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Design of Abutment for canal trough

1.35 Canal trough height

Name of work ;- pkn
DATA 0.85
1 Canal B.W. 2.00 m F.S.D. 0.85 m F.B. 0.3 m
2 Trough Slab
Length 8.00 m Thickness 0.20 m Width 2.00 m 13.86
3 Trough Side wall 10.96
Length 8.00 m Thickness 0.3 m Height 1.35 m
4 Road slab
Length 8.00 m Thickness 0.60 m Width 0.00 m
5 Concrete E/P
M- 20 conc. wt. 24000 N/m 3
Cover 50 mm
6 Steel (HYSD) 3.60 1.90 2.10
sst 190 N/m2 J = 0.892 R = 1.011 Heel toe
7 Soil
Bearing capacity 160000 N/m2 Soil wt 18000 N/m3 F 30 Degree 7.60
8 Abutment
Height (form footing) 13.86 m top width 0.85 m Length 3.45 m
9 wt of Water 10000 N/m 3
Main 25 mm F @ 50 mm c/c
Ditri. 10 mm F @ 40 mm c/c 10.96
E/P Ep
Tampr. 10 mm F @ 80 mm c/c Two way

(II) Toe
Main 20 mm F 70 mm c/c
Ditri. 20 mm F 140 mm c/c 3.60 1.90 2.10
(III) Heel Earth pressure Load diagram
Main 20 mm F @ 70 mm c/c diagram
Ditri. 20 mm F @ 140 mm c/c 7.60
Design of Abutment :-
Name of work ;- pkn
1 Load on Abutment :-
(I) Trough Slab Load = 1 x 2.00 x 8.00 x 0.20 x 24000 = 76800 N
(ii) Trough Vertical wall load = 2 x 8.00 x 0.30 x 1.35 x 24000 = 155520 N
(III) Water load from trough = 1 x 8.00 x 2.00 x 1.15 x 10000 = 184000 N
(IV) Road Slab Load = 1 x 8.00 x 0.00 x 0.80 x 24000 = 0 N
(V) live load on S/R with (1.5x)empect load 50000 / R m Assume = 0 N
Total load = 416320 N
Load on one Abutment will be = 416320 / 2 = 208160 N

2 Design assumption :-
Top Width of abutment = 0.85 m Height of Abutment = 13.86 m
Bottom Width of Abutment = 0.85 + 1.39 = 2.20 m Trough depth = 1.35 m
Length of abutment = 3.45 m Gross Height of Abutment = 15.21 m
Using M 20 grade concrete Wt. of concrte = 24000 N/m3
sst = 190 N/mm 2 J = 0.892 R = 1.011 Cover = 50 mm
Wt. of soil = 18000 N/m3 F = 30 Bearing capacity of soil = 160000 N/m2
Wt. of water = 10000 N/m3
3 Diamension of base:-
The ratio of length of slabe (DE) to base width b is given by eq.
q0 160000
a = 1 - = 1 - = 0.734
2.2 y H 2.2 x ### x 15.21
Keep a = 0.73 …. Eq (1)
The width of base is given by Eq.
Ka 1-sin F 1 - 0.50
b = 0.95 H = Ka = = = 0.333
(1- a)x(1+3 a) 1+sinF 1 + 0.5
x 0.333
b = 0.95 x 15.21 = 8.98 m
( 1 - 0.73 )x( 1 + 2.19 )
The base width from the considration of sliding is given by Eq.
0.7HKa 0.7 x 15.21 x 0.333
b = = = 26.26 m
(1-a) m ( 1 - 0.73 )x 0.5
This width is excessive. Normal practice is to provide b between 0.4 to 0.6 H .
Taking maximum value of H = 0.5 = b = 0.50 x 15.21 = 7.60 m
Hence Provided b = 7.60 m
Width of toe slab = a x b = 0.27 x 7.60 = 2.05 m Provided toe slab = 2.10 m
Hence width of heel slab = 7.60 - 1.90 - 2.10 = 3.60 m
Let the thickness of base be = H/12 = 15.21 / 12 = 1.27 or say = 1.30 m for design
4 Thickness of stem:-
Heigth AB = 15.21 - 1.30 = 13.91 m consider 1 m length of retaining wall
Maximum Bending k.y.h.H
k.y.H3 0.333 x 18000 x( 13.86 )2 13.86
+ = 1.35 + = 3437063 n-m
moment at B = 2 6 2 3
BM 3437063000
Effective depth required = = = 1844 mm
Rxb 1.011 x 1000
Keep, d = 1850 mm and total thick ness = 1850 + 50 say 1900 mm
Reduce the total thickness to = 850 mm at top so that effective depth is = 800 mm
5 Stability of wall:-
Full dimension wall is shown in fig 1a
Let W1 = weight of rectangular portion of stem
w2 = weight of triangular portion of stem
w3 = weight of base slab
w4 = weight of soil on heel slab.
w5 = Super imposed load over heel slab.
The calculation are arrenged in Table
Detail force(kN) lever arm Moment about toe
w1 1 x 0.85 x 13.91 x 24000 = 283764 3.58 1014456 KN-m
w2 1/2 x 1.05 x 13.91 x 24000 = 175266 2.63 460073 KN-m
w3 1 x 7.60 x 1.30 x 24000 = 237120 3.8 901056 KN-m
w4 1 x 3.60 x 13.91 x 18000 = 901368 5.8 5227934 KN-m
w5 1 x 1.35 x 3.60 x 18000 = 87480 5.8 507384 KN-m

