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TERMS OF REFERENCE (ToR) Hiring NGO for developing & implementation of Model activities for Disaster Risk Reduetion (DRR) through Social Safety Net Programmes -Employment Generation Programme for the Poorest (EGPP) to Strengthen Gender-responsive and disability inclusive Resilience. 1. Project Title National Resilience Programme (NRP):Department of Disaster Management (DDM) Part, Department of Disaster Management, Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR),GoB, 2. Background/Project Description Bangladesh is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world and as per the World Risk Report 2016 it is ranked as the tenth most exposed country in the world in terms of natural hazards and the fifth most at-risk country from disasters. The very existence the country has been shaped by the impact of both extensive and intensive natural hazards, Given this managing disasters and their impact has been a major area of focus for the country, with investments in disaster management decreasing disaster mortality in ‘the past four decades to | per cent in 2010 compared to disaster mortality in the 1970s (EM-DAT 2015). ‘The past decade has seen a paradigm shift in Bangladesh from disaster response to disaster risk reduction, achieved with the ownership of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and significant support from development partners and the UN system. However, while disaster risk management is a major feature of the country’s 7 Five Year Plan and a national disaster risk governance system has been established, capacity gaps remain to ensure effective implementation. The National Resilience Programme (NRP) is developed considering national and local vulnerability to stresses and disaster shocks induced by natural hazards and climate, the disaster and climate resilience institutional landscape, and the lessons learned from past initiatives. ‘The goal of NRP is to “Sustain the resilience of human and economic development in Bangladesh through inclusive, gender responsive disaster management and risk informed development”. By implementing the activities proposed, the ‘outcome of the programme will be a substantial increase in resilience to disaster and reduction in disaster risk, loss of lives, livelihoods and health of men, women, girls and boys, and protection of persons, businesses and communities in Bangladesh. It will also focus on building resilience to natural hazard and climate induced disaster shocks and stresses. The NRP will be implemented over a 39-month period, of which the initial three months will function as an inception phase, the following 33 months as the main implementation phase and the final three months as the financial closure phase. As of now the coverage of existing support structures for risk reduction efforts remains limited to some areas and to particular natural hazards, There are limited options for vulnerable households, in particular to access support for reducing their risk and improving their resilience. Through output 5, the NRP will work towards improving community resilience by creating replicable, cost-effective models for local disaster risk reduction and risk management, and institutionalizing models that have shown promise in previous disaster risk reduction and climate change projects. One area of focus will be creating models to leverage existing social safety nets, such as the Employment Generation Programme for the Poorest (EGPP) in the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief so it does not only create employment for the poor but also works to reduce risk in flood-affected areas. The programme will identify options for risk reduction activities that can be implemented through the EGPP, assess the social-environmental impacts of these options and then define the approach. The model will be thoroughly documented and evaluated for scale-up and advocacy purposes. With this backdrop NRP wishes to engage a reputed NGO to pilot the model to test its relevance, impact and practical applicability. The NGO will be engaged for definite period of time to develop a model by ; Page 1 of 16 eon ev using social safety net programmes to strengthen local gender-responsive resilience-building and advocate for government adoption. 3. Working Area ‘The proposed activity will take part in Chilmari Upazila of Kurigram District and Islampur Upazila of Jamalpur District, Bangladesh.(Union will be selected later). 4, Objective of Hiring the NGO The overall objective of the assignment is to develop a costeffective, gender-responsive, environmentally-sustainable mode! for supporting disaster risk reduction and resilience building through the Employment Generation Programme for the Poorest (EGPP). The objective of the consultancy is divided into twofold a) to test the proposed model in the field and document lessons learnt and b) to provide flood risk reduction support to most vulnerable households, particularly the households headed by women, elderly households, and households with disable members, 5. Scope of Work The overall scope of the assignment covers the areas as under * Select most vulnerable communities and beneficiaries in consultation with the DDM,UNO,PIO, local government institution and the upazila administra ‘+ Implement identified DRR activities according to agreed targets, package guidelines and with reference to EGPP preconditions