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MANAGEI\.1ENT 9_ Whlch of the followllig is not OTif< of the ego-states of transactional analysis ?

PAPER-II (A) Child (B) Young (C) Adult (D) Parent

Note: This paper contains fifty (50) multiple-choice questions, each question carrying 1 0_ Vroom's theory, motivation is expressed as :
two (2) marks_ Attempt all of them.
(A) Valence + expectaru:y (B) Valence - expectaru:y
(C) Valence x expectaru:y (D) Valence + expectaru:y
1. Demand curve under monopolistic competition is :


(A) Downward sloping and flat (B) Downward sloping and steep
11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a predisposition to behave in a certain way and to take particular
(C) Parallel to X axis (D) Parallel to Y axis point of view_
(A) Motivation (B) Behaviour (C) Perception (D) Attitude
2_ If two commodities are complementary, then a rise in the price of OTif< commodity will


(A) An upward shift of demand curve 12_ The process of studying and collecting infonnation relating to a specific job is known

(B) A rise in the price of the other commodity
(C) No shift in demand for the other commodity (A) job specification (B) jobAnalysis

(D) A backward shift in demand for the other commodity (C) Motion Study (D) job description

3_ If the demand curve is rectangular hyperbola the elasticity is : 13_ The systematic collection and feedback of performance data on an individual or group
(A) One (B) Zero (C) Infinity (D) Less than OTif< derived from a number of stake holders in their performance is called :

(A) 180° Appraisal (B) 361Y Apprasisal
4_ Which of the following is a flow variable? (C) Confidential reports (D) No"" of these
(A) Income (B) Product

(C) Capital Fonnation (D) Wealth
14_ Referring a dispute to an agreed third party for setlement or advice without the force
of litigation or resort to law is known as :
5_ "Supply creates its won demand" is known as :
(A) Adjudication (B) Arbitration

(A) Keynesian law (B) Says law (C) Veblen law (D) Giffin law
(C) Conciliation (D) All of the above

6_ Functional type of organisation was first developed by:
(A) Pavlov (B) Taylor (C) Henry Fayol (D) Eltonl\1ayo 15_ J\.finimum wages are fixed by :
(A) Trade unions (B) Employees

7_ 'Gang-plank' means : (C) State Govemmenta (D) Court of law
(A) Quick Communication (B) Vertical Communication

(C) Horizontal Communication (D) None of the above

16_ Under the factories Act 1948, safety officer is to be appointed in a factory where:
(A) 500 workers are working
8_ When the water allows one aspect of a person's character or perfonnaru:e to influeru:e
the enitre evaluation, the error will be : (B) 1000 or more workers are working
(A) Constant error (B) Halo effect (C) 3000 or more workers are working
(C) Central tenderu:y (D) Similar to me (D) 5000 or more workers are working

J-1705 J-1705 4
n l\1atch the following : 22_ Pre-emptive right of equity shareholders means that they :
Trade Union Year of Establislunent (A) Can vote to protect their rights
INTUC i_ 1920 (B) Can mairttsin their proportional owTif<rship by purchasing additional equity
'n. AITUC ji_ 1970
shares issued by finn
(C) Can be elected as directors
]]]_ CITU ill_ 1948
(D) None of the above
iv_ 1954
'" '""'


(A) 1-iv, ll-ili, lll-ii, IV -i
23_ Skimming Pricing is useful for:
セI@ 1-i, ll-ii, Ill-ill, IV -iv
(A) Luxury goods (B) Consumption goods
(C) 1-iv, II-i, III -ill, IV -ii
(C) Necessities_ (D) Industrial goods


(D) 1-ili, II-i, lll-ii, IV -iv

24_ Distribution channel aims at moving products from producer to :


18_ Deterrrrinktg the value of a bond requires :
(A) Ultimate Consumer セI@ Retailors
(i) an estimate of expected cash flows
(C) Stockists (D) Brokers
(ii) an estimate of the required retum

(ill) an estimate of the accounting rate of retum
(iv) an estimate of the cost of capital " In business situations, personal selling is :
(A) Inside Selling セI@ Outsid£ Selling

(A) (i ) (B) (i)&(ii) (C) ( ill ) (D) ( iv)
(C) Both of the above (D) None of the above

19_ Whlch is the most commonly used method for evaluation of larger projects ? 26_ J\.fass communication tools available to marketers iru:lude:
(A) Net Present Value (B) Pay Back Period (A) Advertising (B) Sales promotion
(C) lntemal Rate of Retum (D) Accounting Rate of Return