Sw (A) = 1597518 total MR 7603519 KN-m

w6 Load from trough = 208160 3.575 744172 KN-m

Sw (B) = 1805678 8347691 KN-m

Total resisting moment = 7603519 kN-m ..(1)

Ka x y x H2 0.33 x 18000 x( 13.91 )2

Total Earth pressure p = = = 579884 N ..(2)
2 2
579884 x 13.91
Over turning moment = = 2688729 N-m
\F.S. against over turning (without trough mSw 0.60 x 1597518
= = 1.65 > 1.5 O.K.
load) p 579884
Pressure distribution net moment, SM = 8347691 - 2688729 = 5658962 kN-m
\ Distance x of the point of application of resultant, from toe is
SM 5658962 b 7.60
x = = = 3.13 m = = 1.2667
Sw 1805678 6 6
b 7.60 Hence
Eccenticity e = - x = - 3.13 = 0.67 m < 1.26667
2 2 safe
SW 6e 1805678 6x 0.67
Pressure p1 at toe = 1+ = x 1+ = 362515 N/m2
b b 7.60 7.60
Pressure p1 at SW 6e 1805678 6x 0.67
= 1- = x 1- = 112664 N/m2
Heel b b 7.60 7.60
Pressure p at the junction of stem with toe slab is
362515 - 112664
p = 362515 - x 2.10 = 293477 N-m2
Pressure p at the junction of stem with Heel slab is
362515 - 112664
p = 362515 - x 3.60 = 244165 N-m2
6 Design of toe slab:-
The weight of soil above the toe slab is neglicted . Thus two forces are acting on it
(1) Up ward soil pressure (2) Down ward weight of slab
Down ward weight of slab per unit area = 1.30 x 1 x ### = 31200 N/m2
Hence net pressureUnder D = 293477 - 31200 = 262277 N-m2
And at under E = 244165 - 31200 = 212965 N-m2
262277 x 212965
Total force = S.F. at E = x 2.10 = 499004 N
212965 + 2.00 x 262277 2.10
CG of force at E = x = 1.09 m
212965 + 262277 3
\ B.M. at E = 499004.00 x 1.09 = 542076.00 N-m
BM 542076 x 1000
Effective depth required = = = 732 mm say 740 mm
Effective depth required = = = 732 mm say 740 mm
Rxb 1.011 x 1000
Keep effective depth d = 750 mm and total thickness = 800 mm
BM x1000 542076 x 1000
Ast = = = 4265 mm2
sst x j x D 190 x 0.892 x 750
3.14 x dia2 3.14 x 20 x 20
using 20 mm bars A = = = 314 mm2
4 4
\ = 314 x 1000 / 4265 = 74 mm say = 70 mm
314 x 1000
Area of steel provided per meter length = = 4486 mm2
shear force 499004
Actual Shear stress tv = = = 0.67 N/mm2
1000 x 750
Beam Ht.x beam depth
100 x Ast 100 x 4486
Area of steel provide = = = 0.60 %
b x d 1000 x 750
Permissible shear stress tc for 0.60 % steel provided, tc = 0.31 N/mm2 (see table 3.1)
Here 0.67 > 0.31 unsafe, So increasing depth of slab, or reinforcemet
Maximum permissible shear stress = 0.18 N/mm2 for 15 % steel
shear force 499004
Minimum Depth Required = = = 2772 mm
