and search recent files

/ / ~ Browse the filesystem

file filename Search the filesystem for a certain file

t: Execute a command in a terminal

: Execute a command in sh

= Calculate an equation

? Help menu

Switch between apps and windows

Shortcut Action

+ Tab Switch apps

+ Tab + Shift Switch apps in reverse order

+ ` Switch windows of current app

+ ` + Shift Switch windows of current app in reverse order

Miscellaneous OS shortcuts
Shortcut Action

+ D Toggle workspace menu

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Pop!_OS Keyboard Shortcuts - System76 Support https://support.system76.com/articles/pop-keyboard-shortcuts

Shortcut Action

+ A Toggle applications menu

+ V Toggle notifications menu

+ T Open a terminal

+ F Open Files

+ P Cycle display layout

+ Space Cycle between configured input sources (languages)

Alt + F2 Run command

Ctrl + Alt + Del Log out

Accessibility shortcuts
Shortcut Action

+ Alt + S Toggle screen reader

+ Alt + 8 Toggle magnifier

Article was last edited at 8/30/2021 by @ahoneybun

+ Alt + + / - Zoom in/out (when magnifier is enabled)

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