and framework. ‘+ Implement the pilot intervention/activities as 2 model for the development of resilience through inclusive social safety net interventions; * Develop strong and well-coordinated linkages with community, local government, authorities, institutions and programmes, disabled people's organisation to ensure that they are informed about the project and feedback mechanism; ‘+ Document the results, lessons and challenges and communi others; * Arrange advocacy and communication events for wider dissemination and visibility; ‘© Deliver regular financial and narrative reports according to agreed temple to NRP and * Prepare Implementation Module for further sealing up and implementation in new areas. te with the NRP, DDM/MoDMR and 6. Expected Outputs/ Deliverables The NRP will engage the NGO, as implementing partner, in the Chilmari, Kurigram district and Islampur, Jamalpur district. The NGO/implementing pariner will recruit the staff for the project to implement activities related to Disaster Resilience (DR) Model. The main deliverable of the successful NGO/organization is to implement the DR Model through required technical supports. The specific deliverables are: No. of months SL.No. Deliverabies “Targets required (estimated) [1 Betailed work plan and beneficiary selection criteria | Dra Work Plan and | Expected Beneficiary Selection | within first Criteria. month of the contract ra ae” : Page 2 of 16 2 | Workshop with key stakeholders to verify work plan | 2(Two) Workshops with | 2 weeks and beneficiary selection criteria Report (area wise) 3 | Finalized work plan and beneficiary selection criteria | Work Plan and | 2 weeks Beneficiary Selection Criteria (Final) 4” [Implement the pilot intervention/activities as a 6-8 months model for the development of resilience through DRR integrated safety net interventions 4 3 | Prepare Implementation Module for further month scaling up and implementation in new areas © | Monthly reports on progress ageinst targets, lessons | 12(Twelve) Reportis leamt (including recommendations for adjustments and additions to proposed model) and financial matter 7 [80 beneficiary profiles for use in communication, | 50 (Fifiy) Beneficiary including name, contact information, photo, personal | Profiles statement of activity impact and supporting explanation of beneficiary's involvement in the project ‘8 | Workshop and presentation of results and outcome | 3(Three) Workshop with | 2 weeks with key stakeholders (NRP, DDM, EGPP staff, | Report (1-National & 2- UNDP ete.) and study team Local) 9 | Final report on implementation, including results | 1 (one) Report ] TP month against targets, outcome, lessons learnt and recommendations for best implementation through EGPP 7. Institutional Arrangement The selected NGO will report directly to the Project Director/Project Manager of NRP and/or as designated and also maintain close communication/coordination with other as assigned/agreed. Periodical/monthly/quarterly progress report/s submission to NRP is mandatory for the NGO. The organisation will be responsible to complete all activities and submit final report at least one month earlier before the last date of the contract. NRP/UNDP shall be the owner of all existing ‘Intellectual Property” and any Intellectual Property embodied in materials, printed matters, deliveries or reports performed or created in relation to and for the purpose of this Agreement. “Intellectual Property” includes the items like patents, copyrights, design, models, trademarks, confidential information etc. whether or not registered. 8, Duration of the Assignment Duration of the assignment is 12 months from the signing of the contract and it is expected to be; June, 2019. (Possibility of no cost extension, if needed). 9. Eligibility and others Following criteria and qualifications are required to be selected for the assignment: 4, Minimum eligibility criteria of the NGO: The NGO will have all legal papers e.g. valid trade license, registration with competent authority, latest audit report, TIN and other updated documents to run a business in a legal way. b. Profile (which should not exceed fifteen (15) pages including any printed brochure relevant to the services being procured)- describing the nature of business, field of expertise, licenses, certifications, acereditations. or Cages? Page 3 of 16 income statement and balance sheet to indicate Its financial stability, liquidity, credit standing, and market reputation, etc. d. Written Self-Declaration that the company is not in the UN Security Council 1267/1989 List, UN Procurement Division List or Other UN Ineligibility List. In addition, the qualifications hereunder are also required - ‘+ At least 10 years of relevant experience, with a minimum of 5 years with implementation of DRR activities at the field. + Demonstrated experiences and skills in the areas of implementing, facilitating Govt sponsored Social Safety Net Programmes in the area. + Good understanding on sectoral mandates, pr climate, gender, disability + Must have practical experience of working with Ministries (MoDMR) and/or Departments (DDM), donors/UNDP. + Good drafting skills and experience in producing quality document in English. + The NGO must have technical staff and resources to develop work plan, strategy, technical ‘guidelines and others as required. + The NGO having working experiences in Chilmari, Kurigram district and Islampur,Jamalpur