beam ht x tc 1000 x 0.18
100 x 100 x 4486
Area of steel provide = = = 0.16 %
b x d 1000 x 2772
Permissible shear stress for 0.16 % steel provided, tc= 0.18 N/mm2 (see table 3.1)
0.16 < 0.18 safe, provide effective depth = 2800 mm
Total Depth 2800 + 100 = 2900 mm
Hence Provided 20 mm, F bar, @ 70 mm c/c
Provided Distribution 20 mm f @ 140 mm c/c
7 Design of heel slab :-
Three force act on it
1. down ward weight of soil = 13.91 m 2 down ward weight of heel slab 3 upward soil pressure
1. Total weight of soil = 3.60 x 13.91 x 18000 = 901368 Acting at 1.80 m from B.
2. Total weight of heel slab = 3.60 x 1.30 x 24000 = 112320 Acting at 1.80 m from B.
3. Total upward soil pressure = 1/2 x( 244165 + 112664 )x 3.60 = 642292 N
244165 + 2 x 112664 3.60
Acting at = x = 1.58 m from B
244165 + 112664 3
\ Total shear force at B = 901368 + 112320 - 642292 = 371396 N
\ B.M.=(At B901368 + 112320 ) x 1.80 - 642292 x 1.58 )
= 810534 N-m
BM 810534 x 1000
Effective depth required = = = 895 mm
Rxb 1.011 x 1000
Provide depth same as toe = 2800 mm and total thickness = 2800 + 50 = 2850 mm
BM x 1000 810534 x 1000
Ast = = = 1709 mm2
sst x j x D 190 x 0.892 x 2800
P D2 3.14 x ( 20 )'2
Using 20 mm F bars, Area = = = 314 mm2
4 4
A x 1000 314 x 1000
Spacing = = = 183.733 mm say 180 mm
Ast 1709
Hence Provided 20 mm f @ 180 mm c/c
314 x 1000
Area of steel provide = = 1744 mm2
100As 100 x 1744
= = = 0.062 % Less than minimum steel
bxd 1000 x 2800
Hence minimum steel provide = 0.15 %
= x 2800 x 1000 = 4200 mm2
P D2 3.14 x ( 20 )'2
Using 20 mm F bars, Area = = = 314 mm2
4 4
1000 x 314
\ Spacing = = 75 mm say = 70 mm c/c
Hence Provided mm f @ 70
20 mm c/c
314 x 1000
Area of steel provide = = 4486 mm2
100As 100 x 4486
= = = 0.16 %
bxd 1000 x 2800
shear force 371396
Shear stress tv = = = 0.13 N/mm2
Beam Ht.x beam wt. 1000 x 2800
Permissible shear stress for 0.16 % steel provided tc = 0.18 N/mm2 (See Table 3.1)
Here 0.13 < 0.18 O.K.
Provided Distribution 20 mm f @ 140 mm c/c
8 Reinforcement in the stem:-
Over turning Moment = 2688729 N-m
BM 2688729 x 1000
Effective depth required = = = 1631 mm say 1650 mm
Rxb 1.011 x 1000
Hence provide stem depth = 1900 mm - cover = 100 effective depth = 1800 mm
BM x 100 2688729 x 1000
Ast = = = 8814 mm2
sst x j x D 190 x 0.892 x 1800
P D2 3.14 x ( 25 )'2
Using 25 mm F bars, Area = = = 491 mm2
4 4
1000 x 491
\ Spacing = = 56 mm
Hence Provided 25 mm, F bar, @ 50 mm c/c

