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Knowing When to Get Involved

When a member of your team or department is involved in a conflict at work,
your role as a supervisor is to provide feedback and coaching to help them
develop and use effective conflict management skills. In many cases, you may
not be directly involved, but your support will be important in helping the person
manage the situation effectively.

Learn: When to get involved? What is your role? What are the steps you need to

2. Managing Emotions
When facing a conflict, it is normal to feel angry, frustrated, and stressed out.
Managing these negative feelings allows you to focus on the situation in a
productive way and to avoid doing and saying things that make the conflict
worse. Reacting out of anger and frustration is not likely to resolve anything.

Learn: Steps, tips and techniques for staying calm and productive during

3. Building Trust
Even if you are starting with little trust or even some hostility, the foundation for
effectively managing a conflict is to build whatever trust you can with the others
involved. This may not be easy, especially when you are dealing with difficult
behavior from another person, but it is your best path to success.

Learn: Key tips and techniques to bulding trust in a conflict situation, Do's and

4. Seeking Solutions
Conflict can feel like a competition in which you either win or you lose. However,
most of the time, there are solutions that will give everyone something they
need. Learn about a set of specific skills that will help you unpack the conflict,
find common ground, and identify these win-win solutions.

Learn: Steps and questions to ask, priorities and possibilities to conside

He summarizes contamination of the Adult by the Parent as "prejudice" and

contamination of the Adult by the Child as "delusion"

Someone who excludes (i.e. blocks out) their Child completely cannot play and
enjoy life; while someone who excludes their Parent ego state can be a danger
to society (they may become a manipulative psychopath who does not feel
shame, remorse, embarrassment or guilt).

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