TDS - Sika Igolflex-160 QA PDF

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Provisional Product Data Sheet Eaition: 08/2018 Identification no: QA PHN: Sika” igolfiex®160 QA Sika® Igolflex®-160 QA Rubberized Bituminous Waterproofing Emulsion Product Sika” Igofiex®-160 QA, also known as Igasol” Emulsion BA-10, is a rubberizes ti bituminous liquid emulsion with excellent adhesion which dries to a tough, Description seamless, flexible, waterproof and vapour proof membrane for concrete structures. Suitable for tropical and hot climatic conditions. Uses "= Tanking and waterproofing of substructures to provide an impervious membrane Vapour barter of cladded walls "© Maintenance of many roof types including asphall-elt rofs, concrete, cement, lightweight screeds, timber etc. 1 As an adhesive for bonding insulation boards, expanded polystyrene, cork tiles at, = Damp proof membrane for roofs and floor slabs Efficient curing membrane to fresily laid concrete Basements, retaining walls Characteristics / Advantages: High rubber contont - 10% Excellent adhesion to most building substrates Reduced chloride penetration ‘Can be applied on damp substrates Non sagging Single component Water based Economical, easy to apply, reduces labour cost ‘Can be applied on vertical and horizontal areas Impermeable to water Elastic, seamless, joint free Unaffected by high ambient temperature Resistant to aggressive soils and contaminated ground water Low odour, dries without generating strong vapour Product Data Chemical Base Blend of bitumen and rubber ‘Appearance /Golour Dark brown (liauid) Black (dry) Packaging 180 kg drums Density ~ 1.03 kgil (25°C) Solid content by weight ~35 % (10 9% rubber content) ‘Chemical Resistance Groundwater, salt solutions, sea water, mild detergents, mild acids and alkalis, Contact Sika Technical Department for further information Service Temperature -10 °C min. / +85 °C max. @ Sia" goes" 12 Storage Shelf Lite “12 months from date of production if stored properly Storage Conditions ‘Sore in undamaged and unopened, orginal sealed packaging, n cool and dry Conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +35 °C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost. Application Information ‘Consumption (0.25 - 0.50 kgin™ per coat, apply 2-3 coats ‘This figure is theoretical and does not include for any additional material required due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level and wastage ete ‘Ambient Air Temperature _+5 °C min, | +45 °C max ‘Substrate Temperature +5 "C min. +65 °C max. Drying Time “Touch dry after ~1 h (#35 °C) Waiting Time/ Minimum 4 h (#35 °C) Overcoating ‘Applied Product Ready ~3 days (-25°C) for Use Substrate Preparation All surfaces must be sound, even, fee from dust, loose particles and any contamination, May be applied to damp but not waterlogged surfaces, Hot and very dry, porous concrete surfaces must be primed by diluting Sika® Igolflex®-160 QA with clean water at 1 : 1 ratio (oy weight). ‘When used as protective coating ll pinholes, cavities, cracks etc. n the substrate must be filed with a sutable Sika® repair mortar. Mixing ‘Ska® Igollex®-160 GA must be sled well before use. Where a single dam is Used for prolonged periods, occasional stiring during apalication is recommended. Application Method / Ifa primer coat is applied, allow it to dry before applying subsequent coats. Tools ‘Apply evenly and in one direction using a brush of rller. A two-coat application is recommended to avoid possible pinnalos in the membrane. Each coat must be allowed to dry before applying the next one. Protect freshly applied product rom rain unl its fully cured. ‘leaning of Equipment Clean all equipment and tools with watorimmodiataly aftr uso. Dampen tools before and occasionally during use to avid clogging and ease application Value Base ‘All echnical data stated in his Product Data Shoat aro based on laboratory tote ‘Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our contol Local Restrictions Please note tat as a resul of specif focal regulations the performance of this product may vary from country to country. Please consult the local Product Data Sheet forthe exact description of the product uses. Health and Safety Forinformaton and advice on the safe handing, storage and dsposal of chemical products, users shall refer to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) containing Information physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data. Legal Notes “The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika products, are given in good fath based on Sika's currant knowledge and experience of the products when properly store, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika's recommendations. In practic, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site candlions are such that no warrant in respect of merchantability or of fiess fora particular purpose, ror any lablty sing out of ary legal lationship whatsoover, can be infertad eithor from tis information, of from any written recommendations, of from any other advice offered, The user of the product must test the products suitability forthe intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the nght to change the properties ofits products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. Al orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and dolivey, Users must always refer tothe most recent issue ofthe local Product Data Sheet forthe product, concomed, copes of which wil be supplied on request. ‘sha Geer LLC ‘lprosues are supped Prone 4574 4016 3366 ‘toner an @ Fae” Tapa tore 2370, ‘ervpatona Mea & sty hepa shan. ‘Sandor 180 900 Pre owz0%8)

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