Distribution and temprechure reinforcement:-

1900 + 850
Average thickness of stem = = 1375 mm
\ Distribution reinforcement =
x 1000 x 1375 = 1650 mm2
P D2 3.14 x ( 10 )'2
Using 10 mm F bars, Area = = = 79 mm2
4 4
1000 x 79
\ spacing = = 48 mm say = 40 mm c/c
for tempreture reinforcement provide = 10 mm bars = 80 mm c/c both way in outer face
20 89 34 41 ### 44 19 46 25 27 ### 44 ### 56 ### 46 20 64
Detail of Reinforcement per meter length
dia( length length total lengh total
Bars /type / space = number x row x of bars @ wt /mt. =
mm) of cc of bar wt(kg)
Heel & toe
main bottom 20 1000 / 70 = 15.00 x 2 x 1.55 = 47 @ 2.47 = 116
top main 20 1000 / = 70 x 2 x 2.5 = 350 @ 2.47 = 864
Dist bottom 20 7600 / 140 = 55 x 2 x 1 = 110 @ 2.47 = 272
Dist top 9 7600 / = 140 x 2 x 1 = 280 @ 0.50 = 140
main (vertical) 25 13860 / = 50 x 4 x 6.43 = 1286 @ 3.86 = 4961
Stirrups (horz.) 8 10 / 40 = 1 x 2 x 3.375 = 7.00 @ 0.40 = 3.00
Total steel required Total = 6356
64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64


Grade of concrete M-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40

Tensile stress N/mm2 1.2 2.0 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4

Table 1.16.. Permissible stress in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Permission stress in compression (N/mm2) Permissible stress in bond (Average) for
Grade of Bending acbc Direct (acc) plain bars in tention (N/mm2)
(N/mm2) Kg/m2 (N/mm2) Kg/m2 (N/mm2) in kg/m2
M 10 3.0 300 2.5 250 -- --
M 15 5.0 500 4.0 400 0.6 60
M 20 7.0 700 5.0 500 0.8 80
M 25 8.5 850 6.0 600 0.9 90
M 30 10.0 1000 8.0 800 1.0 100
M 35 11.5 1150 9.0 900 1.1 110
M 40 13.0 1300 10.0 1000 1.2 120
M 45 14.5 1450 11.0 1100 1.3 130
M 50 16.0 1600 12.0 1200 1.4 140


Grade of concrete M-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
31 19 13 11 9 8 7
Modular ratio m
(31.11) (18.67) (13.33) (10.98) (9.33) (8.11) (7.18)


Grade of concrete M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
Modular Ratio 18.67 13.33 10.98 9.33 8.11 7.18
scbc N/mm2 5 7 8.5 10 11.5 13
m scbc 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33
kc 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
(a) sst = j 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867
N/mm2 Rc 0.867 1.214 1.474 1.734 1.994 2.254
(Fe 250)
Pc (%) 0.714 1 1.214 1.429 1.643 1.857
kc 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329
(b) sst = jc 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89
190 Rc 0.732 1.025 1.244 1.464 1.684 1.903
Pc (%) 0.433 0.606 0.736 0.866 0.997 1.127
kc 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289
(c ) sst =
jc 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904
N/mm2 Rc 0.653 0.914 1.11 1.306 1.502 1.698
(Fe 415) Pc (%) 0.314 0.44 0.534 0.628 0.722 0.816
kc 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253
(d) sst =
jc 0.916 0.916 0.916 0.914 0.916 0.916
N/mm2 Rc 0.579 0.811 0.985 1.159 1.332 1.506
(Fe 500) Pc (%) 0.23 0.322 0.391 0.46 0.53 0.599