(C) Public relations (D) All the above

20_ According to 'dividend growth model' approach the cost of equity is equal to :

27_ The financial results of marketing endeavours should be analysed in tenns of :
(A) Cash dividends per share (A) Sales volume (B) J\.farket share

(B) Cash dividends per share + bonus per share (C) J\.farketing costs (D) All the above
(C) Dividend pay out ratio +expected growth rate in dividend

(D) Dividend yield+ expected growth rate in dividends w

28_ Stock variables are introduced in solving the problem :
(A) The Assignment Problem
21_ The amount of dividend that can be legally distributed is govemed by : (B) When the Constraints in the LP.P are of greater than type
(A) Company law (B) judicial pronouru:ement in leading cases (C) When the Constraints in the LP.P are of less than type
(C) Contractual restrictions (D) All above (D) For balancing a transportation problem

J-1705 J -1705 8
29_ A transportation problem will be a balanced problem : 35_ The sum of two positive real members is 2 a_ The probability that product of these
(A) When the no_ of rows is equal to no_ of columns two numbers is not less than ( ;,{)times the greatest possible product is :
(B) When total supply is equal to total demand
(C) When the problem has an optimum solution
(A) j1 (C) X
(D) None of the above
36_ The level of singificance is the probability of committing the :
(A) Standard error (B) Type I error
30_ PERT stands for :


(C) Probable error (D) Type II error
(A) Product Estimation & Research Technique
(B) Project Evaluation and Review Technique 37_ A measure characterizing a population is called a parameter and a similar measure
(C) Project Estimation and Review Technique for a sample is called :


(D) None of the above (A) Standard error Non Parameter
(C) Sampling error (D) Statistic


31_ Which of the following is not an usual assumption of the single- chartrlf<l queueing
model with Poisson Arrivals and exponential service times ? 38_ In the case of nonnal distribution about 68% of data lies within :

(A) The queue discipline is last come, first served (A) X +quartile deviation (B) X + 2 standard deviation
(B) the mean arrival rate is less than the mean service rate

(C) X +mean deviation (D) X + standard deviation
(C) The calling population is infinite
(D) All of the above 39_ In which of the following situations the Oassical definition of probability cannot be

(A) The total no_ of outcomes is small
32_ Production scheduling is done to achieve :
セI@ The total no_ of success is zero

(A) J\.faximum utilisation of the plant and machiTif<ry The total no_ of outcomes is infinitely large
(B) J\.faximum utilisation of the work force (D) The total no_ of outcomes exceeds the total no_ of success
(C) J\.finimize inventories of raw materials and work in progress

(D) All of the above 40_ Which one is not Porter's generic strategy?
(A) Growth Strategy (B) Cost Leadership Strategy
(C) Differentiation Strategy (D) Focus Strategy

33_ Vogel's Approximation method is used to :
(A) Study the Time and motion problem
41_ Which is not a Primary activity in a Corporate value chain Analysis ?

(B) Solve the transportation problem
(A) Services (B) Operations
(C) Study the production scheduling problem
(C) Technology development (D) J\.farketing and Sales

(D) Forecast demand w

42_ In growth- share matrix 'Star' indicates :
34_ From the following which is more suitable for causal relationship involving 2 or more (A) High business qrowth- High market share
variables : (B) High business growth- Low market share
(A) Correlation (B) Factor Analysis (C) Low business growth- High market share
(C) Regression Analysis (D) Time series Analysis (D) Low business growth -Low market share

J-1705 J -1705
43_ Whlch of the following Act, regulates sick industries specially in India ?
(A) lD Act (B) SICA
(C) Companies ACT (D) None of these

44_ Whlch of the following Board regulates sick enterprises in India ?

(A) SEBI セI@ National Law Board
(C) me< (D) None of these

" EnterpreTif<ur is a person who :
(A) Initiates Business セI@ Invests Capitsl
(C) J\.fanages the business (D) All of the above

'Global Compact' is an initiative of :
" (A) UN セI@ WTO (C)ce (D) ;w
'Agenda 21' relates to:
(A) Cl-tild Labour セI@ Human Rights
(C) Environment protection (D) None of these

48_ Whlch of the following convention of ILO provides for gender equity ?

(A) 87 (B) 98 (C) 100 (D) 105

49_ Disclosure of infonnation is a part of :


(A) Global Compact (B) Human Rights

(C) Social Oause (D) Corporate Govemance

50_ Corporate goveraru:e revolves around :

(A) Stakeholders (B) Organisation

(C) Society (D) All of these


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