district will get preferences. ities and similar issues with regard to disaster, 10. Scope of Bid Price and Schedule of Payments Remuneration of the successfil contractor will be fixed and bids should be submitted on this basis. No adjustment will be given for the period and determined by the specified outputs as per this ToR. The price should take into account all HR costs, programme cost, professional fees, accommodation and DSA, subsistence and ancillary expenses, ‘The NGO will be eligible for a quarterly advance payment based on approved work plan by NRP. LL. Recommended Presentation of Proposal Interested NGOs are to submit a comprehensive technical proposal to substantiate its credentials and expertise for appraisal of bids. This includes technical and financial proposals, details of which are listed below. Please note it’s a double envelope submission. The Technical proposal and Financial Proposal will be sealed in two separate envelopes and placed in one external envelope. In case of financial proposal is not sealed separately the bid will be disqualified. 12, Layout for Technical Proposal SECTION 1: Eligibility and Capacity/Expertise Of NGO This section should fully explain the Proposer’s resources in terms of personnel and facilities necessary for the performance of this requirement. Brief Description of Proposer as an Entity: Provide @ brief description of the organization / NGO submitting the proposal, its legal mandates/authorized business activities, the year and country of incorporation, types of activities & mht Page 4 of 16 undertaken, and approximate annual budget, etc. Include reference to reputation, or any history of litigation and arbitration in which the organization / NGO has been involved that could adversely affect or impact the performance of services, indicating the status/result of such litigation/arbitration, Track Record and Experiences: Provide the following information regarding corporate experience within the last five (5) years which are related or relevant to those required for this Contract. Name of | Client Contract [Period of | Types of | Status or | References | project | value activity activities | Date Contact | undertaken | Completed | Details | (Name, Phone, Email) SECTION 2 ~ Methodology, Approach and Implementation Plan This section should demonstrate the Proposer’s responsiveness to the TOR by identifying the specific components proposed, addressing the requirements, as specified, point by point; providing a detailed description of the essential performance characteristics proposed; and demonstrating how the proposed methodology meets or exceeds the requirements. 2.1. Approach to the Service/Work Required: Please provide a detailed description of the methodology for how the organization/ NGO will achieve the Terms of Reference of the project, keeping in mind the appropriateness to local conditions and project environment. 2.2. Technical Quality Assurance Review Mechanisms: The methodology shall also include details of the Proposer’s internal technical and quality assurance review mechanisms. 2.3 Implementation Timelines: ‘The Proposer shall submit a plan indicating the detailed sequence of activities that will be undertaken and their corresponding timing. 2.4. Sub-contracting: Not Applicable 2.5. Risks / Mitigation Measures: Please describe the potential risks for the implementation of this project that may impact achievement and timely completion of expected results as well as their quality. Describe measures that will be put in place to mitigate the risks. 2.6, Anti-Corruption Strategy: Define the anti-corruption strategy that will be applied in this project to prevent the misuse of funds. Describe the financial controls that will be put in place. 2.7, Partnerships: Compese” oe Page 5 of 16 Exglain any partnerships with local, international or other organizations that are planned for the implementation of the project. Special attention should be given to providing a clear picture of the role of each entity and how everyone will function as a team. Letters of commitment from partners and an indication of whether some or all have successfully worked together on other previous projects is encouraged. 2.8. Other: Any other comments of information regarding the project approach and methodology that will be adopted. SECTION 3: Personnel 3.1 Management Structure: Describe the overall management approach toward planning and implementing this activity. include an organization chart for the management of the project describing the relationship of key positions and designations. 3.2 Staff Time Allocation: Provide a spreadsheet to show the activities of each staff member and the time allocated for his/her involvement. 