Shear stress tc Reiforcement %

100As 100As
M-20 M-20
bd bd
0.15 0.18 0.18 0.15
0.16 0.18 0.19 0.18
0.17 0.18 0.2 0.21
0.18 0.19 0.21 0.24
0.19 0.19 0.22 0.27
0.2 0.19 0.23 0.3
0.21 0.2 0.24 0.32
0.22 0.2 0.25 0.35
0.23 0.2 0.26 0.38
0.24 0.21 0.27 0.41
0.25 0.21 0.28 0.44
0.26 0.21 0.29 0.47
0.27 0.22 0.30 0.5
0.28 0.22 0.31 0.55
0.29 0.22 0.32 0.6
0.3 0.23 0.33 0.65
0.31 0.23 0.34 0.7
0.32 0.24 0.35 0.75
0.33 0.24 0.36 0.82
0.34 0.24 0.37 0.88
0.35 0.25 0.38 0.94
0.36 0.25 0.39 1.00
0.37 0.25 0.4 1.08
0.38 0.26 0.41 1.16
0.39 0.26 0.42 1.25
0.4 0.26 0.43 1.33
0.41 0.27 0.44 1.41
0.42 0.27 0.45 1.50
0.43 0.27 0.46 1.63
0.44 0.28 0.46 1.64
0.45 0.28 0.47 1.75
0.46 0.28 0.48 1.88
0.47 0.29 0.49 2.00
0.48 0.29 0.50 2.13
0.49 0.29 0.51 2.25
0.5 0.30
0.51 0.30
0.52 0.30
0.53 0.30
0.54 0.30
0.55 0.31
0.56 0.31
0.57 0.31
0.58 0.31
0.59 0.31
0.6 0.32
0.61 0.32
0.62 0.32
0.63 0.32
0.64 0.32
0.65 0.33
0.66 0.33
0.67 0.33
0.68 0.33
0.69 0.33
0.7 0.34
0.71 0.34
0.72 0.34
0.73 0.34
0.74 0.34
0.75 0.35
0.76 0.35
0.77 0.35
0.78 0.35
0.79 0.35
0.8 0.35
0.81 0.35
0.82 0.36
0.83 0.36
0.84 0.36
0.85 0.36
0.86 0.36
0.87 0.36
0.88 0.37
0.89 0.37
0.9 0.37
0.91 0.37
0.92 0.37
0.93 0.37
0.94 0.38
0.95 0.38
0.96 0.38
0.97 0.38
0.98 0.38
0.99 0.38
1.00 0.39
1.01 0.39
1.02 0.39
1.03 0.39
1.04 0.39
1.05 0.39
1.06 0.39
1.07 0.39
1.08 0.4
1.09 0.4
1.10 0.4
1.11 0.4
1.12 0.4
1.13 0.4
1.14 0.4
1.15 0.4
1.16 0.41
1.17 0.41
1.18 0.41
1.19 0.41
1.20 0.41
1.21 0.41
1.22 0.41
1.23 0.41
1.24 0.41
1.25 0.42
1.26 0.42
1.27 0.42
1.28 0.42
1.29 0.42
1.30 0.42
1.31 0.42
1.32 0.42
1.33 0.43
1.34 0.43
1.35 0.43
1.36 0.43
1.37 0.43
1.38 0.43
1.39 0.43
1.40 0.43
1.41 0.44
1.42 0.44
1.43 0.44
1.44 0.44
1.45 0.44
1.46 0.44
1.47 0.44
1.48 0.44
1.49 0.44
1.50 0.45
1.51 0.45
