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The tenn job satisfaction refers to :

PAPER-II (A) a collection of feelings that an individual has towards his/her job
(B) the degree to which an individual identifies himself/herself with job
Note: This paper contains fifty (50) multiple-choice questions, each question carrying
two (2) marks_ Attempt all of them. (C) the degree to which an individual identifies himself/herself with the organisation
(D) noTif< of the above
1. In demand forecasting important method used in trend projection is :


(A) Scientific method (B) Bax-jenldn method
9. The following are the three components of creativity:
(C) Delphi method (D) Logistics method
(A) Expertise, creativity skills and task motivation
(B) Expertise, irmovation and rationality
2. The Cobb Dauglass Production function is often used as :
(C) Expertise, rationality and relevance


(A) \ーセak。l「@ (B) \ーセak。lQM@

(C) ャッァ\ーセ。kKc@ (D) \ーセa「。M@ (D) Expertise, novelty and performance


3. Skimming price for a Tlf<W product is: 10. Two-factor theory was propounded by:
(A) Low initial price (B) Average price (A) Fredrick Herzberg (B) David Me Oelland

(C) High initial price (D) Moderate price (C) McCardhy (D) Philip Kotler

4. Under monopoly market structure, the degree of freedom in pricing decision is :


n. 'Grape Win£<' is the tenn used in relation to :
(A) Very low (B) Quite good (C) Very high (D) Zero
(A) Fonnal Communication セI@ Infonnal Communication

5. Capital budgeting decisions are geTif<rally: (C) Horizontal Communication (D) Vertical Communication

(A) Irreversible (B) Rf<versible

(C) Irrevocable (D) Revocable u. Mutual cooperation and networking is :

(A) Win-win strategy セI@ Networking strategy
6. Which one is not the pre-requisite of a perfect market ? (C) Franchise strategy (D) Competitive strategy

(A) E:xisteru:e of large number of buyers and sellers in the market
(B) Free flow of market infonnation among the players
13. A list of jobs duties, Rf<sponsibilities, reporting relationships and working conditions is

(C) Free entry and free exit called :
(D) Intervention of the Government (A) job enhancement (B) job specification

7. The term emotion refers to :

(A) a broad range of feelings that a person experiences
w (C) job description (D) job enlargement

14. The use of ーイ・、ウゥセ@ set of questions used in an interview process leads to :
(B) a broad and intense feeling that is directed at someone or something
(C) a broad range of feelings in the form of anger that a person experiences (A) Behavioural interview (B) Situational interview

(D) None of the above (C) Non-directional interview (D) Structured interview

D-1707 D-1707
15. OTif< of the following is a TrahUng provided to enharu:e decision maldng skills : 22. IRR is the rate of interest :
(A) On the job trairdng (B) Behavioural modelling (A) equal to the cost of capital of the proposal

(C) J\.fanagement games (D) Action learnllig (B) prevailing rate of interest in the market
(C) paid on the bonds by the finn
(D) that makes the NPV of capital proposal ahnost zero
16. Dramatic reduction of manpower is called:
(A) Termination (B) Retreru:hment 23. Mutually exclusive invesbnent proposals are those :


(C) Downsizing (D) Rightsizing (A) Wherein the acceptance of one proposal leads to rejection of all other proposals
(B) That require special sources of financing
(C) That have unique features
17. Monitoring employees through a preplarmed series of position is called :
(D) That reduce the total risk complexion of the finn


(A) Promotion (B) Succession planning
(C) job reporting (D) job rotation
24. The technique used for classifying inventory according to the value of usage is called:

(A) XYZ Analysis (B) DCF Analysis
18. A situation where management is unable to provide employment due to nonavailability (C) ABC Analysis (D) DEF Analysis
of work is called :

(A) Lock out (B) Lay off (C) Tennination (D) Oosure 25. When a consumer derives more satisfaction from a product/ service than his expectation,
it is known as :

(A) Consumer satisfaction Consumer delight
19. The basic goal of financial management is :
(C) Consumer dszzling (D) Consumer dissatisfaction
(A) Maximising the profit

(B) Maximising shareholders' wealth in the long run
26. Classical conditioning is associated with:
(C) Maximising the rate of dividend (A) Repetition (B) Generalisation
(D) J\.finimising the bus:irlf<ss risk (C) Discrimination (D) All

27. The process of selecting. organising and interpreting or attaching meaning to events
20. The principal value of a bond is called :

happening in the environment is called :
(A) Coupon rate (B) Par value (A) Perception (B) Attitude (C) Personality (D) l.earning

(C) l\1aturity value (D) J\.farket value
28. Under which coru:ept of marketing customer remains focussed ?