3.3 Qualifications of Key Personnel: Provide the CVs for key personnel For submission of proposals: ~ Project Proposal in accordance with planned interventions/action lines as aforementioned, containing an implementation Pian (from project inception til project closing), - Budget for implementing the activities which should cover the cost of all direct or indirect operational and logistic support. = Resource planning (HR, technical, administrative and other resources, transportation), 1. Minimum Eligibility and Qualifications of the Key Personnel Sl. | Position Number | Educational Qualifications | Experiences Minimum 20 years of overall experiences in development sector including 5 years of particular experience in managing Govt. Sponsored social safety nets related programs, = Atleast 3 years of experiences in leading team. - Experiences in working with the Local Government eon yc” Page 6 of 16 Post Graduate degree in Management, Development Studies, Disaster Management/Climate Change, Environmental Studies and Social Science and/or any other relevant discipline. Project 1 | Manager/ | 1 Coordinator Institutions. = Minimum 5 years of | overall experiences in development sector - 3years of particular experience in conducting and Community | Graduate/Post-graduate managing training, workshop Facilitator degree in any discipline, and disaster, climate change, disability & gender related activities. - Experiences in working. with the Local Government Institutions. - S/he should be at least graduate having 3(Three) years of experience in similar position = S/he will be responsible to keep all records and 1 ae _ | vouchers related to the NGO pear Graduate(preferably in| _ assignment and prepare 3 i i. Accounting/Finance or in any| financial reports as per NAP a is relevant subjects) requirements. Apart from finance management the Programme Assistant(PA) wil serve the office management and administrative duties as per the NGO. “The PA must have good computer skill especially MS Word, Excel | Note: NGO may propase additional staffing position related to technical expertise required to ‘manage the assignment. in this case, a brief note for the requirement of position needs to attached. Be @sr* Page 7 of 16 Financial Proposal expenses) Juding programme cost, fees, travel cost, DSA, staff time and other relevant (i) The Financial Proposal shall consist of a comprehensive budget with respective line items as aligned with work methodology and deployment of team. The budget will be prepared in BDT and would include all fees and associated costs, i. travel cost, subsistence per diems, printing costs, consultation workshop costs and overhead charges, i) The financial proposals will include a breakdown of this amount disclosing the key assumption employed in costing the tasks. The cost of preparing a proposal and of negotiating a contract, including any related travel, is not reimbursable as a direct cost of the assignment. 12. Evaluation and comparison of proposals tunpson Quality and Cost based Services under Fixed Budget Selection (QCBS-(B5) method will be applied to evaluate the NGO. Award of the contract will be made to the tenderer whose offer has been evaluated and determined as: : Responsive/ compliant/ acceptable with reference to this Terms of Reference (ToR|, and; : Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation SN Evaluation Criteria Details ‘Max Score A. | Capacity/Expertise of NGO a | Years’ experience to work in development field 8 | Years working experience in the area of disaster risk reduction, wate change, assessing vulnerability related to disaster, | gender and preparing local resilience plans mm | Client profile to work with UN agency or bilateral donor 3 Practical work Experience with MoDMR 7 3. _| Key Personnel 5 [Project Manager / Coordinator{As Team Leader) 7 |. Ten years of related experience as per ToR 3 2 Experience as team lead 2 3 Education 2 E | Community Facilitator is 1. At least five years of related experience a 3 pe ew Oye Page 8 of 16 2. Education Programme Assistant (Admin & Finance) “Experience In similar position 2 2, Education z c Proposed Methodology, Approach and Implementation Plan 30 Extend of understanding the requirement of the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the project 10 Implementation Methodology and Approach 10 | Plan of action including GANTT Chart | | Monitoring and Evaluation system 3 Possible risk and its mitigation plan 2 D. Total Technical Proposal: 70 fe Financial proposal 30 Grand Total (Technical & Financial) 200 13, Identification of Risk & Risk Mitigation Plan. The NGO will be solely responsible for the deliverables and will be responsible to achieve milestones. Any delay should be reported prior the timepoint of the milestones as per the submitted workplan. The NGO must identify the risks to deliver and outline how it will mitigate against them i.e. outline risk management strategies. oo ne Page 9 of 16 Annex-| Project Implementation Plan Template Name of the NGO: E Unit Yeard Year2 Grand pectin qa faz [a3 faa |Total lai jaz [Total | Total Recruitment of human resource A 1 2 3 B__| Programme | 1 2 3 | et © _| Operations 7 1; 7 | a ! I | “Pease add rowsasrequired gor" Cees? Page 10 of 16 Technical Proposal Format 1, Name of the NGO: 2. Address of the NGO (including phone, fax and email 3. Year of Establishment: 4. Legal Status of the NGO: 5. Capacity/Expertise of the NGO: 5.1 Brief description of the organizatior (Provide a brief description of the origination about its vision, mission, year of commence of development activities, involvement with different types of stakeholders, key programme focusses) 5.2 Staff Strength and Management Structure (Describe type of key staff members by their expertise and current role in organisation and programme implementation with gender segregation) 5.3 Infrastructure and Logistics (Describe about your offices with location, vehicles, computers and other logistics available) 5.4 Policies of Procedures (Describe about organisation's policies and procedures, e.g. financial management policy, gender and diversity policy, HR Policy etc.) 5.5 Experience