1.52 0.45
1.53 0.45
1.54 0.45
1.55 0.45
1.56 0.45
1.57 0.45
1.58 0.45
1.59 0.45
1.60 0.45
1.61 0.45
1.62 0.45
1.63 0.46
1.64 0.46
1.65 0.46
1.66 0.46
1.67 0.46
1.68 0.46
1.69 0.46
1.70 0.46
1.71 0.46
1.72 0.46
1.73 0.46
1.74 0.46
1.75 0.47
1.76 0.47
1.77 0.47
1.78 0.47
1.79 0.47
1.80 0.47
1.81 0.47
1.82 0.47
1.83 0.47
1.84 0.47
1.85 0.47
1.86 0.47
1.87 0.47
1.88 0.48
1.89 0.48
1.90 0.48
1.91 0.48
1.92 0.48
1.93 0.48
1.94 0.48
1.95 0.48
1.96 0.48
1.97 0.48
1.98 0.48
1.99 0.48
2.00 0.49
2.01 0.49
2.02 0.49
2.03 0.49
2.04 0.49
2.05 0.49
2.06 0.49
2.07 0.49
2.08 0.49
2.09 0.49
2.10 0.49
2.11 0.49
2.12 0.49
2.13 0.50
2.14 0.50
2.15 0.50
2.16 0.50
2.17 0.50
2.18 0.50
2.19 0.50
2.20 0.50
2.21 0.50
2.22 0.50
2.23 0.50
2.24 0.50
2.25 0.51
2.26 0.51
2.27 0.51
2.28 0.51
2.29 0.51
2.30 0.51
2.31 0.51
2.32 0.51
2.33 0.51
2.34 0.51
2.35 0.51
2.36 0.51
2.37 0.51
2.38 0.51
2.39 0.51
2.40 0.51
2.41 0.51
2.42 0.51
2.43 0.51
2.44 0.51
2.45 0.51
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2.51 0.51
2.52 0.51
2.53 0.51
2.54 0.51
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2.56 0.51
2.57 0.51
2.58 0.51
2.59 0.51
2.60 0.51
2.61 0.51
2.62 0.51
2.63 0.51
2.64 0.51
2.65 0.51
2.66 0.51
2.67 0.51
2.68 0.51
2.69 0.51
2.70 0.51
2.71 0.51
2.72 0.51
2.73 0.51
2.74 0.51
2.75 0.51
2.76 0.51
2.77 0.51
2.78 0.51
2.79 0.51
2.80 0.51
2.81 0.51
2.82 0.51
2.83 0.51
2.84 0.51
2.85 0.51
2.86 0.51
2.87 0.51
2.88 0.51
2.89 0.51
2.90 0.51
2.91 0.51
2.92 0.51
2.93 0.51
2.94 0.51
2.95 0.51
2.96 0.51
2.97 0.51
2.98 0.51
2.99 0.51
3.00 0.51
3.01 0.51
3.02 0.51
3.03 0.51
3.04 0.51
3.05 0.51
3.06 0.51
3.07 0.51
3.08 0.51
3.09 0.51
3.10 0.51
3.11 0.51
3.12 0.51
3.13 0.51
3.14 0.51
3.15 0.51
110 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64