21. Trade credit is a

(A) Negotiated source of finance
w (A) Marketing (B) Production (C) Product (D) Selling

29. Segmentation of consumers based on factors like climatic conditions and regions are
(B) Hybrid source of finance
known as:
(C) Spontaneous source of finance (A) Demographic segmentation (B) Cultural segmentation
(D) Source of credit from the owners of the business (C) Geographic segmentation (D) Administrative segmentation

D-1707 6 D-1707
30. Whlch city is more favourable for selling electric blankets ? 37. If the independent variables x, (i セQL@ 2, ..... n) are nonnally distributed about a common
mean, a, with a common variaru:e o-2, their mean is also nonnally distributed about a,
(A) Mumbai (B) Chennai (C) Shillong (D) Pune
but with a variance.

(D) Pセ@
31. Decision on plant layout and location are concemed with :
(A) System design (B) System operations
(C) System control (D) None of the above 38. The two lines of regression are SクKRケセV@ and VクKケセSQ@ then the mean of xis:



(A) 3 セI@ (C) 7 (D) '
32. Production system which enables for maximising the scale advantage is :
(A) Flow type (B) lntennittent type 39. Chi-square distribution is :
(C) Batch type (D) Nonf< of the above (A) Continuous (B) Multimodal


(C) Symmetrical (D) None of the above
33. Whlch one of the following is the objective of production scheduling ?

(A) Where to start the operation
40. Mode of process in Decision support system is :
(B) When to start the operation
(A) Batch (B) Online
(C) How to start the operation

(C) Offline (D) &.al Time
(D) When to start as well as stop the operation

41. Which level of managers translate the corporate strategy into coru:rete objectives for
34. SQC requires detennination of : their individual busiTif<ss ?
(A) Quality toleraru:e limit (A) Corporate level (B) Multi-Businesslevel

(B) Quantity measurement
(C) Functionallevel (D) Businesslevel
(C) Production lead time
(D) Inventory carrying cost

42. Which of the following books was not written by Michael E. Porter?
(A) Competitive strategy (B) Competiting for the future
35. AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) is :

(C) Competitive advantage (D) Competitive advantages of nations
(A) J\.faximum No. of defectives that the consumer will accept
(B) Fraction defective (f) that the user considers acceptable

(C) Fraction defective (f) that the producer considers acceptable 43. Which one is not the Michael E. Porter's generic strategies?

(D) J\.faximum No. of defectives that the producer will allow (A) Focus (B) Cost leadership

36. Half percent of the letters mailed in a city have incorrect address. Out of 200 such
w (C) Differentiation (D) Core competeru:e

letters mailed in a day the probability of finding at most 3 incorrect addresses is : 44. Which of the following provides directions, serves as standard for evaluating
perfonnaru:e and motivates members of the organisation ?
セI@ (C) (D)
(A) Mission (B) Values (C) Objectives (D) Goals

D-1707 D-1707
45. Sick enterprise is referred to :
(A) World Bartl< (B) SIDBI

46. Of the following. who is the most popular woman entrepreTif<ur ?

(A) Sudha Murthy (B) Medha Patkar

(C) Krran l\1azumdar (D) Deepa Mehta

4 7. Whlch of the followllig is the cause of sic:kn£,ss of an enterprise ?

(A) Lack of adequate capital (B) Lack of demand for the products
(C) Lack of competition (D) All the above

Whlch one of the followllig is not the Social Responsibility of busiTif<ss ?
(A) Adopting villages for &velopment
(B) Setting up educational institutes
(C) Opening research and development department

(D) Construction of temples


49. Whlch one of the following is not related to Bus:irlf<ss Ethics?

(A) Environmental Ethics (B) Social Rf<sponsibility of business


(C) Profiteering (D) &ological consciousness


50. Ethical values are derived from :

(A) Corporate objectives


(B) Organisational culture

(C) The Bible, the Kuran and the Geeta


(D) Corporate philosophy

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