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          Research Title:

The implementation of Virtual Internships as an Innovative Learning

Instrument in Tourism Education

III.    Rationale of the Study

             COVID-19 has transformed every part of our life and society considerably. Tourism,
events, and hospitality must adapt the university education system to the changes brought about
by the current epidemic and switch from classroom teaching environments to online learning.
This transformation affects many areas of the educational setting of students, especially
programs that incorporate experiences in fields like internships. The internship program plays an
important role in tourism education since it allows students to determine their role as potential
employees in the real workplace while also gaining skills and abilities in the tourism industry.
Virtual internships, like traditional fieldwork, can be an empowering learning experience that
allows students to capitalize on their practical strengths while applying classroom learning
experiences to real-world management situations. Researchers will also discuss the advantages
and drawbacks of virtual internships as regarded by student interns.

Related Literature:

         Since internships have become an essential part of the curriculum, tourism, events, and
hospitality programs have worked hard to improve the excellence of the internship experience
for students. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic left colleges with few choices. Many
institutions and campuses have to swiftly transition to virtual internships. However, little is
learned about virtual internships, and current studies on virtual internships is limited. It is
uncertain how long the effects of COVID-19 will last or whether there will be a fundamental
shift in the internship programs, even post-pandemic. Virtual internships could be a part of the
“new normal” in a post-pandemic world, where contactless management prevails (Dalrymple &
Dolan, 2020).

Park, M. & Jones, T. (2021) Going Virtual: The Impact of COVID-19 on Internships in Tourism,
Events, and Hospitality Education. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 33:3, 176-193,
Retrieved from

Attending internships is more crucial than ever as the job market gets more competitive
since they assist fresh graduates to take their initial steps in their profession in a tough economic
situation. Internships serve as a critical link between university and industry, guaranteeing
students' self-development throughout their education by giving the chance for students to
acquire both technical and soft skills. Typically, internship programs provide in-person chances
for students to become acquainted with their job. Economic, geographical, and time restrictions,
on the other hand, might hinder student participation. With the advent of technology, students
may create an instant and measurable effect on businesses without physically being present in the
workplace, which means interns can work remotely from home using only an internet
connection. It is at this point that typical internships give way to virtual internships.
Alessandro et al., (2015) Using Virtual Internships as an Innovative learning technique. Global
Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Retrieved from

In light of the major impacts that COVID-19 has had on this industry and prospective
hospitality and tourism interns and graduates, this article will examine the problems of offering
effective hospitality and tourism internships. The benefits and drawbacks of virtual and online
internships will be examined. It will serve as the foundation for a larger research project, and its
application to future research will be discussed. Internship experiences are required for
successful hospitality and tourism education, but delivering an internship experience through
virtual channels brings particular challenges. These internships are also known as mediated
internships (CMIs), and Bayerlein and Jeske (2018) divide them into two categories: E-
internships and Simulated Internships. The virtual internship takes place at Higher Education
Providers (HEPs) rather than a real-world business like a hotel. The "immersive virtual
environment that duplicates a real-world scenario" provides structured learning experiences

Bilsland, C. et al., (August 1, 2020) Virtual Internships and Work-integrated Learning in  

Hospitality and Tourism in a post-COVID-19 World, Retrieved from

Main Objective of the Study

 The motive of this research is to reveal the effects of virtual internships in tourism
 The study will determine if the virtual internships will meet the demands of the tourism
 The study will go over the advantages and challenges of virtual internships.
 To become acquainted with the current methods in the Tourism virtual Internship
Program in connection with teaching and learning skills. 