Table 3.1. Permissible shear stress Table tc in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

100As Permissible shear stress in concrete tc N/mm2
bd M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
< 0.15 % 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.25 % 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
0.50 % 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.32
0.75 % 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38
1.00 % 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.42
1.25 % 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46
1.50 % 0.42 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.49
1.75 % 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.52 0.52
2.00 % 0.44 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.54 0.55
2.25 % 0.44 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.57
2.50 % 0.44 0.51 0.55 0.57 0.58 0.60
2.75 % 0.44 0.51 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.62
3.00 and above % 0.44 0.51 0.57 0.6 0.62 0.63

Table 3.2. Facor k

Over all depth of slab 300 oe more 275 250 225 200 175 150 or less
k 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

Table 3.3. Maximum shear stress tc.max in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Grade of concrete M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
tc.max 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.3 2.5

Table 3.4. Permissible Bond stress Table tbd in concrete (IS : 456-2000)
Grade of concrete M 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
tbd (N / mm2) -- 0.6 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3

Table 3.5. Development Length in tension

Plain M.S. Bars H.Y.S.D. Bars

Grade of concrete
tbd (N / mm2) kd = L d F tbd (N / mm2) kd = Ld F
M 15 0.6 58 0.96 60
M 20 0.8 44 1.28 45
M 25 0.9 39 1.44 40
M 30 1 35 1.6 36
M 35 1.1 32 1.76 33
M 40 1.2 29 1.92 30
M 45 1.3 27 2.08 28
M 50 1.4 25 2.24 26

150 or less

64 nos main bars Distribution bars 89 nos main bars Distribution bars
7500 12mm F 120 c/c 8mm F 160 c/c 12mm F 85 c/c 10mm F 250 c/c


6600 1256 1688




Wearing coat 75mm thick
o o o o o o o o o o o o o

o o o o o
210 o o o o o o o o o o o o
240 o o o o o

Cross section of culvert

300 1500 300 300 2000 300
375 1575 416 1960


61 nos main bars Distribution bars 1.50 m span 2.00 m span
16mm F 125 c/c 10mm F 175 c/c
2508 72 nos main bars Distribution bars

16mm F 105 c/c 12mm F 200 c/c


o o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o o o
300 3000 300 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

506 2810

300 4000 300

590 3650

3.00 m span

4.00 m span

55 nos main bars Distribution bars 66 nos main bars Distribution bars
20mm F 140 c/c 12mm F 175 c/c 20mm F 115 c/c 12mm F 150 c/c
4040 4840



o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o o o
430 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
480 o o o o o o o o o o o

400 5000 400 400 6000 400

790 4570 890 5360


5.00 m span 6.00 m span

NOTES:- 1 Concrete:- M-25 2 Steel:- HSDY as per IS-1786 3 Cover:- 20mmat bottom & 40mm at side
4 In 1.5M, 2.0M &3.0M span only one Bar is to be crankedin each side in four bars in all other span crank alternative bars.
5 All bars cranked one end onlythese are placed with crank on left side and right side alternatively
6 Surface steel at top longitudinal -10mm @300mm c/c length a shown in sketh & transverse -10mm @300c/c all through out in logitudinal
provided steel in the Zone where main steel is not available plus 150mm on either side
84 nos main bars Distribution bars
20mm F 90 c/c 12mm F 125 c/c

o o o o o o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o o o o o
600 o o o o o o o o o o o o

400 8000 400

1120 7280

8.00 m span

64 nos main bars Distribution bars

25mm F 120 c/c 12mm F 110 c/c

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o o o o o o
750 o o o o o o o o o o o o o

400 10000 400

1260 8990

10.00 m span
Area & weight of tor Bar
F Area wt/m density
6 0.283 0.222 0.784
8 0.503 0.395 0.785
10 0.785 0.617 0.786
12 1.131 0.888 0.785
14 1.539 1.208 0.785
16 2.011 1.578 0.785
18 2.545 2 0.786
20 3.142 2.466 0.785
22 3.801 2.98 0.784
25 4.909 3.854 0.785
28 6.157 4.83 0.784
32 8.04 6.31 0.784
36 10.17 7.98 0.784
40 12.56 9.85 0.784
50 19.635 15.40 0.784

Cear Road Way
225 225 4500

Anker Bars for

parapet post

o o o o o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
Bearing length at end

Steel in Longitudinal Di
Clear span of slab

Type 'A' Type 'B'

Over all length of

Over all Depth of


length in

X (mm)

Y (mm)

Z (mm)

L (mm)
No of

No of






3 0.37 3.74 275 16 150 50 0.553 0.296 2.10 4.036 201.8 18 150 57 3.622
4 0.37 4.74 345 16 150 50 0.833 0.395 2.80 5.144 257.2 20 150 57 4.690
5 0.37 5.74 395 20 150 50 0.735 0.460 3.50 6.258 312.9 20 150 57 5.629
6 0.37 6.74 445 16 150 50 0.833 0.557 4.20 7.298 364.9 25 150 57 6.615
8 0.37 8.74 555 22 150 50 1.020 0.683 5.60 9.414 470.7 25 150 57 8.615