with Disaster Risk Reduction related Project/Programmes specially on disaster, climate change, gender & disability: (Describe when did you start working with Climate Change issues and how those programmes are managed. Give a list of programmes, name of donors/funding agencies, duration and budget in the table below.) Si. Name of the Programme Donor/Funding Duration Budget # agencies From To/ (in Taka) Continuing Page 11 of 16 5.6 Experience to work with development partners/UNDP (Describe your previous or current experiences to work with UNDP Bangladesh. Mention the name of programme(s), duration and budget. If you don’t have any working ‘experience with UNDP, please bypass it by writing not applicable) 5.7 Experience to work with Ministries of GoB/MoDMR (Describe your previous or current experiences to work with UNDP Bangladesh. Mention the name of programme(s), duration and budget. If you don’t have any working experience with MoDMR,GoB, please bypass it by writing not applicable) 5.8 Experience of implementing and facilitating Govt. Sponsored Social Safety Net Programme and DRR in the proposed working area (0id you plan and/or implement land facilitate Govt. Sponsored Social Safety Net Programme? What are those? Give a brief description of context and process of planning and implementing them including source of funding) 5.9 Experience of addressing disaster, climate change, Gender and Diversity (Describe how do you develop plan and implement those plan by actively involving person with disability, women, children, elderly people, indigenous community and out-caste minority groups or Dalits groups or any other socially excluded community/group. Mention how do you include their issues and interest in the project/programmes and ot the organisation level.) 5.10 Financial/Fund Management Capacity (How do you maintain your organisational and projects’ accounts? Do you have any financial management policy? How do you audit your accounts? Give last 3 years audited budget of your organisation) Year ‘Annual audited budget (Taka) | Sources of funds 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 6 Understanding of the Assignment (Describe briefly your understanding of the assignment that you learnt from the Terms of Reference (ToR).) 7 Proposed methodology to implement the assignment 7.4 Programme implementation strategies and methodology (following your understanding from the ToR and describe how you are planning to implement those activities) eo Qavecse’ . Page 12 of 16 7.2. Implementation plan (Please prepare a chart given with tentative timeline of accomplishment You can prepare this in separately as per the template attached with ToR 7.3 Human Resources (A potential list of human resources for the assignment prepared and attached herewith, You can reorganise and prepare a fresh list of human resources following your proposed implementation methodology. Please describe the roles and responsibilities of human resources including their academic qualification and experience) 7.4 Supervision {Describe how you are going to supervise the performance of staff members under this assignment) 7.8 Monitoring (Describe your plan of monitoring in detail) 7.6 — Reporting (Describe how the report will be generated. Mention the responsible person to prepare reports and frequency of report submission to NRP) 8 Budget (Describe the total amount you required to implement the assignment. However, you have to separctely prepare o detail budget for the assignment and submit as the Financial Proposal in a separate envelop following the attached budget template along with the Technical Proposal. oe” Cegyessco' Page 13 of 16 Annex-tit Activity plan Potential activities for NGOs to be prepared in the table below. NGOs can further segregate these activities following their understanding and complete the table by fill up the timeline They also can add activities those they think relevant and appropriate. NGOs can divide for 11 months. Name of activity ie for accomplishment ai | @ a3 as [as | a6 Page 14 of 16 Annex-IV Self-Declaration that the company is not in the UN Security Council 1267/1989 List Declaration Date: National Resilience Programme (NRP): DDM Part House#t 419/A,Road# 30, Mohakhali DOHS,Dhaka-1206. Name of Assignment: °, Reference: Dear Sir, declare that . Is not in the UN Security Council 1267/1989 List, UN Procurement Division List or Other UN ineligibility, List. Yours Sincerely, (signature) {name) (designation) (date) eo” Cress * Page 15 of 16 Financial Proposal Template/Section Annex V Unit ; it Unit Total si | Budget Line Ure scription | C2 | po. | Busser Note Programme Cost ( salary and Allowance) | Project Coordinator 12 Month 1a a 1 T | 1,2. | Community Facilitator Be (eeeamonth Project Assistant (Admin and | a2month | Finance) 13 1 Eee ] ] Plesae provide Programme/training- breakdown 1.4 | workshop details ‘Sub Total (a) 2__| Operation 2.1 | Office Rent 12 Month 2.2 | Utlity/electricity 12 Month 2.3. Travel/Transportation/Fuel 24 | Computer [ 25 | Printer | iz 26 | Office Furniture fect 2.7_| Stationery/Supply | 2.8 | Telephone/Communication | 2.9 | others (specify) | Please | provide breakdown details ‘Sub Total (b) Total (ab) Overhead Costin%() | Management oversight | expenses Grand Total (atb+<) | Note: Convert this formate into excel for budget preporation and submission. Fee go Gayo Page 16 of 16

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