 In comparison to in-person interns, online interns claim lower levels of satisfaction,

developmental value, old skills, professional network growth, and rising activities.
 Virtual internships provide the same level of learning and satisfaction to students as
on-site internships.
 The advantages and disadvantages of virtual internships.
 Virtual internship substitutes as part of the new normal.
 During the COVID-19 pandemic, intern engagement was minimal, with interns split
about Equally between virtual and in-person mediums.
 Benefits of a virtual distance internship given the current circumstances.
 Virtual internships prepare students in complex hospitality and tourism situations to
handle diversified real-life scenarios.
Research Gap:

    Internships and other types of work-based education are frequently seen as vital undergraduate
experiences. Internships, according to adherents, assist students acquire transferable skills, adapt
educational learning to practical circumstances, build professional connections, and promote
students' socialization and entrance into the workforce. Despite this, there is no observational
evidence on the incidence, effectiveness, and dedication to fairness and accessibility among
virtual internships in different studies, notably during the beginning of the pandemic period up
until now.

Theoretical Framework:

According to Dalrymple and Dolan (2020), Covid-19 pandemic has led may institutions
and campuses to transitioning in-person internships to virtual internships as part of the new
normal. There is no certainty on how long will it take for this pandemic to end. They also stated
that virtual internships have lower levels of satisfaction, developmental value, old skills,
professional network growth, and rising activities compared to in-person internships.

On the other hand, Alessandro et al. (2015) stated a slightly different perception of the
transition to virtual internships from in-person internships of institutions and campuses. He said,
“Typically, internship programs provide in-person chances for students to become acquainted
with their job. Economic, geographical, and time restrictions, on the other hand, might hinder
student participation. With the advent of technology, students may create an instant and
measurable effect on businesses without physically being present in the workplace, which means
interns can work remotely from home using only an internet connection. It is at this point that
typical internships give way to virtual internships.” Alessandro’s emphasis is thus on the
advantages of virtual internship in terms of accessibility and convenience in this time of

Bilsland, C. et al., (August 1, 2020) also stated the advantages and disadvantages of
virtual internships. According to Bilsland, “Internship experiences are required for successful
hospitality and tourism education, but delivering an internship experience through virtual
channels brings particular challenges”. She also stated that, “The "immersive virtual environment
that duplicates a real-world scenario provides structured learning experiences”. This only implies
that virtual internships have both drawbacks and benefits to interns when it comes to preparation
to complex hospitality and tourism situations in this new normal.

Dalrymple and Dolan’s idea and statement of virtual internships focuses mainly on the
drawbacks of the online set-up in terms of its effect in the satisfaction, skills, growth and
activities that can be done compared to the in-person internship. On the other hand, Alessandro’s
perception of the virtual internship is beneficial in terms of accessibility, time restrictions,
location and convenience of working remotely with only the use of internet. Bilsland, however,
emphasizes on both advantages and disadvantages of virtual internships in terms, which tackles
the point of the former sources. All statements from the sources implies disadvantages and
advantages of virtual internship in this time of pandemic, thus these statements are all relevant to
the study.

Conceptual Framework:

According to the three sources, there are challenges and advantages that virtual internship
has brought to the Tourism interns in this time of pandemic. To further analyze and explain the
effects of virtual internships, we constructed below a graphical representation that shows the
implications of the benefits and drawbacks from the literary sources.

Swaen B. (8 March, 2021). Constructing a conceptual framework.

Defining the Conceptual Framework (n.d.) NCU Libguides.


Zackoff, M. W., Real, F. J., Klein, M. D., Abramson, E. L., Li, S.-T. T., & Gusic, M. E. (2019).
Enhancing Educational Scholarship Through Conceptual Frameworks: A Challenge and
Roadmap for Medical Educators. Academic Pediatrics, 19(2), 135–141. https://doi-

Bilsland, C. et al., (August 1, 2020) Virtual Internships and Work-integrated Learning in  

Hospitality and Tourism in a post-COVID-19 World, Retrieved from

Alessandro et al., (2015) Using Virtual Internships as an Innovative learning technique. Global
Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Retrieved from

Park, M. & Jones, T. (2021) Going Virtual: The Impact of COVID-19 on Internships in Tourism,
Events, and Hospitality Education. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 33:3, 176-193,
Retrieved from

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