Steel in Transverse Direction

Type 'E' Type 'F'
Over all length of Slab

Over all Depth of Slab

Bearing length at end
Clear span of slab

Total length in M

Total length in M
Spacing (mm)

Spacing (mm)
R+ hook (M)

H+ hook (M)
No of Bars

No of Bars
Dia (mm)

Dia (mm)
R' (mm)

L (mm)

3 0.37 3.74 275 16 150 25 8.15 8.442 211.1 10 300 13 8.0 8.18 106.3
4 0.37 4.74 345 16 150 32 8.15 8.442 270.1 10 300 17 8.0 8.18 139.1
5 0.37 5.74 395 16 150 38 8.15 8.442 320.8 10 300 20 8.0 8.18 163.6
6 0.37 6.74 445 16 150 45 8.15 8.442 379.9 10 300 23 8.0 8.18 188.1
8 0.37 8.74 555 16 150 58 8.15 8.442 489.6 10 300 30 8.0 8.18 245.4


At Abutment At Peir
D.L. D.L.+L.L. D.L.+L.L.+I D.L. D.L.+L.L. D.L.+L.L.+I
3 14.2 52.05 70.26 28.3 75.75 87.61
4 21.6 61.36 78.8 43.2 94.8 107.7
5 29.2 70.92 87.55 58.3 114.1 127.3
6 38.1 82.13 98.21 76.2 132.9 144.9
8 57.6 107.4 119.8 115.2 174.6 189.7
225 225

o o o o

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Steel in Longitudinal Direction

Type 'B' Type 'C' Type 'D'
length in

length in

length in
R+ hook
m' (mm)
L+ hook

m+ 'm'+
m (mm)

hook M

J (mm)
No of

No of








3.98 227.0 10 300 24 3.63 0.215 4.34 104.2 10 10 3.63 3.81 38.1
5.09 290.1 10 300 24 4.63 0.265 5.38 129.1 10 10 4.63 4.81 48.1
6.03 343.7 10 300 24 5.63 0.335 6.48 155.5 10 10 5.63 5.81 58.1
7.12 405.6 10 300 24 6.63 0.385 7.58 181.9 10 10 6.63 6.81 68.1
9.12 519.6 10 300 24 8.63 0.495 9.80 235.2 10 10 8.63 8.81 88.1

n Transverse Direction
Type 'G'
Total quantity of M.S.

Cocreteper span in
Reinforcement per
Total length in M

Total Quantity of
m+ 'm'+ hook M
Spacing (mm)

span in Tons

cubic meters
No of Bars
Dia (mm)

Y' (mm)
X (mm)

10 300 26 255 344 2.171 56.4 1.454 9.46

10 300 34 325 352 2.32 78.9 1.878 14.69
10 300 40 375 358 2.436 97.4 2.587 20.1
10 300 46 425 368 2.532 116.5 3.217 26.4
10 300 60 530 375 2.754 165.2 4.817 44.2

At Abutment At Pier
D.L. D.L.+L.L. D.L.+L.L.+I.L. D.L. D.L.+L.L. D.L.+L.L.+I.L.
3.m 14.15 52.05 79.26 28.3 75.75 87.61
4m 21.6 61.36 78.8 43.2 94.8 107.7
5m 29.15 70.92 87.55 58.3 114.1 127.3
6m 38.1 82.13 98.21 76.2 132.9 144.9
8m 57.6 107.40 119.8 115.2 174.6 189.7


At Abutment
Dead load Live load Impect load. Total load
3.m 14.15 37.9 27.21 79.26
4m 21.6 39.76 17.44 78.8
5m 29.15 41.77 16.63 87.55
6m 38.1 44.03 16.08 98.21

8m 57.6 49.8 12.4 119.8


Span Dead load Live load Impect Load Total load
3.m 28.3 47.45 11.86 87.61
4m 43.2 51.6 12.9 107.7
5m 58.3 55.8 13.2 127.3
6m 76.2 56.7 12 144.9
8m 115.2 59.4 15.1 189.7

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